Chapter 4

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I have been trying to think of ways to get my sister out safe and soundly. As well as Coal. They both meant a lot to me. Now I just needed a plan that wouldn't end with all of us dead.

I suddenly look at Comus. "Well then, what's your grand idea?" He asked. I blink at him. Swishing my tail, I huff. "I have been trying for days but if I fight the humans might kill me-and if I don't they'll capture me." I reply.

"What? You magically don't have a plan?" He asked. I sigh. This griffin was one for words wasn't he? "Look Comus I just can't get my sister out like magic!" I spit. The creature fluffed out his feathers. "Oh so you're giving up!? I thought dragons were noble creatures."

I growl at him. "I am a Wyvren you overgrown bird!" I roar in his face. Comus shrinks back and hides behind my unicorn companion.

I look at Comus and Mia. "Listen. I think I have an idea." I try to connect to my sister.

Then a voice comes in! 'Assana?'

'Aldara! Can you hear me? Listen! I might have a plan to get you and Coal out!'

' I'm listening.. remember what I said about keeping my promise well.... I'm pretty sure they broke their promise to me so I might as well..'

' Mama! Sissy!' That was another voice. ' Coal?'

'Coal?' I echo. Comus stares at me weirdly. I shake my head. 'Look part of my plan involves you distracting your friend.' I explain.

' I can help!' Yipped Coal

' You me Master Damien?' My sister replies. This must be the little guy my sister is keeping safe. 'Yes. Coal? Is that you?'

' Yip!' He replies with joy. A joy that I hadn't felt since I hatched from my egg.

'How can you help?' I am interested as well as concerned. He sounded so little. I didn't want him hurt in all of this. These humans keeping them could be savages!

' Um.... Mia! Mia can help! Did you know she's a designated dragon keeper! She told me so in her mind but she doesn't remember... They took her as a slave before she could get to the nurse she was supposed to look after.' Coal explained. He was so young yet so intellectual.

'A designated dragon keeper?' I looked utterly stunned.

' Yeah we talked about it for a little bit but then she fell asleep. Something about the legend of Zara.'

'Mom!' Me and Aldara scream her name at the same time. ' She was supposed to protect us... Villagers must've found out it was her until they trapped her so she couldn't do her job.'

" She must've not noticed the birthmark.." Coal spoke out to me.
If only it was that easy.

" Even if she did know about it it wouldn't matter because we're not free."

'Humans..' i grumble. I had to focus. My number one priority was Coal and Aldara and them alone. First thing first was to get them away.

It was after a while. Until the sky turned indigo to be exact. My sister said something. ' Coal kind of summoned her to us but she's asleep...' She explains to me.

'Oh.. what do we do? Wait for her to wake from her slumber then?' I ask. If this were the case, then the entirety of this plan itself relied on Mia.

I flicked my tail, a thing I do when I'm in distress. A growl rumbled in my throat. This had to work. It will work. It's going to work. Not if I have a say in it.

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