Zap + Xin - Disappearance (Part 29)

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Part 29 — Wrapping It Up

"Are we done here?" Zap asked Azyra, wiping the countertop.

"Should be," she replied, drying the last plates. She cleaned her hands. "I wonder when Xin will come back."

"On that note, where did she even go?"

"She went to go do something, but I'm not sure what it is."

"Huh..." Zap dried his hands and walked upstairs. He checked inside his room before going inside. Best stay cautious... He looked outside the window. "Sunny day outside." He walked out of his room and into Xin's. "Why is it so empty?" He walked into the extension where Azyra slept. "A smaller room yet emptier. Crazy..." He noticed a small box at the corner of her room. Walking over to it, Zap picked it up. "Is this a...present?" He looked at the calendar. "Nope. Not her birthday." He turned it around. "Whatever. Not mine, anyway." He set it down and walked out of the room.


Xin was walking home with a bag over her shoulder. "I wonder if this is enough..." She peeked into the bag. "Should be." She continued to walk towards the apartment. "I was gone for quite a while...I hope they're not worried." She glanced at her pocket, which had her knife. "How fast can I reach this if I needed to?" Experimenting, she tried to run with the bag while quickly grabbing her knife out of her pocket. "That wasn't too bad. I should practice, though."

As soon as she got home, she picked up her phone and called Azyra. "Hey. Can you and Zap go to my room and get me that artifact thing? I think it's in my nightstand. I'll be home soon."

"Why both of us?"

"It might take a while to find. Can you just go grab it?"

"Alright..." Azyra hung up. Through the door, Xin could hear Azyra calling Zap. "Can you go to Xin's room? I'll be there in a bit." She waited for a minute. She quietly opened the door. Grabbing the box in her bag, she set it on the dining table. Slowly, she walked outside.

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