Zap + Xin - The Last Fight (Part 12)

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Part 12 — Distraction

"Order for two bowls of yellow curry!" Zap called, snapping the note to the order line. He quickly shifted his apron, which had begun to fall. He quickly grabbed a bowl of white rice and rushed to table 7, fast enough so that he could reach the table as quickly as possible without running. Running back to the kitchen, he stopped when he saw someone enter the restaurant. He switched his destination and walked over to her. "One, right?"

"Yeah," she replied.

"Alright, follow me. There's a single seat table over here." When they reached the table, she asked him, "Hey, I think you go to my college. Aren't you that one guy that always fights with that girl?"

"Sure, what about it?"

"So it is you! Do you know who I am?"

"Mm... I think you're in Physics with me."

"Yeah! And my name?"


"Right on point! Wow!"

"You know, not mentioning the fact that you give the most presentations in class," he muttered to himself. "Anyway, I'll be back with the menu, and then—"

"Oh, I've been here many times before. I mean, almost twice a week. Can you personally ask the chef for order #4829? He'd understand."

"O...kay. I'll be back."

"Thanks." Zap walked over to the kitchen. Walking over to the profession chef, he asked, "Can I get order #4829?"

"Ah, that Grace girl is back, is she? Give me a moment. Take this." The chef gave Zap a strange round object. "It'll beep when I'm finished with it."

"Thanks," he said.

"Make that meal priority, will you? It's most beneficial for us."

"Understood." He grabbed plates and began serving orders.

20 minutes later, the round object began to beep and vibrate. Zap quickly set down the current plate in his hands and rushed to the kitchen. He forgot to shift his falling apron, so as it fell, he quickly threw it around his shoulder. He grabbed the golden plate at the front of the line of plates and walked over carefully to Grace. Being large, the order was heavy and almost impossible to run with. Slowly placing down the plate in front of Grace, he strapped his apron back on and began to run for the kitchen when Grace asked,

"Hey. Is it cool if I live with you?"

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