September 9, 2017 - The Cursing Temple (Day 19, Part II)

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The stone glowed, and suddenly words started inscribing themselves into it.
The gas that you seek is closer than it seems, it said.

8:00 AM

"I hate this," I muttered.

Can you guess where we are? The sewer? No! A dark creepy tunnel? Of course not!


We're in a dark creepy sewer.

"Why are we in here again?" Sparky asked.

"Because this sewer's entrance was hidden, and you were like, 'Oh, a secret passage!'"

"Shut up."

"Look up."

"What?" She looked up and saw a sewer entrance, then looked forward and saw a ladder. "Well?" She said. "Let's climb."

8:15 AM

I tell you, Lastation is a busy place, and it's hard to get around.

Not when you're known as a threatener.

Everyone parted when they saw me pass by. I know, it was the easy life for me, but I was getting worried. "What are they doing?" Sparky whispered.

"Well, something happened in Lowee, and now I'm famous for nearly killing people."


"Don't worry about it. What's important is that we-" I stopped as I noticed a quick shadow passing by. I didn't even wait. I ran as Sparky tried to catch up. "Wait!" But I was already in an alley.

9:00 AM

"Stop... too fast..." Sparky took a while to catch her breath. "What did you see?" I didn't answer. What was the answer? I didn't know. There it is again. The shadow. I was about to run after it until I realized, I was in a dead end. But I saw a clear passageway a moment ago...

9:15 AM

It's quick how things change, honestly.

Everyone started joining with another person of similar age. Everyone seemed to be a victim of the gas. "Now we're one of the last ones unaffected." I muttered. Possibly the only ones. There's only a small hope left...

I reached for my N-Gear.

I tried calling Histoire first.

No answer.


No difference.






"Thank goddess you're there." I told him everything.

"Oh, I know all about that. Unfortunately... M. Blanc and Blanny are victims... AND Rom and Ram, but let's not go further into detail with that. So... you and Sparky are safe as well?"

"Seems like it. I don't know if... anyone else is ok, but... can you make a trip to Lastation? The Basilicom."

"'Course I can. Bye."

Someone else I'd like to try...

Raziél, perhaps?

...ring, ring...

...ring, ring...

No answer. Sparky grabbed my shoulder.

"Shouldn't we be running to the Basilicom now?"

9:45 AM

A/N: Btw if you haven't noticed, I removed the location we're in and added AM/PM permanently. Seems like a nice touch in my opinion. If you don't like it, let me know.


Ryan walked into the Basilicom.

"That was... quick."

"Well, what can I say? Thanks to that love gas, everything went perfect! No interruptions, no pushing, none of that! Everyone worked together in perfect harmony."

"Love gas?"

"That's what it seems to be." I said as Sparky walked out of the shower.

"This is so boring... oh, hey Ryan."

"Hey girl. You're looking hot. Have a steamy shower?"

Sparky blushed. "Do NOT say that to me."

"Ok," I said, breaking the tension, "can we get back to the point? Ok, what do we know? Cause? We know it's the Love Gas, so check. Person responsible? Nope. Who could it be?"

"Or what," Ryan suggested. "Animals have intellegence."

"Oh yeah! I forgot about you!"

If it were not for our mission, Ryan would've killed me, honestly.

A/N: Male_Blanc plz don't kill me XD

10:15 AM

So! Welcome to an ancient temple, where...

Wait, I'm not the tour guide? Oh, that's real sad.

Anyway, we found clues that seemingly led to this temple. Then a question I should've asked long ago came to me.

"Can you fight, Ryan?"

We all stopped.

"Of course I can, but depending on my angriness meter, it won't be lovely."

I REALLY don't like the sound of that. At all.

"So... if I remember correctly, this place is called the Cursing Temple. Are there people that are going to cast spells on us or-" Ryan started.


Someone walked over to us.

A/N: It's about to get disturbing for some people. Just be warned that this chapter may contain a lot of swearing. It's called the Cursing Temple after all.

He said, "Hey, wassup you f*cks, come and see what all this sh*t's about!"

I hate this temple.

Everywhere you go, you're going to hear cursing, and seriously, my mind cannot take all this. I just wanted the temple to be quiet for like, a few minutes and I'll be happy.

Anyway, the guy led us to a stone. "Put your f*cking hand on this f*cking stone and see what all this sh*t's about!" He left us.

The stone had a slot shaped like a hand engraved into it. Let's see what it's about.

I put my hand into the slot.

The slot rearranged itself so that my hand fit perfectly, and then I released my hand as the stone started flattening its surface.

The stone glowed, and suddenly words started inscribing themselves into it.
The gas that you seek is closer than it seems, it said.

The stone returned to its natural color.

"W-what?" Sparky stammered.

"There's more secrets to this temple," I guessed.


"Well," Ryan said, clearing the silence, "let's go look for those 'secrets.'"

A/N: Seriously, I'm suprised that I already have 1600 words total (including part I) and I'm doing a part III!! And we're only on 10:45 AM!! Crazy!!

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