Part 7

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Bold: Khushi and Ayushi past

Italic: Arnav and Khushi's past

Normal font: Present


She was sitting with her head completely turned to the window hindering him from seeing her by the thick hairs falling at the side of her face.They were now off to their way back to RM.

She has woken up this morning with a searing headache and when her drowsy mind cleared some.Memories of the last night came back along with the way he spiked her drink.It made her feel awful and cheated.He wanted them to have their breakfast there before leaving but she refused to stay there anymore and more so she refused to talk to him either.

He wasn't guilty at all.So saying sorry was out of question.So he let it be and now they were back to square one.From where they-started.When it wasn't her, its him messing things up between them.

He wasn't out of the shock of the revelations she did in her drunken state.

"I-I love Sami baby. I am doing all this for him only."

"Sami baby? He is my sweetheart."

"I lovve him."

"He is so sweet, so adorable. He has really soft hands, cheeks. I want to kiss my baby."

"If you hurt him even a little then I will sue you."

He got to know the name of the person for whom she was doing all this. Because of whom she refused to say anything to him.She shut him out and not only this, they stayed away from each other for two damn fucking years.

So in no fucking hell, he was going to apologize for what he did.He needed answers and he was going to get them out of her mouth.At any cost.

"Do you know whom I love more than Sami baby?"

"I have hurt him the most even though he is my life."

"If Sami baby is my sweetheart then HE is my heartbeat."

Who was this other man? He didn't has any idea. Again. This was frustrating him, making him lose control and he never liked when situations were slipping from his hands.Right now, it was.He was hurt.Angry.Miffed.Helpless.All at once.

"Did i hurt you again?" She had asked wearily.

"Please don't hate me." She has mumbled last night.

Swallowing a lump, he looked to her only to see her face still hidden from him. He stopped the car at once.

Enough was enough.

"Why the hell aren't you talking to me? What did i do?"He busted finally."Why in the f**king hell aren't you looking at me?" He blasted out on her taking her elbow jerking her to face him only to see her face drenched in tears.

He closed his eyes to restrain his overpowering rage and helplessness.

"Yes, I spiked your drink. I did it because you didn't leave me any other choice.Did you?" He left her before leaning back in his seat breathing hard.

She sniffled but didn't say anything. She was angry yes, but she could understand his frustration, his anger too.

"You didn't have to do that." She cried out.

He turned his face to her sharply.

"Oh really? Then to whom should i have gone to ask about my wife's history? That she loves someone else even being my wife?"

"What is wrong with you? Why are you making assumptions when you don't know anything!" She retorted.

"Fine. You know everything don't you? Tell me where am i wrong?!"

"You are doing all this for a person and its a HIM. Isn't he?"


"Yes or No Khushi?!" He warned.

She kept quiet.

He grabbed both of her shoulders turning her to face him.

"You have revealed it to me last night then why not again? YES OR NO KHUSHI?!" He bellowed at the end.

"YES!" She shrieked out.

"Y-You l-love him too don't you?"He swallowed as he asked that.She blinked back the tears feeling hurt ten folds seeing it in his eyes.

"I do but-"

There she did it again, hurt him in the way he has never been before.He has tolerated everything, everything which she threw his way and he was ready to start all over again leaving back all the bad memories but she did it all over again. Ruined him. Crumpled him from head to toe. He was afraid he won't be able to put himself back together ever again.

He left her before opening the door and stepping out.Punching his fist to the car, he hit it with his foot several times before growling out loud making her jump as she bit a sob.

Taking a deep breath, she stepped out of the car before coming around to face him.

"Don't hurt yourself like this Arnavji.Its-"

He whirled around suddenly before pinning her so hard against the car that she winced.

"DO NOT CALL ME ARNAVJI. Did you hear me?"

"It's not what you are thinking Arn-"She was stopped by a firm finger on her lips.She gulped.

"Sir!" He ordered."You got the job in AR didn't you? You will be joining tomorrow and it's an order."

He saw her eyes on the verge of pouring out.

"You will not call me Arnavji and these..." He touched the corner of her eyes causing a tear to fall on his finger making him swallow. "These should stay out of my way too.Got it?"

One after the other, they rolled down despite his commands.

"Arnavji- I-" There she broke that first order too pissing him off as well as melting him.

"I am done playing husband with you when you don't even want it. You know what, i give up." He threw his hands up in resignation making her heart clench.

"Please don't hate me." She pleaded reminding him of the same vulnerable request she made to him last night.

"Give me one good reason that i shouldn't?"

"Because I-" She pursed her lips at the right time before blurting out something that would make him have his hopes high and she can't do that to him.

She turned to leave only to be yanked in his arms as he pulled her up against him before his mouth descended on hers in a hard, rough kiss.

"Because you what? You love someone else and you want me to keep loving you huh?"

She breathed heavily as he indirectly confessed his feelings for her for the very first time.She wasn't a fool not to get the hint.

"I don't love anyone but -"

"Sameer right? And who was the other guy you talked about last night?"

"Do you know whom i love more than Sami baby?"

"I have hurt him the most even though he is my life."

"If Sami baby is my sweetheart then HE is my heartbeat."

"Are you a pro in hurting every single person who cares for you aren't you?"

His words stabbed her in her heart.

If only he knew it was him about whom she was referring to.

He saw the hurt on her face and so did her tears.He let out an explicit before carrying her up bridal style and walking to the back seat of the car.

"What are you doing?"She asked apprehensively.

"Completing what was left yesterday night. Our wedding night if you may ask."

She gasped as he cupped her cheeks as he settled besides her. Before she could protest, his lips were on hers and it left her dazed, intoxicated and senseless of all other things except for the feeling of his touch on her lips and his hands caressing her nape, her back or wherever he could get his hands on.

"Chote, I know you are upset with her."

"UPSET? I am mad Di."

"Worried too?" She studied his face and saw the concern etched on his face right there.

"Why won't i be worried Di? She is ruining herself and she is doing it deliberately."

"So, what are you going to do now? Because clearly your trick to make her jealous to blurt out her feelings isn't working well. Ah don't look at me like that. I am your sister. I know what you are upto."

He ran his fingers in his hairs.

"I am going to do just that i said. I am taking her to a psychiatrist tomorrow.If only she hadn't burned those degrees of her and if only i had read the name of the university she got graduated from then i would've had all the information about her on my desk tomorrow morning itself."

"You should have been more careful rather than instigating her to do something like this. Don't you know, she would take pains and she wouldn't even say a thing about it neither would she cry over her miserable condition."Anjali reasoned.

The next morning when he went to the store room to ask her to come with him. She wasn't there.

"Shit" He muttered as his guards informed him that she left an hour ago.

He should've warned the guards not to let her go out.

He called Kashyaps and upon finding that she was there, he rushed to KM.

"I thought we had a deal that she would work as a servant in RM for two months until mine and Lavanya's engagement then what the hell is she doing here in your home Miss Kashyap?"

"We didn't ask her to come here. She herself did. We were just about to tell you when you yourself called." Lavanya said hugging his arm but his eyes were on her who was having defiance in her eyes meaning she won't go anywhere with him.

He would see to it.

"Lavanya, forget the engagement. We are getting married this weekend."

Khushi's breaths left her in a whoosh and that didn't get unnoticed by Arnav.

"But this early?" Even though Mrs.Kashyap was happy but still she asked."How would we manage everything in just a week?"

"I will arrange everything. You don't have to worry." He removed Lavanya's arm from his elbow casually.

"Lets go Khushi. I am getting late for office." He directly ordered her.

"Mam, i don't want to work for him anymore. Please let me stay here." Khushi pleaded to Mrs.Kashyap.

Arnav tightened his jaws and before Mrs.Kashyap could say anything he went to Khushi and taking her wrist dragged her out of the KM with her protesting in his hold.

He pushed her inside the car before driving the car with his foul mood and stopped infront of a clinic.

"I don't need a psychiatrist." She screeched as she read the name of the doctor.

"You sure do." He bellowed on her face so maniacally that she retreated in her seat.

He had to drag her inside the clinic too and when he met the doctor and told her in bits and pieces what he knows about her, the doctor told him to leave Khushi alone with her.

He did reluctantly and after an hour, he was called in.

"Did she tell you what is the problem with her?" He asked eyeing Khushi sitting in the attached cabin with glass walls.

"No. I tried to probe with all of my tactics Mr.Raizada but she just won't say anything.In this one hour session all i can say is, she is under some pressure or she is trying to save someone or herself by hiding it all.Also, i am sure nothing can make her say what she has been through."

"She has been going through?"

"Maybe some trauma, tragedy happened with her that made her like this. This is not her normal self. That i can assure you."

How would be the real Khushi? His heart thudded as he realized what Khushi's real personality was. He has seen her, in that one month when they had met. When he was introduced to her as Lavanya.

She was too bubbly, simple, innocent, talkative. It had taken her a week to finally open up to him and he was just smitten by the aura she held around. She talked and talked and he has had listened and he loved it that way. He so wished to turn back time to meet that Khushi who was a breath of fresh air in his otherwise mechanic life.

What he wouldn't do to see that side of her again?!

What trauma she had gone through?

His mind presented him various possibilities and that made him shudder.

He looked at her every now and then while driving back to RM.

"Is someone forcing you to do all this?" He asked calmly for the first time when they reached RM and he stopped her from getting out by holding her hand.

"Forcing me for what?" She asked nervously.What did the doctor say to him about her? She made sure she don't open her mouth then?

"For hiding your degrees? For making you do something you don't want to?"

"There is nothing like that." She said sharply."I told you those degrees were fake."

"Fine." He snapped."Tell me the name of the university you put on that degree so that i can confirm that yes, NO girl named Khushi Gupta graduated from there?"His voice reached a notch higher at his every word.

She averted her eyes."I don't remember which name i chose. It was made years ago."


"Marry whoever you want to. It doesn't matter to me. Humein koi farak nahi padhta."

He punched the steering wheel.

"FINE! Koi farak nahi padhta tumhe? Lets see for how long!"

He looked daringly at her before getting out and made sure to tag her along with him lest she run away again.

The noise of the gunshot reverberated in the otherwise silent deserted road.

Khushi's eyes widened as she saw her sister Ayushi shooting Arun straight in the center of his head.It shocked not only Khushi but also the man standing behind Ayushi and Khushi with dumbstruck look on his face.

Sameer wailed out loud as he slipped out of the limp hands of Arun, only for Khushi to catch him before he could get hurt.

Khushi and Ayushi has got hold of Arun's cell number through Ashish and after a lot of pleadings from Ayushi and lots of evil laughs from Arun, he had agreed to let her meet her son.But just for once.Ashish accompanied them and the sisters did a huge mistake to trust another Kashyap.

Ayushi sneaked her licensed gun with her unaware to Khushi.

As they reached the place Arun mentioned to meet, Sameer was slapping Arun on his face and chest irritating him before he saw Ayushi, his mother and Sameer jumped in his arms and leap out crying "Maa" over and over again.Ayushi and Khushi had tears in their eyes seeing him after days.His eyes looked worn out as if he didn't sleep well at night.

Rage bubbled up in Ayushi as she stepped forward to take her son in her arms but was stopped by Arun.

"Stay where you are!"

"Arun, let me meet him." Ayushi eyed her baby who was pining to be in his mother's arms.

"I don't like the way he is too disciplined and well mannered like you. He don't have to have goodness in him because he is my son." Arun was smirking."But no matter what, we both have one thing in common." He eyed Ashish hatefully. "We both are bastards."

"SHUT UP ARUN. Don't talk about my baby like this.He is the only good thing that came out of your lustful so called revenge you bastard."

Arun twisted his lips in anger.

"Easy there sweetheart. I have gotten hold of your precious something. If you badmouthed me then i would take this away from you too." With that he took something out of his pocket which made the sisters gasp.

"YOU WOULDN'T DARE. HE IS YOUR BLOOD TOO. YOU CAN'T KILL YOUR OWN BABY!" Ayushi said frantically. Khushi looked around to find something to stop that Arun.

"Ahan. I am loving seeing you unarmed. No matter what you say. He is with you only because of me baby." He winked."I still remember that night. Do you? How you were wriggling, how i stripped you bare, how i broke your virginity. How I-"

"SHUT UP YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" Ayushi yelled in pain and took out the gun and shot him on his head when he said and she lost it.

"If you want Sameer back then spend another night with me."

Arun died on the spot and that shocked Ashish kashyap for a few moments only before he did something which no father would have done if he had had a heart or love for his child who just died infront of him.

"Good riddance." Ashish said before coming over to Khushi and snatching Sameer from her shivering hands.

Khushi squealed in fright coming out of her shock before shouting for her nephew as Mr.Kashyap took him away.But before that he took out the gun and aimed it at Ayushi and shoot two bullets straight at her back causing Khushi to yell in horror and pain as her already numb sister fell on her stomach and closed her eyes.

"Tit for tat. I didn't love Arun but still he was my son and she killed him."

Khushi fell on her knees with her slow beating heart before a whimper from her sister made her react.She yelled for help from Ashish and also to get Sameer back who was wailing and flailing his legs to go to his mother and massi but Ashish didn't pay heed to it as he drove off without a second glance.

By the time Khushi got some help from the main road and took her Di to the hospital, Ayushi had lost too much blood and she went into coma due to hypovolemic shock. Khushi immediately volunteered to give her sister her blood.

The bullets has hit Ayushi's lungs and lower spine.She went through major surgeries along with blood transfusion. It took days for the doctor to make her condition stable but she didn't wake up from coma even being out of the danger.

Khushi was losing her sanity as one by one she was losing the pillar of her strength, her family was crumpling before her and she couldn't do anything about it. She has went to KI to talk to Ashish Kashyap to meet Sameer but he refused to meet her and then banned her entry in KI.

"Pata nahi Sami kaisa hoga?(I don't know how would Sami be?)" Its been days she has last seen him and the last memory of him wasn't so peaceful either. The child was crying and he must be miserable for being caught in the middle of it all. She has to get him out of Kashyap's hold at any cost.

The next day, there came in the police in the hospital to arrest Ayushi Gupta in charge of Arun Khanna's murder.

As she wasn't awake, she was shifted to hospital in the central jail in Mumbai and that was it.

Khushi Gupta's patience, courage and composure left her.

She cried her heart out coming back to her apartment. Her mind turned numb and she stayed locked in her apartment for a whole month without any care of the world.

Until a call came from the central jail in Mumbai.

Ayushi Gupta was awake. She was out of the coma.

"Stop!" She said breathlessly as his hand reached down to her lower abdomen.

"Do you want me to?" He rasped against her neck.

"S-Stop." She said halfheartedly. She so wanted him and she didn't want to give him hopes either.

"Make me!" He hovered over her after he gave her an urgent push causing her to lay back on the seat.

He stared at her flushed face whilst she looked back at him with tears shining in her eyes.

"A-Arnavji.." She croaked as a tear slipped from the corner of her eyes.

He swallowed with his eyes glistening.

"I am losing faith in us Khushi. I am losing myself in it too. I need this. I need you. I need you to tell me that there is still hope for.. for .. us? Is it there?"

She closed her eyes in pain.

"Make me believe that I am not as worthless as I think I am in your life." He whispered in that vulnerable tone that tore her.

Opening her eyes she gave him a teary smile making his heart fill with anguish before she pulled his head down gently caressing his stubble.She was tired of staying away and for the first time in the last seven years she thought about herself and her happiness forgetting everything else as his eyes pleaded her to do so.

She did though forgetting that by doing it, she would be giving him hopes-too many at that and then staying away anymore from him would become too difficult and she won't be able to...She couldn't think further as he sucked her earlobe making her moan and then sigh as he peeled off her clothes and then his own one by one.All she could so was surrender and for the first time ever, she gave him what he wanted from her. It was all she had and she gave him all of her.

As Arnav felt her responding to every caress, every touch and graze of his fingers on her body, he felt peace descending on him. Maybe he does mean something to her. Maybe he means too much for her.

If only he knew,

He meant everything to her.

Life couldn't get anymore worst for her.Khushi has thought by being closed in her home without anyone besides her but then she was proved wrong. Again!

Ayushi woke up but she wasn't herself.

Non-compos Mentis

Doctor declared her mentally unstable so she was saved from any court inquiries until she become well. Ayushi was shifted to rehabilitation center with only two name on her lips.

"Sami" and "Khushi"

Which made Khushi burst into tears. Even in this state, Ayushi do remember their names. The people who mean the world to her.

"Maybe Sami can bring her back." Khushi thought when Ayushi refused to acknowledge her even though she was shouting for Khushi and Sameer over and over again.

Khushi rose from the ashes again just for her sister and out came the worry for Sameer who had been in a merciless murderer who tried to kill Sami's mother.

This time, she didn't bother going to KI. She went straight to his Villa in Mumbai and pleaded for him to let her meet Sameer.

When he refused to let her, she shouted at him accusing him of shooting her Di and snatching a child from her mother but Ashish Kashyap was made of a stone heart. Nothing affected him.

Infact he threatened her back.

"If i could shot your sister once and get away with it then i could do it again. So keep your mouth shut about Sameer and your Di's shooting fiasco. If you didn't then i would not sit until your so called Di is sentenced to death. Afterall i am the eye witness to her crime."

Khushi gasped.

She knew he could do that. The way he sent the police to arrest Ayushi Di even in her ill state, he could do anything.

"Please let me be with Sameer. I will do anything you ask from me but just let him meet his mother once in a while so that she comes out of her sorry state?" She broke down into tears.

"You would do anything?" Ashish's eyes gleamed dangerously.

She gulped but nodded.

"How about sleeping with a rich tycoon and getting his inner secrets? You know i could get anyone to do that but that man is some tough nut to crack and i need someone as innocent and gorgeous as you to get to the bottom of his business secrets. KI need it badly.After all the mishaps happened because of that bastard of my so called dead son!"

He chose to drive back to his farmhouse after their frenzied love making at the back seat of the car.They both didn't realize when afternoon came and when the evening dawned.They were just quenching their thirst of years pouring out all of their love, longing , hurt, pain, helplessness and angst in their caresses that made them both emotional as well as relieved.

"Are you alright?" He asked taking her hand in his before placing it on his thigh and drove with his one hand.

She swallowed but nodded.

He was too happy, too content, too overwhelmed today. Right this moment with her.

He brought her hand to his lips before kissing her fingers firmly and curled his hand in hers tightly causing her heart to move irregularly. A lump caught up in her throat which she dislodged by swallowing blinking back the tears.

He was carrying her inside the farmhouse when she opened her mouth.

"He wanted me to sleep with you.To get to your secrets." She said hoarsely with her constricted throat.

"I swear i didn't mean any harm to you Arnavji." She cried out seeing him frozen on his steps.

"I- tried to stay away from you. I tried- but you -" She hiccuped desperately waiting for him to respond.He didn't.

But when he did. Her world crumpled there once again.

"So what happened between us in the car was just to save your Sameer?"

She sniffled and winced out loud when he straightened his arms on his sides causing her to fall on the ground with a thud.


It must be a treat for the readers to get so many updates together who haven't read this story of mine yet right? :P

Zaroori Tha(Limitless Love 2) is now up to date on wattpad. I will be continuing it here only.

Coming to the story, there are still a certain facts about Khushi's past and as well as ArShi's past that are yet to be revealed. So all of your questions will be answered in the upcoming updates for sure :)

Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT on each part if you are enjoying the story that is if you haven't done already. Your feedback is all that encourages me to write more ;)


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