Part 14

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(24778 words)

Not proofread. Ignore the typos


Khushi waited for him dressed in his favorite color as he has asked her to. He has told her that he would pick her up but just this morning she told him she would come by herself and didn't let him argue. In reply he told her the address of the restaurant and also to wait for him at the entrance and now here she was.

Fidgeting with the veil she would gulp every now and then and put the fringes back from the side of face. That's how Arnav found her and kept gawking mesmerized.

Khushi unaware of his gaze closed her eyes in sheer apprehension and folded her hands together and sent a prayer up for her to give confidence or at least a way out of it but she could think of nothing as her mind was totally blank.

"She will finish the task given to her tonight itself." Sanchi's gaze pierced through Khushi.

"Yeah, tonight. Forget about a week or whatever my husband told you. You will complete it today. I can't see my daughter like this anymore!"

Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach and the tears stuck in her throat felt like a noose tightening around her neck. She was finding it difficult to breath even and she literally forgot to draw it in altogether when she heard.


Her eyes shot open and she saw him standing in front of her with a look of wonder on his face. His eyes had a certain glint in them which she couldn't decipher until she saw his eyes darting to her lips. Chocolate brown orbs burned her with,

Desires. And that too unbound. She could see he was teetering on the edge of his patience. Her senses went alert but her heart clenched in her chest as certain voices rung in her ears giving her a splitting headache.

"Get him on the bed." Ashish announced and Khushi's face lost all colors.

"Not only that, we would need proofs that you did your job!" He smiled maliciously making Khushi cringe.

"To lower ASR's image we need your pictures with him. that would be headline in every news channel saying, 'The great ASR who has been dating Lavanya Kashyap was found cheating on his girlfriend by a cheap servant'."

She massaged her temples while Arnav who was busy checking her out frowned seeing her face losing all colors in a moment.

"Whoa!" He exclaimed as she swayed on her steps and he quickly moved forward to grab her in his arms.

Clutching his front she raised her head a bit to look in his concerned eyes.

"You okay?"

"Get him on the bed."

She cringed and shoved him off her taking him by surprise.

"I-I am f-fine." She said avoiding his gaze.

Arnav frowned at her detached stance before it dawned on him.

"I am sorry hazel for being late. I got caught up in an urgent business at the last minute." He thought she was angry on him for keeping her wait.

If only he knew!

"Sorry?" She exclaimed blinking back the tears as the word set her off. "A simple sorry can't change what I went through. What I am going through." She choked. If only he could understand the meaning behind her words. A tear trickled down her cheek.

"Hey. Hey!" He closed the distance between them and cautiously engulfed her in a bear hug and patted her head lovingly mumbling apologies over and over again which instead of soothing Khushi only added up to her anguish and guilt.

Why should he say sorry when she was at fault here?

She pulled back wiping the corner of her eyes with her palms sniffling while he shook his head at her.

"Hazel, is something wrong? You look quite upset. I know I am about half an hour late but,"

"Half an hour? I have been waiting for you here for the last three hours!" She cut him rudely spitting fire at him.

He was taken aback whilst his eyes widened.

"Three hours?" He shrieked. "Why," He frowned. "Why did you come so early when our decided time was 8?"

Because I wanted to be out of that Kashyap Mansion to breathe! She screamed in her mind.

"And for the last three hours you're standing here at the entrance?" He was now getting angry. Does she even know from the evening this restaurant and the road ahead gets more crowded and she was standing here looking this exquisite for three fudging hours? Dammit! He couldn't control the certain rush of possessiveness that washed through him and engulfed him in.

"You only said that I should wait for you here." She swallowed not meeting his eyes.

"That was for 8 O' clock you idiot. Not to stand here by half past five like a bodyguard." He exclaimed.

In answer he saw her shoulders shaking and lips trembling which automatically mellowed him down. He took off his blazer and without a word draped it around her causing her to look at him in surprise. His coat looked over-sized at her and covered her properly. Before Khushi could react, his next action left her completely spellbound.

He carried her up in midst the people coming in and out of the restaurant giving them amused glances. Her hand automatically went and curled around his collar while the other locked around his nape.

"What type of a woman are you, hazel? I can't understand you sometimes. No strike that, I can't understand you at all." He was saying while walking the opposite way of the restaurant which when she registered she came back to her senses as the passersby gave them teasing glances not giving hoots to which Arnav Singh Raizada was walking on the side of the road as if it was their daily routine or as if they were alone.

She kept struggling mumbling something like, 'Put me down' , 'We're on the road', 'People are watching' but in answer he stopped only for a moment, gave her a piercing glance which shut her up whilst she gulped seeing the naked rage in his eyes.

For the first time she saw the glimpse of THE ASR of the fashion world whom she has had known when she used to be obsessed with him collecting his interviews and pictures where mostly he was addressed as arrogant, shrewd and manipulative businessman. For some reason it developed a fear inside her.

She hid her face in his neck to avoid looking around knowing that they were being watched by many people around. He stopped then and she raised her head to peek a look only to find that they have reached the parking lot and now were standing in front of a BMW. A middle aged man who was dressed up as a driver quickly came out of the car and opened the back door. That's when he put her down.

"Get in!" He ordered. She gulped but knew better to argue. She silently obeyed holding his coat close. Closing her side of the door he came around and took the seat besides her while the driver took his seat in front.

"Where to, Arnav bhaiyya?" The driver asked.

"My apartment near AR, Mohan." Arnav said and Khushi couldn't hold back the gasp.

It has been a month after her suicide attempt. She has fully recovered at least physically. Her wounds were just scars now that every time his gaze land on them he was brutally reminded that she tried to take away her life. Her life which was so precious to him was nothing to her. Nothing at all. And that reminder always sets him off.

Like it did today as he came back from the office and saw her sitting mutely at the edge of the pool with her arms wrapped around her knees up to her chest and her eyes focused on the ripples of water as if nothing better was left for her to do in this world.

He was dying to ask her why she tried to commit suicide. Whether it was because of Kashyaps or because of him? The latter possibility was what frightened him more because he knew he has forced this relation on her. Coerced her to marry him. And obviously keeping her with him caged as well.

That's why he didn't ask because he was too afraid what would he do if she actually yelled at him that she was suffocating with him and if he wants her peace then why doesn't he let her go? At that he seriously had no answer rather say he didn't want it to reach it to that point where he has to choose to leave her willingly. Aloof or not, she was there besides him. With him. That's all that matters. But he knew he has to broach up the subject one day for he, they both can't hang in between forever.

This time instead of loosing his cool on her he kept it all bottled up and taking off his blazer threw it at the recliner before entering the poolside and silently sat besides her crossed legged.

"Khushi kya hua hai. Mujhe btao please? (Khushi, what went wrong? Tell me please?)" He asked turning his head to hers and saw her visibly stiffening. Her answer was the same. SILENCE.

Clenching his jaws he resisted the urge to shout at her lack of response. He breathed and fully turned to her now facing the side of her face. She was still looking at the water with her chin on her locked arms around her knees.

"Khushi, please?" He pleaded letting go of all of his arrogance for this once. That did get a reaction out of her. A shocking one.

She turned to him fully and moving closer got into his lap and gripping his shirt hid herself in his chest like a baby causing his heart to clench so hard that he bit his lip to stop the scream building up in him.

What was she doing to him?

Despite wanting to shake her to get his answers he found himself engulfing her in his cocoon tightly. Possessively. Desperately.

As if he wasn't hurting already she has to add more by saying,

"I am sorry. So sorry."

His hold strengthened around her whilst he pressed his lips to her hairs closing his eyes. He felt his shirt getting wet by her tears which she shed silently. Finally.

"I am not being fair to you I know. You accepted me despite my mistakes but still all I did ever was hurt you only." Her voice turned loud along with her cries but was still muffled by her face buried in his chest.

He rubbed his hand up and down her back peppering kisses to her head, her hairs not interrupting her yet giving her the encouragement to continue.

"I am not good enough for anyone let alone you." She bunched up his shirt and stretched it due to the onslaught of emotions. He blinked back the tears.

"I don't have any will to live anymore, Arnav ji." She murmured brokenly and he froze. His hands around her stilled and so did everything around.

"I tried once to end it all. This excruciating pain. But.. but it didn't work." She hiccuped. "If it isn't you than it's your Di who comes to my rescue. WHY? You saved me. Like always. LIKE ALWAYS. WHY DID YOU?" She yelled pulling back her head and glaring at him. Him, who was too dumbfounded to react.

"It doesn't mean that it can't be done again." She shook her head sniffling and her next words jolted him back to present.

"If I tried again I know I'd not succeed. Again. So, this time why don't you try? KILL ME ARNAV JI. KHATAM KAR DIJIYE SAB. MAI BOHAT TAKLEEF MAI HUN!(Finish it all. I am in so much pain) PLEASE!"

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" He shoved her off and stood up breathing fire. "ENOUGH!" This time his shout was too loud that it boomed around not only in their room but also in the whole mansion that Anjali came barging to his room and held Arnav's hand right at the time when he was about to slap Khushi whom he has yanked up to stand before him.

Anjali held him back by her one hand on his chest stepping in between them while he spitted fire at a frightened Khushi who in her broken state has said whatever came to her mind.

"Chote. What is wrong with you?"

"What is wrong with me? ME?" He burst out. "Did you even hear what was she saying? If you has had you wouldn't have stopped me!" He growled.

Khushi hid herself behind Anjali when he tried to reach her.

"Whatever she said didn't give you the right to raise your hand on her." Anjali said sternly.

"Fine I won't then why don't you give her two tight slaps to bring her back to her senses because I swear I won't tolerate any more of her nonsense." He was getting beyond angry whilst the veins at his temple and the neck stood out.

"Shut up I said Chote. And leave. I will talk to her. Go!" She ordered giving him a soft push back.

He cussed causing Anjali to flinch and glare at him incredulously. He turned to leave but stopped in between the glass doors. Turning back he looked straight at Khushi with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"Dare you say any stupid things to Di which you uttered before me or I will tell you what your husband is really capable of. I swear!" Saying this he dashed out of the room without a backward glance. 

Her action not only shattered him but also opened a page of his past when his Di.. His Anjali Di has pleaded the same to him in panicked state after losing not only their parents, grandmother but also her husband.

"Right now I am on my way to Dehradun ASR to an address where an Ayushi and her 6 years old son Sameer lives."

"Out of 100, I am 70 percent sure that we have found your wife's family."

Pocketing back his cell after ordering Aman to keep him posted he released a long sigh stuffing his hands in the pockets looking in the shimmering water of the pool.

Slowly yet steadily things were falling into place. He was doing what he can in his power everyday already on warding off the worries in Khushi's life by showering his immense love on her and he could see his care has made her quite relaxed and has burned some of her insecurities if not all. And now, when he would reunite her with her family he was sure she would become her same old self like she was until the tragedy happened.

A smile smile lit up on his face as he decided to keep it a surprise. His best ever surprise. He would surely want to see her face when one day he would take her directly to her sister and stand her before her. Her expressions would be worth watching then. His smile widened as he could totally imagine it.

Shaking his head he was about to turn when he felt two slender arms wrapping around his stomach from behind and a soft body pressed from back.

"You woke up?" He asked covering her hands with his rubbing his thumbs at her knuckles.

"You weren't in the bed." She accused rubbing her face to his back.

He smirked before turning around and locking his arms around her waist while she placed her palms on his front.

"It was an important call. I didn't want to disturb you." He placed a peck in between her brows.

"I don't care. When I am sleeping hugging you you're not allowed to leave me alone at all no matter what." She said more like ordered with a frown. Her fingers curling his shirt subconsciously.

"Or what?" If she was Khushi Kumari Gupta then he was Arnav Singh Raizada. One of a kind.

Her frown deepened seeing him passing her a challenging look.

"Or I'd move out of your room." She threatened with a smirk and it worked wonders.

Smirk vanished from his face. Now it was his turn to frown. He yanked her closer causing the smile to wan from her lips too before leaning down on her face with a dangerous glint in his eyes. She gulped.

"First of all, it's OUR room." He emphasized. "Secondly, don't you dare threaten me with something like that ever again!" He growled.

"Or what?" Instead of getting scared she asked wiggling her eyebrows that despite being angry he felt himself melting but showing her that would mean giving her the power to manipulate him with this threat over and over again which ASR in him couldn't allow.

So he kept a poker, angry face intact. It was another thing it didn't bother her or infused terror in her like it used to when there were so misunderstandings and silence between them in the past.

"You really need to ask that, Mrs. Raizada? Instigate me and I could deprive you off my presence that you'd pine for even a glimpse of me." He said bending to her ears. She stilled."Then I'd see how would you threaten me or even sleep without me besides you. Holding you. Loving you." He pulled back to look at her face and saw it has lost all the colors. That's it. It was enough to suck off all of his playfulness.

Tears were teetering on her eyelids ready to pour out. He cursed under his breath.

Some times he becomes too cruel without realizing. Before he could do the damage control she has shoved him off and has run inside letting out a sob tearing him apart.

'So much for keeping her happy, Arnav.' He muttered to himself clenching his jaws guiltily.

Guilt left him and anger took over directed to a certain stubborn someone when he entered back in the room and saw her settled and lying on the recliner with a pillow and blanket up to her head.

"Now you're behaving like a kid!" He exclaimed out loud standing over her head.

"Whatever. Go and make me pine!" Came her sulking voice from under the blanket.

He snickered shaking his head.

"Fine. You asked for it." He said before lifting her in his arms still covered fully in the blanket. She wriggled from under the duvet to get out punching her fists and flailing her legs in it that he chuckled.

Lying her back on the bed he removed the blanket from her face and saw her taking heavy breaths in and out while he hovered over her.

"You're such a horrible person. I was suffocating in there and you're laughing." She whined swatting his arms several times which only increased his amusement.

"I don't get it seriously Mrs. Raizada. When you know that you can't harm me with your punches then why do you even try?" He pursed his lips to stop himself from laughing out loud at her expressions.

She could only glare as he had now pinned her hands besides her head on either sides. When she couldn't do anything else to show her anger she turned her head to the other side when he leaned to kiss her. He sighed with his mouth on her cheek.

"I am sorry. I was just pulling your leg. I didn't mean it sweetheart." He whispered huskily against her ear pecking her there.

"That was rude and cruel and.. and.. mean!" She complained. He bit back a smile hearing her.

"I know. That's why I am sorry." He apologized again while nuzzling his nose on her temple.

She swallowed to keep her senses intact. Otherwise his touch was far too consuming and intoxicating.

"You said you won't show me your face. You'd make me p-pine for you." There was a catch in her voice which plunged like a knife in his heart. He tilted his head up to look at her and found her eyes moistened.

"Don't." He warned her not to cry and leaned to press his lips on her eyes one by one sucking the drops that leaked from the corners. She raised her wet lashes and found him staring at her intensely.

"How can I not show you my face when I can't breath without seeing yours?" He murmured taking her breaths away with not only by his confession but also by the truth shining in his eyes.

"That was just a reflex action because you said you'd leave our room and.. me." He scowled.

"I didn't say I'd leave you." She exclaimed incredulously. "I said I'd leave your room. There is a difference!" She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Who stays in this room huh? I and you. So when you'd leave it who will you leave behind? ME obviously. Technically if you moved out won't it mean that you'd leave me too?" He explained his logic and Khushi couldn't hold back herself. She burst out laughing at not only by his words but also by the face he made while saying it.

"You're unbelievable." It was Khushi who leaned forward and pressed her lips to his causing him and eventually herself to forget everything else and get lost in each other only.

"Don't leave. Neither I nor my room. Ever." He whispered after thoroughly loving her to his heart content as they laid spent in each other arms.

When he didn't get any reply even after a whole minute he looked down and found her soundly sleeping with her head buried in his bare chest.

"Love you." He murmured pressing his lips to her forehead before closing his eyes not knowing that a storm was approaching them soon.

Very soon!

"Where to, Arnav bhaiyya?" The driver asked.

"My apartment near AR, Mohan." Arnav said and Khushi couldn't hold back the gasp. He turned his head to her at that and raised his eyebrow seeing her getting too worked up as Mohan smoothly took the car out of the parking to the road seeming like he didn't need more details of the place ASR asked him to take.

Why was he taking her to his apartment?

"Relax." He said with the same masked face of ASR which didn't soothe her a bit.

"I have something important to tell you."

"Wear something red. Would you?"


"Just like that. Would you?"

"You wanted to say something? We were supposed to have dinner." She gathered courage to ask while her heart thumped loudly in her ears.

"That is still on. But there is a change of plan about the place we are going to 'talk'." He emphasized on the last word to relieve her as he got to know somewhat what was troubling her. They have never been alone. Either they met in the restaurant, cafe or the mall never in private. So it was natural for her to feel hesitant or a bit scared. Oh she should be the way she was driving him mad by her look tonight. And also for stupidly arriving too early for their 'date' of sort.

"Why not in the restaurant?" She asked not meeting his eyes. In reply he took out his cellphone and typing something sent her. She frowned seeing a text from him. She looked at him with confusion. He gestured to her to read it. She opened it with shaky hands.

'Because you have showed off enough of yourself in public by standing there outside that restaurant for three hours. Now I want you for myself only .. for the rest of the night. Is that clear?'

She swallowed thickly understanding the reason of his anger. Tilting her head a bit she mumbled an 'Okay' to him which instead of relieving him only angered him more.

THREE FUCKING HOURS she must have been the show piece model for those strangers coming in and out of that freaking place. He couldn't shake off this thought and as Mohan stopped the car outside their destination Arnav said,

"Wear it properly before coming out." He gestured to his blazer which was hanging loosely around her shoulders. Gulping she did as he asked while he waited outside her side of the door. Seeing her now completely covered in his coat he opened the door and she came out placing her hand in his.

"Are you angry?" She asked once they were in the lift. She knew he was but still asked to start a conversation otherwise it was always him who initiated it but tonight his mood was off clearly.

"Shouldn't I be?" He was typing furiously on the phone and replied without taking his eyes off it.

"If I said sorry would it melt your anger?" She asked innocently. He looked up from his mobile and saw her looking at him earnestly. Sighing he closed his eyes for a moment before facing her. Before he could say something the escalator door opened. He gestured her to follow him which she did and halted a step behind him when he stopped at a door and slid a card on the electronic lock before twisting the door knob and pushed it open.

"Come in." He said entering inside without turning to her. Switching on the lights he didn't hear any footsteps behind him and let out a sigh when he saw her standing in between the doors nervously.

"Don't you trust me?" He asked from the same place.

She looked up from the floor at him.

I don't trust myself!

You can't harm me. I can!

She swallowed as the battle inside her intensified.

When she didn't reply he took her silence to something else.

"Okay. Fine. Let's go downstairs and talk in the garden." He said and walked to her. He reached her and was about to walk out when she grabbed his wrist. His stance screamed of hurt but he still looked out for her comfort.

"If I didn't trust you then I would've refused to sit with you in the car itself. I wouldn't have come this far. Till this door." She said looking in his eyes and saw them brightening up. Maybe he saw the truth in her eyes.

"I am just overwhelmed Arnav ji." She added genuinely to which he cupped her cheeks, bent her head and pressed his lips to her forehead. She closed her eyes in sheer sadness and comfort both.

"I read somewhere that only your sister has got the privilege to come here. That's why." She explained as she entered.

"You did quite a research on me." He teased to lighten her up closing the door behind them and he succeeded.

"It's hard not to know about you. You are always in the news." She felt a smile forming on her lips remembering her cupboard at home which were full of his pictures and everything related to his business ventures and interviews.

"Ahan!" He walked inside casually and gestured her through his eyes to make herself comfortable. She sat on one of the L-shaped couches there in the vast living room.

"Let me order our dinner and then I'd make coffee for both of us while waiting for it."

"Can I make the dinner for us?" She offered.

"No way I am letting you exhaust yourself. You've tired yourself enough by standing for hours already." He refused at once sternly. She smiled at his concern. If only he knew it was no big deal for her. She has been through much more.

Dialing a number he talked over the phone as he sat on the single couch keeping his distance and Khushi visibly relaxed a bit more because she knew if he advanced towards her she was ordered not to push him away.

But till when she could stall it she didn't know how much self-restrain this man possess because he was known and famous for not having much of a patience. He had controlling as well as temper issues. She knew that too although he behaved quite patiently with her ever since they met but tonight she has seen it in his eyes how the ill tempered man was resurfacing.

"Done." He said and she was jerked out of her thoughts.

"You relax here while I'll go make coffee for both of us. Uh, I know," He scratched the back of his neck and doing that he looked much younger than his age causing her heart to flutter. "--you like tea more but I promise you won't regret drinking the coffee made by me. Okay?"

She nodded with a smile to break his nervousness as she realized he was as much nervous as she was. He left to the kitchen leaving her and as she sat idle looking around his furnished apartment the negative thoughts started messing her up again.

"I'd surely wanna see his face when he would know you are not what you seem and that how you made him a pawn in your cunning game."

She shut her eyes tight to reign in the terror that seeped into her. Even the thought of him hating her torn her insides. How would she be able to bear it in real?

Feeling suffocated she stood up to distract her mind. That's when her eyes fell on the balcony on the left side closed by the glass doors. Even from afar the view of the city calmed her. As she slid the doors aside and entered in the fresh air hit her nostrils and kissed her cheeks making her feel serene. She inhaled deeply.

She moved forward on her own accord and came to stand before the railings looking out the city. From this floor it all looked breathtaking. She never got a chance to explore Delhi ever since she came here. Either she was in Kashyaps Mansion or to do her work later on in a few places with Arnav. That too just cafe, restaurant or malls.

She remembered how enthusiastically she talked to her Di about her plans to shift to Delhi to work with ASR in his main branch here. She swallowed past a lump as past beautiful memories cut her more deep. It has been so long, so very long that she heard her Di's voice let alone seeing her. Despair fell on her and she would have broken down if she hadn't felt a presence behind her.

"Here." He extended the cup to her. Like always he plucked her out of the gloom.

As she sipped the coffee she saw him looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

"You're right. It's really good." She said truthfully to which his eyes lit up making her feel warm for being the reason of his happiness at least for once.

She noticed that now he has had his sleeves rolled up to his elbow. Shifting the cup to her other hand she took the liberty to look at him thoroughly which earlier she missed due to her internal conflicts.

He was wearing a black suit with dark blue shirt whose blazer right now she was wearing. Suddenly she started feeling hot as she felt like not his coat but he himself was engulfing her in his warmth. Wholly.

"Finally you got a chance to look at me." She heard him say and a small smile of shyness adorned her lips.

"Sorry. I was so preoccupied and tired waiting for you that when you showed up I didn't notice." She replied without elaborating the meaning.

In answer he laughed shortly.

"What?" She asked when he gave her a knowing look. Somewhat amused and somewhat offended.

"You had the most eligible bachelor of India in front of you and you're saying that you had something more important to think of?"

In reply she couldn't help but chuckle.

"You're so full of yourself."

"I was until I met you." He replied seriously. Her smile slipped off.

"Meeting you made me realize that not all the girls of India are after me."

In reply she laughed so hard that he narrowed his eyes at her in mock offence even though the melodious sound warmed him all over.

When he raised his eyebrow at her she shook her head muttering 'Oh you have no idea' to herself which he couldn't catch.

"What did you say?"

She bit her lip.

"Umm nothing."

"Do you have this habit of talking to yourself since forever or it only come out while being with me?" He brought his cup to his lips and took a swig.

"Since childhood." She nodded with a chuckle remembering her old habits. No matter how much sad she was her usual, old, real self always resurfaces when she is with him.

"That explains it all." He said knowingly. They drank the rest of the coffee in silence which became quite comfortable as the time passed while they looked on ahead the lit up Delhi city standing side by side close to the railing.

The doorbell rang breaking the calm and the silence.

"That must be our dinner." He took their empty cups and headed inside. She entered and sat back on the couch comfortably feeling at home after like ages. She swallowed past a lump.

When Arnav came inside with various bags in his hands she had taken off his coat and placed it besides her.

"Can I help?" She called from behind as he was about to head to the kitchen passing her a smile.

"Can't you sit idly for a second, woman?" He exclaimed glaring at her.

She pursed her lips to stop the chuckle and nodded in a 'no' causing him to shake his head.

"Too bad. Tonight you're not lifting even a finger because I am the host not you!" He said sternly and shook his head when she scowled and sulked back in the couch.

They had their dinner in a comfortable silence as well on the small yet cozy dinning table arranged outside the kitchen overlooking the open kitchen.

By the time they finished it was already 10 which Arnav noticed and turned to her after cleaning the table in which she helped despite his refusal.

"It's late. Your parents must be worried." He frowned not wanting to part from her yet.

"I can stay a few minutes more because you still hadn't told me what you wanted to." Khushi blurted out not wanting to part from him yet just as he didn't. As if Kashyaps would let her in the house tonight. Already she was told to spend the night with him anyhow.

He went silent for a minute before closing the distance between them that all the other thoughts eluded her. Cupping her shoulders he leaned to her face until the tip of their noses were touching.

"I know it has been three weeks since we met and I know maybe it is too soon for you to hear it from me but," He stopped for a moment and so did her breaths. "I am ready, Hazel." He nuzzled his nose with hers. She gasped. "I am ready to spend my life with you." He whispered huskily creating an aura around them that engulfed them both in its haziness.

He pulled back just a bit to look in her eyes.

"Will you give me the honor to be your husband, your better half?" He dropped the weight of the earth on her and if it wasn't enough he added,

"Will you marry me?"

"Dare you say any stupid things to Di which you uttered before me or I will tell you what your husband is really capable of. I swear!" Saying this he dashed out of the room without a backward glance.

As he left Anjali turned to a shaking Khushi who though has stopped crying but looked defiant in her stance as if she has made up her mind about something and that scared Anjali.

Khushi didn't protest when Anjali took her inside the room and making her sit on the bed sat besides her.

"Khushi kya hua hai? Kyun kar rahe ho ye sab? Na sirf apne sath balke Chote k sath bhi? Apko samajh kyun nahi aati k aap kitni ahem ho Chote k liye? (What's wrong Khushi? Why are you doing this? Not only with yourself but also with Chote? Why can't you see how much you mean to Chote?)"

"Sab khatam ho gaya, Anjali ji. Sab kuch khatam ho gaya! (It's over, Anjali. Everything is over!)" Khushi cried out loud gripping the either sides of the bed looking up at the ceiling with her face contorting in pain.

"What? Why would you say that?" Anjali asked really concerned.

Khushi turned her head to her with tears thickening in her eyes as her mind wondered to her visit to KM which changed and smashed everything in her life all over again.

"My parents were working so hard to get me into ASR's life but look here, you have taken full use of opportunity and made such a great place in his life that he married you rejecting me?" Lavanya has shrieked at her.

"Dad has kept his promise which he made to you in case you failed." Tugging at her hairs she whispered in her ear from behind.

Khushi paled.

"He has smuggled your Di and Sameer to another city. Until you will weave dreams to be with ASR, we would keep moving their location so that you'd never be able to reach or meet them. Ever."

"Do you know that your sister was recovering so well? Now not only her progress would seize she would go back to her old crazy state."

"I will tell Arnav ji everything!" She said and for a split second she caught Lavanya off guard.

"I will tell him everything and he would find them for me."

"If I were you I wouldn't make that mistake." It was Sanchi who spoke standing at the door.

"Why won't I? You had my weakness and now you don't. So you can't blackmail me anymore!" She gritted.

"We have your biggest weakness in our hands still. Arnav Singh Raizada. If he found out about our fraud then I am sure he would sue us but do you know what we would do in case our truth came out?"

"What can you do?" She challeneged.

Khushi staggered back as she revealed an earth shattering truth to her.

"No. You're lying." She shook her head vigorously.

"Tell Arnav everything and I will tell the whole world with proofs that I am not lying." Sanchi Kashyap said and one more time Khushi surrendered to them but this time for not her sister and nephew but for her husband.

Her Arnav ji!

"If I said that this time my silence is more for Arnav ji then anyone else then would you believe me, Anjali ji?" Khushi choked blinking back the tears causing Anjali's eyes to tear up too.

"You should open up to him about that shouldn't you? It is more than necessary now. Don't you think?" Anjali cupped the side of her cheek.

"I have already lost everything." My Di and Sameer. She said in mind. "I can't afford to lose more." Especially him. She added in mind.

"Especially him?" Anjali stated knowingly. Khushi averted her eyes.

"I told Arnav ji that he would get nothing out of this marriage but he still insisted on tying the knot. What he wanted, happened. But, now I don't have the strength to carry this charade anymore. I don't. We have so much secrets between us that I know this relation isn't going to last for long, anyway. It's just that he is too keen on holding onto something which is bound to break one day."

Anjali shut her eyes tight as Khushi's sobs were too heartrending to ignore.

"Can't you try to fight for it at least once?" Anjali spoke once Khushi composed herself after several moments.

In reply, Anjali only saw her lips pursing in self restrain.

"You yourself said Khushi that you have lost everything. Didn't you?" At that Khushi did nod.

"Then that means for whatever reason you're fighting till now is gone?"

Another nod she got as a reply.

"That's why you tried that suicide stunt?"

Khushi sniffled but nodded nonetheless. Anjali swallowed as she could see Khushi was again on the verge of breaking apart.

"Let go, then." Anjali suggested to which Khushi's head shot to her with a start.

"I know it's not easy but not impossible either. Sometimes you have to leave everything behind and think about yourself only. Just yourself. If you can't share your worries with Chote then don't. Just savor in what this relationship offers you. What your husband gives you. I know.. I know that this relationship wasn't your choice but it happened. Neither you nor I not even Chote could do anything about it now so why don't you give it a chance?"

Khushi looked at Anjali incredulously.

"You want a cheat to stay in your brother's life?" Khushi asked quite surprised.

Anjali sighed.

"No, I want the woman who is my brother's wife to stay with him. There is a difference."

"It's the same, Anjali ji. The woman who is a cheat is your brother's wife." She gritted out bitterly.

"Do you really think that if you were a 'real' cheat then Arnav would've gone to this length to make you his?"

Khushi looked at her confused.

"My brother is an astute businessman, Khushi. A ruthless, shrewd and never the forgiving kind in the business world. Yeah, that's him and if you think that he didn't think of pros and cons of making you his wife then you're surely mistaken. He knows you have big secrets buried in you. He knows that you're not going to tell it all to him, either. But still he married you. You know why?"

Anjali had Khushi's full attention who listened curiously with her heart buzzing in her ears.

"Because he may not be sure of your background, your identity but he is sure of one thing cent percent."

"What is that?" Khushi croaked.

"That you can't hurt anyone intentionally." Anjali stated knowingly. Khushi swallowed past a lump averting her eyes.

"He knows what is right and what is wrong. He can distinguish between good and bad people as well. If you are presuming him to be a fool because he married you then let me tell you, he is definitely not."

"He is no fool. I know that." Khushi murmured now getting the bigger picture.

"When he found you, the 'real' you he first of all got you out of that house.That Kashyap Mansion where you're just a mere servant and you're treated like nobody. It was his first step to make you, his. All that he did after that was more for you to blurt out your feelings Khushi rather than punishing you for hiding your identity."

Khushi shut her eyes in pain as a fresh tears slipped from under her lids.

"Him announcing his marriage to Lavanya was also another one of his tactics to break your silence. Though he didn't succeed but he did find out Lavanya's real face and threw her out of your life. Not only that he made it clear to her and her family that you have ASR's back now so that they don't dare mess up with you ever again." She paused.

"Then, he married you because according to him he has had all the things sorted out in your life. He thought that after your anger will subside you will accept this relation and him, too. But he was proven wrong altogether. He got to know that there was more to you then what met the eye. Your increasing silence and your suicide attempt, it has torn him apart further."

"I have torn him a-apart." Khushi whispered to herself.

"But despite of all, he didn't give up did he?" Anjali asked more like stated.

"Even though he should have!" Khushi said with trembling lips.

"That's the point Khushi. He finds you worth fighting for so he is fighting unmindful of everything!"

"Despite knowing he would get hurt in the middle of it." Khushi cried out.

"Yeah. Even knowing that it would lead to nothing but hurt and pain he is working. Trying. Hard."

"He shouldn't, Anjali ji. He shouldn't." Khushi tangled her fingers in her hairs with her elbows on her knees. Her eyes closed and her breathing uneven.

"That's not the point or question to begin with. I am not here to talk about what should he do and what he shouldn't. Instead, I am here to tell you his point of view and advise you to do the right thing."

"And what is that?"

"I am not asking you to give him a chance. On the contrary, give yourself a chance!"

Khushi looked at her torn to which Anjali cupped the side of her cheek.

"Come out of this inferiority complex that you don't deserve him."

Khushi's eyes widened as Anjali voiced out one of her insecurities very aptly. Cupping her cheeks firmly Anjali continued.

"I am soft and yeah, exact opposite to Arnav in nature but from my heart and blood I am also a Raizada. And if I had even a slight inkling that you're not right for my brother then I wouldn't have let you live in here. In fact I'd have thrown you out the very first day he brought you in. No, I am not joking there." She let out a breath. Removing her hands from her face Anjali grabbed Khushi's hands in hers.

"I've seen and observed you for quite a while now and let me tell you. There is no one else in this world who deserve my Chote more than you!"

Khushi gasped slipping her hands out of her hold and stood up breathing hard. Anjali kept sitting but her gaze was now on Khushi unwavering as the latter paced in the room.

"I am not saying this to make you feel better. I mean it with all of my heart. Because just like he don't, there are certain things about him you don't know either." Saying this Anjali stood up and left the room leaving thick silence in her wake.

Khushi fell on the recliner with her head in her hands and turned Anjali's words over and over again in her mind and she didn't realize how much time passed in that. She was jerked out of her thoughts as the door banged open and he entered.

By that time, she has made a decision. She was going to concede. She was going to give the reigns of her life to Arnav Singh Raizada (as if they weren't in his hands already!) and from there she would see where it would take her. Yes, she was going to take Anjali ji's advise. She was going to think about herself for once!

Determined she stood up to the recliner but before she could reach him he marched past her straight to the walk-in closet. Pulling out a suitcase, he slid open a cupboard. She watched him from the bedroom with a frown and then her eyes widened because it weren't his clothes he was snatching out of the almirah. It were hers.

Her eyelids fluttered before she yawned leisurely and rolled to the other side of the bed. With her hands she searched before shooting open her eyes. She trailed her eyes across the room.

"Arnav ji?" She called out. "I hate it when he leaves me in the bed. Alone!" She whined punching the fists at her sides before raising herself on her elbows. Her eyes lit up seeing a note under the jug on her bedside table.

Had to attend an urgent meeting so going to office early. Sorry. Freshen up and please have breakfast. Will be back by the evening. Love you,


"Uff. Okay!" She scowled kissing his name on the paper. Folding the paper she placed it in the drawer.

Jumping out of the bed she chose her dress and was about to turn when she saw that his cupboard's very last drawer was slightly open which seems like he forgot to lock as well. A moment more and her face lit up with the brightest smile ever. This was the same drawer which he always kept locked and never even once he faltered to keep it from prying eyes. Not even hers.

She remembers clearly how in the past and even in present whenever she tried to approach it he always used to toughen up and make sure she doesn't peek into it.

"Oh so Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada has secrets as well. Don't he?" She rubbed her hands and sat cross legged on the floor in front before opening the drawer wide. Stacks of albums and a square shaped moderate size box was there.

"Albums?" She smirked. "Oh that's why there aren't any photos around of his family members because Mister has stocked them all in his secret drawer." Shaking her head she pulled out the very first album.

"Khushi ji?" Anjali's voice made her stop who was about to open the album. She turned her head leaving her grip on the cover and it concealed the picture which she would have seen if only Anjali hadn't called her.

Quickly placing the album back in the drawer she closed it and grabbing her dress ran out of the walk-in closet to come face to face with Anjali standing in the middle of the room with her hands on her hips.

"Will you come down already and have your breakfast or do you want me to go mad?" Anjali looked really frustrated.

"Why Di? What happened? I was just coming down after freshening up." Khushi asked confused.

"Your husband happened, my dear. He has called and messaged me a million times in the last forty five minutes to ask whether you have woken up or not. Whether you have had your breakfast or not." Anjali huffed.

Khushi giggled. Anjali narrowed her eyes at her to which Khushi sobered up.

"I swear he so is getting it from me today. I mean what the hell, man. You have a grown up wife not a child who needs spoon feeding that you are fussing up like this!" Anjali threw her hands up in frustration to which Khushi couldn't hold back and laughed.

Giving Khushi a mock glare Anjali warned her to come down in fifteen minutes or else her husband would drive her insane.

Anjali turned to leave and groaned out loud when her phone beeped again. Hearing which Khushi guffawed from behind while Anjali stormed off stomping her feet in annoyance.

Shaking her head Khushi quickly rushed to the bathroom and in exact fifteen minutes she was downstairs sitting at the dining table with Anjali.

"Yes. YES Chote." Anjali gritted out loud. "She is sitting at the dining table and eating her breakfast now. WHAT?" Anjali's eyes widened. "You don't believe me? ME? YOUR DI?"

Khushi pursed her lips to stop herself from giggling while stuffing her mouth with aloo puri really enjoying the brother-sister bickering.

"FINE. FINE." Anjali yelled and extending the phone to Khushi's direction she ground her teeth saying, "Khushi, speak up. Make. Him. Believe. You. Are. REALLY. Eating." She chewed each word.

Arnav laughed on the other side which Khushi heard as Anjali has put it on speaker mode while giving it to her.

"Avvav ji," Khushi spoke with mouthful of food. "Wuv vivute (One minute)," She said incoherent words hearing which Arnav chuckled but he understood what she was saying clearly.

Chewing the morsel Khushi breathed before saying,

"Stop teasing Di, Arnav ji. I am awake and eating breakfast with her. Okay?" She turned off the speaker and brought the phone to her ear.

"And why are you pestering Di? You could've called me."

"Is the speaker phone off?" He asked first of all.

"Yes," Khushi raised her eyes to Anjali who was engrossed in eating with a scowl on her face. While sulking, Di looked ten years younger her age. She thought with adoration.

"Good. To answer your question I didn't want to disturb you if you're sleeping."

"Di could've been sleeping as well." She tried to keep low but Anjali still heard it and her scowl deepened as she looked up. Khushi so wanted to pull her cheeks saying an 'Aww' but she held back.

"She must have had enough sleep at night already while you're awake most of the night weren't you?" Arnav replied cheekily.

Anjali raised her eyebrow as she saw Khushi coloring red. Khushi shook her head to which Anjali bit back a smile before turning her attention back to food.

"And yeah, it's fun teasing Di as much as it's fun riling you up. Doesn't she look like a child while sulking?"

"Couldn't agree more." Khushi smiled looking at Anjali with love and respect. Anjali found her looking at her to which she asked through her eyes. Khushi shook her head passing a flying kiss to her to which Anjali smiled wide and returned the gesture.

"Don't you have work to do? You left early because you had an urgent meeting didn't you?" Khushi inquired finishing last of the morsel.

"Yeah I did. And I attended it as well. Now, the next meeting is in a few minutes."

"Oh okay. Prepare for it till then. Bye!" She said urgently.

"What? BYE?" He shrieked before she could cut the call. "Don't you dare cut the line, lady!"

"What if I did?" She smirked on the other side seeing which Anjali who has also finished eating stood up and started clearing the table. Khushi joined her holding the phone on the other hand.

"Who will save you from me when I'll be home?" His tone held a warning.

"Di. Who else?" Pat came the reply which Anjali heard who was walking to the kitchen. Shaking her head at their banter she could clearly hear from the kitchen Anjali instructed the servants about the menu of lunch.

"Come on, Mrs. Raizada. When I'll lock the room no one would be able to even enter in our room let alone save you!"

"Oh is that so, Mr. Raizada? Then I'll sleep in Di's room tonight. And bye!" Saying this she giggled and over his angry voice cut the call and gave the phone back to Di.

Coming back in the room she saw her cell lit up with a message. Seeing the number she opened it with a mischievous smile which soon turned into nervous one as she read,

Talk about leaving the room again and I'd never talk to you again. Ever.

I was just teasing you. She replied quickly.

That was so not amusing. Came back his angry reply.

Okay. Sorry. She accepted her mistake.

Not like this, sweetheart. You'll have to earn my forgiveness, tonight ;)

Her forehead perspired as her eyes flashed a memory of his dark eyes full of emotions, desires and passion for her. Agreed they have been intimate many a times but every time there is something different about their love making. Something sizzling. Something out of this world.

Breathing hard she closed her eyes with her hand clutching her heart. Her hands trembled.

"It's not the first time. It's not the first time he'd be touching you, Khushi. Relax!" She reminded herself again and again but it only added fuel to the fire. Her face colored crimson red. In all this she completely forgot about his drawer and the things in it she so wanted to see earlier.

Her phone beeped again. With a shy smile and thudding heart she opened it but the next moment all the colors drained from her face reading the message which was definitely not from Arnav.

"Will you marry me?" He finished and stepped back giving her the time to process everything he proposed.

Not only that he took out a red jewelry box from his pant pockets before opening it to reveal a shimmering diamond ring. That was the final nail in the coffin. As he looked at her expectantly,

Khushi blinked her eyes once, twice, thrice as if to jerk out of the dream she thought she was in.

Did she hear it right?

Did he just propose marriage to her?

Did he?

And this ring?

She shook her head putting her palm over her mouth.

Here she was with him with a hidden motive and he was proposing her? HER?

For several moments she felt herself going blank. Numb as she stared at the ring dumbstruck.

Arnav waited for her patiently with his eyes processing every flicker of emotion passing through her face.

Shock. Confusion. Shock. Guilt? He frowned. Before he could think further her expressions changed back to shock.

"A-Arnav ji?" His name came out as a choke from her mouth.

"Hmm?" He himself wasn't in the position to produce a word until he hear her answer.

"You'd see Di. I'd go to Delhi, work with ASR and one day make him fall for me. And then we'd marry." She said enthusiastically with dreamy look on her face.

Ayushi laughed slapping her palm over her head.

"Yeah. Yeah. Udha lo mazak. Jab ye sach ho ga na tab hum apse pochein gay.(Make fun as much as you want but when it will turn true then I'd surely like to see your face)" Khushi made a mock angry face rubbing her head.

Ayushi shook her head smiling at her childishness.

"Yeah. Of course. It will turn true only in your dreams!" She teased her.

Khushi scowled pouting her lips. Before a wide smile formed on her lips.

"Khushi Kumari Gupta has a knack of turning her dreams into reality!" She said royally in a way that Ayushi couldn't hold back her laughter and soon Khushi joined her.

"Pity my future brother-in-law!" Ayushi mumbled which Khushi heard.

"Say it straight Di. Pity Arnav Singh Raizada!" She winked causing Ayushi to snicker.

Arnav closed his eyes dejected when she shut the lid of the jewelry box in his hand abruptly stepping back pursing her lips to contain her emotions.

"Is that a no?" He asked swallowing past a lump letting his hand fall at his side. The sharp edges of the box in his hand pocked him as he clenched his fingers around it. When it became unbearable he pocketed it back with his trembling hand. His eyes prickled.

Maybe it was the hurt she saw on his face or the moisture in his eyes that did it but the next moment Khushi found herself moving forward and taking his face in between her palms surprising him.

"How can anyone say no to you Arnav ji?" She said caressing his jaws. His Adam's apple bobbed. Hope lit up once again in his eyes. He curled his hands on her wrists with hers still cupping his face.

"It's just that it came as a shock to me. Can you give me some time to process and make a decision?"

"Of course, dear." He cupped her cheeks the same way she has had. "Take your time." He smiled rubbing his knuckles over her cheeks. She leaned to his touch.

Overwhelmed that he still has a chance he pulled her closer and engulfed her in a warm embrace.

He did in minutes before dragging the suitcase out. Before she could react she found her wrist in a firm grip and then he was pulling her along with him while she followed dumbfounded.

"Arnav ji?" She gasped out loud as her foot hit a pillar but he didn't care. He pulled her aside and kept on dragging. Hearing Khushi's cries and pleading Anjali came running out of her room and found Arnav running down the stairs pulling Khushi along. She followed worriedly.

Reaching the middle of the hall Arnav whirled Khushi around with murderous look on his face that Khushi coward back. Anjali breathed in and out reaching downstairs.

"There is that door and here is your luggage!"

He threw the suitcase along with her duffle bag at her feet.

Anjali's eyes widened and so did Khushi's. Her head shot to him in shock.

She raised her eyes full of unshed tears and stared at him in disbelief.

"GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE AND LIFE!" He roared making both Anjali and Khushi jerk in fear.

He walked to her and said to her frozen form before gripping her upper arms roughly.

"And never show me your deceiving face ever again!"

"Because if I saw you ever again then I'll keep you locked in the store room like a prisoner and would never let you go or see even a flicker of light. Ever."

"A-Arnav ji?" She choked. She saw him look away for a moment before he glanced back at her with hardness more profound than ever.

"Yahi chahti thi na tum? Diya! (You wanted this only didn't you? You got it.)" He gestured through his hand vengefully.

She staggered back as her vision blurred. Blinking back the tears she looked up at him brokenly. A few minutes ago she decided to start afresh with him and here, it was him who wanted out. She has fought a fight with herself to come at the same page as him but seems like she was a little.. too late.

"You don't mean it. Do you?" Her voice caught up in her throat. Even her brokenness didn't melt him this time. He stood with a poker face devoid of any emotions.

"If you want me to spell it out AGAIN for you Khushi Singh Raizada, fine then. I AM DONE WITH YOU AND YOUR EVERY DAY TANTRUMS. So, take your sorry figure out of MY mansion and relieve me off this hell!" He pointed to himself royally chewing each word sending waves of shock down her spine.

For those moments the roles reversed. Khushi stepped forward urgently while he stepped back vehemently freezing her on her place with just a look.

"You can't do this," She exclaimed out loud taking him by surprise for a moment. His mask slipped but then it was back on as he saw the emotions he always wanted to see on her face. Most potent of which was, fear. Of losing. Him?

At that he scoffed. And then laughed dryly.

"Are you instigating me to throw you out myself?" He composed himself in milliseconds.

"I know you are hurt because I tried to end my lif-"

"YOUR LIFE MEANS NOTHING TO ME." He cut her in the middle and shouted as if she has touched his throbbing nerve. She whimpered looking at him pleadingly.

"Or are you hurt because I asked you to kil-"

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" He pointed his finger to her spitting fire at her through his eyes sending tremors down her spine.

"Get 'this' thing clear in your head before walking out of that door." He closed the distance between them and stood tall over her. Her lips trembled and her heart clenched seeing his anger while pleading through her eyes not to do this.

"You, your life, your stupid stunts or demands means nothing to me. I am fed up of your lies and dramas altogether. And now, I want some peace. I want to live a day where I don't have to watch over a crazy woman all day just to make sure she don't end her life. You are a patient, Khushi. If I stayed with you you'd drive me mad as well so go.. be insane somewhere else!" He gritted out gripping her upper arms causing her to wince and cry out.


"Yeah, which mental patient has ever accepted till date that he is?" He said sarcastically.

"Why did you marry me? If you didn't have then all this wouldn't have happened. You should have married Lavanya ji!" She snapped as hurt spilled out of her in the form of cutting words.

"Galti ho gayi. Ab sudhar raha hun na. (Oh my mistake. I am correcting it now!)" He tightened his hold on her. She flinched. Fresh tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Will you marry her? Lavanya ji?" She craoked as all of a sudden her shoulders sagged.

"I deserve better, Mrs. Raizada! I'd marry again, no doubt but to the girl who has some values and morals. Not like you who don't have a character!"

Her eyes widened. She froze. And so did Anjali who gasped placing her hand over her mouth.

"W-What?" Her hand on its own accord raised to struck him but he held it firmly against his chest.

"Why? Bura laga? (Felt bad?)" He kept her encaged in his hold as she started protesting with vengeance as his accusation rose an answering fire in her. She punched, pushed, whimpered but it had no effect on him.

"Wasn't it you who faked being Lavanya with me because you wanted money? Around one million or something, right?"

"You know it was a lie still you're taunting me about it? How could you?" She sobbed.

"I know that is a lie? ME? Oh come on, baby. I don't have any supernatural powers that I'd know miraculously when you're lying or when you're not." With every word he pulled her up and more closer until she was standing on her toes. Little bit hope she has had in her died seeing the contempt in his eyes and with it an unbound pain rushed through her.

"Tod diya na? (So you broke it finally didn't you?)" Khushi rasped locking her gaze with him.

"Ap ki kahi kisi bhi baat ne humein itni chot nahi ponchayi Arnav ji jitna k abhi, iss pal mai apne humein toda hai. Aaj tak humein lagta tha k sirf hum ne aap ko dukh diya. Toda. Par aap bhi toh peeche nahi hatte. Ap ne humein humse zyada chot di hai,

(All that you said till now I didn't take it to heart no matter how much venomous it was Arnav ji but today, right now, here in this moment you have broken me. Uptil now I believed that it was only I who has given you pain. Who broke you. But you didn't stay back either. You have made me suffer double than I had had)" She sobbed out gripping his shirt from front.

"Ye hamare sath hi kyun hota hai? K hum.. hum jab bhi sukoon k itne-(Why this happen only with me? That .. whenever I am this--)" She touched the tip of her thumb to her forefinger. "--Itne kareeb hote hain toh sab rait ki tarah hamare haath se phisel jata hai? Kyun? (--this close to peace it all slips away in a spur of a moment? Why?)" She cried out dropping her head under his chin while Arnav stood stock still.

His grip loosened around her whilst his hand fell to his sides.

Anjali looked away bleary eyed.

Closing his eyes tight he stood with his hands at his sides before they shot open with a start and then Khushi staggered back as he pushed her off him.

"Tumhara natak aur nahi chale ga. Jitna bewakoof banana tha mujhe aur mairi Di ko tum bana chuki ho. Ab aur nahi. (None of your pretense of innocence will work on me. You have fooled me and my Di enough. Not anymore.)" He took a step back.

"Get the hell out of our lives!" He bellowed at the top of his voice that the noise reverberated in the hall for several seconds. Staring at him aghast for a moment or two she nodded her head.

"Theek hai (Fine!)" Wiping her tears she bobbed her head.

"Jaisa ap keh rahe hain waisa hi hoga kyun k hum jante hain. Hum manah karein bhi toh koi faida nahi. Hota wahi hai jo Arnav Singh Raizada chahta hai. Jaise shadi k liye zabardasti ki toh alag hone k liye bhi toh kar hi sakte hain,

(Whatever you said would happen because I know. Even my refusal won't work. All that happens here in this mansion it does on the wish of Arnav Singh Raizada only. The way you forced me to marry you .. the same way you could blackmail me to leave you as well)"

"You're implementing as if you always wanted to be in this relation. Drop the act already, Khushi." He scoffed.

"However I behave it won't matter, Arnav ji would it? Because you have made up your mind." She croaked despite herself. She looked down and her gaze fell on her hand.

A damond encased in a heart shaped ring which he bought for her after her visit to KM.

With a painful sigh she slipped it out of her finger and placed it on the nearby table along with the cellphone he gave her before looking up at him who was watching her every move with poker, blank face.

Knots formed in her stomach as she grabbed the strips of her bag ignoring the suitcase knowing very well what he packed in it. Everything he bought or gifted her ever since they married.

"Ruko! (Stop!)" He growled as she turned to leave. Hope brimmed in her eyes and she turned as it shone in her hazel orbs which soon dimmed seeing him extending stapled papers to her.

"You can leave only after signing this!"

"W-What is it?" She dreaded the worst.

"An agreement that you won't reveal about our so called marriage to anyone."

Rim of tears thickened behind her eyelids.

"You don't have to do this. I won't say a word to anyone anyway." She said relieved from inside that they weren't what she thought they were.

"I don't trust you, period." He hissed and gestured for her to sign sternly.

Swallowing she dropped her bag and gripped the papers with trembling hands. He handed her the pen and she signed pages after pages without reading. Though he said he don't trust her but it looks like she did. A lot. Blindly. Once done she handed him the papers back before picking up her bag again.

"Wait, Khushi!" Anjali couldn't stay silent anymore when Khushi turned to leave and Arnav didn't stop her this time. She thought her brother was just playing to make Khushi react but looks like he was serious this time.

Khushi turned to Anjali looking as devastated as ever while Arnav stood like a stone in the middle of the living room checking every page where she signed as if it was the most important thing to do in this world. For him!

"It's very late. Stay tonight. You can go tomorrow. Or not." Anjali pleaded her through her eyes not to give up but Khushi let out a wounded smile.

"You said he would never give up on me. Maybe for the first time but you're wrong. So, so wrong Anjali ji. I am sorry. I can't stay a minute more here because he don't want it." Khushi choked while Anjali shook her head teary eyed.

"Chote. Chote." Anjali rushed to Arnav. "I get it you are tired of it all but let her stay for at least tonight. Where will she go at this time?"

"I don't care wherever the hell she goes. I can't stand her a minute more in this mansion, either!" He was adamant and Anjali gasped as she heard the click of the front door indicating that Khushi has left.

Touching her head to his arm Anjali broke down while he has already turned his back to the door the minute Khushi reached it giving him one last painful silent goodbye.

"Ye kya kiya tumne Chote? Unhe jane diya? Ab sans kaise le pao gay? (What have you done? How could you let her go? How would you breath now?)"

"Aise! (Like this!)" He said bringing the papers forward. Anjali pulled back confused before taking the papers she read it and her eyes widened. Dumbstruck her head whipped up to him.

"These are not of any agreement papers. They are," Anjali trailed off.

"Mine and Khushi's wedding certificate!" He said smugly.

"Are you insane?" Anjali shrieked because as she read clauses after clauses her head spinned reading the clause number 8.

"The authority to give divorce will be in Mr.Raizada's hand.He will decide when and how he would end this relationship and in case, Khushi Gupta tried to nullify this marriage then it will be illegal and Mr.Raizada could take the help of the court to keep his wife with him."

"What the hell is this? Agar yahi karna tha toh unhe jane kyun diya? (Why did you let her go if you were doing this?)"

His eyes glinted with madness that shook Anjali.

"Dunya k kisi bhi kone mai rehna hai usse reh le. Jahan jana hai.. jitna bhagna hai bhag le. Par jahan bhi rahe gi sirf aur sirf maire naam k saath. Ghar se, apni zindagi se toh jaane de diya par usse kabhi puri tarah azad nahi karun ga. Ab chahe hanse, roye, tarpe ya girgiraye.. rahe gi mairi biwi hi hamesha. Khushi Singh Raizada!

(She can go live in any corner of the world. She can run as far as she wants as well. But wherever she'd go she would go with my name attached to hers. I let her go from my home, my life but I'd never fully free her. Now, if she laughs, cries, suffers or begs she will forever stay my wife for better or for worse. She will always be Khushi Singh Raizada)"

Papers slipped from her hands which Arnav caught and with one last hug to her turned to leave but not before pocketing the ring and the cellphone which Khushi left at the table.

"Itna pyaar karte ho unse toh phir kyun? Btate kyun nahi ho humein? (If you love her this much then why? Why don't you tell me?)" Anjali called out from behind hell confused and worried.

"Aur itni raat ko jane kaise diya? Fikar nahi ho rahi tumhein k wo iss waqt kahan jayen gi? (And how in the hell did you let her go at this time of the night? Aren't you worried for her that where will she go at this time?)"

"Nahi (No!)" He gritted without turning to her before storming upstairs.

Anjali fell on the couch with a thud with her head in her hands.

He rushed out of the car grabbing the bouquet with a smile on his lips. Passing the keys to the guard he almost ran inside and crashed to Anjali who was coming from front.

"Sorry, sorry Di. I wasn't looking." He apologized urgently without looking at her as his eyes were searching for someone else. Usually she would be with Di at this time chatting nineteen to dozen. Where was she now?

Must be in the kitchen or the room?

In his monologue he didn't notice Anjali standing blocking his way with her hands on her hips.

"Next time if I got a call from any news channel or a magazine or any newspaper for an interview and they asked me about you then I'd say that he is not an ASR anymore. He is now just a love-sick puppy!" She tapped her feet on the ground looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

He smiled sheepishly as she gave him a knowing look. The happiness radiated from his face which she saw clearly. Though she was too happy for him as well yet she would never leave a chance to tease him like he doesn't let go of a chance to rile her up.

"Say whatever you wanna say in any interview. Did I ever stop you?" He pecked her temple after giving her a bear hug with a sprint in his step making her laugh.

"Where is she?" He asked whilst his eyes searched for her.

"She is not at home." Anjali replied. His smile waned before completely wearing off.

"What do you mean she is not home? It's 7, Di and dark outside already and she is alone out there at this time?"

"Relax. She is not alone. She went to the nearby market to fetch some things and," She couldn't complete because he has already taken out his phone and was dialing her number. Shaking her head she let him be as she knew he won't listen at all when he is in his protective mode.

"Chote, she left with the driver. Calm down, will you?" She tried again when he paced around trying her number. The bouquet was thrown carelessly on a couch by him after his call went unanswered.

"I hate it. I HATE IT when she does that." He muttered angrily loud enough for Anjali to hear.

"Aren't you over doing it? Maybe her cell is on silent or maybe, maybe in the crowd she didn't hear her cell ringing. Do one thing, call the driver."

"You think I didn't?" He turned to her angrily. "After she didn't pick up I tried his number next. Both aren't picking up. I can't wait more. Tell me the name of the market and I," He had to stop because right then the reason of his worry walked into the living room carrying a shopping bag silencing both Arnav and Anjali. Anjali heaved a sigh of relief seeing her back on time.

Khushi was too preoccupied that she didn't see him standing in the middle of the hall and ran into him causing the bag to fall on the ground and her heart to leap up to her throat as she heard,

"Where in the hell were you? And why weren't you answering my fucking calls?"

Her head shot up to him at he pounced on her like a raging bull.

"Answer me, Khushi!" He held her upper arms and shook her.

Her eyes flashed in a moment before she shrugged off his arms.

"I am sure Di must have told you. Why the fuss, Arnav ji?" She snapped.

"We have an army of servant in here, Khushi. Next time if you needed something from the market then you'd ask them. You won't step outside alone if I am not with you. You get that?" He retorted back fiercely that it rubbed Khushi in a wrong way and she burst out as she realized why was he doing this.

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO NOW TO MAKE YOU BELIEVE THAT I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU. I WON'T LEAVE YOU BUT NO, YOU.. you enjoy staying in your apprehensions whenever I am out of your sight. Like this morning and now again. You keep calling either me or Di to ask about me not because you miss me and all but because you're afraid that I'd run away." She started it all with a shout but ended up sobbing out the words that took away all of his anger as deep down he admitted that she was right.

"I know it will take time for you to fully trust me after all I did but I can't understand one thing here. Now that you know everything even then, even then you aren't giving me a benefit of doubt. You are abiding by your words which you said in the past when you threw me out of your life in the middle of the night."

"If I saw you ever again then I'll keep you locked in the store room like a prisoner and would never let you go or see even a flicker of light. Ever."

She stepped back as he took a step to her looking guilty as ever. Some times he goes too much overboard.

"So what that you haven't caged me in the store room like you said you'd but you want to keep me caged in here. In your mansion. In these four walls--" She pointed to the walls with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"--always in front of your eyes so that I don't have a chance to escape. At all. Why don't you understand? I WON'T RUN EVEN IF YOU DIDN'T KEEP AN EYE ON ME. Why can't you get this simple thing?" She threw her face in her hands and sobbed while he stood stock still on his place with his eyes prickling.

He looked away and his eyes caught his Di's who reprimanded him through his eyes before silently walking upstairs leaving them alone.

He didn't approach her to stop her from crying. Instead, he waited for her to calm down and she did after a few minutes. Wiping her face she bent to pick up the bag and turned to leave.

"I don't keep an eye on you because I don't trust you. No," He said from behind and she stilled at her place.

"I do it because I don't trust Kashyaps!" He opened up his emotions in two simple sentences which gripped her heart into a fist. She closed her eyes in pain.

"And I know you aren't angry at me but on something or someone else which made you burst out like this. Now, would you tell me where were you because I can bet you didn't go to the market. Don't bother making any excuses Khushi as they won't work on me. Not anymore!" He whirled her around and looked in her eyes demanding answers. She blinked back the tears looking at his concern filled eyes and parted her lips.

"I got a m-message today." She choked. "From Ashish Kashyap." She completed.

His eyes narrowed. His jaws clenched.

"Show me!" He ordered releasing her.

"Arnav ji,"

"Show.Me." He gritted.

She took out her cell and passed it to him. Taking it from her he opened message app and there were only two chats. One obviously was with him and the other from an unknown number.

With his jaws flexed, eyes spitting fire, lips pursed he opened the chat which contained two messages.

You have some guts to go and live with that ASR and you thought I won't get to know? Pity you. Now, I know everything that you aren't in Pune anymore but in Delhi, that too in RM. I know how you escaped from Pune, Khushi. Wait, till I get back at you. Just wait and watch!

With a few minutes gap there was another message.

Enjoy your last days of happiness, Mrs. Raizada and get ready to be thrown out of ASR's life but this time, forever. I hope you got what I mean!

He clenched his hand around the cellphone as his nostrils flared with his eyes glued to the screen while Khushi could see that volcano was about to erupt and she wasn't wrong because in the next moment he growled out loud and smashed her mobile to the wall causing a yelp to escape from her.

"Tumhara dimagh kharab hai Khushi? Tum akeli uss pagal aadmi se milne chali gayi? (Are you out of your mind? You went to meet that lunatic all alone?)" He burst out on her yanking her closer.

She shivered in her shoes. Her eyes widened in fear.

"Hum gaye zarur the par humein wo mile nahi. Kashyaps mai se koi bhi ghar par nahi tha. (I did go but couldn't meet him. Kashyaps weren't home)" She replied urgently hoping it would calm him down.

"Thank god they have gone out of the country or you'd have gotten yourself trapped in between them all over again you idiot!" His rage refused to calm down.

"O-Out of country?" She whispered frowning.

"Yeah, you stupid. Didn't you see the number from where you got the message? It's international, you-" He pursed his lips tight, glaring at her.

"I thought its private number." She mumbled.

He opened his mouth to shout at her but ended up huffing.

"No wonder they fooled you for so long." He muttered. "Because you are a big time idiot. You don't have a brain seriously. You proved it today. Stupid if it's private number then it wouldn't have showed on screen." He grunted. He couldn't believe she has got a degree in fashion designing with 'this' intelligence. He thought feeling protective of her like never before.

"How would I know? He messages every time from a different number or if not that then through whatsapp which is on Indian number." Her voice shook as she sensed the anger emanating from him.

"You," He so wanted to lash out on her for being this naive but did against it. He shook his head saying, "Forget it. You got these messages in the afternoon. The time when we were texting as well. Why didn't you tell me about it right then?" He demanded answers.

A shadow passed across her face before it was gone. It went completely unnoticed by him unfortunately.

"I thought I'd be able to handle him," She croaked gulping down the saliva.

He cut her sharply.

"Like the way you handled him for the last years?" He scoffed. "Bravo, Khushi. BRAVO!"

"I didn't want to worry you." She said with zero confidence.

"Cut the crap, Khushi. CUT THE FREAKING CRAP!" He bellowed which even Anjali in her room heard and prayed in her heart for them to sort it out.

"SHH. Shut up!" He placed a finger on her lips when she opened her mouth to say something.

"Shut up and listen to me. I have it under control. I know what I have to do with the Kashyaps so you don't have to be scared of them anymore. And no, NO! Ashish Kashyap or anyone of his family won't be able to hurt either your Di or Sameer at all. This is my promise to you." He cupped the side of her neck firmly and said looking into her eyes which welled up at his assurance.

"I don't want him, them to hurt you either." She said in a small voice which made him frown. He has somewhat calmed down after letting it out.

"What can they do to hurt me? They only had one thing or rather say person until now whom they could use against me and that's you. Now that I have you on the same page as me there is no threat to my life at all. So don't you worry. I am getting you a new sim card and cellphone. You aren't using that number ever again in your life."

With that said he breathed once before bending to give her a chaste kiss on her forehead. She closed her eyes as her subconscious nagged her because there was one big, earth shattering truth which she has had hidden from him.

And that wasn't related to either her past, Sameer or Ayushi but to he, himself, his life. His family. The same truth which forced her to shut up in the past and eventually commit suicide which forced him to give up on her and throw her out of his life.

As he pulled her in for a hug resting her head on his chest with his chin on her head a painful sigh left her while she clutched the front of his shirt biting back the sob.

"I am sorry." She whimpered.

"I am upset with you. Really, really upset. We promised each other 'no secrets' from now on and still you hid it from me Khushi and it has hurt me a lot." He pulled back aghast to which she gripped his lapels and shook her head vigorously that his shoulders slumped in defeat.

"This is the last thing I ever hid from you. I-I won't do it again." She pleaded cupping the side of his cheek.

"Promise?" He held out his hand with a hope.

She gulped. If she didn't make this promise he would ever be doubtful about her and if she did she would be totally lying because she was still hiding something major from him. After a tough battle in her heart, mind and conscience she listened to her heart.

"P-Promise." As soon as she placed her hand in his, he smiled wide and pulling her closer pecked her temple before giving her a passionate kiss on her lips.

"One second," He said pulling back and walking to the couch he picked the bouquet and extended it to her.

Smiling teary eyed she took the flowers and smelled while her insides churned. She couldn't fully revel in happiness.

For days she has put a lid on the threat of her family's life including Arnav's and has stolen a few beautiful moments with him as well but now with just a message she was thrown into present, a bitter reality where she has to live with the fear of Arnavji finding out the truth some day about his life and the day he did would be the day he would throw her out of his life, too because the truth was far too consuming and catastrophic.

You're wrong Arnav ji, there is still one thing they could use against you which could turn your life upside down. It could destroy you wholly. Absolutely. But as long as I am alive I won't let it happen. No. Never. Even if I have to fight Kashyaps to save you from the truth I surely would.

She addressed him in her heart as he carried her to their room. Lying her down on the bed he pecked her lips and turned to leave when he thought of something and sat besides her taking both of her hands in his.

"Kashyaps would be soon back from their so-called world tour and the day they did would be the last day of THEIR peaceful life. I swear on you and Di that they would pay for everything they ever did to you and your family. Okay?"

She nodded sniffling.

"And please, don't you ever go to Kashyap Mansion without me by your side. In fact I'd make sure that neither you come face to face with them nor have to go to that mansion ever again at all." He almost pleaded.

"Okay, boss." She smiled teasingly to relieve his worry to which he half smiled and ruffling her hairs left to the bathroom.

Her smile slipped off in his wake and so did the soft expressions.

"What about you? How would you face them?" She addressed him and then her eyes widened.

"We have your biggest weakness in our hands still. Arnav Singh Raizada. If he found out about our fraud then I am sure he would sue us but do you know what we would do in case our truth came out?"

She shot up straight.

"Why didn't I think of it before?" She mumbled horrified. "If Arnav ji came face to face with Kashyaps then they.. they.. NO!" She shook her head terrified like never before.

"I became so selfish in his love that when he said he would find my family and make Kashyaps pay I hurriedly agreed without thinking about its consequences." She felt sweat beads forming on her forehead.

"No. No!" She shook her head. "I'd have to convince him to forgive Kashyaps and never meet them."

And he would agree?

You wish! Someone scoffed from inside of her.

"He would have to agree when I'd say that I don't want to dig up past graves and," She trailed off.

What about your Di and Sameer?

Only he could find them!

Are you finally ready to give up on them?

"I'll find them somehow. I am close already but I can't danger Arnav ji finding out that ugly truth. I have to stop him!" She said to herself determined making a firm decision in her mind waiting for a difficult conversation with him because she knew it won't be easy convincing him to forget avenging her and leave it all behind.

Arnav looked really agitated as he didn't want her to go just yet. While Khushi, she didn't know what to do anymore because already she didn't want to degrade Arnav ji and now after his proposal it was impossible for her now to belittle his feelings by advancing towards him to give him false hopes.

Upon that she wasn't allowed to enter KM tonight. In severe dilemma her insides churned with agony. Lost in her thoughts she didn't realize he was addressing her.


"Where are you lost, again? Seriously you are giving me a complex now." He said seriously but his eyes danced with mischief.

"Sorry." She mumbled. "I am just feeling tired and sleepy." She made up an excuse.

"Of course you'd be tired after your stunt at the hotel." He shook his head reminding her yet again how she stupidly stood at the entrance waiting for him.

"Let it be, Arnav ji. How many time would you remind it to me to embarrass me?"

"Until you don't realize how precious you are. To me." He blurted out in a reflex holding her captive under his gaze. "If you had decided to come earlier you could have just given me a call. I'd have come to you in minutes."

"That's why I didn't. I wanted to test myself how much could I wait for you. That how much I could endure being away from you." She said and he looked at her pleasantly surprised.

He was always open about his feelings to her but she didn't give him even a slightest of hope that she liked him but tonight she was opening up her heart as well telling him indirectly that the fire was flaring equally at both sides if not more. Suddenly, he knew what would be her answer about his marriage proposal and his heart calmed down and so did his expressions. He visibly relaxed and smiled wide at her and announced.

"You're staying with me tonight. Here." He wasn't asking she could tell. She swallowed. What could she tell him that she can't go home tonight even if he did let her.

He didn't wait for her reply and got up and silently cleared the table while she kept gazing at him. He was looking too handsome in his casual look. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbow while his hairs which were gelled earlier now were tousled and his shirt was also out of the pants.

Her heart thudded violently in her ribcage realizing that he trusted her enough to come in this avatar before her otherwise in front of the world he always came looking dapper and sophisticated. Not that he wasn't now but with the ease he was behaving around her without any ASR persona masking his emotions warmed her all over.

"If you are done with your staring session hazel then why don't you call your parents and inform them you're staying with me tonight?"

Hiding her blush she looked at him incredulously.

"I'll talk to your parents if you can't because I am not letting you go tonight." He took long strides to the couch where his phone was and picking it up he was about to dial when she snatched it from him.

"No. There is no need. They are out of the town. They know you and trust you." She quickly said knowing that Kashyaps would agree anyway. They had sent her here for the task and that includes staying at night for sure. As if they would have let her come back without doing her work.

"Okay." He shrugged and headed to the kitchen.

"We already had your hand-made coffee." She smiled when she saw him coming out of the kitchen with two cups of coffee yet again.

"That was the coffee 'before' meal and it is 'post' meal." He handed her the cup and sat besides her on the couch taking a huge swig.

"You are addicted." She commented. Her remark intensified his emotions. He raised his eyebrow at her.

"That I am. No doubt." He smirked.

She gulped realizing that he took it in another meaning.

"To the 'coffee' I meant." She mumbled breaking their eyelock and taking a sip to calm her nerves.

"I said the same. What did you think?" He teased her. He loved the colors passing across her face when she became nervous with either his comment or proximity.


"Don't worry. I'll teach you how to make it so that you don't have any problem after marriage." He said as if she has agreed to marry him.

She looked at him. Now it was her turn to raise an eyebrow at him.

"After marriage huh? You're so sure I'd say yes?"

"Maybe," He said royally with twinkle in his eyes.

"What if my answer turn out to be negative?" She asked out of blue.

"Then I'd not sit back until I turn that 'no' into a 'yes' but giving up on you is nowhere in my plans. Get that?" He became serious suddenly. A shiver ran down her spine at his determination.

Placing the cup on the table in front she pulled her legs up and sat cross legged turned to him. A smile formed on his lips seeing her getting comfortable in his place with all the trust in her eyes.

"Can you promise me something?" She asked earnestly. He too placed the cup on the table and mimicked her position. Now they both were sitting cross legged looking in each other's eyes.

"Not until you say yes." He bargained.

"That's not fair." She twitched her mouth.

"Please?" She made a puppy dog face.

"That's not fair." It was his turn to say that as her innocence melted him like always.

"It's just a promise, Arnav ji."

"Okay. Say it but I can't promise anything until I listen to it."

She sighed relenting.

"If 'we' didn't happen then you'd move on." She was damn serious. It rubbed Arnav in a wrong way. He glared at her.

"I think you didn't hear me clearly, Hazel." He grabbed her hand and yanked her closer. She gasped with her nose touching his. His face inches away from hers.

"I said I am not giving up on you ever. Did that get into your head or not?" He chewed on each word. She snatched back her hand and pulled away much to his displeasure.

"I haven't said yes yet." She snapped.

"You didn't say no either." He retorted.

"Fine. NO it is then. I am not marrying you!" She spat and shot up to leave. She has taken just one step away when she found her wrist clasped in his firm grip. She turned and there she saw the monster rising in him.

Now at the couch not Arnav ji, ASR sat with his eyes glazing fire.

At her!

Days passed. Even weeks did but not even for once Arnav mentioned Khushi to Anjali as if she never existed in his life. Ever.

Anjali herself was shocked yet worried because she knew it was all a facade. Neither was he mentioning her nor letting her take her name in the house either.

It was months later he somewhat faltered in his pretense and she saw the emotions on his face when servants were clearing the store room where they found a discarded duppata and they would have dumped it along with all the other things when Arnav's gaze fell on it and he snapped at the poor servants.

Snatching the veil from the basket he has stormed upstairs to which Anjali followed him with a knowing look.

She saw him stuffing it in the corner of his cupboard and when he walked out he came face to face with her with his moist eyes. Anjali crossed her arms over her chest and tapped her feet on the ground impatiently.

He let out a breath averting his eyes. Without a word he tried to leave from the side but Anjali has had enough. She stepped in the way.

"Di, please." He said with his shoulders dropping. Anjali softened up. Taking his hand she lead him to the bed. Making him sit she sat besides him taking his hand in both of hers.

"Where is she?"


"Tell me where is she? I know you. You can't sit this calmly without knowing about her safety or whereabouts. So speak up, already."

"Last time I checked she was in Pune!" He mumbled.

"Pune? To some relative?"

"I don't know, okay? I just know she is in that.. that.. city. That's all."

"She is," Anjali started.

"Alive." He completed expressionlessly. He has managed to gather himself.

"So your plan worked didn't it?" Anjali stated.

His head shot to hers before he had to look away otherwise he would have broken down. He has put his broken pieces back together, put a band aid on them but the wounds were still not fully healed. Just a little cut and they would start bleeding all over again. He couldn't allow that or all of his hard work would go down in drain.

"What plan?" He feigned innocence.

"Even though I have an idea but still to confirm I have to know. Why did you let her go when I had almost convinced her to give your marriage a chance?"

He stayed silent for a minute before sighing loudly. Running his hand over his face he prepared himself to let it out somewhat otherwise he would suffocate.

"That would have been temporary like always because she has so much secrets around and in her that one day she would have gone back to her silence and maybe.. maybe.. leave me without a word like she did on the day of our engagement." He admitted.

"One .. One second. So you made sure that you yourself leave her before she leaves you? What the hell Chote? Is this some kind of a competition? For heaven's sake it's your life." She exclaimed.

"Yeah. My life." He scoffed with his face morphing in pain.

"You were supposed to make her believe in hope. In dreams. In dramas. You said that didn't you? Then how could you snatch the same from her in a snap?" Anjali reminded him.

He chuckled dryly.

"I couldn't let her die, Di. I couldn't. Didn't you see that she preferred dying than being with me? Do you know what she asked from me which made me give up on her? She asked me to kill her. She begged me to do it. If you wouldn't have intervened I would have definitely slapped her and I wouldn't have regretted it. How could she even say something like that when she knows it'd kill me absolutely?" He choked wiping the corner of his eyes.

"So if losing hope and living in reality is what she wants then that's what she would get. I am not going to run after her anymore. Never again." He said determined not knowing that he himself would back off from his words in future.

"Even if you wanted to do that you shouldn't have questioned her character." She said with hint of anger evident in her tone.

"Do you really think I meant that?" He asked looking at her. She knew the answer even before he voiced it.

"Di, she has had plenty of opportunities to lure me in her trap by giving me false hopes. I know that she knew I has had feelings for her yet never for once she used it for her advantage. Neither when she pretended to be Lavanya nor as Khushi. She always kept a decent distance. She knew that if she gave me even a slightest hope then I'd have laid the world at her feet. Yet, yet she never made any advances."

He shook his head running his fingers in his hairs. Huffing out loud he turned his head to her with his eyes glistening.

"You tell me. How could I doubt the character of a woman like her who even in the toughest of situation never faltered?"

"You said it to hurt her and," Anjali stated.

"And to make sure it gives her strength to fight back. That way she wouldn't try suicide stunt ever again!" He completed it swallowing past a lump.

"She must have gathered herself up by now, Chote. Why don't you go get her back?"

"That's never going to happen!" He shot up angrily as if she has said something out of this world.

"Why not?"

"Because I can't forgive her for what she did with herself. I won't."

"Your sources must have given you her full address then why don,"

"I asked them to tell me whether she is still in Delhi or not. Whether she is alive or not. Just that. As far as other details are concerned I ordered my men to discard them!"

"What if she needs you?" She tried again.

"She made it clear that she don't." He growled and marched out angrily.

"Why is he so stubborn?" Anjali threw her hands up in frustration. "And why am I blaming him only? Khushi is no less!" She mumbled to herself.

"Hello, yeah. Rohit get me the exact date of when would Kashyaps be landing back in India. I want them back in the country as soon as possible. Do something. Anything. Get them back in their den." He finished the call and paced in the garden.

He deliberately came out of the room for he didn't want to lash out on her more than he already had. If the matter was of his family he might have reacted the same way she did. Thinking that his anger mellowed down a bit.

But that doesn't mean he wasn't still upset with her.

Upon that there was no news from Aman still who left for Dehradun last night but now it were almost 16 hours he didn't have any contact with him. He has told him to keep in touch but that man sure was testing his patience.

"Where in the hell is this man? I hope he didn't get into trouble while getting me out of it. Dammit." He grunted and called Rohit again to use his contacts in Dehradun to track Aman. Also, see to it he hasn't got himself in any problem. Getting an affirmative response from him he calmed down a bit.

Only after any news from Aman about Ayushi and Sameer he could make a move on Kashyaps. Until then he has to keep his anger at bay otherwise he was dying to show those low-life family their place especially that Ashish Kashyap for blackmailing his Khushi under his nose.

Sending a quick text to Aman to call him as soon as he reads the message he pocketed his cell back and came back in the room. He saw her sitting leaning against the headboard with her hands crossed over her chest.

His eyes met hers and he exhaled breaking their eyelock.

Coming to his side of the bed he got into the covers and mimicked her position while opening his laptop placing it on his thighs. All this while he didn't spare her a glance.

"I am really sorry, Arnav ji." She mumbled moving closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder and wrapping her arm around his elbow.

He closed his eyes once before opening them to shut the laptop and place it on the bedside table.

"I don't get it Khushi. Why is it so hard for you to trust me with all of your secrets?" He tipped her chin up and asked earnestly.

"Why was it hard for you in the past, too?"

She swallowed.

"I trusted you then. I trust you even more now. Never doubt that." She pleaded entwining their hands.

He huffed shaking his head. God! It was so difficult staying upset at her. But she needn't know that yet. He pinched the bridge of his nose slipping his hands out of hers. Her heart dropped.

"Arnav ji, please believe me. In the past I didn't tell you anything because I was so terrified for Ayushi Di and Sami and you," She stopped abruptly.

"For me?" He frowned. "What could those idiots do to me?"

"That man shot my sister and took my Sami away in front of my eyes and I couldn't do anything even knowing everything about him then how would you have fought him when you didn't have any idea about his ugly plans?"

"I would've known if you'd had told me!" He twitched his mouth.

"I couldn't. He had had Sameer in his clutches!" She exclaimed. "If he has got even a hint that I deceived him he would've killed the child."

"If you had had told me I'd have made sure he couldn't lay a finger on either of them!" His voice notched higher.

She dropped her head on his chest feeling drained all of a sudden. They thought they have put it all behind but no, there were still many unfinished and unexplained circumstances which would take time to be understood by either of them.

"Anyways, let it be." He said patting her head. "If we discussed it more we would end up fighting. Again!" He laid down pulling her along but she sat up and crossed her legs sitting facing him.

"What?" He asked seeing her in full mood to have a serious conversation with him. He knew her that much that when she looks at him this nervously and bites her lips like that, it means she wants to say something.

"Khushi, ask quickly and stop biting your lips or else you'd have to bear the consequences!" He warned her.

Her eyes widened before she released her lips from her teeth seeing his eyes glinting with desires.

Placing the bend arm under his head he gave his full attention to her.

"Can you," She cleared her throat. "I mean.. can you.. is it possible.. that.. that.."

He released a breath and yanked her closer that she fell on him with her face inches away from hers. She gulped audibly.

"Say it and I'd make it possible for you." He locked his hands at her waist.

"Promise?" She asked hopefully.

"I won't be making any promises until I don't know what's going on in your head." He declared sternly.

She took a sharp intake of breath.

"Forget whatever Kashyaps did to me and let them be. I don't-"

"WHAT? Are you out of your mind?" He shoot up sitting taking her along. His grip tightened around her.

"I know you are afraid with those messages but why don't you-"

"Please?" She cut him in the middle. "I don't want you to get into another mess while trying to solve the problems of my life. Listen to m-" She stopped as his face hardened.

"Fine!" He said surprising her. "If that's what you want then that's what you'd get." His expressions relaxed as well.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes," He pecked her nose.

She searched his face for any sign of anger. Finding none she frowned. He agreed without a fight? This easily? She thought she would have to bear his outburst and much more until he would relent but here,

"That means you don't want to meet your Di and Sami as well. You have given up on them!" He cupped her cheeks removing the hairs from the sides of her face while she visibly stiffened at their mention which didn't go unnoticed by him. But he pretended nonchalant and added,

"You want them to always stay in Ashish Kashyap's clutches. Fine by me!" He shrugged and saw her eyes tear up.

"I-I will find them myself." She removed his hands from her face and moved back. He pulled her back. She crashed to his chest and this time saw his face changing color. In moments it turned red with extreme anger and she winced as he gripped her upper arms.

"You know what your problem is Khushi? You think that you have some super woman powers and you don't need anyone's help to solve your problems. All those super hero movies, fantasies about supernatural powers are nothing but.. bullshit. I agree they seem appealing but that's it. They look and feel good in that two hour movies only. To real life they have no connection so kindly, cut the fucking crap!" He gritted at the end.

"I-" She was cut sharply by him.

"I can't believe even after everything you still.. still--Fine. FINE I SAID."

She closed her eyes jerking in her position.

"Fine I won't avenge you but me. They didn't just played with you but me as well. They tried to ruin my life by sending you in it. I'd make them pay for what they did to me only. Is that fine by you now?" He shook her. She whimpered shutting her eyes tight.

A squeal left her as he whirled her around and pinned her down on the bed hovering over her with his eyes spitting fire.

"I told it to you before and I am telling you again. I HATE liars, Mrs. Raizada and whoever try them with me I screw them. Kashyaps have played a very big game with me and I won't sit back until I don't sue them. They would pray for death after I'd be done with them. Did you get that?"

"You're h-hurting me." She cried out whilst tears slipped from the corner of her eyes.

His eyes flashed for a moment more before the fire dimmed registering her tears and he loosened his grips on her arms but didn't move from above her. Instead he dropped his head on hers and breathed in and out causing her to whimper.

"Don't go." She called out as he got off and out of the bed straight to the door. And stopped right there at her voice.

"I need to calm down or I'll hurt you." He said with his hand on the door knob. His back facing her.

"Hurt me all you want. I can bear that. But don't go away. I won't be able to bear it." She choked.

His grip on tightened on the knob whilst he cursed under his breath. In severe dilemma he rushed back to the bedside table and filling the whole glass with water drank it in one go. Then another. Another. It took him several moments to calm himself down before he finally looked at her and found her in tears which gripped his heart into a fist.

He pinched the bridge of his nose in agitation. Feeling helpless he got into the covers and pulled her in his arms. Wiping her tears he kissed her softly. She sniffled and visibly relaxed seeing that he wasn't angry on her.

"I love you." She kissed his chest hugging him tightly. He closed his eyes reveling in her confession. These three words from her mouth could make him forget anything. Everything. Like it happened right now.

"I love you, too." He whispered brushing his lips to her hairs spooning her closer.

His cellphone pinged. He grabbed it from the table and casually swapped the screen but seeing the message he jumped up to sitting stunning Khushi who had her head resting on his chest with her eyes closed.

"What happened?" She asked concerned.

"Nothing." He locked the cell, placed it back on the table and turning to her locked his lips to hers causing her to fall back on the bed with her senses shutting off because he didn't stop on that only.

That night he made passionate love to her the way he didn't before. Ever. Drowning her in their love madness where there were just him and her and all she could do was moan and scream his name out loud with both of them not knowing that it would be the last time they would be this close to each other with this fervor. This love. This dedication.

Because the storm has finally hit the ground. Their ground. In their life. Which would not only destruct them but also everything else they ever held dear.

Everything happened in a blur for her after he dropped her at KM early in the morning in the same foul mood. He hasn't talked to her after she asked that promise of him and then her refusal to his marriage proposal straight on his face. It crushed her heart but she didn't try to pacify him because it was for the good. He deserved better. He shouldn't waste his time on a liar like her. If this is the way to make him hate her then she was all game for it.

Surprisingly when Kashyaps met her in the afternoon they didn't ask anything of whether she completed the task or not. Instead they were behaving normally as if nothing was out of order. She was too shaken for her sister and Sameer's safety that she herself approached them and told them that she tried but couldn't do it. She practically bent to her knees sobbing and folded her hands before Sanchi and Ashish to spare her family. She can't do this anymore.

"Fine. You will be free then but only after a few days." Ashish spoke smugly.

Khushi blinked her eyes in shock.

"Are you serious?" She stood up with her eyes widening.

"Yes." Sanchi spoke. "We wanted to destroy ASR at once but now we got a golden opportunity to do it piece by piece his entire life."

Khushi's heart dropped.

"What do you mean?" She asked scared.

"You didn't complete the task which we gave you but you did something much more bigger than that." Ashish smirked evilly. "You convinced him to marry. His sister called Sanchi this morning telling that in the evening she would be coming to ask for my daughter's alliance."

"And that's my Lavanya!" Sanchi spoke proudly.

Khushi paled and staggered back stunned. She didn't know what hurt her more. Whether Kashyap's monstrosity or Arnav's loyalty? Even after her refusal he was sending his Di? And did he even know to whom has he agreed to marry?

"So you're forgiven and we would spare your family too this time around. But only after Arnav and Lavanya's engagement. And before you start to think we meant 'you' by Lavanya then no my dear. We don't. This time the real Lavanya would get the fruit of your hardwork."

Khushi blinked back the tears. Even the thought of Arnav marrying Lavanya sucked her breaths. How would she be able to see it?

"Until then you'd have to carry on this facade. Then, you'll be free and so would be your Ayushi and Sameer. Forever. Not a bad deal is it?" Sanchi snorted. Ashish laughed.

"Listen, prepare everything for Anjali Singh Raizada's arrival and help Lavanya to get ready as well. And dare you come in front of Anjali at all or it won't be good neither for you nor for your family!"

She dragged her feet out and coming to the kitchen she fell on her knees. Sitting lifelessly against the wall she tried to curb her cries but her patience was hanging by a thin thread.

"I know it has been three weeks since we met and I know maybe it is too soon for you to hear it from me but, I am ready Hazel."

"I am ready to spend my life with you."

"Will you give me the honor to be your husband, your better half?"

"Will you marry me?"

His words rung from every corner and buzzed in her ears, her head taking away her composure. Cutting her slowly yet absolutely from within. She bled from inside and soon the tears started rolling down without her knowledge and then she sobbed with her palms covering her mouth as all the moments she spent with him swam before her eyes and ended on his proposal and then his anger.

"So, that's all Arnav ji." She whimpered to herself. "That's all." She hiccuped.

"Our story would end in a few days. With yours and Lavanya's alliance." Even as she said that a cry of agony left her. Lavanya found her this way and smirked. Grabbing her through her arm she made her stand before her and chuckled evilly.

"So the bubble did burst didn't it?" She taunted and it plunged knife in Khushi's heart.

"Anyways, if you are done pitying yourself then get back to work. My future sister-in-law is coming in a few hours and I don't want any negligence in the arrangement for her reception." Passing her another smug look she left while Khushi grabbed the kitchen slab to keep herself from breaking down yet again.

If that wasn't enough she received Arnav's voice message.

'I know you must haven't told your parents neither about my proposal nor of your refusal. It happened and that's between us. We would sort out our differences together but till then if you asked me to wait then I am sorry. I can't and I won't. So, If I mean even a smallest bit for you then you won't refuse in front of my sister. Yeah, she is going to be in KM in the evening and we are soon going to be engaged. Now, that's my PROMISE!'

She fumed at his audacity. She was wrong when she thought he would back off if she refused. He was more stubborn than she presumed him to be. She called him coming out in the garden.

"Ye aap acha nahi kar rahe! (You aren't playing fair!)" She snapped as soon as he picked up.

"Tum bhi toh acha nahi kar rahi maire sath toh mai kyun karun?(Are you? No, right. So why would I?)" He knew how to even it out.

"Arnav ji, you won't send your sister." She knew what it would cost her if Kashyaps got to know about talking to Arnav to back off yet she tried.

"Tell me one good reason that I shouldn't."

"Because I don't like you!" She said but it came out as a whine.

She heard him chuckle.

"I said no, Arnav ji. You can't force me like this!" She said angrily when he didn't take her seriously.

"I am not forcing you. Like a true gentleman I am sending my proposal to your parents. Now they will decide whether I deserve you or not." And the line went dead. She stared at the phone stumped and angry as well as hurt.

"I don't know about myself but you don't deserve a girl like Lavanya. You deserve the best. But how would I make you understand it without telling you the truth?" She said to herself feeling terrified for him like never before.

Anjali Raizada came and Lavanya met her with her family as if it was her who has been meeting her brother for the last many days. The happiness was radiating from Anjali's face as she engulfed Lavanya into a hug who has dressed herself in a traditional designger wear.

While Khushi stood behind a pillar and saw with tears in her eyes just a vague glimpse of the woman who was Arnav ji's whole family before Anjali sat on the couch with her back to her. She so wanted to have a closer look at Anjali ji but in vain. Her heart clenched as she remembered.

"Me and Di are each other's support. Without her, I'd have been no one. She has been my only family for a while now."

"For a while? Who else is now a part of your family?"

He shook his head with a smile.

"Hai koi. Phir kabhi btao ga! (There is someone. Will tell you some other time)" He smiled secretively.

She so wished she could hug her the way she always wanted but she could do nothing but stand far away getting only a glimpse of her because after that she got busy arranging the dining with different dishes before she was ordered to not show her face until the next orders.

She did disappear from the scene but only from Kashyaps eyes but hiding in a small space in the hall behind the wall she stayed there until Anjali stayed. Where though she couldn't see her but hear her well.

Khushi's heart broke as she heard.

"I can't believe Chote agreed in such a short span. He likes her. Thank you so much Lavanya. I haven't seen him this happy since ages. Thank you for bringing happiness back in his life." There was certain enthusiasm in both her tone and stance which cut Khushi into pieces.

If only she knew in how big of a mess she would be throwing her brother if she asked for this proposal. And then that happened. Anjali asked for her hand and much to Khushi's heartbreak Kashyaps agreed without missing a beat. She slid against the wall with her hand on her mouth and sobbed silently as she heard,

"In a week, we would like to do the engagement if you don't mind." Anjali asked hopefully.

"As you wish." Sanchi agreed right away.

"A week?" Khushi whispered to herself. "I have just a week left with him? 7 days?" She croaked feeling suffocated all of a sudden. Without getting noticed she ran and coming out in the backyard stood against the wall looking up in the sky with her vision blurred.

Breathing hard she pushed herself off the wall rubbing the left side of her chest. With even the thought of him becoming someone else's was killing her. How would she actually see him with someone else? He was a famous name in the fashion industry and she was sure his wedding would make headlines for days. How would she avert her eyes from her destruction and till how long and how far?

Upon that how would she be able to live with herself for deceiving him in such a way? How?

How would she be able to live in peace knowing that he would be marrying the woman whose whole family were the biggest liars?

Do you think he is a fool, Khushi that he would marry Lavanya just because everyone would say she is THE girl he kept meeting?

No. Never.

He would never marry her when he would meet the real Lavanya.

Just thinking about it she calmed down and decided something in her mind.

She has a week left with him. Just a week. And she would make most of it.

For sure!

She thought of everything except one that when he won't find her with Kashyaps on their engagement what would be his reaction?

He wasn't an ordinary man that he would sit back and relax when the woman he adored would disappear from his life all of a sudden.

Won't he move heaven and earth together to find her?

Won't he want to find answers to his umpteenth questions?

He sure would and he did.

Just that till now Khushi absolutely had no idea about his real attachment to her or to what extent he could go for her!

At exact 6 early in the morning he slipped out of the bed and left for AR leaving a note for her tucked under the jug on the bedside table.

"I am going to AR. Meet me there." He called him coming in the car and igniting the engine zoomed off after cutting the call. In minutes he was outside AR.

Parking the car he rushed inside and saw his cabin's light on meaning that he was here. Barging in the cabin he couldn't control it inside anymore.

"Are you sure? Dammit, why didn't you tell me right away? You don't know I held back till now. The minute I got your message I wanted to rush,"

"Relax. Relax, ASR. I will explain everything to you. Breath, first." He encouraged.

Arnav took his seat behind his desk and gestured for him to sit as well. He obliged.

"Tell me everything from the start." Arnav said with extra enthusiasm in his stance.

"Our sources were right. We have found them." Aman informed and Arnav pumped his fist in the air with a 'yes'.

"Great, GREAT work, Aman!"

Aman smiled.

"Thank you, ASR."

"Why didn't you keep in touch? You stayed MIA for the whole day that I sent my men after you to track you down."

"Firstly it took time for me to find her address. It was in some narrow street. Also, it took more time for me to make her talk to me. I got to know a few things after talking to Ayushi Gupta."

"You talked to her?" Arnav exclaimed standing up. "Did you tell her everything? Does she know how Khushi sacrificed so much to get her treated? Also for Sameer? Why didn't she search for Khushi after she got out of the rehab? Is she as anxious to meet her sister like my Khushi is?" Arnav shoot questions after questions.

"I have answers to all." Aman said. Arnav swallowed before sitting back while Aman started.

"I didn't tell Ayushi Mam anything because I went to meet her as one of Khushi Mam's colleague of her college time who wanted to meet her "

"Why did you have to hide your identity?" Arnav asked curiously. Somewhat calmed now.

"Because we needed to know that whether she is still under Ashish Kashyap's influence or not."

"Is she?" Arnav sat alert.

"I am coming to that. Before approaching her house I had my men check around of whether we are being followed or watched or not. Only after their clearance I went to meet her."

"Good." Arnav appreciated his thinking.

"Like I told you I met her as one of Khushi's old friend and when I asked her about Khushi she became too emotional that she instantly started crying."

"Of course. Khushi's condition becomes the same whenever any one mentions Ayushi."

"Khushi Mam's condition is because she couldn't find her. Ayushi Mam's reason was completely different and.. shocking."

"What do you mean?"

"In between her sobs Ayushi Mam told that Khushi Mam died three years ago in a car accident." Aman revealed silently electrocuting Arnav who shoot up from his seat shouting,

"WHAT THE FUCK? Why the hell did she lie? Here my Khushi was dying day and night for her. What she didn't do for her and that woman declared her dead that easily?" Arnav fumed.

"Let me complete ASR. Only then react. Please?" Aman tried to calm him down.

Huffing Arnav leaned forward while standing with his hands widely placed on the desk with his eyes spitting fire.

"You better explain it quickly or else I will lose my mind and punish not only Kashyaps but also that Ayushi Gupta!"

"Yeah. Yeah I am. As I met her as just Khushi's acquaintance she vaguely told me that a tragedy happened to their family in which at first they lost their parents and one thing led to another which eventually landed her in rehabilitation centre. When she came out though she got back her son but never her sister. She tried to find her for months and found out that she died in Pune in a car accident about three years ago."

Arnav brows knitted in confusion as he sat back. Now he could understand what has happened here.

"Who told her about Khushi's demis-" Arnav couldn't produce the word. It pained him like hell.

Aman brought him out of the predicament and answered understanding what he wanted to know.

"She said she ran into some woman who told her about her death."


"The woman with whom Khushi Mam stayed in Pune."

"Shalini Kumar?" It clicked Arnav.

Aman nodded.

"Why did that woman lie?" Arnav thought out loud.

"I have a theory regarding this, ASR." Aman placed his elbows on the table and prepared himself to say it because he knew it would only anger ASR more if it turned true.

"Shoot Aman. What are you waiting for?"

"I think the reason why Khushi Mam came from Pune to Delhi was to save her life."

Arnav's jaws clenched as it dawned on him even before Aman elaborated.

"She lived in Pune in Shalini Kumar's home for one and a half year because she didn't know about her real identity till then. After she did, that woman tried to harm her. Hence, she escaped and came where she knew she would be saved. With you!"

Arnav ran his hand over his face feeling really on the edge. If that's the case it's good Khushi escaped on time. Or else what would he have done without her?

"But why would that woman try to kill my Khushi?" Question popped in Arnav's mind.

"Because maybe Shalini Kumar was working for Kashyaps since the very start. That's why she kept Khushi with her to keep an eye on her every move." Aman said and Arnav's eyes narrowed as it made sense.

"That's why she lied to Ayushi as well about Khushi's dea- whatever!"

"Maybe. One more thing ASR. Shalini Kumar was the same woman who handed over Sameer to Ayushi in rehabilitation centre before parting her ways with her."

"That's impossible. The woman with whom Ayushi and Sameer left rehab was," He remembered the video and his jaws clenched.

"The video wasn't morphed ASR. It was really her. The woman who stayed with Khushi Mam and the woman who kept visiting Ayushi Mam with Sameer for years were the same."

Arnav felt like his head would burst.

"But Khushi stayed in Pune and Ayushi was in Mumbai's rehab. How could both the women be same?"

"That woman visited Ayushi Gupta with Sameer only once or twice in a month. And I think it's not that difficult to have a trip from Pune to Mumbai or vice versa for twice a month. Is it?"

Arnav dropped his head in his hands.

"You are saying that a woman who looks like my mother is working for Kashyaps for years. The woman who deceived me, my Khushi, my family, Khushi's family is a carbon copy of MY mother?!" He growled punching his fist on the table.

"One minute," He sat up straight as a confusion lurked in his mind. "How did you know they both are the same?"

Aman averted his eyes.

"Umm I kept a picture of Mrs. Gayatri Singh Raizada with me just in case. I showed it to Ayushi Gup,"

"You had a doubt from the very start and you didn't tell me?" Arnav cursed out loud. Aman closed his eyes.

"I wanted to tell you, ASR but you were so shaken seeing that video that I couldn't tell you anything without proofs or else it would have destruct you."

"Find it out. Find out who that Shalini Kumar is and what does she have against me, Khushi and my family that she has done all this!" Arnav ordered and dismissed him through his hands.

"Stop!" Arnav called him from behind.

Aman who has reached the door stopped and turned patiently for his question.

"Are they safe? Both Ayushi and Sameer?"

"Yes. I have my men all over that area." Aman answered. "Let me know when you and Khushi Mam plan a trip to Dehradun I'd get your private plane ready."

"It's not needed. I and Khushi will go meet her family only after I settle my scores with Kashyaps!" Arnav said. Nodding Aman left. 

Arnav's head was bursting with too much information at once. 

What the hell was going on?

Was this woman really some duplicate of his mother?

What if she is actually his own mother?

He shook his head whilst his throat clogged.

No. No. No!

It's not possible. Because if his mother had been alive she wouldn't have stayed aloof to her son and daughter for freaking ten years. That doesn't sound like his mother at all. NO!

His heart galloped in anguish remembering her.

He would have wished that woman turn out to be his mother but the things Shalini Kumar did were so low that he couldn't even imagine being called the son of such woman. It would shatter him. Destruct him. Ruin him.

His mother died long ago and that Shalini Kumar was just a replica of his mother. Yeah, weird but true. He shouldn't dwell on it much. He won't. He somehow convinced himself.

Arnav's phone beeped. Frustrated he swiped the screen and reading the message stood up before an evil smirk formed on his lips because it said,

Kashyaps landed in Delhi International airport five minutes ago. Waiting for your next orders -- Rohit.

"Now that I have both mine and Khushi's family secured it's time to have one on one conversation with you all, as well." Arnav pocketed his cellphone and dashed out of the room determined.

Today he would finish this ugly game once and for all!

Ashish, Sanchi, Lavanya, Rohan and her two years old Ravin entered in the living room busy in chats when Lavanya noticed it first. At her gasp her family followed her line of vision and soon their condition was the same as hers. Because right there in the centre of the hall on one of the lavish couches Arnav Singh Raizada was sitting royally with a devilish smirk on his face.

"Welcome back to India but what are you all doing here?" He frowned looking at their dumb faces.

"It should be us who should be asking. What are you doing here in my home?" It was Ashish who questioned.

"Your home?" Arnav asked incredulously. "Yours?" He laughed out loud making them all look at each other.

Rohan Raj Singh, Lavanya's husband did recognize the man, ASR, the multi-millionaire but what he didn't understand was, 

What was he doing here and why were his eyes glinting with something dangerous that it sent chills down his spine because he has heard and seen news about his shrewdness and ruthlessness.

"What is this nonsense, ASR? Get out of here!" Sanchi spoke firmly even though her insides were shivering with fear of him finding it all out.

Did Khushi tell him everything? She thought. No. She shook her head. She won't tell because Khushi knows that what would happen if she did.

Then why was he here?

Why was he sitting as if he owned the place?

Her heartbeat raised as a doubt raised in her mind whilst Ashish kept shouting at him to get out of here but he kept sitting nonchalantly. When she saw their servants arranging the tea and snacks for him on the table she lost it and burst out on the servants and ordered them to take it all back in the kitchen but none of them listened and looked at Arnav for his next orders.

Only when Arnav nodded did they leave but without taking back the refreshments.

"I'd have loved to entertain you all with some tea or snacks as well but the truth is I am not in the mood to entertain guests right now so do me and yourself a favor and get out of here!" He gestured through his hands as if to dismiss them.

"What the hell are you saying? Have you forgotten the way to your home? It's KM not RM!" Lavanya growled this time coming to stand behind the couch across him.

"I haven't forgotten anything Ms. Kashyap uh-oh Pardon, I meant Mrs. Rohan Raj Singh. I know RM is my home but then so is KM from now on!" He dropped the first bomb on them. Rohan who was carrying Ravin in his arms handed over the baby to his Nanny who took him away.

"Although it won't be called Kashyap Mansion from here on." Arnav smirked widely as he got the desired reaction out of them as Sanchi, Ashish and Lavanya's faces turned pale as white.

Rohan stepped forward then seeing them all speechless.

"ASR, right?" Rohan asked politely.

"Yup. And you must be Rohan Raj Singh. The only heir of Raj Group of Industries. It's nice meeting you finally." Arnav picked his cup from the table and took a sip.

"Yes. But can you elaborate why are you saying this that this is your home? How? I mean -- Why?" He exclaimed.

"Why?" Arnav's face hardened as he glared at the Kashyaps who started trembling in their shoes. Seeing which Rohan frowned confused.

"Why and how would be answered by your wife more aptly. Right now, do yourself and your in-laws a favor and get the hell out of here!" Arnav snapped thumping the cup on the table in front.

"Listen ASR, there is a big misunderstanding here. I think,"

"Misunderstanding? ROHIT!" He called out loud and a man entered with black and blue files in his hands. He took the seat on the single couch and handed over the files to Arnav. Taking out the blue one he nodded at Rohit and he passed it to Rohan who opened it confused.

Turning pages after pages his eyes widened before he headed to Ashish and muttered,

"Uncle, he is right. See," Rohan shook Ashish who took the file with shaky hands and as his eyes trailed from start till the end he staggered back before defiance seeped into him. Looking into Arnav's eyes with vengeance Ashish tore pages after pages into pieces and threw it in the air even knowing that they were the copy to the original documents.

"This is fraud. I never signed off KM to anyone!" He went berserk.

Arnav's laughter echoed in the hall.

"Fraud? Oh fuck, Mr. Kashyap. These words doesn't suit you after what you did." Shaking his head he counted to ten in his mind to keep his anger in check otherwise only he knew how he was behaving calmly till now even though lava was burning in him ever since he got to know the truth, to burn them all into ashes as his Khushi's misery for years flashed in his eyes discreetly.

Lavanya and Sanchi were too shocked to say a word still.

Ashish was perspiring by now. Seeing their condition Rohan concluded that there was something big behind all that is happening because ASR wasn't the man who would do all this without any reason.

"Look ASR, you want me to leave Khushi alone then I," He couldn't complete because Arnav was before Ashish in a snap with his hands gripping his neck causing both the ladies to shriek and Rohan and Rohit to gasp.

"Don't you dare take her name with your dirty mouth!" He pressed his throat while his voice boomed in the hall. His nostrils flared with his eyes turning bloodshot in moments making him look like a wounded lion.

Ashish coughed whilst his face turned red. Rohit stepped forward and so did Rohan to part him from Ashish before he could strangle him to death.

As Rohit pulled him back Arnav reached over to punch him on his face. Ashish cried placing his hand on his broken jaw as blood dropped from the corner of his mouth. Rohan pushed Ashish to his back and stepped in front.

"I get it, ASR you're angry about something." Rohan tried to handle the situation. "And it must be something big but can't you guys sit and talk it out instead of getting violent?"

"TIME TO TALK IS LONG GONE!" Arnav lost it. Ashish did a big mistake taking Khushi's name before the possessive freak. Now he would have to bear the brunt.

"NOW IS THE TIME FOR ACTION. MY ANSWER TO YOU ALL FOR WHAT YOU DID TO MY KHUSHI, ME, AYUSHI AND SAMEER!" He yelled and they all jerked at their places. Sanchi, Ashish and Lavanya looked at each other horrified.

He knows!

Sanchi begged, Lavanya did too while Ashish looked on shaking with tremors as Arnav stood like a stone to whom their words weren't reaching.

"GUARDS!" He called out loud. Kashyaps own guards came running in and stood before him.

"Throw them all out of my property RIGHT NOW!" He ordered. They looked at him dumbfounded because as soon as he ordered their own guards started dragging them out with their downcast eyes while they struggled to get free.

"ONE MINUTE. ONE MINUTE!" Lavanya screamed. "LET ME GET MY SON THEN I WILL GO." She protested defiantly.

Arnav chuckled darkly dropping himself back on the couch. An evil smirk formed on his lips and in midst his gesture the guards stopped dragging them out to which they breathed. Lavanya walked along with Rohan to the direction of the garden where Nanny took Ravin. She saw her son playing with the Nanny and with a smile pulled at the glass doors to open it but it didn't budge. Rohan tried too but in vain.

Lavanya's heart dropped to her stomach as she ran to every glass door leading to the garden but none of them were budging. Sobbing she ran back to the place where she could clearly see Ravin and bellowed for him banging the door. Seeing her condition Ashish and Sanchi ran to her as well while Rohan looked back knowingly at Arnav who was sipping tea as if he was deaf.

Lavanya ran to the front door but guards blocked her way.

"STEP ASIDE. I NEED TO GET MY CHILD. THEN I WILL LEAVE YOUR NEW BOSS'S SO CALLED MANSION!" She cried out but none of them moved from their place. She cried. She begged. Sanchi sobbed and tears welled up in Ashish's eyes as well because there were only two people in this world about whom he give a damn. It were either Sanchi or Lavanya.

Swallowing hard he wiped his eyes and turned to the man sitting at their house as its new owner with defiance shining in his eyes.

"Open the fucking doors to the garden, ASR and we will leave right away taking Ravin with us!" Ashish faced him.

Arnav took another sip of his tea while scrolling on his phone.

When even after many defiant orders from Ashish he didn't listen then Ashish knees buckled and he fell on his knees before him. That's when Arnav looked up triumphantly and raised his eyebrow.

"I have just started and you are already on your knees?" He scoffed leaning back on the couch with his one leg perched over the other.

Ashish folded his hands before him and pleaded,

"Ravin is just a child. He can't stay without his mother."

Something snapped at Arnav at that.

"Sameer was just two years old too when you took him away from his mother. Where was this 'beautiful' ideology of yours then?" Arnav growled in a low menacing voice.

Ashish mumbled apologies after apology but Arnav remained unfazed.

"Ayushi Gupta got shot the day you took Sameer away from her. Now if you didn't leave with your daughter, wife and son-in-law in next five minutes then I'd write the same fate for your Lavanya before letting her get out of here."

Ashish gasped horrified.

"And forget seeing your grandchild for the next 6 years!" Arnav finished and Ashish;s head dropped to the ground whilst his shoulders dropped and soon shook as sobs racked through him.



"How do you think we convinced Rohan to marry an already pregnant Lavanya?" A completely broken Ashish retaliated then with vengeance shining in his eyes.

"It wasn't Lavanya he fell in love with. It was Khushi." He said and for the first time during their conversation Arnav's face lost all colors.


Phew! I hope you liked the update as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

God! It feels so good to be back to writing. Miss you all and your feedback :)

Do let me know how was the update? I know you must have many questions. Don't hesitate to ask and I promise to clear your confusions in further updates.


1. Arnav's revenge has just started like he said. What do you think will be his next plan of action?

2. What about his way of avenging Khushi?

3. What Ashish meant in the Precap?

4. Any questions? Queries?

The next part would be the update of revelations. Stay tuned. There is going to be blast in the Part 15 that will change everything in everyone's life.

Kindly don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT. Waiting eagerly for your response <3


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