September 13 - Choices - Day 23

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Rise of the Shadow Devils - Part II

Geez, why is life so hard on me? Whoever I don't pick might die! There's only two of them, but they're both so important to me!

I guess I have to go with...

4:00 AM

Life is too tough on me.

Can there be ONE day where I don't have to go on some stupid mission or some other crap?!

Because the outcomes are NEVER good...


She hasn't responded since she was brought to the Basilicom. No, I haven't slept. I'm too busy trying to save the frickin' world while Elemental Academy is probably having Cider Day. (Don't ask. It's complicated.)

Unconscious for the past 11 hours... I can't stay here anymore.

"Don't go anywhere, Sparky. I'll be back soon," I promised. I walked out into the open, the war zone.

Gamindustri? Soon it's gonna be Gamindestroyed. I can't stand all the destruction. I need to do something about it.



"Ye, M. Blanc left his N-Gear on the counter. What's up."

"Do you know what's happening outside?"

"No, been gaming last night. Let me check outside..."

While Ryan walked to the door of the Lowee Basilicom, M. Blanc proceeded to pick up his N-Gear. "Hello?"

"M. Blanc, I need you here at Leanbox, quick."

"I don't think I can. Random-"

"Dude! The world is ending!"

"The hell are you talking abo- oh. Oh crap."

"Before we die, you and I are going to do something about it."

"What can I do?"

"I have an idea... True God..."

7:00 AM

"What took you so long?" Call me stupid, but I was dressed in casual clothes. Armor makes you slow as HELL.

"No transport when the world is ending."

"Alright. No time to waste, anyway. Come on."

"Not so fast."

That wasn't M. Blanc...

"Who's there?"

"I am a Death Clone. Programmed to wipe out things that get in the way of the Shadow Devils' master plan."

The clone stepped out.

"Hello. Remember me?"

So... what's normal? It's an evil clone, check. Made of fake skin and metal, check. It 100% resembles Pacifia... no check.

Wait, Pacifia?

"We Death Clones can also look into your brain and see the people you're allied with. Looks like this one's close to you."

"Hey! Leave my thinking thing alone!"

"If you wish. I'll still be able to kill you anyway."

Then we fought. It was harder than I thought, actually. Not because the Death Clone resembled Pacifia. It was because the clones were good. Decent programming, I'll admit. But a simple malfunction can make one lose instantly.

"Whoops..." I splashed water at the clone. It didn't bzz or krz or blow or anything helpful. It just got weaker. "Stupid..." We fought again, and no, M. Blanc was not useless. There was another one taking the form of Random, who he fought.

9:00 AM

"Dammit, just die already!"

"Hah! No." It's been like this for 2 HOURS. Seriously, when will this end? The world is ending, and everyone will die...

How about, they die?

With that thought, I went too OP to be true, dodging every attack and attacking all the weak spots. Within minutes, Death Clone P was dead. Death Clone R was seriously weakened, but it wasn't destroyed yet. "Hey M. Blanc! I can guarantee that if you don't finish this fight within another hour, Gamindustri is likely dead!

"What?" He proceeded to randomly slash what was in front of him while looking at me, and Death Clone R got sliced to bits.

"Wonderful. Let's keep moving."

10:30 AM

"Not instruments... come on."

"What? You can't play?"

"Not true," I said. "I can play the piano... and that's it."

"I can..." M. Blanc proceeded to destroy the instrument room. Unfortunately, that comes with consequences.

"If we're going to be caved in, I'm blaming-" My voice was cut off as a loud scream could be heard. "What?"

10:45 AM

"No way..." When you find people trapped under a dungeon, (that's where we are, btw) you have reason to be surprised.

"Wow... other people? Am I dreaming?" one of them muttered.

"It's... a miracle. This can't be..." another said.

"Okay, hallucinators," I said, "I'm real, and so is he. We're here to make sure you don't die. Come on.

"God? Is that... you?" the first one said.

"Well, technically-" M. Blanc started.

"No, we aren't 'God'," I said. M. Blanc and I hauled the 2 survivors onto our shoulders and left the dungeon.

12:00 PM

"This isn't going well..." We don't know who these survivors are, where they came from, or why they were trapped.

"How about we let them rest at the Lowee Basilicom? There's more room."

"Sure, I guess you could send them with you."

"What? No. I'm going to ask Blanc- er... normal female Blanc, and she'll pick up the two survivors. If... if she's not busy."

"Then we leave them here. Chaos doesn't wait."

1:00 PM

Down in the dungeon...

"Hey, there's a scroll."

"Blam, dude, picking it up is-"

M. Blanc picked it up and the dungeon shook.

"I told you not to-"

Monsters poured in from a huge crack made from the shake.

"Out, out, out!"

"I can't! The scroll's dragging me to the monsters!"

"Dammit, life!" I grabbed M. Blanc by the waist and hauled him to the exit.

Well, dragged, I should say.

3:00 PM

"The scroll has an odd hand gesture on it..."

"Well, try it!" I did the symbol as it was shown and a large portal appeared where my hands were.

"We go in... or we leave it..."

"Not safe yet. Leave it."

5:00 PM

I hate life.

I said it already, I say it again.

Life is torturing me to the max.

I can't take this.

Sparky and Pacifia are both on the floor.

How could I leave either of them there?

And I thought I told Sparky to stay in the Basilicom!

Geez, why is life so hard on me? Whoever I don't pick might die! There's only two of them, but they're both so important to me!

I guess I have to go with...


You heard it. I won't help either of them.

There's no time.

"Come on, Blam, we're going."

"But what about-"

"Quake! Ghost! Take care of these two, please!"

"Sure!" They said.

"See?" I said to M. Blanc through a forced smile. "All worked out. Let's get to that portal now."

A/N: Why did I not choose any of the two? Because you IDIOTS made the vote 2/2!! XDDD

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