Zap + Xin - The Last Fight (Part 10)

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Part 10 — Fade

Zap, caught in the rush of customers entering the restaurant left and right, momentarily forgot about Xin. After all, doing what he was was a better feeling than arguing with his... now ex-roomate. But of course, he wasn't thinking about that. "Would you like some water?" He asked a couple.

"Shore," the man replied, exaggerating his response.

Zap smiled. "I sea what you did there, dude," he said, exaggerating the second word.

"My man!" People were looking at him, confused by his sudden shout. The man stood up and clasped Zap's shoulder like they were good friends at a party. He instantly slipped a five-dollar bill into his pocket. Sitting back down, he formally said, "Yes, we shall have two waters, please." He snuck a smile to Zap.

"They shall come, sir," Zap replied, smiling back. He looked over to the man's wife, who also smiled at him. He ran into the kitchen. Cheerful people, he thought. Amazing ones, too.

At the end of the day, he took off his apron. Being the last to leave, he said goodbye to the manager and left the restaurant.

Once Zap reached home, he received another call. Currently unfocused, he answer the call. "Mm?"

"Hey there, Zap."

"Oh, hey Xin," he replied. He wasn't fully aware of the situation.

"What's been going on?"

"Nothing much. Just went back to work."

"I see."

"Yeah." He yawned. "Well, I'm tired. I should be getting to bed. See you."

"Wait—" Xin's sentence was interrupted by a series of beeps, caused by Zap. He slipped the phone into his pocket, currently unaware of what just happened. Wow... rough day, he thought, focused on the workload of the day, chatting to many customers, but also serving many customers. Time to go to bed...

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