i am not home lmao - my trip to the east

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Tuesday, 6/11

Bro so like I passed some clouds with lightning near midnight during the flight, they were hella dope

And like the lit up cities were pretty beautiful

You know what else is pretty beautiful?

No me lmAO

Wednesday, 6/12

Met my grandpa's siblings. And hOlEE shIET ARE THERE A MILLION TREES IN MARYLAND


okay so the wifi at their house is usable but not too amazing

Thursday, 6/13

I went to where the Battle of Gettsyburg was. Thank you Civil War, very cool.

very cannon

Friday, 6/14

Going to Niagara Falls. Looks like I'm spending the night in New York.

I mean I'm at New York's Niagara Falls. That kinda counts, right?

Eh. I'll be in Canada's NF tomorrow.

Ooh, NF. Good singer.

Saturday, 6/15

Yay. Niagara Falls! Wasn't night time, sadly, but I was still there.


and a hershey's kisses for fun :)

Sunday, 6/16


and i visited Washington D.C. want fotoes? okay.

Monday, 6/17


Tuesday, 6/18

rEST. final day in Maryland.

Wednesday, 6/19

flying back to California today. I'll miss the east. It was a very fun trip. See you all soon!

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