August 28, 2017 - Battle 2 (Day 7)

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8:00 AM, My Room

"Are you sure?"


"But why?"

"Because she'd love to see you, obviously!"


"Dude. Just do me a favor. Get over here."

"Alright, I'll be there in a few hours." I clicked off my N-Gear. Doesn't Raziél get it? Everyone wants to see him again. He should know! He's a legend! And I have to admit, he's pretty cool. "Zap! Are you ready?" Uni was in HDD form. That's right? She was going to teach me how to use a gun!


Up until now, things were pretty boring. The gun training was pretty mediocre, but it was pretty awesome because now I could shoot a gun. Just then the doorbell rang. "I'm here!" It was Raziél. Noire ran to the door, faster than Sonic, and opened the door. "Raziél! It's so good to see you! How have you been?" Noire exclaimed. "I'm doing great! But I've been running all the way here since Planeptune. Got any drinks?" Luckily, I was at the fridge. I tossed him a soda and he caught it and sat down. "How's Planeptune?" I asked. "Uh... there's like 100 citizens from there in Lastation..." he muttered. "Because?" Noire asked. "They want Zap and me to fight again. They said one draw wasn't enough. 'It either ends in a victory or another draw,' they said." I tossed my soda into the recycle bin (I drink fast af, try me) and muttered, "Well then, we're fighting again. Virtua Forest, now." I walked out and saw the citizens. "Virtua Forest!" I told them. They nodded and ran like the Time Eater was chasing them.

10:30, Virtua Forest

"Game Blade!"

"Ninja Class: Activate!"

I turned into the ninja inside of me and the audience gasped. "One sec," I said. I tossed a shuriken at a tree and the bleachers appeared. "Let's do this!" I yelled. Raziél nodded. "Light Wave!" That was quick. "Dragon's Breath!" A line of fire--the way you see dragons breathe it--hit the light and blocked the attack. "Hellfire!" He managed to dodge and deflect all the shurikens, surprisingly. (Not really.) "Raziél Rush!" He ran over to me but I jumped into the trees. He couldn't follow. Lul. "Thunder Class: Activate!" Being Zap again, I jumped down. "Thunder's Edge!" He blocked it with Raziél Rush though. After a while, we were both on the floor. We used telekinesis to retrieve our weapons, except: "Gunner Class: Activate!" I didn't change, except my sword transformed into an AK 47, or something like that. "Ammo Rain!" I shot around 1,000 bullets up into the sky and they all disappeared. The audience looked in confusion but then gasped when they started falling from the sky at around 500 m/ph. He deflected the ones about to hit him and charged at me. I was literally useless on close combat because of my gun, but I: "Thunder Class: Activate! Electric Volcano!" Cracks appeared at Raziél's feet and lightning shot up. One hit him and he went flying a few yards. He got back with Raziél Rush, though. "Energy Bomb!" An electric ball, surging with electricity, appeared at the tip of my sword, and flew to Raziél. Probably at the speed of light, but he still dodged it.

12:20 PM

That's right, the battle's still going. Raziél was in Angel transformation too. "RAZIÉL RAY!!" I should've died. But I didn't. "Zeus' Protection!" A bubble appeared around me and absorbed the ray. "LUL!" I yelled inside the bubble. "Shield down. So! Looks like you can't beat me, and vice versa. Sorry folks, but looks like this is a tie." The audience all cheered anyway and left.


"How did you survive that?"

Everyone was having dinner, but we all stopped when Raziél asked that question. "Well, my blind friend, my bubble shield absorbed it. Simple as that." I told him. "So... you're basically invincible with that move?" He asked, frowning. "What? No! It took like 750 SP, and anyway, I can't attack in there. Plus the maximum length is a minute or so." He nodded. We all cleared our plates and threw them in the dishwasher. Well, we didn't 'throw' them, then they'd break. We put them in. I hit the button and it started. And we all went to sleep. Except...

11:59, Streets of Lastation

I walked out onto the streets, unaware of what would happen to me. That's when something jumped onto me.

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