On the Tenth Day Till Christmas...

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The Party — Elements

Zap looked over at the crowd of Darks. One in particular was very beefy, to say the least. Zap formed an idea in his head. He whispered to Angel, "Who's that one?"

Angel knew who he was talking about. "The big one? That's StompingNight, or Stomp. Actually, big is too small a word, no pun intended."

"Okay, check this out."

Angel looked at Zap. "Oh no."

Zap lauged. He walked over to Stomp. "Hey."

"Yo. What's up?"

"So are Lights opposed to Darks or Heavies?" Then he ran. Angel giggled as she saw Stomp chase Zap around the building. Not only was Zap... smaller, he was technically faster no matter what, with his lightning and all that.

Meanwhile, Pacifia was asking Quake, "So if you control all earth, will the highest point of the highest mountain belong to you or the Airs?"

"Probably us," Quake said. "Earth is earth, either way. Though I think all air above it is all theirs. Like, the thinnest layer of that mountain is like a barrier between the two Elements."

"I see. Interesting."

"How about you? Will the tallest wave be yours or the Airs'?"

"Definitely ours. I mean, the highest waves can't be any higher than 100 feet, I'd say."

"Cool. Just needed a confirmation."

Zap had still been running and was now hiding. He saw Stomp pass him and he took a deep breath. Stomp might not be able to catch him, but if he gets him somehow...

Silently, he crouched in the other direction as Stomp and started running. He exited the building, got caught by Stomp's eye, and ran faster. Stomp had brought along some... skinnier friends along with him, making it harder for Zap to escape. Though, he had lightning on his side, and it was all he needed. Taunting Stomp and his friends, he ran towards the Light Zone.

Part 3 of 12 END

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