September 9 - Forget the Past - Day 19 (Part IV)

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"We can't always hold on to what's behind us. We have to just let it go and enjoy the present and the future in front of us, ok? Forget the past."

"But... I can't. You know how much I love you!"

"I know, and I love you too. But you have to trust me on this..."

4:00 PM

"By the looks of it, a lot of red and pink materials were fused to create this gas... and also a hint of faintris?" Ghost said. Yes, his name was Ghost.

"If a lot of faintris makes you pass out... then a hint of it should put you in a trance." I guessed.

"That's probably right. Quake, what do you think?"

"Well, I'm pretty sure Zap's assumption is correct, but I have a feeling oposia won't work this time."

"But it can reverse the effect of anyth-"

"See here," I said, "it reverses everything. If we spray it on everyone, not only will they get out of their trance, but they will forever hate whoever they were with. See, these two people are friends--not really--and they were linked with one another, and even twins were sprayed! What do you think of that?"

"Hmm... I see your point. How about Blitz and Angel?"

"Umm... I don't really care, but we don't know how it affects them, actually."

We stopped for a moment.

"I have an idea," Quake said.

5:00 PM

"Are you sure this is the right place?" I asked.

"Sure it is!" Quake called back. "Just don't kill yourself. You never know what secrets lay beyond that dark cave."

"You're the rock expert. Why don't you do it?"

"Because I thought of the idea and I get a free pass from doing it."

"...Fine. Why won't Ghost do it? He's the dark expert."

I just realized how these two are perfect in these caves and I'm like the odd one out.

"Just do it." Shia LaQuake said.

You know, I just realized, would my lightning light up the cave?



A little spark on my hands should do it. There we go, a nice "candle."

Anyway, Quake's plan goes something like this:

Kill every single monster in this cave because I'm guessing it's enchanted and one of the monsters will drop some OP material.

Sounds like an RPG to me, but whatever.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

A/N: This video by CollegeHumor literally sums up RPG games XDD

Anyway, I'm doing what Quake's plan is telling me to do, and so far it's a bunch of useless junk. Yep, RPG flashbacks...

Ok, I'm seriously getting off topic.

I walked out of the cave.

"Just... useless junk."

"Great," Quake said. "We can use it to hopefully get a cure."

6:00 PM

I cannot explain how convenient my life is.

Guess what? Some of the "useless" material I found was actually a rare crystal known as hatopeco, known to reduce affection between two people. I also found minducila, which is a grain that can increase self brain control. (In other words, more resistance to mind control/hypnotism.)

These are probably the 2 best materials I could've come across to help us clear the Love Gas. We just have to process it into a potion or pill or something...

9:00 PM

Back at Lastation's Delights...

Everything is back to normal. Quake, Pacifia, Makoto and I are sitting at one table, and Ghost and Angel at another.

"My mind felt... like Angel was the only thing that mattered. Thanks," Makoto said.

"So that's the effect of Love Gas... I wonder what was in it," I wondered. I saw Ghost and Angel having some sort of argument. "Be right back," I said. I walked over to the Darkness Duo's table. "Something wrong?" I asked.

"No," Ghost said. "I'm sorry, Zap, but can you give us some time alone?" I nodded but instead of going back, hid by a nearby table (the chairs are up, so you can only barely see other people's heads.

"Come on, Angel, come back to Elemental Academy with me. We can get back everyone who hurt you."

"It's ok, Ghost. I want to stay here. Besides, that doesn't matter anymore."

"Yes it does! They insulted you, and I won't let them get away with that."

"Look." Angel scooted close to Ghost, from what I could see by a glance.

"We can't always hold on to what's behind us. We just have to let it go and enjoy the present and the future in front of us, ok? Forget the past."

"But... I can't. You know how much I love you!"

"I know, and I love you too. But you have to trust me on this... They don't matter anymore. You said you loved me, right? Then I'm all that matters to you."


I walked back to my old table.

"What happened?" Pacifia asked.

"Nothing to be concerned about," I said.

"If you say so."

11:50 PM

"Wake up."

"Let me sleep for once, Pacifia..."

"You know I'm not letting you do that. Come on, follow me," she said.

11:58 PM

"Do you remember anything?" She asked.

"Hmm. What should I- oh! I can't believe I never told you this! Happy birthday."

"Aww, you remembered. And that's ok. I know, it's been troubling today, hasn't it?"

"I almost thought that we couldn't cure them."

"But you never give up. Didn't Professor Elemental say that?"

"Yea, he did."


11:59 PM

You probably won't believe me.

I know, I couldn't believe it too.

But what I'm about to say, you have to trust that I'm telling the truth.

"It seems that you're the only one who remembers my birthday. Even Quake, who spent the whole day with me, forgot. Thanks, Zap."

Believe me, ok?

She kissed me, and I swear that the sky slightly turned green. Blue + Yellow = Green.

"Good night," she said. She walked back into the Basilicom. I... I stood outside for a little longer.

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