September 9 - Distant Memories - Day 19 (Part III)

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A/N: Sorry guys I'm all about changing things. See the new layout for the title? Yeah. That's a new thing now. Of course I'll add the year on Jan. 1 but if you want the year back 24/7, then I will.

A gun suddenly formed in front of us.

"Don't move. It would be real bad if this Love Gas hit you two..."

"Hold on! Why would you even do this?!" I yelled.

"I need... to win her heart back."

11:00 AM

Thank goddess.

We left the Cursing Temple.

"I'll be back," I said.

"Where are you going?" Sparky asked.

"I need to... just go without me, this is important."


11:30 AM

"Quake? Pacifia?" I spent 15 minutes looking for them, calling out to them, until I realized, hey, why not use my N-Gear?






"Yes, Zap. Do you need anything?"

"I'm so glad you're safe. Do you know about the..."

"The gas? Of course. Pacifia and I are safe right now. Anyone else safe?"

"Well, Sparky and Ryan are safe. I don't think anyone else..." My voice cracked at the end. Even the goddesses are victim to the gas. How strong is this thing?

"The goddesses? Yea. I think they were hit too. It's just... I think we should visit... home again."

"You mean... school?"

"Yea, I mean Elemental Academy."

2:30 PM

Welcome to Elemental Academy. By the way, Sparky and S. Zap have never been here. I can't exactly remember why, but I'm positive that they don't know this place exists.

A/N: So I have this book called Arfoire's Clone Ray that I kinda half scrapped... yea, that's where Sparky and S. Zap were introduced. Of course, that's a parallel dimension or so, and they're 200% ASIC in that book. No turning back.

I still have so many memories of this place.

I remember Bolt, my training sword... and all the other Elementals... and Professor Elemental, the founder of this school... I'm still a Gold Elemental, because I had just completed my Silver Year when I left.

What's all this? Oh, your rank in the Academy represents your time in the Academy.

Bronze (Year 1)
Silver (Year 2)
Gold (Year 3)
Diamond (Year 4)
Platinum (Year 5)
Amethyst (Year 6)
Ruby (Year 7)
Sapphire (Year 8)
Emerald (Year 9)
Prism (Year 10, Final Year)

A/N: Not relevant to Harry Potter so shut up

Let me go more into detail starting from Gold.

When you're a Gold Elemental, you have the privilege to leave school and start a life in the real world. Why? It's too dangerous. We are strong enough to take down monsters, so we're the things they attack.

A/N: Not relevant to Percy Jackson so shut up

Anyway, when you're a Prism Elemental, then you no longer attend school. Judging from your skill, you can even apply as a professor!

Anyway, I'm getting off track. What's important right now is finding the culprit of the Love Gas. I'll explain it to you later. A/N: By "later" I mean in the Zap and the Goddesses: Golden Edition book. If you want it, please leave a comment saying so.

3:00 PM

This is... bigger than I expected.

There's probably 4x more Elementals then when I first got here as a Bronze Elemental.

"So... why are we here again?" I asked Quake.

"There's a slim chance that the one who sprayed the gas could be an Elemental. You said you saw his shadow, right? Could be a Dark."

"I see your point, but... anyone who wears dark clothes can be regarded as a shadow..."

"You said you saw him go through a wall."

I stopped. He was right, it had to be a Dark Elemental. They possess the ability to run through anything, but of course it wastes energy. Nothing is free in this world.

"Remember our secret?"

"You mean that tunnel?"

"Yea. Let's go through it."

3:05 PM

In our Bronze years, Quake and I were like the trouble duo. We'd go everywhere, looking for secrets. Why do you think we're the only ones who know about this?

"Freeze!" Someone yelled. Quake and I stopped. "Who's there? How did you find this place?"

"We are... people, and we looked around and found it." I said.

The stranger lit a candle and suddenly it was bright.

Quake was right. It was a Dark Elemental.

"I don't trust you two."

A gun suddenly formed in front of us.

"Don't move. It would be real bad if this Love Gas hit you two..."

"Hold on! Why would you even do this?!" I yelled.

"I need... to win her heart back."

"Her... heart?"

He looked at me, angry.

"Yes! I need to win back Angel's heart! Ever since that Love Gas hit her, I've been searching and searching to find the cure! And I have found it! It says here that once 1,000,000 targets have been affected, the next two targets hit will take away the gas from the first two hit! And I've done more research, and I found that Angel and Blitz are the first two! And 1,000,000 have been hit! If I can just get two more... I can get her back!"

"Are you crazy?! Can't you just look for another cure?!"

"There isn't another! This is the only way!"

"What if we helped you get that cure?"

He lowered his gun. "What?"

"Look, we want to cure not just those two, but the other 9,999,998. We are working for the same cause. We can work together..." I stepped forward. "If you don't shoot us."

"But the Internet doesn't show any other ways..."

"The Internet isn't always reliable. It's corrupted now. So what do you say?"

"Hmm... fine, I'll work with you."


hope you enjoyed :)

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