Chapter 5- Blood Moon?

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A/N Hey! For people who don't know I ship garrissa for no exact reason and who I ship Laurence with is Lucy(no not gonna ruin NaLu)
Lucinda's POV

I forgot to tell them their true power/potential will come out during a blood moon!! Ugh I'm an idiot! What I didn't realize is that I said that out loud and Laurence was in my shop asking for a book for flight because Garroth randomly floated.(It was a prank from me YE IM IN THE STORY)"Who'll have true potential of their powers during a blood moon?" He asked "Zane and Kawaii~Chan" I say "How exactly?" He says not freakin out that one of his friends and a frenemy have powers "How are you not surprised?!?!" I say because if said explanation "Oh I'm internally freaking out because one of my friends has a power and how did Zane get one and not Garroth?" " "Power Genes passed on to Zane and not Garroth because its from Zianna's side." I inform "Oh uhmmmm no further questions.
Except for WHAT POWERS?!?!?" "Elementals" "Fire, Water, Air and Eartg?""Light and Dark!""Fire,Water,Air,Earth,Dark and Light?!" "Lucky Winner!" "Oh my Irene! Let me guess Zane's a Dark""two actually! Fire and Dark""Interesting When was he born?"(RANDOM TIME) "November 10th 1995""Wasn't that day a blood moon and at day? When is KC's""A few hours after.""Night?""Yup""So opposites?""Mhm""Bye""Bye!" And with that, he leaves.

Zane's POV

"Hello" Someone said but- no it can't be him! It can't be!


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Hey guys Snow here sorry for the short chapter I'm still working on the next chapter but it's gonna be 1000+ hopefully!

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