On the Eleventh Day Till Christmas...

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The Party — Fun Puns

After intense thinking, Zap took his hat off. "Hot in here," he excused.

"Wow," Pacifia said. "You know what?" She took the hat from Zap and put it over her own.

"Insane," he said.

Everything was finished. The last thing they had to do was start the party.

"Phew," Static sighed.

"That was oddly tough," Lightning said, "but I'm glad we still managed to get through it quickly."

"Yeah," Angel put in, "things are feeling odder this year."

"These are evil. Get these away from me," Zap said, zapping (no, stop smiling) down all the misteltoes. Or perhaps not all of them...

"Aww, why'd you do that?" Magnet asked. "Do you know how great it is catching two magnets (i said to STOP smiling) sticking together right below a mistletoe?"

"Honestly," Static said, "I might prefer it if people didn't always get so close to each other. Though I'm an Electric, static (STOP SMILING) shocks still get me, you know?"

"We better not all have to dance," Quake said. "We might cause a quake (STOP SMILING NOW!! STOP IT!! STOP! IT!) or something."

"Well, if that happens, and you all get caught under something, I'll pull you out; I'll be your guardian angel (I'M SERIOUS! STOP SMILING OR I SWEAR!)."

Zap gave a small laugh. It was all stupid, but it got him. "Okay," he said. "When are we getting this all started?"

"This might come as a shock to you (This one isn't as bad tbh, it's fine)," Lightning said, "but people are going to come very soon."

"Well then," Pacifia said, rubbing her hands, "let's get started, shall we?"

Part 2 of 12 END

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