On the Sixth Day Till Christmas

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The Party — Portal

All the Elementals were having a party in the Electric Zone. Zap, Pacifia, Angel and Quake were having a party with humans.

It was a time to thank Prisma for shaping them like humans, because they were able to fit in perfectly. Like they were humans themselves.

Personality-wise, there wasn't too much of a difference between the two parties anyway.

Admittedly, it was an enjoyable party. The four were having fun, chatting with humans. There was a lot to talk about, and the list never ended.

"Hey," Angel whispered to Pacifia. "This is great, it really is, but I do want to go back."

"Same here," Pacifia said. "Though like you said, this is great. I want to talk a bit more, you know?"

"I guess you're right."

"Everybody!" Penelope yelled, barging into the room. "There's a strange light coming from the entrance!"

Busted, the four thought. Quickly, Zap said to Penelope, "Let me check it out."

"Do be careful!"

Zap motioned to the other three, who followed him. What they discovered was a small orb of light, bouncing light in all directions. Zap looked at the others, who all nodded. They all went in the light.

Now, they were all back at the entrance of the Electric main building. The orb of light disappeared behind them.

"Well, that was a nice experience," Zap said. "Come on, I think the party's ending."

"Really?" Pacifia asked. "From what I see, it's still going."

"Well," Angel said, "only one way to find out."

Part 7 of 12 END

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