September 15 - Angel's Reasons - Day 25

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Rise of the Shadow Devils - Part IV

"And when you mix them together, you get, 'we're screwed!'"

"I guess. Wait, but consider this. It may save our lives."

2:00 AM

Our lives were barely saved.

Angel used Shadow Being to materialize into a Shadow Devil's shadow (In the night? Damn.)

After a huge battle, the Shadow Devils unfortunately got off safe again. Fortunately, so are we. And guess what? Angel is gone! Perfect. Just perfect! Though one thing is bothering me.

5:00 AM

Just as I suspected. Everything is weird.

It's so... normal. Have the Shadow Devils not attacked? If they have, then surely the world would have been destroyed? "Hey." I turned around and saw Pacifia standing behind me, as normal as ever. "You seem odd. Something wrong?"

"Well, for one—" I stopped. We went back in time. If the Shadow Devils haven't attacked, Pacifia wouldn't know a thing. So is it safe to tell her?

"Come on, why're you so worried! The sun is bright! The grass is green! The world is actually peaceful! Why don't we—"

Ah, there we go.

"What was that?"

"If you would look around, you would see these people. They're called... the Shadow Devils. And not only are they magnificently overpowered, they have a master plan to take over the world. Overpowered people. Master plan.


"And, it will destroy the world unless we find a way to prevent it."

"So what you're saying is we need to stop overpowered people with a master plan?"


"I'm not saying it's impossible, but how will we do it?"

"I know. With highly mastered skills."

"And how will we do that?"

"Listen, just—just follow me for now."

12:00 PM

"This is the most important part. If one thing goes wrong, we will die."

"Typical," Pacifia said.

"And don't I know it. Anyway, it's simpler than you'd figure. All we have to do is get 2 more people—Quake and Sparky specifically—and we're all set."

"Wait, wait, wait. You need only four people to break into a heavily guarded facility which can detect invisible motion?"

"Perfect. Technically."

"That is the craziest plan I've ever heard."


"And it's going to get us killed. But it's brilliant! Let's do this."

"Then let's go!"

2:30 PM

"Are you guys ready?"

"Of course!"

"Ready as ever."

"Then let's head in." I strayed behind. "What's wrong, Zap?"

"You three carry on. It's better with less people, isn't it?"

"Well, if we get caught, three of us won't cut it."

"Neither will four. I need to head somewhere."

"Zap, this was your plan—"

"And now it's yours, Pacifia! Listen, I really need to head somewhere. I'll be back in a bit."

4:00 PM

"That ruins all the fun."

"I don't... think pinning me on trees is naturally fun."

"It is! You just need the right attitude."

"It's not."

"It is! Why don't you try it on me?"

"Me... pin you?"


"Wait, we need to focus!"

"Oh, I suppose you're right." Taking advantage of my distracted nature, she found the nearest tree and pinned me towards it.

"Come on!"

"Hehe... gotta do what I gotta do..."

"I swear, Angel—"

"Alright then! Time to focus."


"And Zap, no more pinning me on trees!"

"I never—" She stopped me and winked. I understand. If I get mad enough, I'll probably pin her to a tree. Not yet, however. I placed a hand on her shoulder. "If you keep this up, there may not be anymore trees."


"Ah, nevermind..."

"Okay, let's go back to... ugh. Let's just go."

"Love your attitude."

"Shut up."

6:00 PM

"Here we are."

"Where are the others?"

"Well then, they're probably up there... but how, I'm not sure. Maybe Quake did something with the earth... like maybe that rock staircase there. Who knows?"

"Alright. Time to go then."

At the top of the staircase was no-one.

"Oh well, they've already finished. Look, the control panel is busted. Electric water all over it."

"They all had their uses, then..."

"That's right. Now let's—"

"I see intruders at the control center! Engage!" Angel and I dropped down and pulled out our swords. Defense was all that was on our minds, because Shadow Devils began to pour continuously, to no end. At some hopeless point I started to run, but then Angel pulled me back, kissed me, draining my energy, then teleported us out.

8:00 PM

"Not fair. I never said you could drain my energy."

"What else was I supposed to do?"

"You could've teleported us out without that, no?"

"Ah, well... this time, I was actually in combat, so my energy started depleting. I needed more."


"Hey, I'm serious!"


"Look, I'll give you that energy back, okay?"

"However will you—" And for some reason I didn't expect Angel leaning down to kiss me. I felt stronger and stronger, and when she stopped, she collapsed onto me.


"Too far?"

"A bit."


"Tell me, why are you even doing this?"



"Okay, let's get this straight. We were practically the closest friends in the Bronze Year, were we not?"

"Where are you going with this?"

"Were we not?"

"We... we were."

"And then in the Silver Year, we just broke apart. Why is that?"

"I... I'm not sure."

"Me neither. Why did we get so mad at each other? That confuses me. Therefore, I realized that helping you wasn't the worst act in the world. Besides, working with the Shadow Devils would be even worse."

"Yeah, I guess you're right... why ever did we get so mad at each other?"

"You saved my life in the Bronze Year... you saved so many lives... and yet I just had to hate you. And now with Ghost... I don't know what to do." At the mention of his name, Pacifia and Sparky popped into my head.


"Listen, Zap, I don't know what to do. And so..."

"We'll find a way."

"We will?"

"One way or another, everything will be sorted out."

"Yeah... it will..."

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