August 30 - Power Stealer (Day 9)

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8:00 AM, My Room

"Don't worry Histoire, I'll be home soon." I shut off my N-Gear. Looks like it's the last day of my temporary stay in Lastation. I walked out of the room and saw all my bags ready to go. Did I bring those? "So Zap... looks like you'll be going back to Planeptune again," Noire muttered. Is there disappointment in her voice? "Yea, but I'll be visiting from time to time, so it should be alright." A few minutes later, IF arrived on her bike. "Ready to go?" I nodded and my bags disappeared. "Where are they?" Storm asked. "Oh, they're in Planeptune now. Magic, right?" He nodded in amazement. I hopped on backwards--I'm skilled like that (jk jk)-- and we went back to Planeptune.

10:00, Planeptune's Basilicom

"Feels nice to be back. Where's Raziél?" I asked Neptune. "Oh, he's just- where is he? Hey guys, where's Raziél?" Everyone started running to my room, but he wasn't there. "Wait a second- he's in Lastation! And Angel... I need to go back!" I ran towards the exit.

2:00 PM, Virtua Forest (Seriously, how long does it take to get to one forest?!)

"Raziél!" Raziél was on the floor with many scratches. I took out a healing potion and emptied it's contents onto Raziél's chest. Immediately he got up. "Raziél! What happened?" He fainted before he could answer. "Well, it looks like your little friend is asleep. Very well, it makes my plans easier anyway." Angel appeared from the shadows and crashed into me. I hit a tree--and no, the bleachers did not appear--and suddenly I was face-to-face with Angel. "What are you doing?!" She laughed. "Isn't it obvious? I want Raziél, but you're in my way. I can't have that, can I?" She drifted back and her Hell Sword was at my neck. "Say your prayers! You'll never see the world again!" She raised her blade, preparing to strike. That was stupid. "Zeus' Protection!" The bubble formed around me and knocked Angel back. I downed the bubble but she was at me again, except her blade wasn't there anymore. "Well, I must've had my doubts about you. You are certainly stronger then I have imagined, maybe stronger than him." She pointed her blade down at Raziél, but I was still pinned. "You can't... do..." I slowly fell down until I was sitting on the floor. "I see. You're weaker than I thought. Looks like I'll have to end you then." She pointed her blade at me and thrust forward, except a force pushed her back. "How dare you hurt my friends! You're not getting out of here alive!" Pacifia ran to me and gave me the tighest hug in the world--I probably would've died from suffocation until she let go. "You! I will end you! Hell Suction!" An invisible force formed around Pacifia and would've sucked her down below ground, but I couldn't let that happen. "Blossom!" I didn't mean to say that. The words just formed in my head, but suddenly many flower spirits were at my feet, waiting for an order. "Get her to safety!" They all ran over to Pacifia and tried to lift her up, and I ran to face Angel. "How?! That move is specifically for Water elementals!" I smiled. "Everyone has a move called Cross-Steal, where you can learn a skill of another element. Crazy, right?" My blade was at Angel's neck. "You can't get away this time." My power prevented Angel from using her disappearance skill, mainly because I was an elemental, and since last time Raziél wasn't elemental, he couldn't prevent Angel from disappearing. "How sad. I'll have to use this." She rested her hand on the flat of my blade, and pushed down, and my sword dropped. She started to kiss me, and my power started dropping. I fell. "Haha. You can't stop the draining powers of a DARK ELEMENTAL!" I was super mad now. "You might be able to drain my power... but you can't drain my will. LIGHT WAVE!!" In case you forgot, Light Wave is one of Raziél's (SilverXeonic) moves, but my Cross-Steal move went into action, and Angel went flying. Literally, she has wings. "You won't get this next time..." She flew away. Raziél already woke, shocked by what happened. "How did... how did you do that?!"

8:00, My Lastation Room

I had already explained to Raziél, and we were all resting at the Lastation Basilicom. We were just about to leave when Noire hugged me from behind. "I'll see you next time, ok?" She also gave Raziél a hug and we both left. When we were back at the Planeptune Basilicom, everyone was asleep. And so were we.

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