Zap + Xin - The Last Fight (Part 25)

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Part 25 — Azyra

"Back," Xin called.

"Okay," Zap called back, still focused on his book.

"Dude, come here. I want you to meet my friend."

"Ugh. Fine." Zap put down his book and walked to the front door. "Yeah?"

"So, this is my friend, VanguardRanger25, or Azyra. Azyra, this is my idiot roomate, Zap." Azyra appeared from behind Xin, with a black sweater and black short jeans.

"Idiot roomate?"

"You got it," Xin said, narrowing her eyes at Zap.

"What? You're not wrong." I mean, I almost burned down the house once, he reminded himself. "Hey there, Azyra."

"Mm. So Gr—uh, the bitch—, where is she?"

"I don't know. Did you ask Xin?"

"Well I was planning on asking you first, but okay."

"She's in the hospital with her boyfriend, remember? I fucked that son of a bitch up."

"Heh. Still love your story." Azyra looked back at Zap. "Still got that pistol?"

"Huh? Oh, Xin removed it from me and threw it away. Couldn't get suspected, you know?"

"Aww. Well, this is why I carry my own." Azyra revealed the black pistol hidden under her sweater sleeve. "I've sewn a pocket that the gun can perfectly fit in," she explained. "Look, Xin's told me what those bitches did. They hurt Xin, and as soon as I can get to them, I'm going to fuck them up so hard that they won't even feel me fucking them up anymore."

"That's great," Zap said, half lying.

"We've got that extra room, right?" Xin asked.

"Yeah, it's an extension to yours—"

"Perfect. Azyra's going to stay here for a while then, if that's fine with you," she said, though her tone made it clear that it didn't matter what he said.

"Sure. I mean, she's way better than those bitches, so she can definitely stay."

"Great," Xin said, agreeing. I mean, who likes the bitches anyway?

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