September 9, 2017 - Double Date? (Day 19, Part I)

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My N-Gear is ringing...

"Hello?" I picked up my N-Gear as Makoto appeared on the screen.

"Hey. Can you come to the local café? Angel and I want to meet you there."

A/N: Notice the new sneak peek in italics? Yea... that's a new thing I'm testing. Basically it gives you a little idea of what's going to happen. And the title too, I guess. Let's see how this goes in the future... Tell me what you think!

~~~~~ooh fancy tildes~~~~~

6:00 AM

This is not good for me... how many times have I waken up before 7 in the morning?


I swear, Pacifia will get me deaf one day.

"But I don't want to..."

"But you're awake. So get up."

"Or what?"

"Or I'll... dammit!"

"Haha, I win again. Fine, I'll get up."

Getting up from bed early in the morning is hard... (Male_Blanc can you relate? XD)


No-one's here...

Of course, I know what you're thinking.

Wait, didn't Pacifia literally wake you up 15 minutes ago? How could you be the only one here?

Well, let me tell you something. She went shopping. And I'm the only one he-


Well, Sparky's here, so maybe not.

I told you, these people will get me deaf.

"What is it?"


I hear a ringing in my left pocket.

My N-Gear is ringing...

"Hello?" I picked up my N-Gear as Makoto appeared on the screen.

"Hey. Can you come to the local café? Angel and I want to meet you there."

He hung up.

"That can't be good... could it?" Sparky asked me as she took a seat.

"Hmm... if Makoto and Angel are there under some sort of truce, we SHOULD be okay..."

N-Gear is ringing again... at least it isn't a call, I guess.

Makoto: Take someone with you. It doesn't matter who, but in my personal opinion a girl is better.

"Sparky, you're coming with me."

7:00, Lastation's Delights

"There you are!" Makoto waved at us as we took our seats. "So... is this what you call a... double date?"

"It's not a date if none of us are dating," I muttered.

"But Angel and I are," he said.

...Hold up.

"What?" Sparky looked at Angel, then at Makoto, then Angel again. "Are you serious?"

"Yes," Angel replied. "Do you have a problem?"

"No," I said. "But... why?"

Angel looked down, like she didn't want to answer that.

And... My N-Gear starts ringing again.

"I'll be back," I said as I walked outside and answered the call.




"Yes. So?"

"What's up? Need anything?"

"No. Just wanted to check in. Everything alright?"

"Yea, I'm good."

"Sorry about what happened in Lowee."

"No, it's good! I understand the citizens' opinions."

"Alright... Halo, come back! Sorry, I need to go, Halo's running around again. By-"

Call ended.

Halo's still a child, so that's understandable. Sparky's still wide-eyed as I walk into the café again. "Umm," she said, "I think I have to go now."

"We're not scaring you away, are we?" Angel asked.

"No! Of course not," Sparky said as she ran and bumped into me.

"Woah there! What's happening?" I asked.

"We need to get out of here. Something's not right with the two," Sparky whispered. Then every person--except Sparky and me--started joining in pairs of two, boy and girl, calling their friends to come meet them. "Hurry!" Sparky said. We both ran out of the café.

A/N: Hey there! I'm cutting this part in two to add SUSPENSE. XD Anyway here's a summary:

Zap and Sparky are suspicious as Angel and Blitz start to date. As the time goes by, Sparky discovers the truth and Zap and Sparky must find the source (which is in part 2.)


Male_Blanc look I published it XD

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