Zamasu x Kat Part 2

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Another Zamasu x Kat story (Picture above: From Xenoverse Photo Mode Kat and Zamasu doing the Parapara Dance ^^ ) ( Also I edited it from my phone ^^)

Kat's POV

It's been a week since Zamasu found out I was the Great Saiyaman 3, and like he said he was alright with it. Our relationship from that day has gotten stronger but sometimes....I have doubts, I mean don't get me wrong I love Zamasu with all my heart but I wonder....why did he fall in love with me? A human? When I'm alone I always wonder if I'm good enough for him, if our love is real'.

Presently, I'm sitting down on the grass leaning against a tree contemplating my thoughts. I sighed as I brought my knees closer to me placing my head on top of my arms, my eyes held sadness in them. ' What if I'll never be enough for him?', ' What if he leaves me?.....'

As I was lost in thoughts I didn't hear footsteps coming closer to me. It wasn't until a hand was placed softly on my shoulder that I snapped out of my thoughts. I looked over and found Zamasu staring at me. I smiled a little and placed my hand on top of his.

"Hi..." I said quietly still looking at him.

"Hi Kat," He seemed to notice my depressed mood, "Is something wrong?" I shook my head and waved my hand indicating that I'm alright....but really I wasn't but I don't want him to know.

"I'm ok Zamasu, don't worry about me." I got up and smile gently at him still holding his hand. I bring it close to my face and place it on my cheek, Zamasu then stands with me placing his other hand on my waist.

" Something is bothering you Kat, tell me please, I want to help you."


"Yes Kat?" He asked urgently as he held me close to him. Tears built up in my eyes as I tried to get the question out.

"D-do you love me?"

Zamasu looked at me as if he wasn't expecting me to ask such a question.

"Of course I love you Kat, why would you ask such a thing?" I sighed and pulled away from him, the tears already coming down from my eyes.

"Because Zamasu, I feel like I'm not good enough for you."

"Why would you feel that Kat?" He reached his hand out towards me, "Cause I'm a mortal the very thing you despise!" I yell as I pull back away from him. He looked heartbroken by my actions. But I kept going,

"I have doubts about myself Zamasu, I mean when we first met you and Black were destroying mankind, and know look at you, you're dating a mortal the very thing you set out to destroy, and I feel like eventually you'll be tired of me and kill me, and....and-" Before I could continue Zamasu put his finger on my lips silencing me.

"Kat enough," He sighed, "I would never hurt you, you know that."

"But doesn't this seem wrong to you?"

"You think dating you is wrong?"

"Well not really, I'm saying dating a human...doesn't that seem sinful to you?"

He looked down and sighed, "Honestly Kat, at first I thought it, but after I met you, my thoughts about it changed. After meeting you, I wanted to like mortals for your sake, I do this all for you Kat because," He then walked towards me and wrapped his arms around my waist, "You are the only good thing in my life and I don't want to lose you." By the end of his speech I was a crying mess, I put my face in his chest and cried. He held me tight to him allowing me to cry on him. After a couple of minutes I pulled away and wiped my eyes.

"Kat you don't ever have to have doubts about yourself because I will always love you so much." He kissed my forehead as I smiled up at him.

"But in all honesty I should be asking how I was lucky enough to get you Kat." I stared up at him with a questioning gaze,

"What do you mean Zamasu?"

"Well," He sighed as he looked down at me with a solemn look, " With what I did, what attracted me to you?" I smiled gently and put my hand on his cheek,

"Well I saw pass all that hate you had, because I knew you had a good heart, and I wanted to see the goodness come out of you." I then kissed his lips softly, his eyes widened as he kissed back with a lot of passion. After a minute of kissing we pulled away, placing our foreheads together.

"You're my everything Kat, you know that right?" I giggled and nodded placing my hands on his chest,

"Yes I do, and you mean so much to me Zamasu, I....I never want to lose you."

"You want, you are mine and I am yours....forever." he then leaned in and kissed me softly on my lips. I smiled into the kiss and returned his love. We then pulled away, smiling at one another.

"I love you so much Kat."

"I love you too Zamasu."

I then placed my head on his shoulder enjoying the closeness. Zamasu was right, I didn't have anything to worry about in our relationship because we both love each other and our love is strong and will conquer through all the bad times, because we have each other and that's all that matters.

And done ^^ sorry if this was kinda sad, I'm kinda of feeling depressed right now and I'm sorry if it showed in this story but I hope you guys like it ^^

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