On the Ninth Day Till Christmas...

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The Party — Crowd

Zap nearly crashed into Viz, dashing inside the Light Zone. He strafed left just in time to avoid it.

"Woah, Zap! What's going on?" Viz asked, confused.

"Darks chasing—need to hide—shoot!" Zap ran further into the Light Zone as Viz saw a pile of Darks—around 5—barge into the Light Zone, all shouting, "Where is he? Where is he?"

Viz understood. "Not here," he said. "He went to a different Zone already."

"Dangit!" All the Darks ran outside and began to split.

Zap, assuming he was safe, had been talking to Beam about the party they were having. Nodding, she walked out to Viz. They had a chat, and ultimately, they decided to join the party.

"Wonderful!" Zap said. "Well, we should go now. You know, before they spot us."

The three of them walked into the Electric Zone, which was bursting with more energy than before. Like Zap, other people had gone out to grab their friends, and even their professors, and the Zone was filling up.

"We're doing your place next year," Professor Electric said to Professor Light, shaking his head. Professor Light laughed.

"Well, enjoy this while you can! It's more fun hosting a party than you might think. Just wait a bit—you'll see."

"If you insist."

"I absoultely do. Hurry how, we musn't wait too long—the fun could come any time soon."

"This is not the fun?" Professor Electric asked. For him, it was fun enough already.

"Absolutely not!" Professor Light said. "You'll see it soon."


Part 4 of 12 END

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