Zap + Xin - The Last Fight (Part 30)

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Part 30 — Resolution

"There it is," Zap said, shielding his eyes from the wind caused from the swift motion of the plane. It stopped and started to descend towards the lot of the apartment.

As they were getting in the plane, they heard the siren of a police car. Then they heard sirens of many. "Out! Out! Now!" Zap yelled. The plane took off with the door still open, and Zap took a few sniper shots before closing the door.

"Rough time, huh?" A boy asked them.

"Believe it, Markus," Zap said. "Never imagine I'd be shooting a gun. Especially at my classmates or the police. Two of the only types of people I'd never expect to shoot at."

"Well, some bizarre things will happen, whether you expect them or not."


"Okay. I'm going to talk a bit with my father."

"Yeah. Thanks, Markus. I can't really believe your father would really do this for us."

"He's a kind soul. Even though you did what you did, what you were threatened by was worse, so in retrospect, you were the ones that deserved mercy."

"Damn right," Xin said. "Those others don't deserve mercy."

"Woo!" Azyra shouted, as if she was drunk. "That was fun. But I'm glad to be out of that."

"Definitely," Zap said.

Azyra went to look out the windows. Leaving Zap and Xin.

"That's the last fight we'll ever have there," Zap pointed out. "Though this time, we were on the same side."

"Which I find very weird," Xin said.

They both stayed silent for a while. Xin was about to join Azyra in looking out the window when Zap said, "Sorry about fighting with you everyday."

"Huh? Er, don't worry about it. I hate to admit it, but it was actually fun. Plus, it was a way better alternative than being with that bitch."

"It didn't seem like that the first time we discussed this..."

"Hey, I was acting insane."

"You mean, you were acting normally?"

"Fuck off. Anyway, yeah, I'd rather fight an idiot than be with a bitch."

"That statement is really hard for anyone to disagree with—"

"Because it's true. Fuck Grace. Fuck Blake. Fuck all their friends."

"Yeah," Zap said, touching his head, remembering what Blake did to it.

Xin noticed what he was doing. "Fuck Blake."


"Well, where are we headed?"

"Not here, obviously. It won't be too far, but it won't be too close, either."

"...Did you bring the rice cooker—"

"Yes, I brought the rice cooker," Zap said, opening his backpack and showing Xin what was taking up 70% of it. "That"s why I have two backpacks."

"Cool. Is there rice in there now?"



"...I ate all of it."

"Selfish piece of shit!" Xin shouted, shoving him, as Markus' father said, "We've landed! Grab all your stuff, we're finally here..."

Thanks to everybody who was here with me during Zap + Xin: The Last Fight! 30 entire parts! Though as short as they may be, that's 30 main points for a story whose variations have never been as long!

Best commenters:



If you were to scroll through the comments of Zap + Xin: TLF then you'd see why—

Anyway, thanks to everyone else who read and voted! Zap + Xin is one of my most favorite works, and though I said this may be the last, I don't feel like stopping anytime soon! Not when I just added Azyra!

Stay tuned for the next Zap + Xin! The Last Fight will now be uploaded to the Zap + Xin book!

Oh, that's right! There's four alternate endings I'll be publishing, and that's thanks to everyone who commented! Without the comments, these alternate endings would never have existed! Wait around!

(Anti-climactic ending, huh? Could've been better, like maybe a paragraph of Blake and Grace suffering in the hospital—)

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