On the Twelfth Day Till Christmas...

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The Party — Setup

All in the Electric Zone main building...

"Put on your Santa hats, because we're celebrating the holidays!"

"Watch it, Pacifia! If you kill me, I kill you."

"Calm down, Zap! I'm not that reckless." Pacifia laughed as she put a hat over Zap's head. Meanwhile, Angel and Magnet were having a conversation about what might happen this year. Static and Lightning were setting up the decorations. Lights flashed all around.

"And this wasn't made in the Light Zone because..." Quake asked. From his perspective, lights shine brighter in the Light Zone. Which wasn't wrong, for one.

"Because we're not in the Light Zone, Quake!" Pacifia said. "We're in the Electric Zone, and we're celebrating it here."

"Unfortunately," Zap muttered.

"Don't worry about it! Come, we're almost done setting up." Even with the beds in the bulding, there was still a vast amount of space for tables, decorations, and other things. Though many were coming over, there was enough space to fit all.

"I just hope that we don't end up having to fight things and almost die this time around," Angel said.

"Right?" Magnet agreed. "I might have lost the definition of 'peaceful' at this point."

"Is this straight?" Static asked, up at the top.

Lightning, who was at the bottom, meanwhile, replied, "Just a little bit higher!"

Professor Electric looked around at everyone currently here and let out a sigh. "So much effort out into this... yet there's so much effort already expended on the rest of the year... just how much energy do these Elementals have?" he whispered to himself.

Professor Water, who had been near Professor Electric, said, "You can't ever underestimate these kids. There's something in them."

"Tell me about it. They're unstoppable!"

"And it's good!" Professor Water exclaimed. She looked at Static and Lightning, who were putting up the highest decorations. "Not too much a risk, but risk enough. I love the enthusiasm of these children."

"Most of them," Professor Electric said, looking at Zap, who was looking at his hat, possibly thinking of taking it off.

Part 1 of 12 END

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