On the Seventh Day Till Christmas...

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The Party — Earth

"Newcomers? Welcome!" The four Elementals were greeted by a human, one who was incredibly joyful. She looked at Zap's head. "Why do the others have a hat, but not you?"

Puzzled, Zap said, "I didn't want to wear one."

"Well, that's not the proper spirit!" Taking her own hat, she put it over Zap's head. Looking at Pacifia's two hats, she said, "Now that's the proper spirit! Look at this!"

"Um, where exactly are we?" Angel asked.

"You're at the biggest Christmas party ever on Earth! I'm Penelope, and I'll help you out. What are your names?"

All four of them looked at each other. Their proper names were not proper to humans. Clearing his throat, Zap said, "Call me Zach. That's Patricia," he said, pointing to Pacifia. Pointing to Angel, with a sigh of satisfaction, he said, "That's Angel. And that's Drake, over there."

"Well, those are splendid names!" Penelope said, as if she knew most of them were made up. "Well, let me introduce you to some other people! Right this way!"

As they were following Penelope, Pacifia whispered to Zap, "How do you know these names?"

"Research," he replied. "I get bored from time to time."


"Here we are!" Penelope said. Pointing to three men, she said, "That's Paul. That's Samuel, and that's Aidan." She pointed at a tall man, a short man, and a shorter one, respectively. "Over here is Barbara," she said, pointing at an elderly woman laying down on a sofa. Pointing to two other women, she said, "This is Candy and Cane. Clever, weren't they?" They were twins. One wore all white. The other wore all red. "Candy wears white," Penelope cleared up.

After hundreds of people were introduced, Penelope said, "Ready to have fun?"

Part 6 of 12 END

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