Chapter 3

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I look around. I had lost my connection to Aldara. She must have turned it off. "Where are you..?" I see my friend and notice that she's been doing a good job with catching up. I hope she didn't mind this.

I wasn't sure where I was going, but it felt close. I couldn't connect to her, but I could at least get a small clue of where she possibly could have gone.

I look and see a place. No, multiple places. Was this the village? Was Aldara even here? I reach the village and see someone. I had wandered too close. But my sister had to be somewhere near here. She had to be. I wouldn't care if everything around me was in shambles-as long as Aldara was with me.

I want to get closer. But what if they catch me too? 'Why is your connection gone?!' I shout to myself. Aldara probably didn't even hear that.

I look around. "Come on Aldara.. where are you?" I mutter. I wasn't giving up. No way. Not on her.

I look around. "Ugh..! This is getting us nowhere!" I shout pulling my hair. Was I going to find her? Don't talk like that Assanna! But it's completely hopeless! We don't have signs of her anywhere.

"I can help." Said a voice from seemingly nowhere. My frustration was forgotten about. I summon everybit of strength in my body, ready to attack.

I see a creature emerge from a bush. It didn't look like anything I've ever even seen before.. or had it and I just didn't care for the outside all that much?

I look at the creature, it was interesting. Very interesting indeed. It had the wings of a bird, the paws and tail of a cat. "Who are you?" I ask it, cautious.

The creature blinked. "My name is Comus." He says to me. 'Comus. Good to know.'

"I'm a griffin." He says, expanding his wings to a decently sized span. I blink at the creature that what I now know the name of. "So Comus. You can help me find my sister?" I ask him. He nodded in response to me.

"Of course. Just follow my lead." He walked into the forest in another direction. I look at my friend and gently taking her hand. 'Please be safe Aldara..'

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