Zap + Xin - Disappearance (Part 7)

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Part 7 — Who Did You Bring?

"Back." Zap opened the door. He gestured for the person behind him to walk in.

Xin rushed over to the door. "Glad you're ba—who's this?"

"Right. Let me explain."

"Please do."

"The reason I left was because I found a new job—as an undercover agent. This is my partner, Jessica."

Jessica waved. "Nice to meet you. He tells me you're very...energetic, when it comes to your...discussions." She laughed awkwardly.

"Don't worry about it, Jess," Zap said. "We're not going to kill you or anything." He turned to Xin. "So...why did you need me here so quickly?"

"I thought we discussed this. Anyway, Britney and Chris are coming tomorrow, and if you, with or without Jess, are here, then I won't have any reason to have a frying pan on me."

"Right..." Zap looked at Jessica, who looked back at him confusedly. "So, we're heading to bed?"

"Yes," Xin said. "Need to get energized for the big moment tomorrow."

"I'll sit this one out," Jessica said, opening the door. "See you soon, Zap."

"Yeah. Call me when something's new."

When Jessica left, Xin immediately said, "So, were you involved in anything during your absence?"

"We just had to locate some item. It wasn't too big of a deal. Xin, it's only been a few weeks. Would they put me in a life-or-death situation?"

"They could if they wanted to—"

"And I can refuse. Come on, let's just sleep, if you want to 'get energized for the big moment.'"

"I'm never saying those words again. Goodnight," Xin said, walking upstairs.

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