September 14 - Everything Matters - Day 24

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Rise of the Shadow Devils - Part III

"We're screwed."

"Do you really believe that? After all your efforts, do you really believe that? You've tried so hard, so... don' t worry, I'll make you stop believing it."

12:00 AM

Welcome back... and good luck.

All the warriors disappeared... leaving just me. M. Blanc was still back at Leanbox. So no time to waste. Bracing myself, I ran, ran toward the YCUBE store.

"Do you hear that? Sounds like an intruder."

"Seems like an Elemental, too. Let's get—"

"Electric Volcano!" I waited. Looks like they dematerialized before it could work... there goes my time advantage. There's still no time to waste, however. No time to get help. If I have any chance... I need to go alone.

2:00 AM

Honestly, though, it's really hard to fight alone when you're up against these 3 superhuman terrorists. How will I be able to fight them? I walked slowly, only to find myself pinned to the wall. "Hey— let me go!"

"Hmm... I don't think so."

I dared to open my eyes. "Angel?"

"Who else? You have no chance of protecting Gamindustri, Zap. However... just this once, I will fight along you. I may look like a Shadow Devil, so I can throw them off."

"And the pinning was necessary because?"

"Because I like doing it. By experience, you should know. Come on, let's get going!"

4:00 AM

"This way."

"Angel, you sure you know where you're going?"


Just to be clear, I don't exactly 100% trust Angel. But what can I do? She is literally the queen of pinning things, whether it's papers on boards, or signs on walls, or Elementals on trees... anyway, I have no choice but to follow her, because she has that overpowered Soul Sapper that can catch me off guard—and leave me defenseless. I still remember that last time...

She rested her hand on the flat of my blade, and pushed down, and my sword dropped. She started to kiss me, and my power started dropping. I fell. "Haha. You can't stop the draining powers of a DARK ELEMENTAL!"

"What's the holdup?"

"Huh? Oh, coming!"

4:30 AM

"Stop here."


"This is a Shadow Devil base. I'll be back." What will she do? Will she infiltrate the base? Will she get dissident Shadow Devils to help us? Or is this all a trick? This was all in my head, making me choose between going inside and running when Angel came back, looking shaken. "Bad news, Zap. The base is too heavily guarded. Doesn't seem like we can..."

"That's all right," I said quickly. "We just need to get to the main contol center. This way."

9:30 AM

"Hmm... I think we need to get up there somehow."

"Or we can just go from the bottom."

"No way! That's too much security and fighting. But for the transport of both of us I..."

"How about you go up there and I'll catch up."

"We don't know what's going on in there!"

"I told you, it's alright! Just fly up there and I'll—"

"ZAP! If you go in there without the properties of a Shadow Devil, this place will self-destruct!"

"And?" Angel was silent.

"Look, I know stealth, ok? I will catch up with you, just do the best you can at the top.

"...Fine." She flew up there.

"Ninja Class: Activate!"

1:00 PM

Ok, maybe I should've gone with Angel. But I had a feeling that, if I did, that would make our chances worse. What did I say earlier? I need to go alone. Ah, but these cameras are motion detective. Looks like they aren't moving, so... Take every opportunity to receive information on the Shadow Devils, lest they decide to attack again, I guess. I walked into a tiny room...

"Error. Movement detected in Room D. Performing self-destruct in one minute."

Ah, dammit! I ran up as fast as I could. Angel was waiting.

"I heard the words 'self-destruct'?"

"We're screwed."

"Do you really believe that? After all your efforts, do you really believe that? You've tried so hard, so... don' t worry, I'll make you stop believing it."

"Angel, it's alright, we should just leave while we can."

"Hmmph. I'll do it later then."

That doesn't sound right. Angel grabbed onto me and teleported us out.

"How could you—"

"There's a major energy difference between teleporting someone, and flying with them. However, I have a lack of energy—"

"Not a chance."

"Hmph. Meanie."

"Alright, so where are we?"

"Erm, I think we're at that same place where we met."

"Gotcha." I zapped the nearest tree and it blew.


"Okay, so we should go towards the, um, Basilicom."

3:00 PM

Nothing good around here...

"I hear something."

Seriously? Why are there Shadow Devils everywhere?

"Electric Volcano." They couldn't hear me. Success! Got em!


I turned around. "Hmm?"

"You've taken down 3 of my Shadow Devils. Impressive."

"What do you..."

"What do I want? I want none of my Shadow Devils to die. So naturally, you're going to be—"

He collapsed. Angel stood before him. "Let's go!"

9:30 PM

"To take down the Shadow Devils, you need to use your Element more."

"I just d—"

"That wasn't enough. What I mean is, you need to focus all your energy on your Element. Don't you..."

"I'll see what I can remember."

10:00 PM

Angel and I had split for a while now, but we stayed close, so if any enemy sees one of us, the other can ambush.

"Hey, girl! What are you doing around here?"

"Oh, I just like running."

"At night? Is that truly safe?"

"I suppose not... who are you?"

"Like you, I am a traveler, but I have a handy flashlight—and experience. I'm not telling you to not run, that's good, but don't be out alone like this."

"Um... okay." The man walked off. Angel ran towards me and laid down. "We need to track down that man. Seems suspicious to me."

"He seems normal."

"That's what he seems like, Zap. How will we know what he actually—hey, look! His flashlight is out! That makes it easier."

"Ok, you do that while I stay close around."

11:30 PM

It turns out, Angel was wrong.

The man was just traveling, even if he seemed slightly off.

Angel tensed, and I stopped. She looked towards me and was instantly pounced on. I ran towards her but was knocked down too. Ambush!

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