August 29, 2017 - And Remember ME?! (Day 8, Part 2)

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10:00 AM, Dark, Empty Pit

I coughed and got up. "Is everyone alright?" Just then I realized they weren't with me. "Oh, they're all right, but soon, they won't be, and neither will you. Hahaha..." That voice! It's Angel.


Angel, a girl with the Dark element (I know, right) spawned her Demon Sword and slapped me with it, knocking me into a wall. "Agh... what the hell, Angel..."


"So! How's life?" She walked closer to me--did I mention I was on the floor--and leaned down towards me. I scooted closer to the wall and steadily got up. But she kept standing closer. "Don't do this..." I said. "Ah, Zap, don't worry, eveything will be quick." She smiled cruelly. "Oh well, looks like it's time for you to go." She said. "Not if I can help it. Game Blade!" Angel turned around and Raziél pinned her to a wall, Game Blade around her throat. "Did you know, harassment is against the law?" Angel just laughed. "My my, you're a strong one. Very nice reflexes too, I should say." She's trying that approach. Her compliments can make any guy fall for her--except me, and probably Raziél too.-- "Sorry girl, but I'm afraid you can't see them any longer." Too late. She disappeared. "Thanks, man. Wait, Pacifia and Storm! Did you get them?" He nodded and they appeared from behind him. "Heya! Let's go back before she gets us."

1:00 PM, Basilicom

"There you too are!" Noire ran over to us and hugged each one of us. "Thanks, Raziél, and are you leaving now?" He nodded. "I've got business in Planeptune, so I can't stay around for long. I'll see you around, though." He smiled and ran off. "He's nice isn't he?" Pacifia told me. "He's great. He once saved Gamindustri from something called Wi-Fi, I dunno." Noire looked at me. "Can I ask you some things?" I nodded and followed her as she walked to her office. In her office:

"What happened?"

"Thieves and thugs, woman, all dead except woman, black pit, fell down, harassed, that kind of stuff."

"Hmm... harasser?"



"Ah..." I told her everything I knew about Angel. "Ok... thanks." She got up and left. I walked outside and heard and argument. I looked and saw Angel and Raziél.

Raziél: "It's not like that!"

Angel: "You're so strong... I'm falling for you..."

Raziél: "No you're not! You just want me on your side!"

Angel: "Aww... if that's the case, then... Hell Sword!"

Raziél: "Game Blade!"

Those two starting fighting on the streets, and I was about to tell them to take it somewhere else until Raziél Light Waved Angel into Virtua Forest or something. All the time, come on!

3:00, Virtua Forest

Virtua Forest was farther than I remembered. And a lot of people were crowding around the two. I shot a shuriken at a tree in ninja form and the bleachers appeared. The people sat down so I ran over to the two. "STOP IT!!" They both looked at me. "Stay out of this!" Angel yelled at me. "You don't know what's going on between us, and you certainly can't stop it!" Raziél was angry af... "I... SAID... IT ISN'T... LIKE THAT!! RAZIÉL RAY!!" What's up with Raziél today? Couldn't he just walk away? Anyway, Angel was caught off guard and flew into me. I pushed her away.

9:30, Basilicom

I could barely walk, and the others caught me--Noire and Pacifia, I should say. "Angel... Raziél... fight... Virtua Forest..." They nodded, laid me down on a bed, and ran out of the Basilicom. I slept until the next morning...

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