August 27, 2017 - In for Questioning (Day 6)

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4:30 AM, Lastation's Basilicom

*cough cough* "Ugh... what?" Wait, where am I? "Oh, you're awake?" I looked up and saw Uni staring at me. Apparently I'm on the floor. "Wh-what happened?" Did they kidnap me with the gas? "Heh. So remember that gas back in Planeptune? Well, the gassers sent you to a dark alley and left you there unconscious. We found you and decided to take you here. And here you are." Uni said, happily. "Thanks and all, but the floor? Really?" In case you didn't know, I woke up with my face on the floor. "What? No, you were on that bed over there. You just happened to fall off and roll over here." Is she serious? No way. "Where are the others?"

"Oh, they were gassed because if they weren't, you wouldn't be captured."

"So are they safe?"


"Oh, ok- PROBABLY?!" I couldn't believe it. They could be, I don't know, falling down a bottomless pit? "It's alright," she said. "Now, Noire would like to talk to you, so go to her office. Which is the same place where she played that game she couldn't stop playing."

4:45, Noire's Office

I just realized how early it was when I walked in and saw the clock on the wall. "Hello, Zap! It's really great that you're here. Although, we did drag you here anyway, so I guess you had no choice. Take a seat." I sat down on the chair opposite her side of the desk. "So..." I started. She glared at me, and I stopped. "There's some questions I want to ask you first." she told me. "Alright."

"What's the last thing you remember?"

"Talking to you."

"Before that."

"Talking to Uni."

"Idiot! Before that!"

"Waking up."


"Alright alright! Being gassed."

"Bef- oh. Ok then. What's the last thing you fought?"


"Interesting. Last skill move you used?"


"Alright... last person you made eye contact with."


"Before that, and before Uni."

"Uh... Raziél?"

"I see- wait, RAZIÉL WAS THERE?!"

"Yes. Problem?"

"No, it's just... alright, that will be all. Anything you want to ask me?"

"Who's your sister?"

"Are we serious right now?" I glared at her. "Ok, Uni."

"Who's Neptune's sister?"


"Who's the last person you talked to, before me and Uni?"

"Um..." her voice drifted away. How suspicious...

"Uh... Vert?"


"It's complicated, ok? Next question, unless you're out."

"Ok. I'm going to give you two people. Tell me who you'd rather pick."


"Nepgear or Uni?"


"Steamax or Anonydeath?"


"Alright... and last one. Raziél or me?" She stopped. "Tell the truth," I told her. "Raziél..." she muttered. I nodded. "Alright, that's all." She let out a sigh of relief. "Noire." she looked panicky. "Y-yes?" she stammered. "Go back to sleep, ok? Even for a goddess, 5 AM is really early." She nodded and I returned to my room and also slept.

1:00 PM

I walked into Noire's room, only to see her asleep still. I nudged her shoulder and she instantly woke up. "Wha-huh? What time is it?" she asked. "1:00 PM. Get up," I told her. "Sorry! I didn't mean to wake up so late!" She was panicking so much right now. I tried to soothe her. "It's alright. Like I said, even for a goddess, you shouldn't have been up so early. Now come on, have bre- lunch."


In the kitchen, everyone was having sandwiches, but I already ate (always first one), so I decided to take a walk. Suddenly, I heard citizens--or 'civilians'--yelling, so I rushed over and saw... Sadist Zap. You've got to be kidding me. He had a whip and was yelling at everyone, saying "COME AT ME GIRLS!! LET'S HAVE SOME FUN!!" Did I mention he was an opposite CFW Trick: Into women and not little girls? Well anyway, I was shocked to see him in Lastation,but I figured I still needed to stop him. I went Ninja Class and snuck behind the trees, watching him. He's not drunk, thank goddess, but he's still crazy. I tossed a shuriken at him and it hit his whip. Man, he's crazy. He just took the shuriken out by the POINT and started yelling. I threw a smoke bomb at him. As he was coughing, I ran in and grabbed his whip. I was still hungry. Probably should've had breakfast a little later. Anyway, I went out for some food, and I didn't realize I was gone for so long...

5:00 PM, Basilicom

In my room, the N-Gear rang. I picked it up and saw Histoire on the other line. "Zap! Where are you?" she said. "It's alright, Histoire. I'm in Lastation, so no need to worry. How are the others?" I asked. "They've been searching all of Planeptune, looking for you! Thank goodness you're ok!" she said with relief. "Just tell them I'll be here for a few days, ok? I want to see the whole of Lastation." I said. "Alright. We'll see you soon." I shut off my N-Gear. Just then Uni walked in as Black Sister, twirling her hair. "Wondering why I'm in HDD? We need you," she told me. I nodded and followed her."

6:00 PM, Virtua Forest (WTF?)

"No way..." a huge dogoo was in the forest, crushing trees. Remember that one Nep game that had that human dogoo? This was it, except this one is way bigger. I slashed at it, but it simply knocked me over. I crashed into a tree and the bleachers went up again. I hit the tree with my sword and they went down. "He's not going down by melee!" Uni yelled. I nodded and yelled, "Ninja Class: Activate!" I was in my ninja form and Noire and Uni stared at me. I jumped in the air. "Hellfire!" The 524,288 shurikens hit the big dogoo, but he still didn't go down. Uni shot her gun like a million times, and it went down. "No way! You need to teach me that." If I learned to use a gun, I'd be more useful. She blushed. "Ok then... I'll show you tomorrow, ok?" I nodded. "Uni is magnificent, isn't she?" Noire whispered to me. "Mmhmm." We returned to the basilicom and went to sleep.

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