Zap + Xin - Disappearance (Part 23)

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Part 23 — I'm Fine, I Swear

Zap was in the kitchen, making breakfast. Azyra asked him, "I don't understand how you're okay."

"Stop bothering me, Azyra. I'm fine. Just pretend like it never happened."

"But I can't!"

"You weren't even there when it happened! It wasn't as bad as you'd think." Zap flipped the egg on the pan.

"There was blood everywhere! What was that supposed to be?"

"It was thin and just really spread out. She...ah, she only stabbed me once. And it wasn't deep, either."

"Zap, she stabbed you."

"And? Sometimes I cut myself in the kitchen. Is there any difference?"

"She's...your roomate."

"So? I'm myself. Azyra, there's no need to worry. Look, sometimes when you bleed, it bleeds for a longer time than others. That's why there was more blood."

"I guess..." Azyra sniffed the kitchen. "Smells good. What is it?"


"I don't smell eggs."


"That's what it is. Okay, I'm going to talk to Xin. Call us when it's done."

"Okay. See you." Zap began working on the eggs again. When he finished, he had three plates of eggs, bacon, and pancakes. "Ready!"

After breakfast, Azyra had asked Xin to stay back at the dining table. Zap, shrugging it off, grabbed his coat and walked off towards the college. "I think I should go visit today...see what's been going on."

There was nothing much new, and Zap decided to leave. When he got back home, he heard silence. "Huh? Did they leave?" He looked around downstairs. "Xin? Azyra?" He went upstairs. "Where are you two?" He walked into his room. He saw a note on his desk: We'll be back later. Don't worry, we'll be fine. "Huh?"

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