Chapter 6- Nana?

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Nana's POV

"Hello" someone said "Ein."Zane said to the man who I suppose is 'Ein' "Hello sir" 'Aphmau' says(A/N Aphmau autocorrected to pajamas XD) "My love Aphmau"
He says as he ran to Aphmau Zane blasts a fireball to Ein causing Ein to blast backward Ein threw a potion at him but I caught it with water before it hits him ."Why are you protecting him!" 'Dante' says."I'M DATING HIM!" I say still focusing on the water ball blasting it to Ein making him obey me , but it missed ,DARN ACCURACY! "Kawaii~Chan watch out!" Zane says while getting in front of me. Then H-He Got Hit! Ein. Must. Die. I threw a bubble at him but not a normal bubble one that has full water in it. To drown him. A few minutes later E-'The Demon' is unconscious. "Why did you kill him!" 'Aphmau' says "He's evil" Aph says . Me? I was just there crying near an unconscious Zane. "He barely has a pulse." I say still crying . I actually can't believe I managed to say that with all my crying.

Zane's POV( Before Unconsciousness)

She's gonna get hit! I ran towards her and pushed her backwards so I get the attack I recognize its a sleeping forever potion.(No Sleeping beauty here people)then blackness

-- Now --

Darkness .

It's all I see

Nothing else

Then I saw light I walked towards it then I saw something that I didn't want to see

More like someone.

Dad the one who wants overachievers
The one who never loved me for who I am

"Such a pathetic person Zane is. Garroth is better. Heck! Even A baby is better!" He says

"I do all I can to him but what he did to me ... I HATE HIM!" Garroth says appearing behind him. It all continues to surround him making different persons who he knows then ."Zane~Kun is always negative! Kawaii~Chan hates him!"

Kawaii~Chan Hates Him!

Those words made me broken
I then starts to wake up to a bed ,still in the different world,"H-Huh?" I say , a few seconds later I'm in a very warm, comforting embrace by Kawaii~Chan "Zane!" she said. She didn't talk in third person! "Kawaii~Chan." "Hmm?" "Why did you talk in first person?"

Nana's POV

Oh shitakai mushrooms!
Welp time to tell him(A/N:It was a blood moon and Zane's a mei'fwa in secret just for the story!)"It's because Kawaii~Chan isn't talking." I say "You ARE talking Kawaii~Chan!" "No it's not. It's Nana talking.""What?" "My name" "Your name is Nana?" "Yes Zane." "Then what was the Kawaii~Cham fuzz all about!" "A mask. Because I'm not unique." "HAHAHAHAHAHHA YOU NOT UNIQUE! You're actually lucky to have many friends. I only have three, one being you." He says sadly "But Why?" "Huh?" "Why choose to be friends with me!" I say, on the verge of tears."Because I love you!""You love Kawaii~Chan, not Nana!""Well tell me about you! About the real side of you!" "I say born on a super blue blood moon.""Same with me" "at night?" "At day." "That's why your fire because of the sun!" I say realizing it "And I'm water because of the moon!""Continue about yourself we're getting off topic!""Anyways A few years of my life was normal, until one day in middle school I almost drowned.""How?""We were on the beach and I swam. But I didn't drown , after that I was abused and every time I was late at home I was slapped." "Carry on." "I asked my brother ,whom I lived with in high school, to report them.""Then?""They got arrested but-" I was starting to cry at this point.

Zane's POV

"They got arrested but-" She was still crying "But what?" I said "But t-they esca-*sniff*escaped this month" " WHAT?! Nana I promise to protect you no matter what. May it kill me or not as long as you live." "I-I... Thank you Zane. Thank you." "You're welcome , Nana."

*Le next day*

Aaron's POV

I was walking to Zane's room after explaining to other Aphmau that were from another universe. But when I saw them they were cuddling. SO CUTE AHH . Yes I ship don't judge Aphmau thought me. I HAVE TO SHOW THIS TO APHMAU!!! "AHHH SO CUTE! Good thing that I only do this when alone." I say "Aphmau!" I call but not loud enough to wake up Zane~Chan ahh. "W-What is it aaron?" "Zane~Chan!" "WHAT?!?!?!" "What's all the ruckus!" Zane says "YOU CUDDLED" I screamed. Then there were two tomatoes , two aphmau's, two Kawaii~Chans and a Dante in the room.

'Dante's' POV

"WHAT?!?!?" OH COME ON I WAS RESTING! I got to the room of the noise and I saw a tomato Kawaii~Chan, My wife, Two Lady Aphmaus, Tomato Zane and Aaron.
Kawaii~Chan what's all the ruckus." "My exact same reaction!" Zane Said. "MY SHIP SAILED!!!" Other Aphmau says "What boat?" "Ship, as in relationSHIP." "So you have two boat captains fall in love?" "Yes but in a metaphorical way f saying you want two people to have a relationship.""Oh" "Then what happened" My wife joined in"THEY WERE CUDDLING!" Aphmau says "REALLY?!?!!" Kawaii~Chan (other) says, blushing.

Zane's POV

I was woken up FOR THIS. I grew angrier and Angrier until "Hey Aph, If you scream ONE MORE TIME!" Then 'Aph' starts to pick up her sword ."I promise you when we get back you will have ONLY 3
Sets of 2 ponies left all being not limited editions!"
"*gasp* NO YOU WILL NOT!" "I can and will."


Narrator POV

A loud bang was heard from the distance what was it? Let us find out in the next chapter as Zane, Kawaii~Chan and friends go on the adventure as they find out what it was . CUE THE NEXT CHAPTER!

There it is exactly 1000 words!
Also sorry for not posting much but ill try to post as much as I can!

Snow out!

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