September 11 - Concert - Day 21

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They danced in the spotlight for what felt like forever, and the whole time, everyone yelled out the loudest cheers.

3:00 AM

"So it looks like we made it."

Pacifia and I were standing inside Leanbox's Basilicom.

"I am truly glad you have paid a visit to this nation," Vert said, "as we are having a little trouble producing Shares from our citizens. It appears that they have been, and still are, rapidly losing faith."

"Déjà vu," I muttered. "Anyway, we're glad that you welcomed us, Vert."

"Of course I have prepared rooms for you two. Would you consider giving 5pb. a visit today? Ask her about the Shares, and she'll understand."

7:00 AM


Pacifia and I were backstage at the... err, stage, Vert told us to visit.

"Is someone there?" Someone walked over to where we stood. By the information Vert gave me, this was 5pb. standing before us.

"Hello. Vert told us to see you about the Share problem?"

"Oh, that!" 5pb.'s eyes lit up. Considering the fact that they're purple, that's impressive. 5pb. looked at Pacifia. "Oh, you look perfect!" She gave Pacifia clothes similar to her own. "Try these on?"

"Oh no, I am not wearing that in front of a crowd of perverted men," she said. (If you've seen 5pb.'s outfit, you'd know. Believe me.)

I took a step back.

"Oh, not you. But yeah, I am not wearing that."

The conversation was going nowhere. "I'll be back at the Basilicom," I said. "If you need me, call me." I shook my N-Gear in the air and ran off.

8:30 AM

I walked into my room and found a note laying on my bed.

If you need me, I'll be in my room.

That's strange... why would she send me that? Well, I have nothing to do, so I might as well go find Vert.


I saw Vert concentrated on her computer screen, her ears concentrated on her headphones, her mouth concentrated on the mouthpiece connected to the headphones, and her hands concentrated on her keyboard and mouse. There was another girl in the room trying to get her attention. I think it was the Oracle? Annyway, the game box that I picked up says "Four Goddesses Online." I think I have this game. A/N: Unfortunately, not in real life ;-; I took a quick glance at her profile name and started spamming messages to her on my 4GO IM via the LS Vita. My messages said, "LOOK TO YOUR RIGHT." (I might've sent her a friend request, but that isn't relevant.) She looked to her right and saw me standing there. She removed her headphones after giving a quick order to defend her. "Hello, Zap. Care to join me?" (The Oracle left, by the way.)

"I guess so." She gestured to another computer and I sat down.

"Hurry up," Vert was saying. "A raid's about to start!"

2:00 PM

On an unrelated note to what's about to happen, I joined Vert's guild, YCUBE 180. Don't ask me why it was named like that, because to tell the truth, I don't know, either. She also has a secondary guild called YCUBE STATIC. Again, don't ask me why. I. Don't. Know.

ANYWAY, on a RELATED note, 5pb. actually got Pacifia to get into that outfit. I was the... host, you could say. (You know, that guy in the fancy tuxedo who introduces each performances and talks about how great it was when they finish. Stuff like that.) Anyway, the huge (and I mean huge) crowd took out their phones, ready to record the event. I heard a lot of murmuring about this: "Who's this other person?" They're about to see...

"Greetings, lovely citizens of Leanbox! Today, you have all gathered here for something special, yes? If not, then welcome the duo you've all been waiting for: 5pb. and Pacifia!"

The crowd cheered as the curtains parted to reveal 2 girls on platforms. (5pb. and Pacifia. Have you been following along?) 5pb. and Pacifia's platforms rose into the air, and when they were as high as S. Zap when he drinks the wrong Elemental Cider, spotlights shone on them. They danced in the spotlight for what felt like forever, and the whole time, everyone yelled out the loudest cheers. They sang so many songs, I don't even know where they came from. A/N: Definitely not the Neptunia games that's for sure XDDD

6:00 PM

"Thank you, I sense an increase in Leanbox's Shares," said Vert. At the dinner table was Vert, Mrs. I-Love-Vert-Senpai, aka Chika, Cave, Pacifia, and me. After we finished, I went into my room. Today was a great day. Hasn't been that way in a while, huh...

"Ready for a round 2?"

"What?" I looked up and saw Vert's face.

"I said, do you want to play again?" she said.

10:00 PM

Holy goddess... how long have we been playing? 4 hours?

Well, Vert and I are still playing, and I think we've been in... 20 raids? 30? Honestly, I can't remember.

"50 raids... new record," Vert muttered.

Wait, I hear something.

Since Vert was too caught up in her gaming session, I sent her a quick DM via 4GO saying "I'll be out" and went into the streets.

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