On the Eighth Day Till Christmas...

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The Party — Cleanup

"There it is!" Zap took down the last mistletoe and zapped it to a crisp.

"Bummer," Pacifia whispered to herself.

"Well, that's done," he said. "What now?"

"There's so much more trash here than we've realized," Angel said. "This party isn't even close to over."

"Yeah," Quake said. "We should clean everything before we can rest assured."

"Great," Zap said. "Let's do that."

After hours of cleaning, everything was as clean as it could be.

"I'm surprised that we can still get this place cleaned with everyone here," remarked Zap.

"Right?" Pacifia agreed. "It's honestly a miracle."

Quake had already left. Angel stayed silent. She was trying to think of the important thing she was trying to say. She remembered a few words... secret... underground...

"Secret, underground and magical," she said, pleased with herself for remembering.

The other two were looking at her in confusion. "What?"

"There's a secret, magical underground area here," Angel said. "I found the entrance, so that's why I had left for a few minutes."

"Makes sense," said Zap. "Should we go check it out?"

"Definitely. I think it disappears once the party ends."

"Then we should go quickly. Pacifia, grab Quake."

"On it," she said.

A few moments later she returned with Quake. "Secret underground magical area?"

"That's right," Zap told him. "You ready? We're about to have quite an adventure."

"Well then. I didn't really know what to expect, but I guess I should say that I never expected anything like this! Alright, let's go!"

Part 5 of 12 END

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