September 12 - Hoard Energy - Day 22

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Rise of the Shadow Devils - Part I

"Dammit, who are you?"

"We are known as... the Shadow Devils."

"The Shadow Devils..."

2:00 AM

"So I was thinking that we could eject the faith out of the citizens," I hear someone say. "Wait a second... I hear an intruder..." He opened the door, just after I ran off.

Where am I? Well, I found a hidden entrance behind the YCUBE store that led to a small hallway filled with doors.

Anyway, based on the conversation that I've been hearing for the past 5 minutes, some people are going to try and transfer Share energy into... Hoard energy.

Goddess, I hate real life puns.

And from the rest that I heard, Hoard energy could weaken--possibly kill, if enough--a goddess...

This is dangerous...

4:00 AM

"You're still playing?"

Well, I forgot she still had her headphones on, but she still heard me, I guess. She took off her headphones. "Yes, I am still occupied in playing. Did you need me for something?"

"Well... I guess it can wai- no, it can't wait! There's something important, and you need to know this!"

"Dear me, this must be very important, from the look on your face. Very well."

6:00 AM

When Vert and I reached the same room I was in earlier again, we heard this:

"We need to drain the goddesses of their Share energy, then we will be able to kill them."

"But sir, we need all the goddesses together to even have barely enough energy to kill them!"

"Correct. This is why I said that we will not stop at draining the goddesses. Remember what I told you about the citizens? We will drain a massive number of those first, and once we do that, we can also drain these people called Elementals, who also have energy that can be converted into Hoard energy..."

"Hold on! Do you sense that?" A third guy asked.

"It's impossible to miss! An Elemental and goddess together!" A fourth yelled.

The door swung open. Vert's spear was leveled at their faces, prepared to strike.

"Pssh!" The first guy--the leader--shot a black gas at Vert. It went so fast, I barely had time to knock her to the floor, and I think some of it might've hit me. I felt a bit tired, drained of energy.

"Well," the leader said, "there's some energy gained here. Let's go, boys." They disappeared into the darkness. I feel like passing out...

"Zap?" Vert looked up at me. I stood up... and fell down.

10:00 AM

I don't feel well...

Even the slightest touch if Hoard Energy can drain you... holy goddess...

I started drifting back into unconciousness...

11:00 AM

So, I finally have my energy back.


5 hours.

What the actual hell.

5 hours.

My prediction is that the... "evil people" will go with small operations... then get bigger... then bigger... then they unleash a massive offensive that will likely be the end of Gamindustri.

Hell, man. Why do they call it Gamidustri? Games are supposed to help you relax.

All we've been doing is work, work, work.

Sounds like a cheesy anime cliché.

I can't concentrate...

I know what you'd say.

Zap, it was a tiny scratch. Get over it.

Ever read Percy Jackson? No? I'ma spoil it anyway.

In The Last Olympian, Kronos, aka Luke Castellan, touches Percy's arm with his scythe and Percy nearly dies.

That's my situation right now.

Except... I was dying, and he saved himself.

I got up and walked to the living room. No-one's there. Strange... "Hello?" I walked around the Basilicom. Vert's room, my room, Pacifia's room... empty. Where could they... hey, someone left a note at the dinner table.

Hey Zap. Can you hurry to the Neptral Tower? There's a slight... problem.


Crap. That usually means trouble.

3:00 PM

"What the..."

The Neptral Tower was like a beacon, radiating Hoard Energy. Are they going for the whole of Gamindustri already?


3:30 PM

"Three blackouts in a day... what the hell..."

"Hey man, not to worry."

"What? Who are you?"

It sounds like... Atlanteon, but much better and calmer.

"You can refer to me as... Charm. A Love Elemental."

The lights turned on.

"Um, if you didn't realize, Gamindustri is dying."

"Yes, I'm fully aware. However... take a look outside..."

No way... it's like Gamindustri Graveyard...

Chaos. Chaos everywhere.

"We have to go hel-"

"We can't. It's too dangerous."

"My whole life is dangerous! I don't care whether you're coming or not!" I ran out the door. Charm was right, however. It was way too dangerous. However, I was also right. I live on dangerous. Hold on. Someone's on the floor. It looks like... a girl... no...

"Sparky!" I ran to Sparky, unaware of, you know, the chaos.

"Oh... hi Zap," she said whilst coughing.

"What happened?"

"Well... I was fighting, and then I felt a sharp pain. Someone stabbed me in the back."

"We have to get you to a building."

"You can't. Every-" Cough. "Everywhere is chaos. There's nowhere to go."

"That doesn't matter. There's always somewhere, and we're finding it."

"I don't think so," someone behind me said. I turned around right before I got stabbed. It was the evildoers again.

"Dammit, who are you?"

"We are known as... the Shadow Devils."

"The Shadow Devils..." The villains who had the Hoard Energy. "You will... never win..."

"Hmmph. Try to fulfill your word then." The leader shot me, and I went into my 4th black- wait, no I didn't. I just felt pain, and then it subsided.

"What?" the leader asked.

"I will... fulfill my word..."

5:00 PM

I wish I cold describe the battle. Unfortunately, I don't remember what happened. What I do remember is that I was able to get Sparky into the Leanbox Basilicom, which was conveniently intact.

"..." Sparky tried to get up, then fell back on the bed again.

"Don't move. Just rest, ok?"


Those Shadow Devils... they will pay for what they did to Gamindustri.

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