August 29, 2017 - Remember Me? (Day 8, Part 1)

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12:01 AM


I might've killed the person who jumped on my back, but her voice brought me back. "Pacifia?" Pacifia was my classmate in Elemental Academy (Pretty straightforward name, huh) and we were best friends, technically. "Yep! How are you? Oh, remember this guy?" She pointed to her left. "Storm!" Another friend from back then. "Yep. Man, you're strong, how are you keeping her on your back for so long?" Oh right, I forgot she was on my back. She jumped down. "Hey, if you're feeling like it, we can tour Lastation until 6 and go visit the place that I'm staying at. How about it?" I offered. They both nodded and we started our 6 hour long adventure.

6:00 AM, Lastation's Basilicom

Turns out, we didn't have much to do when 95% of Lastation's business industry was closed. "Zap. Who's with you?" I forgot those two were unknown across Gamindustri. Noire looked at me with puzzling eyes, and Pacifia stepped forward. "Hello. You must be the protector of this nation. I'm Pacifia. The other one over there is Storm. We are friends of Zap, back when we were all attending Elemental Academy. What's your name?" The puzzled look disappeared on Noire's face, followed by curiosity. "Interesting. I'm Noire, goddess of Planeptune. UNI!!" Uni walked over to us, a stack of paper--and when I'm talking stack, I'm talking stack--how much is 500 sheets of paper to you? "Hello! I'm the CPU Candidate of this Nation, and Noire's sister, Uni. Nice to meet you, Pacifia, Storm." She quickly walked back to her room, because she wanted to drop the papers, obviously. I think. "So... where will they sleep?" My voice dragged away, as I realized there wasn't 1-2 extra bedrooms. "Simple. Pacifia can sleep with me, and Storm with Uni. Or one, maybe even both, can sleep with you. I'll let them decide." She bowed and walked away. "I'm going to check on Ms. 500 Papers. Be back," I said, walking over to Uni. "Uni... what are you doing?" I saw her with the 500 papers, sorting them into around 50 piles or so. "I'm ordering them alphabetically!" I sighed. The basic expectations of 'Boss Sister.' "Here, let me handle them." She gave me the remaining papers, and looked relieved. She left the room. "Let's see... what? These don't even have titles! Am I supposed to look at the first letter of the first sentence..." This was pretty hard. Are these supposed to be... "Hey!" I nearly dropped my papers. "What is it, Pacifia?" She burst into the room like... a pop star, maybe? "When you're done, Storm and I wanna go around Lastation!" I nodded and she left the room, with actual music notes above her head... made of water. That's her element. So is Storm's. And mine is Electric, but you already knew that.

9:00, Streets of Lastation

"Watch out!"

Storm was running back and forth, examining every corner of Lastation. Did I mention Storm was Pacifia's little brother? "Woah! This place is so cool! And here! Look at this too! Cooooool!" Pacifia dragged him back, and I started laughing. "Come on, let's go check this place out." We passed a lot of places, even Pudding Blast, (not telling Neptune) and suddenly someone started screaming. "Over there!" I yelled. We all ran over and saw one woman being attacked by thugs/thieves, probably both. They saw us and stopped torturing the woman. "In for some, eh? I'll beat you till you know hell!" The lead one ran for me. "Shock Blade!"'i literally cut him, and he fell. "Weak..." I muttered. The rest charged, prepared to avenge their leader. "Tsunami!" Pacifia threw her hands up and waves came out of nowhere, knocking them all down. "Hmm... there's something she doesn't know..." That's when I heard a crack in the earth, and we all fell down.

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