Part 15

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Bold: Continuation of Khushi and Ayushi's Past

Italic: Arnav and Khushi's Past

Normal font: Present

This one is quite a complicated and twisted most awaited chapter of ZT. Everything, whether present or past (bold/italic) are all significant and interlinked with one or the other part so I'd suggest don't skip any part or you won't understand what's happening.

It comprises of 18k+words and is not proofread. Kindly ignore the typos.


Sanchi was apprehensive and so was Ashish while Lavanya was furious because Arnav has specifically asked through Anjali that he would do their engagement shopping with 'Lavanya' himself.

For that he would pick her up every day at an exact time till their D-day.

Khushi's heart melted when she heard it while the Kashyaps were arguing with each other. She wanted to spend at least the last seven days fully with him and he granted her wish without him having any idea. Her eyes prickled. Heart clawed.

"It's my engagement. Why would that low class servant shop in place for me?" Lavanya whined quite pissed off.

Khushi rolled her eyes. In any other situation she would have felt scared of Lavanya doing something to her or maybe beating the crap out of her but not today.

She knew neither of them would risk Arnav finding out the truth before the engagement or it would ruin all of their plans. So she calmly concentrated on cleaning and cooking. Her daily chores.

As expected by her, a little while later, Ashish and Sanchi called for her and ordered her for what she has to do before she could actually be free.

She just nodded at them blankly while her mind diverted to a certain Raizada with whom she was quite pissed yet she couldn't tame down the excitement building up in her for meeting him.

"Did your anger pass?" He has asked the first day when she sat in and he drove off KM.

"Does it matter?" She said seriously looking ahead.

"Of course it does." His answer was quick and certain.

"Then why didn't you listen to me? Why did you send your sister? Why did you ask for my hand? Why did you make a promise while refusing to make one while I asked for it?"

"Hazel, I don't lie. And with you, never." He said quietly. "Giving you that promise would have meant lying to you. Because I don't think I'd ever be able to move on from you." He meant what he said.

She sighed. If only he knew what he was signing up for!

"Arnav ji," She started and saw him breathing out placing a hand over his heart.

"What's wrong?" She asked in worry placing a hand on his arm.

"Woman, you kill me when you call me by my name with that Ji. So innocently." He said looking at her mischievously to which she glared at him for scaring her.

He chuckled smirking.

"You are such a drama king." She shook her head.

"That'd make you drama queen." He said suggestively.

She giggled warming him all over. In that moment Khushi made a stern resolve to herself seeing his eyes brightening up with joy.

That for the next seven days she would be neither an imposter nor a shadow version of herself but just her Ayushi Di's Khush for him. The real her.

It was the only way she comprehend she could compensate for what was about to hit him.

If she couldn't be with him in the tough time ahead she'd be with him for just a few days and make sure she gives him as much laughters and smiles as she could.


"Ayushi Gupta got shot the day you took Sameer away from her. Now if you didn't leave with your daughter, wife and son-in-law in next five minutes then I'd write the same fate for your Lavanya before letting her go off here."

Ashish gasped horrified.

"And forget seeing your grandchild for the next 6 years!" Arnav finished and Ashish dropped his head on the ground whilst his shoulders dropped and soon shook as sobs racked through him.

Lavanya's sobs and pleads still reverberated in the background whilst Rohan(Lavanya's husband) was too shocked at the revelations by ASR to pay heed to her. Moreover a particular yet familiar name which the said man has uttered twice by now possessively kept knocking his head like a hammer.

Sanchi's condition was no better.

Ashish tried again and again to beg ASR until he heard him say,

"This is just the start Kashyap. Today I got your house. Tomorrow it will be your business. First of all Delhi then later in all cities one by one. You played a game behind my back. I will play it in front of your eyes. Now I challenge you. Save yourself if you can!"

Dumbfounded Ashish stared in disbelief at Arnav. Even his cries subsided while Lavanya bellowed hysterically as she noticed that her boy's nanny walked away from the garden with her son before she disappeared from her sight.

The devilish smirk on Arnav's face devoid of any emotions sent chilled down Rohan's spine who saw it as did Rohit.

Rohit(Arnav's PI) was a silent spectator till now. He knew everything so he kept quiet. They deserved everything they were getting but he was a bit apprehensive about ASR's plan about the child.

"We would inform the police. You're kidnapping a kid. This is illegal!" Sanchi growled spitting fire at Arnav.

ASR burst out laughing at her comment.

"Oh seriously? By all means call the police then Mrs. Kashyap. I'd be right here waiting for you!" That sealed Sanchi's mouth because she knew the legal REAL investigations would leave only her family in trouble. Arnav felt immensely satisfied for putting her at her place.

In midst that Ashish felt his rage overpowering his common sense and he stood up facing ASR thinking that he could outrun him anyhow.

"All this for what? For that whore who betrayed you?" Ashish clenched his teeth. Rohan gasped feeling a storm coming registering Arnav's expressions.

Rohit's eyes widened in horror not for Arnav but for Ashish because the old man literally was asking for hell by uttering that. Fool. Didn't he know that Khushi was Arnav Singh Raizada's Achilles' heel?

Arnav chuckled darkly. The tone of which shut even sobbing Lavanya up and made Sanchi gulp scared for her husband.

"You did not just say that did you?" Arnav half smiled quirking his eyebrow all chilled.

"I just did. What would you do? By coveting my house you think you're some big shot? No. You're nothing in front of me. I can destroy you in minutes. And now I'd. I'd get my grandson back. After that I'd come after your Kh-" He gasped as he saw himself looking up to the gun pointed to his head earning shrieks of terror from Lavanya and Sanchi.

Rohan trembled in his shoes because more than the gun ASR's expressions scared them all.

"You're saying something. Go on!" Arnav said in a quite chill tone but his expressions were anything but cool.

"We--we are leaving. Ashish, chalo!" Sanchi chipped in tugging at her husband's elbow who was standing stock still on his place with horror struck face as if his feet were glued to the floor as well as his vocal cords stopped functioning. His eyes were pleading, his lips were trembling but neither he could move nor run or listen anything around.

"Today I really didn't want to get much physical but Kashyap you have literally asked for it. So okay. I'd give it to you!" A crooked smile formed on Arnav's face before he pulled the trigger bursting everyone's nerves sucking the blood off their faces.

Ashish yelped in pain falling on his knees with blood oozing out of his right leg like water shower.

Lavanya and Sanchi ran to him dumbstruck. Rohan couldn't move still. Terror of ASR was now permanently instilled in their minds.

"Don't worry. He won't die. I won't let him. Not this easily. This is just a minute payback for everything he did. So Mr. Kashyap. How does it feel to get a bullet pierced in yourself?"

Arnav crouched down in front of him and raised his chin with the front of the gun making his daughter and wife shudder for the gun was still loaded not locked.

"I think now you can feel a little bit of what Ayushi felt when you shot her, no?" Arnav quirked his eyebrow.

"Yes, yes I do. I-- I need a doctor. Take me to a doctor." He frantically asked sobbing in explicit pain.

"Itni bhi jaldi kya hai? (What's the hurry?) I was told that you delayed Ayushi getting medical help when she was shot. You'd go to hospital after the exact time she kept writhing in pain and my Khushi had to see that." Arnav gritted out.

"Khushi?" Rohan muttered to himself which no one heard. He was in his own world. Of a memory of years back. No way it could be her. Kashyaps told him that--

"So till then let's have a productive discussion of who would take the blame of this shooting," Arnav went to sit back royally on the couch with the gun still in his hand.

"ASR!" Rohit said to which Arnav shut him up with a look.

"Why would anyone else take the blame? You shot my father!" Lavanya yelled angrily.

"Oh come on. Don't you get it? Didn't Ayushi go to jail because your father lied that she killed Arun even though it was he only who killed his own son? It's something like that!" Arnav said solemnly.

"I'm giving you a choice Ashish Kashyap. You decide. Who do you want to send to jail? Your wife or your daughter?"

The trio gasped whilst Rohan staggered back. What had his in-laws gotten into?

"Come on. It's time to let out who do you love more? Your Sanchi or your Lavanya!"

"I'm not choosing anyone!" A writhing in pain Ashish hollered holding his leg while sitting on the ground with his wife and daughter on his either sides. They even forgot Ravin for those moments.

"You know your 'beautiful' talks about my wife has changed my mind drastically. You have to choose now. Until you don't you can't leave nor can you go to hospital unfortunately," Arnav twitched his mouth.

Ashish gave a terrified pained look to Sanchi and Lavanya alternatively before clenching his jaws.

"I'd take the blame. I'd tell them I shot myself. Now let us go!"

Arnav chuckled before shaking his head.

"No. No. Kashyap. You're not included. You have to stay out to see one of your most precious relation rotting in jail. Choose quickly because if you didn't then I'd smuggle your grandson to some unknown country," Arnav said the last words with his eyes bloodshot and so dangerously glinting that Ashish found himself blurting out,

"Sanchi. I choose her!"

Sanchi gasped as the words left her husband. Lavanya paled.

Arnav sat back relaxed then to see the drama unfold.

"What? You want me to go to jail?" Sanchi looked pissed and hurt.

"I--I'd get you out as soon as possible. Please it's for our grandson. Our Ravin." He pleaded to which Sanchi made a face but didn't object for she also loved Ravin and Lavanya as much as she loved Ashish.

"Okay," She said looking at Arnav angrily.

"Wow. Such a great grandmom you're. But let me tell you something very clearly. If you tried to outsmart me then I'd not only send your grandson away but also put another bullet in your husband's body. This time in his head!" He said dead serious. The trio shuddered with the dangerous vibes emanating from him. They dared not object.

In midst the excruciating pain of the bullet almost made Ashish lose his senses. His eyelids were drooping. Sanchi and Lavanya kept calling him before he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore and lost consciousness causing the duo to yell out his name.

Arnav rolled his eyes nonchalantly. What's the big fuss he couldn't understand. Just a shot on the leg won't kill that bastard anyway. So much for being overdramatic.

At Arnav's gesture Rohit called their men who then took the trash--the Kashyap trio out whilst Rohan kept standing silently looking fearfully at Arnav who has asked him to stay.

"Did you have a love marriage with Lavanya?" Arnav asked gesturing him to sit on the opposite couch.

Sitting down swallowing Rohan replied,

"No. M-My father choose her." Rohan avoided telling him the details.

"Oh!" Arnav said. "So did you know before marriage or after that she was pregnant with someone else's baby?"

Rohan's head shot to him in surprise. How does he know that Lavanya was pregnant before marriage?

"After," He answered truthfully despite wanting to ask so many questions before answering him.

"Pity. You couldn't tear the web that family weaved around you. I guess I was lucky then," Arnav shrugged.

He also knew how conservative Rohan's family was despite being a well known public figure. Being the only heir of Raj Group of industries was no joke but,

Even though Rohan runs the business but the mastermind behind the curtain were his father and grandfather only. ASR was well aware of that too.

"Does your family know that the child is not yours?" Arnav asked calmly.

Rohan shook his head.

"Despite all that you're still married to her. Can I ask you why?"

"I--just--actually I-- can't--" Rohan teared up.

"You couldn't refuse your father?" ASR probed. In front of media and interviews this man looked so calm and calculative, authoritative even but behind it, in real he was so timid and introvert. Arnav could tell very clearly now.

"No. It wasn't that." He composed himself and this time when he spoke he looked neither afraid nor weak.

"I can't become a dad. Ever." Rohan said looking in Arnav's eyes rendering ASR speechless for a second.

"I'm sorry," Arnav's gaze softened for a moment. Rohit looked sympathetically at him.

"I don't know why I told you this which I haven't been able to tell it to anyone for years." He paused to exhale as various emotions washed through him.

"For Dada ji and Papa, Ravin might be our family's one and only future heir. But for me, he is my everything. More than a son." He croaked averting his eyes.

"I am in this marriage still only because of him. Solely and solely for him." His voice broke at the end before he raised his eyes up to him.

"Are you---" Rohan cleared his throat trying to prepare himself to ask the dreaded question.

"Are you his father?" Rohan's face contorted in pain as he asked that.

"No. I'm not. Didn't she tell you who the father is?" Arnav frowned feeling repulsive more than ever for the never ending manipulation of that Kashyap family.

"I never asked." He said quietly. "I was so afraid of losing Ravin. I know I don't have the right." He wiped the corner of his eyes.

"I can see and understand that they hurt you and your family. I won't interfere in your revenge and all but just listen to a request of mine." He cried out.

"Please don't hurt Ravin in all this. He is innocent. I promise you he is nothing like them. Even being just two years old, more than his mother he loves me. I can prove it to you. Please give him to me?" He looked at the watch as it started beeping that exact moment.

"It's time for his meal. Please?" He said looking expectantly at Arnav who looked at him thoughtfully for a few moments before opening his mouth coming to a decision.

"You can be with him but I have a condition!" Arnav said looking at him seriously.


The next few days, a week, seven days were a pure bliss. She let go of all the worries at Kashyap Mansion while riding in his car when he came to pick her up in the afternoon mostly.

She did everything possible to make him smile and laugh by all her efforts shuddering imagining his condition when he'd get to know the truth.

But she still made sure to maintain a decent distance from him as to not fan his hopes.

"I can't believe you're this dramatic and naughty in real. You perfectly hid yourself from me the last three weeks." He said breathlessly after they settled back in the car as she has played the prank on that police officer leaving the man dumbfounded and Arnav in splits of laughter before they both ran for their life.

She smiled rasping seeing his eyes dancing with mirth and unbound happiness.

Her eyes prickled thinking of the impending doom this amazing man would have to face and she could do nothing but watch it happen.

She so wished she could do something about it but she was tied. So brutally tied and helpless that despite wanting so hard to she couldn't save the only man she has ever fallen in love with.

"Always be like this Arnavji. You look the best when you laugh. You look even more radiant when you are this carefree."

His eyes twinkled as he heard that. She gulped.

'Can't hold your mouth you imbecile! Control yourself. Keep it in mind you're not his real fiancé and he is not yours to drool or compliment.' The voice in her head shattered her insides.

"Never lose yourself for anyone else who isn't worth you." She did the damage control.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He quirked his eyebrow mischievously.

"Just some philosophy I have in mind." She shrugged not wanting him to feel sad at this moment.

They barely have two to three days left she didn't want to probe the business man ASR to the fore. If he got suspicious then the lives of her family would be over and done with. So would she be.

"You see we have our whole lives to hear your philosophies on life. But right now I want to take you somewhere you'd so love." He said starting the car.

"Okay." She buckled up while passing her a smile he put the car on the road.

Her heart fluttered first before clenching so hard in her chest that she turned her head fully to the window as her vision blurred with unshed tears.

Not only for him she was also gathering some memories for herself too in this one week for this seven days were their last days together. After that they'd never cross path or be able to meet each other.

She'd vanish from his life as if she never existed while he'd soon become someone else's. She bit back a sob as her thoughts buzzed in her head crushing her absolutely.

Little did she know she has underestimated the man beside her. She thought he'd anyhow marry someone else to save his family's reputation not knowing that the man was the most obstinate specie of the men in this world. Also one woman, man.

If he has considered her his' then she is the only one for him forever no matter what.

But that she realized unfortunately a bit later when the very same man not only found her but also made her his by hook or by crook making all of her assumptions wrong and putting her through hell worse than she put him in.


"Arnav ji where are you? Why aren't you home yet? It's way past your office time. Is everything alright? Are you okay?" She burst out as soon as he picked up the call at the third ring.

"Hold on, sweetheart. Breath first. And ask one question at a time." He smiled with mirth dancing in his eyes.

Despite the heavy showdown with Kashyaps just listening her voice soothed him a big time. Like always.

"I've breathed already. Now tell me." She insisted making him chuckle.

"I'm okay. In fact now after hearing you I'm more than fine. I have some pending work that's why the delay. And yeah everything is alright. Ab Khush?"

Her giggle in reply made his day brighter.

"Yes I'm Khush." She stated mischievously.

"No. You're Hazel." He commented smirking.

"That, too!" She said overwhelmed. He could feel her smiling.

"Okay, listen sweetheart I might not be able to come home tonight. Inform this to Di as well so that she doesn't worry either."

He sighed when he heard the silence on the other side.

"Come on Khushi. You know I won't be able to concentrate on work if I know that you're upset,"

"I'm not upset." She mumbled. But he could feel that her chirpiness was gone replaced by dejection.

"Arnavji sab sachme theek hai na? (Is everything actually okay?)" She asked concerned.

She doesn't know why was she feeling this way since morning as if something was about to happen. Not knowing what, was only making her more anxious.

"Sab theek hai, hazel. Aur ab kuch galat mai hone bhi nahi dunga! (Yes all is okay, hazel. And from now on I won't let anything bad happen anyway)" He said firmly putting her worries to rest.

"You just promise me you'd eat and sleep on time. Don't wait for me. Okay?" He added softly.

"Ye humein aapse kehna chahiye (I should be saying that)" She said firmly.

"Don't worry I'd eat and rest both. You just take care of yourself. And don't miss me much,"

"I'd take care but I already miss you!" She said quietly at the end.

He smiled feeling like giving her a tight hug of comfort. She must be looking so adorable with that look confessing it.

"I won't take long. I promise. And by the way, usually I become whiny and clingy like this. Aren't our roles getting reversed every passing day?" He teased her.

"What!" She shrieked making him purse his lips mirthfully. He has unleased his lioness successfully.

Ab bhugto! (Now endure!)

"I'm clingy? And whiny?" She growled.

"Truth is always bitter, sweetheart." He wasn't going to take back his words.

"You just wait and watch now. I'd not be missing you at all. You can take as much time as you want. Happy working!" She huffed before cutting the call angrily.

Arnav laughed touching the phone to his forehead before shaking his head.

He so knows his Hazel that much already. Now he was sure she would not only try everything possible to NOT miss him but also won't stay up late to wait for him.

His purpose to instigate her was fulfilled. Now he could work with clear mind knowing she won't neglect herself without him.

He has already gotten her new phone and number. Not that Kashyaps were in any condition to contact her again but he didn't want to take any chances when it comes to her.

Already the messages that Ashish Kashyap had the audacity to send Khushi some days ago has made him quicken his plans against them beforehand.

That Kashyap has dug his grave himself by still having the guts to blackmail Khushi even knowing that she was back with ASR.

What Arnav would have done to them a few days later on their supposed date to be back from their world tour he preoponed it through his PI after reading those texts.

They unleased his monstrous side by themselves. Sooner than later. Now they'd bear the brunt of it until he would destroy them once and for all.

In the morning as he freshened up he received the call in midst that made him smirk victoriously.

Sanchi was arrested for the attempt to murder on her husband as she herself went to police station to confess telling the forged story Arnav has ordered her yesterday that she should. She was already too terrified of ASR to negate him ever again.

Ashish Kashyap was already in hospital still as he had gone through an emergency surgery yesterday. Lavanya was getting desperate for her son on the other hand.

Ravin would not be neglected either for he has had his father, Rohan with him living in KM as per Arnav's condition that he'd keep mum about everything he heard or saw until told otherwise.

Rohan didn't care much about Lavanya or her family either. He was tolerating them only for Ravin anyways.

This was his chance to have the little one for himself and he didn't hesitate to grab it either with both hands.

According to Rohan, Lavanya has spent her night outside KM banging on the doors to meet her son not knowing that not Arnav, her own husband was staying inside keeping deaf ears to all her pleas.

She was ringing Rohan continuously in midst for she hasn't seen him around either. He has ignored her calls royally while patting his son to sleep.

Just one day of his payback and Arnav has achieved all this which took Kashyaps years to get there. And this was just the start.

Satisfied ASR was about to head home when an urge to see the defeated face of that old retard lying helplessly all defeated got him driving to the hospital.

He satisfied his itch leisurely seeing him in quite a pitiful condition with his right leg all plastered with the man's face contorted in pain which soon turned upset upon seeing the reason of his doom standing in front of him.

"Hi!" Arnav said cheerfully. "How're you Uncle?"

Ashish gritted his teeth. He just hated this face so much. This man resembled his father Arvind Singh Raizada so much.

That man was as cocky as well but his son Arnav Singh Raizada has had a whole different level of being smug which he despised till his bones.

He has made Ashish realize in just a day that he made the biggest mistake of his life to mess with him.

He should have hit on targets like timid and uncomplicated men akin to Rohan then today he wouldn't have been in this condition with neither his daughter nor his wife by his side.

One was locked up in jail while another was desperate and caged in another kind of hell without her son.

But now there was no use crying over spilt milk. He has to counter attack to save both himself and his family with his grandson and he needed to get the upper hand back on him anyhow.

"Hello?" Arnav waved at him smirking.

"Kahan kho gaye Uncle ji?(Where are you lost?) I hope you are comfortable?" He smirked devilishly.

"I'm fine!" Ashish managed to say without sounding harsh. He knew better to instigate him.

"Kamal hai. Biwi, pote aur beti ka atta pata nahi aur phir bhi aap theek hain. Wah! (It's great, no? You don't have a freaking clue where you wife, grandson or daughter are and still you're fine. It's amazing!)" He said sarcastically giving him a pitying look.

"No worries. These are STILL your best days 'Uncle'. Aage aage dekhiye kya hota hai. I promise you you'd love what's coming ahead much much more!"

Arnav half smiled giving him an innocent look successfully dropping the façade of timidness on Ashish's face.

"Don't fly high ASR. You don't know what you're actually getting into. You'd not just burn us but also turn yourself into ashes too. Mark my words!" Ashish gritted out glaring at him before winching as he accidentally moved his injured leg causing the ache to wash through his body.

Seeing which Arnav chuckled shrugging. "Such a joyful day you're living in. I just love how you're carrying yourself." He took a dig now seriously enjoying his predicament.

"I'd turn yours this joy into mourns with this one truth only!" Ashish couldn't help but say quietly as waves of pain shoot through him making him feel nauseous.

Just one day and Arnav has cracked this tough man till his roots inwardly that he lost all sense of safety that now Ashish just wanted to defeat him anyhow. And he knew what would bring him down. Only one person. His weakness would be their strength again. Period.

"Bring it on!" Arnav leaned against the wall crossing his ankle standing all relaxed.

"How do you think we convinced Rohan to marry an already pregnant Lavanya?" A completely broken Ashish retaliated then with vengeance shining in his eyes.

"It wasn't Lavanya he fell in love with. It was Khushi." He said and for the first time during their conversation Arnav's face lost all colors.

But just for a single moment before he burst out laughing making Ashish look at him shocked.

This man was a lunatic. How could he laugh it out as if it was amusing him? He should have gotten jealous and unhinged.

"I'm not lying!" Ashish growled pissed as his tactic to disrupt him failed.

"As if I care!" Arnav said half smiling. "Your truths are like you. Bogus!"

Shaking his head he added,

"Better luck. Next time!" He winked before turning around and left whistling leaving a quite frustrated Ashish behind.

As soon as ASR sat back in his car he released the breath he has had been holding all through his way out of the hospital to the parking lot before touching his head to the steering wheel inhaled and exhaled quickly feeling suffocated all closed up. His face was a picture of misery.

"Please love, please tell me it's not true. Tell me that you didn't hide it despite promising me that you won't keep any secrets anymore. Not this time, hazel. Please not this time. Not again. I won't be able to take it,"

He mumbled to himself feeling his eyes prickling and heart throbbing in his ears. Nerves at his temples has shot out. His breathing labored until his ears caught the ringtone of his cellphone he has specifically set for his wife's number.


"Whatever the reason you bitch now you're his wife and you failed us. Mom, dad has already made arrangements to punish you. Do you know how?"

She was adamant to make Kashyaps believe that she didn't marry Arnavji by her own will. She was forced. She tried. Tried hard. Endured all the outbursts of Arnav for that matter to earn a visit to KM too.

Despite her telling them that she didn't do anything deliberately, she was told that Ashish Kashyap has smuggled Sameer and Di to some other city already and they refused to share their location with her.

Feeling utterly hopeless when she threatened them that she'd tell Arnavji everything they told her something that pulled the rug off her feet. Tilted her whole universe upside down.

"We have your biggest weakness in our hands still. Arnav Singh Raizada."

"If he found out about our fraud then I am sure he would sue us but do you know what we would do in case our truth came out?"

"Tell Arnav everything and I will tell the whole world with proofs that I am not lying." Sanchi has spat out venom.

Neither for her Di nor for Sameer she kept silence for her Arnavji then.

Because the truth was so shattering and heartrending that she knew he won't be able to take it. It all weighed her down.

Everything became darker more than it already was in her world.

Her nephew, Sameer was gone to a place she had no idea about. Her Di was still in some other unknown rehab centre.

In fact she doesn't even know if her Di was transferred to another rehab centre or was being kept captive at some other place?

The little bit recovery Ayushi Di made with Sameer's visits according to Kashyaps would now be gone no sooner than that. Because she believes in the heartlessness of Kashyaps.

They'd not let Sameer or Ayushi Di meet like before. They'd punish her for marrying Arnavji even though she was as helpless in that matter as much as she was before them.

Even if Di recovered somewhere somehow, she was supposed to go back to jail owing to Ashish Kashyap's accusation of her killing Arun Khanna even though he himself was the culprit.

Upon that the biggest drawback was she could not even share it with anyone either.

If she opened her mouth then her Arnavji would be destroyed too for the tragedy in his life was so big and excruciating that it might disrupt him altogether and make him mad.

Everything piled up and soon burst in her brain messing with her own sanity. The suffering, the pain was too much that she wanted some respite. Some semblance of control over her but nothing helped.

Arnav's presence around her the following days made it more unbearable for the guilt would consume her more and more while looking at him.

She cried inwardly. She cried blood tears of why all the burdens and secrets had to fall on her shoulders always heaving her down?

How'd she be able to keep it in her chest forever?

It was in those days she didn't know how but once she found herself alone in their room she grabbed something with sharp edges and cut her wrists and feet until she felt black dots appearing in front of her eyes and she fell to the side.

She'd go far far away. She knew she can't run away from him anywhere on this earth for he'd find and bring her back. But she can at least escape this world. Relieve him off this push and pull game. This torment. And with her she'd take away his biggest secret too for it would get buried along with her.

Her family was doomed. Scattered. Destroyed. But she'd not let him feel betrayed by his closest relations. No. She won't. She can't.

She has already given him so much pain. Least she can do for him is to save him from something that might change and turn him into monster or worse might as well take his life. She shuddered.

No. If she has to bear the burden of the secret alone she would but she can't and won't see him being dragged down like herself at all. He has survived her betrayal. He won't be able to withstand the sheer betrayal of--

She gasped for breaths as her windpipe caught up with something she didn't know what. Soon everything went blank. Dark. Totally incomprehensible.

Though she was saved physically but mentally she was almost dead. Guilt and guilt and guilt for not being able to tell Arnav anything and also for not being able to protect neither her Di nor Sameer like she has vowed she would, kept knocking her head making it all the more and more unhinged.

She would have been pushed into severe stage of depression if that hadn't happened what it did. The voice. His voice. He has always been her knight in shining armor in her most impossible situations. That was no different.

His decision to throw her out of his life to jolt her back to reality has worked wonders.

As she heard,

"There is that door and here is your luggage!"


"And never show me your deceiving face ever again!"

She felt like she was being pulled out of the darkest pit forcibly out to the bright lights making her almost blind.

Though she has made up her mind to give him a chance on advise of Anjaliji because she has had no other option either way but even if she has had done that she wouldn't have been able to get out the hell hole she was falling into. Sooner or later she would have tried that suicide stunt again anyway.

About that Arnav was so right about her. And so was his decision to let her go at that time.

As she held the string of her bag containing her luggage after coming out of the RM late at night, scratch that--being thrown out by her husband would be the correct description, and gazed at her left hand where just moments ago was their wedding ring wrapped, now no longer there, her empty ring finger made her eyes tear up and heart fill up with explicit longing as unbridled agony shoot through her.

Thoughts were so jumbled inside of her that the heartache, heartbreak felt even more profound than ever.

"If you want me to spell it out AGAIN for you Khushi Singh Raizada, fine then. I AM DONE WITH YOU AND YOUR EVERY DAY TANTRUMS. So, take your sorry figure out of MY mansion and relieve me off this hell!"

Her heart clenched so hard in her chest that she cried out clutching her chest stopping in the middle of the silent road deprived of any life with just crickets chirping in the background without a single person soul around with only street lights illuminating it.


"You, your life, your stupid stunts or demands means nothing to me. I am fed up of your lies and dramas altogether. And now, I want some peace. I want to live a day where I don't have to watch over a crazy woman all day just to make sure she doesn't end her life. You are a patient, Khushi. If I stayed with you you'd drive me mad as well so go.. be insane somewhere else!"

"I'm not insane. I won't be insane. I'd prove it to you!" She croaked brokenly wiping her face with shaky hands as tears flowed down unchecked.

The bag slipped from her hand as she lowered herself on the ground and sitting on the footpath throwing her face into her hands cried with hiccups.

"Will you marry her? Lavanya ji?" She craoked as all of a sudden her shoulders sagged.

"I deserve better, Mrs. Raizada! I'd marry again, no doubt but to the girl who has some values and morals. Not like you who don't have a character!"

It only rose her sobs along with her defiance. She would prove her character to him as well. She would show him that she was his only. She would remain his forever. No matter what.

Doesn't matter if they stay together or not. She was, is and would always solely belong to her husband Arnav Singh Raizada only. Period.

"You can leave only after signing this!"

"W-What is it?" She dreaded the worst.

"An agreement that you won't reveal about our so-called marriage to anyone."

She buried her face in her knees and wrapped her arms around her legs as the anguish washed through her in waves suffocating her from within.

"I don't trust you, period." He hissed and gestured for her to sign sternly.

She trembled badly and shed all her misery and cried till she felt her eyes turning dry.

She felt empty altogether then as if suddenly everything has leaked out of her in the form of tears leaving a big gaping void and some steel determination rising to the fore.

As he tears dried the vigor has doubled over within her eventually brimming defiantly to the surface that this time as she raised her head she sniffled and quickly wiping her cheeks, her eyes, her nose, grabbed her bag and stood up firmly with a certain glint in her hazel orbs before walking ahead on the empty road in the darkness completely missing a black SUV following her.

"I'd find both Sameer and Di. I'd help Ayushi Di get cured as well. I'll achieve it all by myself. I'll live and I'll show it to him that I'm not crazy. I won't accept defeat. One day I'd make myself worthy of a man like him!"

She kept mumbling to herself with determination shining in her eyes.

And she knew very well from where to start her search.

As she walked ahead towards her destination she had no idea that in order to prove herself she would be digging a hole deeper than before in which she would find herself buried no sooner than that with no other way out.

Except one!


One look at her brother's face and Anjali knew something was wrong. Her doubt got much confirmed when he refused to meet her eyes and as he usually did, didn't ask about Khushi either.

"Chote?" She cupped the side of his cheek whilst Arnav felt his nostrils flaring and anguish hitting him double than before.

"Di, I'm tired. I'd just go and get some rest." He croaked slipping her hand off his face gently.

Anjali nodded in understanding.

"I'd send your breakfast upstairs," She said.

"I'm not hungry, Di."

Anjali sighed not insisting on it knowing him too well.

"Khushi just went upstairs. She didn't has her breakfast yet either. I guess she was waiting for you!" Anjali informed him quietly.

Arnav closed his eyes. This woman. Why does she make everything so difficult for him always?

"Did you eat?" He asked first. When she nodded he released a sigh feeling like at least one person was sane in this house.

"Please ask HP to send our breakfast up!" He requested to which Anjali smiled lightly.

"Sure!" She said. He left upstairs while Anjali headed to the kitchen.

He entered their room and saw her pacing at the poolside with her cellphone held in her hands continuously dialling something. His phone buzzed in his pocket.

He exhaled and placing his laptop bag and blazer on the recliner pulled open the glass doors and hearing the noise she whirled around and as soon as her gaze fell on him she made a run and reaching him threw her arms around him making him stagger back but he managed to balance them both in time while embracing her back.

"Arnavji," She said emotionally.

He cupped the back of her head touching his nose to her hairs inhaling her soothing scent to calm the raging storm inside of him.

Arnav Singh Raizada wasn't an idiot nor was he dumb enough to not trust his hazel.

He knew even if she has done all that Ashish kashyap said she did, she must have done it for her family. Her Di and Sameer.

Like she kept her distance from him when she met him as 'Lavanya' she must have had kept it from that man too but still thinking it all even imagining her meeting another man like his supposed date did wonders to his possessive nature. He felt outright jealous and cheated nevertheless.

When he threw her out of RM two years ago he has called her characterless so that it increase the vigor in her to live in order to spite him.

What if that stretegy of his backfired on him? What if she agreed to get a pregnant Lavanya a 'husband' just to satisfy the itch to prove him right. To show him how characterless people operate?

His grip tightened around her as did his thoughts turned thick and colluding.

'I'll give her one last chance to open up about it all by herself. One last.' He thought to himself. Because it's Khushi he'd do it for her.

Having experienced that Ashish's cunningness to manipulate people around firsthandedly in the hospital not so long ago he could understand how they got to his Khushi.

By brain washing her. By playing with her sanity. Using her sheer weaknesses against her. He wasn't that weak minded or softhearted like Khushi to fall prey to their mind games this easily. And he won't.

Or so he thought.

"AR bagged an important deal," He composed himself and murmured against her.

She leaned back a bit with her arms still around him and looked at him with her eyes twinkling with joy before saying,

"That's great, Arnavji. Congratulations!" She kissed his cheek.

His heart thumped painfully in his chest.

"With Raj Group of Industries. You know I really liked the owner of that company. Rohan Raj Singh!"

He uttered nonchalantly and felt her going stock still in his arms whilst her eyes turned guarded.

She knows that man. She knows him, Arnav. He concluded with his heart bleeding. Her reaction is a proof enough.

"Through our meeting I got to know he is married to Lavanya Kashyap. That made me a bit apprehensive. What do you think should I do? Go on with the deal or just scrap it?" He tried hard not to yell out whilst she winced as his grip around her waist turned painful.

"Arnavji?" She closed her eyes flinching touching her head to his chest that made him loosen a bit of his hold.

"You didn't answer my question," He probed rubbing soothing circles around her waist.

"I don't know." She wasn't a fool not to see his changed demeanor at the mention of Rohan.

That means he knows something. What? She doesn't know. And she wasn't brave enough to tell that to his face either because she knew him well enough for now that, that would not end good for anyone.

Her answer fuelled the raging fire inside of him. He couldn't get rid of the images of her with another man. His nostrils flared whilst his eyes turned bloodshot. His knuckles turned white as his one hand lay at his side with his finger digging to his palm.

"I swear Khushi if that man has laid even a finger on you then I'd not only make his life hell but also make that Ashish Kashyap die the most painful death along with his family. And after I'd be done with them then your turn would come!"

The monster rose back to the surface with a dangerous glint shining in his eyes numbing every other emotion in his body except for jealousy and betrayal.

Khushi's blood ran cold in her veins hearing his words. As he glared ferociously at her she cried out and gripped his shirt to stop him from moving away.

"L-Let me explain, Arnavji! It isn't like what you're thinking!" She pleaded earnestly feeling like her soul leaving her.

"What isn't like what? And what am I thinking? What do you want to say? That Kashyaps blackmailed you?"

She nodded her head vigorously looking earnestly at him. Her grip on him tightened. Her tears fell on her cheeks.

"That you had no choice?"

"Y-Yes," She choked out.

"That you're so helpless that you didn't think about our marriage at all and went on dated another guy even being my wife?" His voice raised with every word until he was practically shouting.

"Please I'll tell you everything. Just calm down and listen to me." She cupped his cheeks only to get shrugged off rudely making her feel desperate to reach out to him.

"I'm so sick of hearing the same excuses over and over again, Ms. Gupta!"

She stilled hearing the name he addressed her with. Neither Khushi, nor hazel. Not even Mrs. Raizada which he used to call her even in anger but it seems like he was not only depriving her of his love but also their relation. She couldn't take it. She burst out sobbing.

"Chote what's happening?" Anjali came running worriedly as his shout has rung in the mansion. Seeing Khushi's condition and his hardness made her wary. Now what happened between them? She thought they had sorted out everything days back.

Arnav turned around with wrath still written on his face while Khushi cried out harder seeing his back.

"Di, please. He isn't listening to me. Please tell him to let me explain. I did nothing to sabotage our marriage. I'm only his. Always had been his even when I left from here," She whimpered with her bloodshot eyes.

Her words instead of putting balm on his heart increased his despair and anguish.

Now he seriously doubted he has unraveled everything regarding her. Who knows what else she has been still keeping under wraps in order to fool him?

For the first time after days of showering her with his unbound love he didn't bother or care to wipe her tears or console her. Instead he marched back in the room and growling kicking the table angrily causing it to topple over stormed off despite her various heartrending pleadings.

In his rage and jealousy he forgot that he has vowed to himself to never hurt her again no matter what after he found out how much she suffered for the last seven years.

The very first wave of his life's tragedy started hitting him and it began to fog every promise and their beautiful moments leaving only pain, hurt, anger and downright vengeance in his veins.


"Hey why are you so silent today? Normally you'd not stop chattering. What's wrong?" Arnav asked taking her hand in his while walking in the park.

She stopped and gazed up at his face for a few seconds before shaking her head putting on a smile.

"Nothing." She said resuming the walk with him.

She glanced at her hand enclosed in his and a lump formed in her throat. She shouldn't let him hold her hand. It wasn't right.

But if she withdrew then not only would he be sad but also might ask uncomfortable questions that might put her in a tight spot. She was his fiancée, he has the right. But she wasn't his. She can't be his. He didn't know that.

Instead of thinking too much she closed her mind and just let it be. It's just a hand holding. Don't think too much Khushi.

He has called her here to meet before the engagement which was the next day. The shopping for the engagement was done in the first three days and the rest four days he took her on outing to different places.

He has insisted so much to take some pics of them during the last three weeks whenever they met but she has refused each time.

He didn't probe much because he didn't have the right then but when their engagement date got fixed and even then she refused that just didn't sit well with him.

It led to a very first serious contention between them ever since they met. At the end of which a quite polished version of ASR appeared not the real one still and looked angry but didn't lash out at her at all.

"Don't you trust me? Aren't you my fiancé now? Why can't we take simple pictures? Tell me and make me understand because it sounds illogical. I could understand your refusal the last three weeks because we weren't official. But now? Now what? What do you think of me? That I'm some kind of roadside thug that I'd use your pictures against you?" He gritted out.

Her eyes widened in horror. ASR was resurfacing she could see that.

"No. No. No. It isn't like that Arnavji. You're getting me all wrong."

"Hazel what's the problem? On our engagement we're going to have a full fledged photoshoot. Are you going to refuse that too?" He rubbed his forehead.

"I-- just--" She stammered badly.

"You're going to be my wife, soon. That means you'd be my responsibility. You know what that means don't you?" He asked softly.

She swallowed hard but nodded.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to make you upset." She mumbled guiltily.

"Forget it," He looked pissed and quite hurt but kept his cool despite that.

She couldn't believe how he hasn't yet yelled at her. Wasn't he known for his infamous temper and patience.

Why was he being so patient and considerate towards her?

She found herself taking his cellphone from his hand and standing up from the chair across him came to sit beside him before taking their selfie in which he was definitely scowling.

It took her some time to wash off his bad mood and when she managed to pacify him was the time their best click was shot by him: She was smiling wide to the camera and he was leaning to her while taking the selfie with his lips quirked up into a half smile.

She didn't know then or didn't realize in order to make him happy what a biggest loophole she would be leaving in her plan right in the shrewd hands.

He didn't know then either that those few clicks he insisted to take would became his solace for the next two months he'd search for her madly. They would be a reminder and a stamp that she existed.

That he didn't imagine his hazel eyes girl. That he didn't spend the last month with an illusion but a real person who left him after brutally betraying him exactly on their engagement day.

Too preoccupied that Khushi was, she didn't know that Arnav was keenly observing her and could understand the underline restlessness emanating from her.

"Lavanya, what's the matter? Aren't you happy? Is something bothering you then do tell me?"

He pushed to get the reason out of her but she put her most dazzling smile on her face before saying, "I am very happy." Relieving his worry. Yes she was. With him she always was ecstatic even in sadness.

"It's just that I like the name 'hazel' you gave me more than my actual name," She said quietly making his stomach knot with unbound emotions and lips quirk up in a dazzling smile.

She looked up at him with her shy hazel eyes making his heart skip a beat.

Oh how much he love her captivating and innocent eyes!

"Okay my apologies dear. I'd keep it in mind to call you hazel only, hazel." He said smirking and as he saw her eyes twinkling with his words he felt the feeling of fulfillment rising within him.

They spent the rest of the day roaming around at different places chatting, eating, laughing and when he went to drop her at the Kashyap's mansion, her face fell. This time she didn't make any attempt to hide it.

This. Is. It.

"Don't want to part from me huh?" He said thinking she is sad because the beautiful day has ended. Not knowing that not the day this unnamed relationship would also end sooner.

"I'll miss you." She said with misty eyes. She took this single liberty to tell him about her feelings. It was her wrapped confession of love which he couldn't understand at that moment.

Taken aback he stared at her stunned for she rarely opened up about her feelings for him. Feeling overwhelmed he tried to enlighten her mood and chuckled,

"You're saying as if we are meeting for the last time. Come on Lavanya--oops sorry, I meant come on Hazel, we are going to meet tomorrow again." He said to which she averted her eyes.

She wiped the tears that rolled down her eyes before smiling up at him to which he pulled her closer and pecked her forehead.

She gave him a longing glance before taking one more liberty to peck his cheek making a huge smile to appear on his face.

She got down fast after that and disappeared into the mansion because if she hadn't she would have broken down there and then.

"Sweet," He said before driving off smiling throughout.

Little did he know that what he said casually as a joke is going to turn out true very soon. The next day itself which will snatch his smiles away.

She has met him like that because she knew she was meeting him for the last time.

If he had known he'd have whisked her away and kept her locked away somewhere far where she would not be able to even think let alone betray or escape him ever. Like ever!


She opened her bag and found a few bundles of notes stocked neatly at the side besides her clothes making her feel awful and insulted. Big time!

How dare he!

She left the suitcase at RM only in which he has packed the things he has had gifted her since they married but as if he knew she won't take it he has made arrangement for that case too.

Tears she has thought had dried up welled up in her eyes all over again as she seated on the bench at the deserted railway station feeling defeated.

It is not the time to think about your self-respect or ego Khushi. You need to go to Mumbai to visit the jail to find any clue about where Ayushi Di was transferred and you have no money except for this. Her mind called out to her but her broken heart wouldn't let her.

It feel like he was paying her for loving him even though she hasn't dared to confess her love to him ever. Rubbing her shaking hands over her face she felt the moisture on her cheeks.

She has had been helpless before. She has been through much already. She has seen her Di getting crushed, she has seen her parents die, she has withstood the separation from whatever was left of her family, she has withstood Kashyaps wrath and beating as well, she has been manipulated and used time and time again by them, she has even withstood Arnav's wrath ever since he found her at KM at Lavanya's feet as well,

She has then bore all his taunts and punishments with her head held high, in order to save his life which he threatened her with she had married him too, she did it all and yet she has held her grounds and stayed strong despite being rendered extremely helpless until the matter turned to him. It wasn't about Di or Sameer anymore. It became then solely about him. For him. The man she loves to bits.

When she got to know that she could totally become the reason of his destruction the seal on her mouth has become permanent in that very moment. Even if she has had the thought of revealing it all to him someday, that truth made her resolve to keep it hidden forever if she had to because she can withstand any shade of ASR but she won't be able to take it if he'd literally become heartless and lifeless.

As if he isn't heartless already? The way he threw you out in the middle of the night proved his heartlessness. Why do you think he wasn't there already?

That isn't heartlessness. It's his anger and hurt. And he isn't wrong. Her heart defended him strongly.

If he wasn't concerned he wouldn't have left money in her bag either knowing she has had nothing. Another voice said.

If he was so worried he'd have let her stay at least till the morning. Her lower lip trembled as her mind countered.

Sniffling she rubbed her face with her sleeves as heartbreak hit her all over again.

Despite everything she has been through till now she has never felt so weak and defeated like she was feeling right now.

In this moment she realized something she has been denying on his face. Time and time again!

Despite of all push and pull between them she felt stronger because she was with him. His presence might have increased her anguish but he was her biggest strength as well simultaneously.

Now, when he wasn't and won't be around anymore, she didn't know how'd she carry on the façade and for how long she would be able to go on?

"She is my wife, Mrs. Kashyap and I won't tolerate anyone calling her a maid or a servant. Anyone means anyone!" Arnav growled and his voice boomed in the spacious living room of the KM.

She subconsciously touched her neck and froze as her hand touched the cold metal. She has left the cellphone, ring and all the things he gave her but forgot to return the most significant one. The wedding chain. She held the pendant in between the palm of her hand tightly and felt calm all of a sudden. Her vigor bounced back. Helplessness washed away.

"I saw with my own eyes how your daughter treated my Khushi when I first saw her here."

"Then, I couldn't do anything but that isn't the case anymore. She is my wife now. The lady of Raizada Mansion. What's mine will be hers from now on."

"She is the wife of Asia's 8th most wealthiest man in the world. So you better watch your words and tone before you address her because I don't think you want to be in my bad books or become my enemy. Now do you?"

A light smile formed on her lips of elation, of belonging and without another thought took out some notes from a stacked bundle and headed to the reception to buy the ticket.

Just then she realized she was being followed. She made a detour to make sure she wasn't wrong. Gulping hard in fear she tricked the unknown man following her and left from there without buying the ticket.

He must be Kashyap's man. She won't let them manipulate her this time. She gritted her teeth in anger not knowing that the man was sent by her husband only to keep her safe.

She heaved a sigh of relief hiding behind a wall and saw the man calling someone on the phone before running in the opposite direction.

Once she was sure he was gone did she come back out and this time buying the ticket went back to hiding until the train arrival.

In the wee hours of the morning the train arrived and as she sat in her seat with her bag held against her chest looking out of the window she made another promise to herself.

After finding her family she'd pay Arnav Singh Raizada back for all the kindness and support he has ever bestowed on her despite her betrayal.

Kindness? Woman, are you kidding me? A voice screamed inside of her.

He has made you go through hell if you've forgotten?

She shook her head.

"He has the right. He was right. I triggered everything. I unleased his wrath. But despite all that he has been there. Angry or upset but he was always there for me!"

You're so hopelessly in love with him, Khushi!

Now what would you do without him?

How'd you live?

At that a pricking silence followed in and around her before the train started noisily and moved forward speedily taking her away from her heartbeat. Her reason to breathe!


The news of Sanchi shooting Ashish, her own husband and getting arrested for that reached media before it spread like fire all over the country. It ended up in a very bad publicity.

Sanchi had no other option (as Arnav didn't give her one either) but to come up in media and tell the world that she was fed up of her husband's extramarital affairs that she has had enough that day that led to this situation. She demanded divorce publicly on the day of her trial in court.

Ashish Kashyap made a ruckus in front of the press that he wouldn't let his wife go at any cost. People called him toxic and a domineering bastard.

It caused the Kashyap's business' shares to witness a major drop causing Ashish to grow berserk as he got to know that board of directors were thinking of disposing him to save the company's downfall.

Just when this messed up situation started affecting Raj Group of Industries as well for they were their in-laws, Rohan's father and grandfather pressurised Rohan to get separated from Lavanya and get the custody of Ravin to himself.

After a lot of thinking Rohan agreed for it as he resorted to manipulation this time the same way (he was sure now) Kashyaps manipulated him to marry a pregnant Lavanya.

He met Lavanya after several days of staying aloof to her and presented her the deal that if she got divorced from him and gave him Ravin's full custody then he'd do everything in his power to find and bring back her son to her. With her not having any idea that Ravin was with him only.

Lavanya being already half mad without her son agreed for the same for she was way past thinking of the loopholes in his promise. She was that desperate.

Arnav stayed in background as he used and threw chess pieces one by one to get the Kashyaps destroyed watching the show from behind the curtains thoroughly revelling in their gradual yet absolute downfall while curbing his own heartbreak in midst.

His relationship with Khushi wasn't the same anymore. Nor was he the same man anymore. A coldness has swept over him.

He grew indifferent to each and every plea of her and has shifted to his secluded apartment in a posh area of Delhi not far from RM though, after their heavy showdown the other day.

She has tried to reach him through calls, text messages and left him various voice messages as well but they all lay unopened in his inbox.

Upon that he has shown heights of ruthlessness by banishing her exit from Shantivan much to Anjali's chagrin as she tried to make him see sense and even asked him to meet her at least if not Khushi but he refused straight away.

Khushi has told Anjali the whole thing regarding Rohan as Arnav wasn't ready to listen to Khushi nor he let her reach him she has pleaded Anjali to convey her truth and earnest apologies but Arnav refused to budge or listen any explanation. He has turned a cold-hearted stone.

The same one which he was when he has brought her to Shantivan forcibly after he found out her actual identity that she was a servant in KM two months after their failed engagement blunder. Maybe even worse than that.

He didn't trust her to tell him the truth anymore defiantly. So he found it out from his own means.

Very cleverly he has extracted out the information from Rohan regarding it which though grew suspicious of him digging into his past but yet he told ASR the genuine truth as he could sense that what the man wanted to know.

Even knowing the truth that she wasn't guilty as he already knew her to be, did him no good. Nor did it mellowed down the wrath he has been bestowing on her and himself these days.

Instead it shackled his heart some more with outright agony and downright bitterness as he finally came to a conclusion during this catastrophe between them.

He'd always be a liability to his wife. He would never be equal to the rank where her Di and Sameer stands in her life.

She says she loves him. Can't live without him. Yet when the time comes for her to stand up for him or their relation she'd always chosen not him nor their relation neither their love but her family only.

It will always be her sister and nephew for her only. He was the third wheel in her life which whenever she wants she could discard or get back to when and as she wants on her whims and fancies.

He was never her priority he knew that.

But he'd had still not gained the equal importance in her life like her family was what has shattered him completely.

His eyes prickled with anguish whilst he clenched his jaws grabbing his drink and gulped it down in one swig looking ahead with his bloodshot eyes.

Downright obstinacy shoot through him and washed down in his veins.

Arnav Singh Raizada won't be his woman's third choice. He'd make sure he becomes her first priority in everything. Until he achieved that they both would stay in this agony whatsoever. Period.


"Ashish Kashyap has withdrawn his complaint against Ayushi Gupta already. She isn't under police custody anymore so keeping tabs on her isn't our duty anymore either!"

Despair fell on her as she found this out when she reached Mumbai central jail.

"Until you will weave dreams to be with ASR, we would keep moving their location so that you'd never be able to reach or meet them. Ever."

She rasped in agony. She has to knock on the snakes' door again. She has to find her family. She has to be brave. She has to prove herself to Arnavji even though he they might never meet again. But she has to. Anyhow!

So she booked the ticket back to Delhi to go meet Kashyaps not knowing what a big blunder she would be making which in future would become her doom.

When she reached KM she was stunned when the guards didn't stop her but let her in without any questions as if they're expecting her to come.

"Look. Look. Who's here!" Ashish smirked seeing her holding the duffel bag in her one hand looking grimly at him.

"Seems like ASR finally got bored of her!" Sanchi gibed. The other two laughed.

"Back from riches to rags!" Lavanya snickered sitting royally on the couch in between her parents.

"Where are my Di and Sameer?" Khushi ignored their comments and asked glaring at them. She won't be weak before them anymore. Never again. Or so she thought.

Soon her confidence lowered a greater degree as she was grabbed by two men from either side before the bag was taken from her and given to Sanchi who searched inside and smirked.

"I see ASR paid you for all the days you served him!" She said waving the bundle of notes in her hands which she tossed on the table in front smirking evilly.

Khushi looked at her in disgust at her outrageous remark.

"Let me go!" She protested against the strong hold of the two bulky men.

"How naive you're that you willingly walked back into our trap. I pity ASR you know for he fell in love with a dumb woman like you. You're the biggest misfortune to have ever happened to him!" Lavanya screamed in jealousy.

"Good for him he realized his folly sooner." Sanchi added solemnly.

Khushi felt her eyes prickling. Arnavji would always be her throbbing nerve. His mention would always clench her heart. But they need not know that.

"Good for him. Not for you. I know your biggest misfortune. I know something which would altogether turn over your throne in a second if I let it out in front of the world." She chewed each word.

"The reason I'm silent is only because my Arnavji is also related to that secret or else you'd have seen what I'm really capable of." She hissed out.

"Without having my weaknesses you're nothing against me and even you know that. If you have guts then fight me after releasing my family or without any blackmail but tch tch you can't. Because you all are cowards hiding behind façade of being strong using people's Achilles' heels."

Khushi's words boomed around the hall as the trio gaped at her after her outburst for several moments before dangerous vibe lit up in Lavanya's eyes.

"What if you didn't go out of here alive?" Lavanya smirked coming to stand before Khushi.

"I'm not afraid of dying you bitch!" Khushi spat and her face fell to the other side as Lavanya slapped her hard imprinting her hand on her cheek.

Khushi swallowed the pain. It somewhat numbed the pain of heartache for a few seconds so she welcomed it.

On Lavanya's gesture as the men left her arms she raised her hand again to slap her when Khushi caught it midway spitting fire at her before taking her off guard smacked her on her face not once but thrice causing Ashish and Sanchi to stand up and rush to them to separate them.

Khushi felt satisfaction seeping through her as she has let out all her frustration on that bitch's face.

"I'll kill you." Lavanya exclaimed furiously reaching to her to grab her.

"Ahan. Try that." Khushi was calm. "I dare you!"

"But before that think once if something happened to me too after his parents, brother in law as well as grandmother's death what would Arnavji do to you all?" She exclaimed furiously.

"Let me tell you I'm not with him today only because that was my choice. He gave me what I wanted like always. Don't even for a second think that if he isn't with me anymore then I've become weak. Falling in love with him has given me strength double than before. So don't you dare mess with me ever again." She pointed her finger at them in warning.

"Tell me my family's whereabouts right away because if you didn't then I'd be sending the recording of your confession of his life's biggest secret to him to end your games once and for all!" She said smugly.

"Don't even think about getting rid of me and all because if I didn't go out of here in the next two days then that recording would automatically be sent to him." She smirked victoriously as she saw their faces losing all colors listening her.

Finally. Finally she has the upper hand. She'd get her family back soon. After becoming independent and making a career she'd try winning back her husband too if fate or him would give her a chance.

She chuckled as Sanchi and Lavanya searched her bag frantically to look for her mobile or something. When they didn't find anything the two women rushed to her and checked her patting her clothes. Khushi snickered.

"I'm not a fool to carry it around me while coming here. You see I've had come here prepared. I didn't walk in your trap without setting my own traps. I've had my lessons." She uttered calmly only to get her hairs gripped angrily by Lavanya that made Khushi laugh despite the pain knowing that she has won this already.

So what if she has had no evidence or recording whatsoever. They need not know that. Or how'd they even know if she won't tell them?

Now they don't have a choice but to give her family back or else they would be destroyed because they very well known that if ASR got to know that horrendous truth Arnav would personally wipe out Kashyaps from the face of this earth literally.

"Khushi Maasi!"

Khushi's smile slipped and froze as she heard and her head shot up as a smirking Lavanya stepped aside whilst Khushi's knees buckled up bringing her down abruptly as she looked ahead.

"Maasi, this Uncle said if I record this he'd take this to you. To heaven where you live nowadays. And you'd be able to see and hear me too. I miss you Maasi. I wish you're here with me." His eyes teared up at the end.

"I know I was so small when you left somewhere. But I still remember you. I don't know how. I remember Maa, you and me living in some small house laughing and playing." He sniffled. "Although I meet Maa every now and then but I never got to see you again!"

"Maasi, it's my 5th birthday in a few days. If you can't come to visit I-- just I wish you come in my dreams more often. Be happy wherever you are." He waved and the phone that Ashish was holding went dark.

Only Khushi's whimpers could be heard in the stilling silence thereafter as she covered her face with her palms with her body racking with sobs.

Until she turned silent, stilled as she remembered catching something in the video being shown to her. A cold shiver of terror ran throw her because just a second before video ended it showed a man standing behind the kid with his gun pointing at the back of his head.

"Now that I can see you're back on track. Let's get down to business. Where is the damn recording?"


Mohabbat main dagha ki thi so kaafir the so kaafir hain,

Mili hain manzilen phir bhi musafir the musafir hain!

"Di you have studied law, right?" Khushi asked hoarsely.

Anjali nodded not understanding why was she asking that suddenly.

These days she was really questioning the state of Khushi's mind and was now seriously getting worried for her as much as she was concerned for her own brother.

"Toh aap hi humein btaiye. Itna pyaar de kar beech raaste mai chor dene walon par kya dafa nafiz hoti hai?

(Then you tell me. If someone loves you so much and then abruptly leaves you in the middle, what crime should he be charged with?)"

Anjali swallowed hard. Neither could she see Khushi like this nor could she see her brother that aloof to life. Away from home.

She really doesn't know what to do to solve this contention between the couple because in her eyes both were right at their own places but the situation was impossible.

"Phansi k phande par charhaane se pehle aik qaatil se bhi uski aakhri khwahish pochi jati hai,

(Even a murderer about to get executed is given the right to say his last wish before his death)

"Par humne apni puri zindagi mai khud k liye unn k saath k ilawa kisi cheez ki khwahish nahi ki na kabhi karen gay,

(But in my whole life, except for asking for his companionship I haven't wished for anything else for myself nor I ever will)"

"Agar unhone kabhi bhi humein milne se inkaar kar diya toh? (What if he refused to see me ever again?)"

"Di, phir hum kya karein gay? (Di, what would I do then?)" She croaked out.

"Hum nahi reh sakte unn k bina. Di, please. kuch karen. Hum jee nahi payen gay. Hum mar jayen gay! (I can't be without him. Di, please. Do something. I won't be able to live. I'd die)" She broke down badly.

Anjali embraced her bleary eyed.

"Be strong Khushi. You know it don't you? Chote can't stay mad at you for long. Even he knows that you can't do anything wrong. He knows it all even if he doesn't let you explain. Just be patient and let his anger pass. Okay?"

She rubbed her back whilst Khushi's shoulders shook with quiet sobs leaving her. She has had her head resting on Anjali's shoulder.

"I can't do this anymore. I can't. It's been two weeks Di. Two long, long weeks." Khushi cried out shattered.

"This time he won't forgive me. And he is right too. I am not blaming him. I just want to ask him for a chance to mend our relationship. That's all." She rasped sniffling.

"He can stay mad all he wants. If he doesn't want to talk, even that I can tolerate. But he isn't even letting me see or hear him either. That's what I can't take. He is my strength Di. Seeing him makes me go on. Now you tell me? Without him how can I be patient and calm?"

Anjali was tight lipped. At that even she felt speechless.

"Please help me go out of Shantivan. His guards aren't letting me. They're surrounding all the exits of the mansion. Please Di. Get me out of here. I'd go see him. Please, please. I cannot bear that he is hurting himself because of my mistakes. I'm at fault. He should lash out at me. Take out all of his anger on me. But his silence is killing me. Please?" Khushi begged her.

Anjali swallowed hard. Her own tears rolled down seeing Khushi's condition. She knew somehow only conversing would solve their problem. If Arnav wasn't relenting then Khushi has to do this. But Anjali also knows that the dodging Arnav's men and deceiving RM's tight security would be next to impossible.

But she has to try. She will. For her brother and this girl, whom she now considers her own sister. Just like she considers her own Di.

"I'm not promising anything. But I'll see what I can do." Anjali said thoughtfully.

On the other hand Khushi had vowed something else too. She would tell him his biggest life secret as well. He shouldn't hear it from anyone else. If he did, it might turn out disastrous for their relation and marriage altogether which she couldn't afford at any cost.

If he became devastated, shattered and heartless after that which she was sure he'd be, she'd bear it all. She will bring back her Arnavji by fighting alongside him in that toughest phase of his life but never, never would she hide anything from him ever again even if she was doing it for him only. She has had her lesson. And she has learnt it well.

Now was time to come clear about everything to her Arnavji and confess to him how insanely she has had loved him. Since the start. She loves him even more crazily now. More than anything or anyone else in this world.


After making sure she doesn't have any recording or evidence against them their familiar wrath unleased on her and now locked in their store room, every pore in her body was aching. She has begged for her nephew's life in midst.

This time they have beaten her without any sense of security as if they seriously wanted to kill her but at last minute they changed their minds, she doesn't know why. But she soon did.

"I'd never!" She cried out spitting fire at them.

"Think about it. Don't irritate us or this time we might order to get both of your sister and nephew to be shot on spot and their body disposed off in dumbs!"

Khushi looked at them stock still and with downright fear and helplessness.

"I'm married. Don't you forget that." She reasoned.

"He threw you out. That means that so-called relation ended." Lavanya growled.

"Not for me. He'd be the only one for me. Always!" She said defiantly with red eyes and bruised face but still she held her ground. She was used to this beating anyway. If not for her family she'd get beaten for her Arnavji then so be it.

At that the trio split into chortles.

"Wow. What a loyal bitch." Sanchi said sarcastically. "You remind me of someone." She said looking knowingly at Ashish who averted his eyes from his wife gulping.

"I told you I'd agreed for one time only. You said you'd let me and my family go after that."

"You didn't complete your end of the deal. I'm not married to ASR. You are. So why would we let you and your family go?" Lavanya gritted out.

"You see Lavanya is two months pregnant now. Before she start showing she needs a lamb to be named as her child's father. You'd catch that prey. This time for sure!" Ashish said firmly.

"And we have the perfect candidate for her. This time the success is guaranteed," Sanchi added.

Khushi felt sick to her stomach with all their talks and plans. Even if Arnav hated her now she loved him too much to betray him behind his back.

But she also knew how dangerous this trio was and the gun pointed behind Sameer's head was still fresh in her mind.

"Why don't you let Lavanya meet him as it is. Maybe he falls in love with her without any games and marry her?"

"You haven't heard what we said did you? We don't have time to play long games to make him fall for her. She needs to be married asap. We needs results right away."

"By the way, why are we explaining it all to her? She is in our hands. All we have to do is order and she'd have to do it if she wants to save her Di's and nephew's life."

"If she doesn't care about her family's life then how about we make a recording of her beloved Arnavji's life tragedy and send it to him this time by ourselves?"

Khushi eyes widened in terror. She shook her head vigorously.

"No. No. No. I'd do it. I'd do anything. Please. Please don't hurt him." She resorted to pleading. The relentlessness in her eyes dissipated.

"Did you see that? Di or her Sameer has become her second priority and that Raizada, first. Just say his name and she'd do anything. Interesting." Ashish smirked evilly.

"I'd make your daughter marry that guy you choose but this time instead of going by your way I've a better plan that would make sure of it." Khushi swallowed hard as she knew she has no choice.

The life of three most important people in her life depended on it. But she'd do it in a way where she won't be betraying her husband. At all.

"Oh really? Let's hear it out. Your plan!" Lavanya said curiously seeing her changed demeanor.

As Khushi narrated it the trio looked impressed.

"That's some plan." Sanchi chuckled viciously. Lavanya looked victorious and Ashish, smug.

"Great then. We'd get her a doctor to heal her injuries faster. Especially her face. After that we'd book our tickets to Pune." Sanchi spoke then authoritatively.

The other duo besides her nodded while Khushi inwardly sighed for being able to get through them without giving away her weakness.

"You'd keep sending Sameer to Di again won't you?" Khushi asked politely not wanting to instigate them.

"As long as you'd be useful for us!" Ashish said to which Khushi so wanted to smack that man's face to the wall behind him but she curbed the urge.

"I'm not going to fail you this time!" She said swallowing the cringe it made her feel.


Two weeks later they all flew to Pune where Khushi's first meet with some Rohan Raj Singh was planned.


After the damage Arun has done to Kashyap's family business the last time before his death, Ashish has done planning of years and invested all his cunning ideas and used all the underhanded methods to get it back to its place. It took him years to get the KI back to it's original glory but two weeks--

It took Arnav Singh Raizada two weeks, just fourteen days to make his years of hard work look like a joke.

Not only that his personal life was also in shambles. His wife was divorcing him. His daughter was getting divorced. She has already signed off Ravin's custody to Rohan. There was still no news of his grandson, Ravin.

He was disposed off his position from his own company. ASR has already thrown them out from their own home, KM coveting it ruthlessly.

If that wasn't enough suddenly he found himself in debts from head to toe for he has to pay for three court cases in midst two divorce cases and the other of his wife's attempt to murder case in which he has got her bailed out after great difficulty.

Not only that he has to shift to a small apartment of theirs in Delhi and also bear his medical and their daily expenses which before seemed like an ant now has grown into an elephant as their financial condition took a worse toss.

His company accounts were frozen and only a reserved retirement amount was given to him.

All of his other properties he owned in Delhi or anywhere else belonged to the company and so were confiscated by those leechers of board of directors who were as if waiting for this opportunity only their whole lives to suck him dry. Traitors!

There was little he could do with his one broken leg and wholly shattered confidence and self-esteem.

Ashish Kashyap was certainly losing his mind along with his wife and daughter. And in that despair he resolved something in his mind.

Now that he knew he was almost destroyed he vowed to not go down alone. Once and for all he'd take the reason of his destruction along with him.

Arnav Singh Raizada.

And he knew what he had to do to achieve that. It's about time!

So as Khushi and Anjali were preparing for healing Arnav's throbbing wound.

There, Ashish Kashyap has made arrangements to open a major raw injury to his soul in such a way from which even the all shrewd ASR would never be able to come out even if he tried hard his whole damn life.

He'd be like a fish out of water, a living being without any life in him whatsoever, and Ashish couldn't wait to see it happen in front of his eyes. The sick temptation made him laugh evilly.


Every time she would meet Rohan as 'Lavanya' she would be meeting him with real Lavanya by her side. In that way she won't be alone with that stranger ever. Nor would she feel like she was cheating on her Arnavji. That was her first phase of plan.

This time Kashyaps didn't have to wait for a month nor did they have to execute full of Khushi's plan much to Khushi's relief because after their first meeting Rohan agreed for marriage itself and informed his family as well.

They hurried the things, skipped any formalities of engagement and went for a private wedding ceremony of a month later.

To Raj family real Lavanya was introduced as such separately while with Rohan who thought Khushi was Lavanya had no freaking idea about it whatsoever.

Raj family being the conservative one and quite superstitious has had strict family traditions that the bride and groom won't be meeting before marriage whatsoever after their alliance is fixed. Nor would there be any photos clicked before their marriage. This also worked in Kashyaps favor as well as Khushi's.

Apart from that one and the only meeting at a crowded cafe in which the real Lavanya was by her side, Khushi didn't have to meet Rohan ever since making her feel quite elated to have dodged a bullet.

Kashyaps has really chosen a quite perfect prey this time that even in wedding ceremonies Lavanya has had a long veil covering her face whilst Rohan completed the rituals with her and married her.

It was the veil lifting ceremony after marriage that sent Rohan reeling in shock and bewilderment.

In midst many guests witnessing this the timid and all the ever so obedient Rohan was well aware of his father and grandfather's temper and their zeal to keep their family honor above all he gulped down his heartache and saw that his family didn't look shocked or surprised like he was as if they have got the daughter-in-law the one they wanted. Or have met.

Then who was that girl who was with this woman the other day?

He staggered back no sooner than that as he heard Sanchi Kashyap call out, "Khushi!" before that woman whom he has given his heart to appeared dressed elegantly in a green lehenga choli with minimal makeup holding a wrapped gift in her hands coming towards the stage with a smile radiating off her face.

He couldn't breathe nor could he withhold the moisture to prickle in his eyes.

What the hell was happening, has happened to him?

"Come on. It's your best friend's wedding and you're coming at this time." Sanchi chided her showing the heights of her acting.

"Sorry Auntie. You know na how my husband is. He agreed at the last minute and I had to take an urgent flight from Delhi and here I'm as soon as I could." Khushi said casually feeling bad for the man who was looking dumbfounded at her but she deliberately ignored him not wanting him to feel embarrassed or heartbroken more than he already looked.

"Husband?" Rohan muttered and then as he registered the wedding chain around her neck and the vermilion on the crown of her head he felt his heart breaking into million pieces all over again.

"I'm sorry." Khushi finally faced him after giving a fake hug and congratulations to Lavanya' like her best friend with apparent enthusiasm giving her the present.

He gulped.

"I'm sorry I'm late Jijaji." Khushi's eyes shone no memory of meeting him making him feel confused that did he imagine that moment. Did he mistake hearing their names that day? Did he imagine her in that cafe that day? What the hell was going on? He questioned his own sanity.

"Congratulations on your wedding. Oh I'm so sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Khushi. Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada!" She said politely whilst her eyes prickled as she owned her full name proudly for the first time out in open.

If Arnav Singh Raizada has seen her at this moment he'd have had kissed her senseless with possessiveness washing through him seeing how beautiful she looked with that expression that screamed that she was his and only his.

"N-Nice to meet you," Rohan managed to utter through his clogged throat.

"I'm sorry Lav I can't stay long. I'd have to fly back to Delhi. He has to leave for a business trip tomorrow and he said he isn't going without me." Khushi addressed Lavanya and after hugging and saying her goodbyes she left the hall.

As soon as she came back out in the garden she breathed in and out harshly feeling awful and sick to the stomach.

She wasn't someone to deliberately hurt others let alone involuntarily but why fate forces her to hurt the innocent people and play with their hearts?

She knew she would have to bear it's consequences sooner or later. If she has given someone the pain of a heartache and he has silently bore it then not him but karma would bite back at her even if she didn't do anything willingly.

"What a good work. And such a good acting." Someone clapped from behind her. She turned to see Ashish and Sanchi standing there.

"Finally you completed your task without any mishap. I'm impressed." Sanchi said smirking.

"Now tell me where my Di and Sameer are? Let us go now that you got what you wanted!" Khushi said firmly.

Ashish smirked before laughing darkly.

"In reward of getting our Lavanya a husband, we're granting you freedom from being our maid and that imposter identity of our servants' daughter."

Khushi sighed inwardly thinking all of this is finally over. She has done what she has resolved. But her face lost all colors as she heard him add,

"But I can't tell you about Ayushi and Sameer because we know the moment you found them you'd run back to your husband's arms." He said knowingly.

"If that happened sooner or later you'd tell him everything regarding our ways. I know him. He'd get it out of you anyhow. We can't take that risk. As our life insurance, Sameer and Ayushi would stay under my protection forever. Don't worry they'd be taken care of very well."

"You're backing off your words!" She cried out.

"So what?" Ashish shrugged.

"I won't go back to him!" She lied firmly hoping she sounded convincing enough.

"I know you're lying. I can see that you can't survive without him for long. You'd go back to him anyway. I have to have the upper hand and keep your weaknesses with me forever. You and Arnav would never unite as long as I am alive. I can't take that risk and if you did then I'd kill your family this time for sure!"

Helplessness and hopelessness of the situation made her retaliate as she rushed forward and grabbed his hairs tightly in frustration and pulled at them crying harder. Sanchi looked on stock still at her sudden attack.

"Give me back my Di and Sameer!" She exclaimed snivelling.

Ashish laughed and with one strong push shoved her away before dragging her out holding her hairs threw her out in the middle of the street harshly in the dark night.

Khushi stood up frantically and ran forward only to get the gates closed on her face causing her to flinch and tremble with horror struck on her face. Despite the various pleading the door wasn't opened. In the loud commotion of the wedding inside no one heard her pleas either.

Her throat closed up until she couldn't produce a sound without feeling like needles prickling her throat she gradually sat by the side of the closed gates on her knees with her head in her hands.

What a fool she was!


She should have known by now that Kashyaps didn't play by the rules.

They played cruelly and evilly without thinking about others but only their benefits. The man who killed his own son, kidnapped his own grandson(Sameer), shot his grandson's mother and then threw her in jail, he was capable of all the evil in this world whatsoever.

She didn't want her own freedom but the liberation of her loved ones. Her Arnavji. Her Di. And Sameer.

She is free but what good is this freedom when she is all alone on this silent road without her loved ones. With nothing in her hands as they've confisticated her bag as well that contained the money and all the necessary things her Arnavji has had packed for her.

Not that she cared about money and all but seeing that packed bag neatly made her feel overwhelmed and cared for. She felt like he still was somewhere beside her giving her strength and silently asking her to never give up. Her things which he touched once were gone taking away her ability to stay resilient.

Blankly she sat there for she didn't know how long.

Her determination with which she has left the street of RM a month and a half ago to prove herself was lost somewhere. In fact she herself was lost. She didn't know what to do anymore.

With her shaky legs she stood up and walked away with her shoulders slumped and lifeless eyes.

She walked till her legs ached. No sooner than that she couldn't feel her legs anymore and fell on her knees somewhere.

"Oh. Oh. Careful there. Are you okay beta?" Someone said rushing to her grabbing her upper arms.

Khushi raised her head up and stared at the aged lady looking at her concerned.

It were the familiar pair of eyes staring back at her that did it for her. Painfully reopened her raw wound and washed explicit longing all through her.

Her vision blurred with unshed tears. Soon she was breaking down into unrestrained sobs losing herself completely in grief.

"Oh I miss him. I miss him so much. Why can't I be with him? Why everything is so against us?" She mumbled in between her hiccups with her shoulders shaking.

She didn't protest when that lady helped her up either. She didn't console her but made her walk with her and let her cry.

"Here, drink some water when you've cried enough to wash out your pain." She said placing the glass in front of her on the table.

After what felt like eternity Khushi fell silent feeling empty and expressionlessly gazed at the glass full of water before she saw it being lifted by a hand and placed in between her own hands.

"Come on, beta. Drink. You must be feeling drained." The voice reminded her of her mother's.

Feeling her eyes prickling all over again she raised the glass to her lips and drank it all in one go placing the glass back on the table quietly. Silence followed once again.

"What's your name?"

"Khushi," A hoarse voice left her.

"Such a wonderful name. Who gave you that? Your mother? Father?"

"My Di," She choked out brokenly.

"She must love you so much to have given you such a pleasant name,"

"She loves me the most in this whole world!" Khushi mumbled with her lower lip trembling.

"And your parents?"


"Your sister?"


"Your husband?" She said looking at her mangalsutra.

"Left me!"

"Where do you live?"

"Nowhere!" She said as her eyes turned cold suddenly.

"Won't you ask me anything? You're at a stranger's house all alone and you doesn't look scared. What if I robbed you?"

Khushi chuckled mirthlessly.

"I have already been robbed off everything precious. I've nothing left anyway. If you wish you can kill me now and I won't protest."

"Enough of the heavy talks. At least you can ask me who am I?"

"Who are you?" Khushi asked nonchalantly looking at her but avoided looking in her eyes that might make her weak again. Kept her gaze at the side of her face.

"Shalini Kumar."


It was a week later did Anjali manage to get Khushi sneak out of RM and giving her the address to Arnav's apartment came back inside praying in her mind for the couple to sort out their differences.

As she sat in a cab closing on in the destination where her Arnavji were living Khushi felt a light smile of anticipation washing through her along with tears gathering in her eyes.

These three weeks without him were hell of acute sheer anguish. She knew he won't be doing so well either. She wanted to make things right between them more for him than herself.

As she rang the doorbell feeling like a nervous wreck her head shot up as she heard the door opening at the third ring and there stood the reason of her existence with an expressionless face stopping her world right there and then.

The strong smell of aftershave was wafting out of him. His natural cologne was still prominent either way. His hairs were damp as if he has just taken a shower. His eyes had a tinge of red in the corners. He was dressed in his blue shirt and black trousers.

Her eyes took her fill of him as she sniffled and rubbed her lids to rid of the moisture blurring her vision. The urge to throw her arms around him was too much which she curbed by fisting her hands at her sides. She knew he won't like that. He'd push her away. But she was here to stay. She'd appease his anger and heal his wounds. She'd do anything for him.

"I knew you'd come here only." He said solemnly. She swallowed hard hearing his voice after so long. The heartwrenching beauty of the moment along with the brokenness made her almost cry out in despair.

She couldn't decipher what was he thinking for he seemed to have been wearing a mask of poker face hiding himself from her. She would make him open up. She'd not let him hurt himself like that by being the shadow version of himself.

Then she registered something in her mind. He said he knew she'd be coming here only. She looked at him in question. Confusion.

"Even you and Di combined can't break Shantivan's security. You got out because I asked them to let you. Now would you stay outside the whole day or come in?" He was too calm and it was making her feel more anxious.

Swallowing past the huge ball of pain she entered and he shut the door behind her.

"So why were you so desperate to go out of RM?" He leaned against the door and asked. She turned to him and frowned.

Something was amiss. Her heart warned her beforehand.

Doesn't he knew why was she so desperate? For him obviously. To make things right between them. To tell him that she didn't betray him or their marriage.

"For you. I knew you're hurting alone. I wanted to share your pain and tell you that--"

"No need. Rohan told me everything already. That you only met him once. That too with Lavanya!"

Khushi stared at him with her jaws dropped.

"W-When?" She croaked.

"About two weeks ago!" He said robotically.

"Then why didn't you come back home?" She cried out. "You knew I wasn't at fault. Why were you punishing me still? Why isn't my punishment still not done?" She couldn't hold back a whimper.

He quirked his eyebrow seeing the tears rolling down her cheeks as if he was watching a movie.

"You don't even know what kind of punishments I actually give to people who let me down. This is nothing as compared to all of your lies!" He said coolly.

"You forgave me for my past mistakes when you gave me my name back. Hazel. Remember?" She had a pleading edge to her tone.

"I'm taking back my forgiveness. You didn't deserve it. You deserve all the pain in the world along with everything you're getting." He stated solemnly and pushing himself off the door walked ahead but had to stop in the middle when she held his elbow and touching her head to his arm cried softly.

"I'm ready to take any punishment. Take back everything you want from me but just don't take me away from you. Please Arnavji. I'm dying without you!"

"You're still alive." His words said with such emotionless tone made her raise her head up in disbelief as her heart squeezed in her chest and heartbeat slowed down as she saw the coldness in his eyes. Her tears weren't affecting him anymore.

It was like she doesn't bother or affect him anymore either. She panicked.

In that state she did what she wanted to do the moment she saw him. She threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly nuzzling her face against his cheek earnestly hoping it might bring out her Arnavji who wouldn't be this cruel to her no matter how much she erred.

He kept standing with his hands on his side. He didn't push her away but didn't embrace her back either. It made her feel like her soul was being ripped out of her painfully. She couldn't withstand the longing and hurt that she tiptoed and showered his face with innumerable kisses. Even that didn't help.

"Arnavji what has happened to you? Please don't scare me like this. Say something. Here!" She cupped his cheeks and turned his head to face her.

"See I'm here. Your Khushi is here. Your Hazel is here. Please, your wife is here!"

Her shoulders shook with whimpers as she softly caressed his face with utmost tenderness and finally saw a flicker of emotion in his eyes before he masked it so quickly and grabbing her wrists shrugged her off him leaving her altogether dumbfounded.

"Keep your hands off me!" He warned her in a calm tone yet dangerous expressions on his face.

Gulping hard she nodded twisting her fingers nervously whilst fresh tears formed in her eyes seeing that he was back to being emotionless.

Huffing out he pulled out his cellphone from his pocket and punching something on it turned the screen to her.

"Do you know this woman?" He asked casually.

Recognition shone in her eyes immediately.

"Yes. She is Sh-"

"My mother!" He cut her in the middle pulling the rug off her feet.

His mother? How? Didn't she die with--

"Did you know that my mother betrayed my father for years when he was alive?"

Khushi gasped whilst her eyes turned wide as saucers. Blood ran cold in her veins. Her face waned. No. Please. No. He doesn't. He won't. He can't know. Not like this.

"I--" She gulped.

"Did you know that Arun Khanna was my mother's illegitimate son with Ashish Kashyap? My elder half-brother?" He asked as if he was talking about someone else's life tragedy.

"Arnavji," She trembled in her shoes. The coldness in his stance burned her.

"Did you know that my father, my best-friend also my Di's husband, and my Dadi were killed by a planned plane crash devised by the combined consipracy of Ashish Kashyap and Gayatri Singh Raizada?"

Bile rose up her stomach. She stared at him bewildered and speechless. She was late. She was very late.

She couldn't save him from the destruction. She couldn't mellow down the tragedy by telling it to him by herself.

Someone else has done the deed and he has done it cruelly. Life was gone from her Arnavji's eyes. Her heart ached for him. Her chest constricted thinking of the hell he must be going through inside. His earlier behavior made total sense now.

The destruction inside of him must be suffocating him yet he wasn't letting it out deliberately.

This was what she wanted to avoid. How could anyone bestow this kind of pain over your beloved relation knowing it'd destruct him absolutely. She couldn't before. Now when she has had made up her mind before coming here, it was too late. The damage was already done.

"Did you get to know it all two years ago and still hid it from me?" He asked again as if he couldn't see how much he was scaring her.

"Did you know it Khushi or not?" He moved to her with a warning while she stepped back alarmed seeing the naked rage in his eyes all of a sudden taking the form of a beast behind his lids.

For a moment he stayed before her without any mask scaring the shit out of her by the red wild eyes, hard face and nerves on his face and neck standing out.

"Arn-" She blinked back the tears. "I--listen--it," She rasped breathing harshly. Her heart throbbed in her ears. Her legs turned jelly. She shivered badly.

"Khushi I am going to ask one last time. Did you know it OR NOT?" He shouted at the end causing her to jerk back and hit the wall behind. She looked at him terrified.

"Arnav ji-" She croaked with her breaths laboring some more. Her face turned red with restraint and horror.

He thumped his hands on the wall besides her head causing her to whimper as collosal rage emanated from him.

She raised her teary eyes to his red ones warning her to open her mouth or he will force everything out of her in his own way which she won't like.

A chill ran down her spine as she moistoned her lips, swallowed past a lump and uttered her death sentence.





This chapter alone itself summarizes the whole crux of the story and ended on the highest note of Zaroori Tha.

It was so difficult and very complicated one to write it the way I had in mind. Took me almost a month to complete it. But the end result was worth it. I'm satisfied with how it turned out.

I hope it stirred some emotions in you if not all?

--> Major revelations are out in open. What are your thoughts on it?

--> How was the whole update?

--> Any questions? Confusions?

--> What's gonna happen next?

Next chapter would depend solely on your response. So shower this part with all of your precious VOTES, COMMENTS and if you want, get the QUICKest update ever by me ;)

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