Part 8

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(Not proofread)

(8004 words)


"You would do anything?" Ashish's eyes gleamed dangerously.

She gulped but nodded.

"How about sleeping with a rich tycoon and getting his inner secrets? You know i could get anyone to do that but that man is some tough nut to crack and i need someone as innocent and gorgeous as you to get to the bottom of his business secrets.KI need it badly.After all the mishaps happened because of that bastard of my so called dead son!"

Gasping Khushi took several steps back in horror.

"Tch. Tch. Tch. Your Sameer will have to stay with his grandfather I guess." He smirked.

At Sameer's name her eyes teared up.

"Please you can find anyone to do your dirty work but I am not that type of girl. Please give me back my nephew. His mother is pining for him. Seeing him might bring her back." She resorted to pleading once again knowing that there was no other way out.

Everything was so messed up just like her life was. Her Di's life was and so was Sameer's. She can't bring someone else into this mess. She won't be able to live with the guilt. She wasn't a betrayer ever. She won't become one now either.

"I told you what you have to do to get him to meet his mother. Now it's upto you. Its either my way or highway sweetheart."

She turned her face in disgust seeing him eyeing her lustfully making her want to puke.

"I told you I am NOT that type of girl." Frustration finally bursted out of her.

"Now you can become one. There is always a chance to improvise yourself. Think about it. You have one day. 24 hours. After that your Sameer will go far away from you. I will smuggle him to some other country."

Khushi gasped.

"How can you even think like that. He is your grandson too."

"Oh I have not even a tiniest bit love or sympathy for him you see. Because of his father Arun Khanna, I lost half of my business and if that wasn't enough now my wife and my daughter aren't even talking to me. There is so much I can take. Don't test my patience much. If I lost my senses in anger then I might as well shot him too like I shot your sister. I swear I won't even think once before doing it. If you have any doubts that I won't do it then try saying a NO tomorrow and I would turn my words into action." He finished with his eyes red with hate and venom and Khushi knew without a doubt that he was very much capable of doing what he said and it gave her shudders.

With slumped shoulders she left his mansion.

She went straight to her Di in rehabilitation center and cried her heart out sitting before her who looked at her as if she was watching a movie.

"Sam, have you seen Sam? And Khushi? Have you seen my sister?" She asked clenching her hands around the strand of her own hairs and pulled it down that even made Khushi cry out but Ayushi giggled seeing Khushi sobbing silently.

"Di.. Please? Come back .. I need you."

"If you saw them tell them I am fine. Tell them I-I miss them." She sobbed all of a sudden causing Khushi's heart to clench painfully and that's when she made the toughest decision of her life. In that moment and she vowed to stick to it.

Not knowing she would bury herself in much deeper mess thereafter.

He has been so happy. So happy that she finally gave him some hope by letting him in. By making their marriage real in every sense. By giving him something really precious of her to him.

Now as he think of it, it was all a facade. A fucking charade to ... get in the bed with him?

He turned his face feeling disgusted. Shaking his head he closed his eyes as the walls closed in on him and upon that he wasn't immune to the woman sitting on the floor sobbing silently. The woman whom he loved to bits. Scratch that- he still love to bits.

But was that love enough?

It never was.

Neither in their past nor now as there was so much under the wraps, nothing open between them.

If there was something out in open, it was only his own efforts to make things work between them.

Only his NOT hers!




"Shut the hell up!" He shouted at the top of his voice causing her to place her palm over her mouth to stop her cries.

"I didn't mean to hurt you Arnavji!" She said brokenly.

He closed his eyes.

"But you did dammit." He pulled her up harshly wrapping his arms around her waist as his gaze landed on a hickey on the side of her neck he gave her not so long ago.

His chest tightened.

All that seemed a dream now. A beautiful dream the broken pieces of which were now pricking him in his heart as the reality turned out like a nightmare nothing exquisite like the last few hours were. Nothing at all.

"I shouldn't be surprised. It's what you always did to me but like a bloody fool I am I keep coming back for more don't I?" He twisted one of her arms at her back pulling her flush more against him.

"It is nothing like that Arnavji." She touched her head to his shoulder.

She has to stop calling him Arnavji and for that he has a permanent solution!

"Now that you have got what you wanted Khushi. What is the next phase of your plan?"

"You are getting me wrong Arnavji." She pleaded raising her head from his shoulder looking in his eyes with her hazel ones. Another one of his weakness. The unique color of her eyes which made her stand out of everyone. That was the very first thing he has noticed about her when he first saw her there in that cafe years ago and instantly fell in love with.

The biggest mistake of his life.

Mistake he has been regretting ever since and he had an idea she would give him plenty of more reasons to regret it even more!

"I have just started to get you right Khushi. Now just answer my question. What was your next plan of action after sleeping with me?" He said feeling so low about himself saying that. He felt used, degraded and cheated.

Did that Sameer mean so much for her that she was willing to do anything for him?

Even if its sleeping with any other man?

And that Sameer whoever he is.. Was he okay with that?

He scowled.

Who was he to her?

Exactly who?

As the haziness of anger subsided his mind started presenting him various other questions as she kept her silence intact refusing to budge.

If she wanted to sleep with him than she could've done it in the past two years ago when all she had to do was give him a few words of reassurance that he means something to her but she didn't.

She has kept herself rigid and so had she put the lock over her emotions.

If not then why now?

Why dammit?

Was that Sameer okay with her marrying someone else?

Where was he?

So many questions and confusions and he don't know what to think or believe anymore.

Push her away or keep her with him?

Hurt her like she hurt him or just forget everything and make passionate love to her like they did in the car not so long ago?

Too much was going on in his head and he didn't know what to do anymore either. She stood in his arms with her head resting on his shoulder and that almost melted him.


Until the reality hit him hard and he pulled away as if struck by lightening.

By now he has an idea what would hurt her. So he payed her back in kind by offering her the words she has pleaded him not to say out loud just the night ago.

To get even with her!

"I wish I haven't fallen in love with you." He whispered and saw with a lump in his throat as she stared at him shattered.

"I wish we'd had never met."

"I hate you!" He spitted out before marching upstairs.

Khushi fell back on her knees and flinched when she heard the loud banging of the door.

Did she just lose him all over again?

For how many time would she have him with herself and not be with him at all?

Why? Why can't she be with him?

She wanted to scream louder and louder but only air came out of her mouth.

Was she destined to get him back to lose him all over again?

She was. Indeed.

And it broke Khushi Singh Raizada there and then taking away her ability to breath.

She has only loved three men in her life to bits.

Her babuji.


And.. And Arnavji.

And she has lost them all too one way or the other.

One by death!

The other by cruel and selfishness of certain monsters!

And one by her own faults!

Now her biggest dilemma has started.

Will she be able to stay away from Arnavji after getting his love in abandance?

Will she be able to keep herself away after knowing how it is felt like to be loved by her Arnavji?

Will she be able to cut her out of his life after giving him everything she ever had?

She shuddered even thinking of leaving him now that they have crossed all the barriers.

"No. I can't stay away from him. I can't." She sobbed.

"I wish I haven't fallen in love with you."

"I wish we'd had never met."

"I hate you!"

His words came back and took away every little bit sanity she has left within her and out came the lifeless woman who fell against the couch as if all the life and energy has been sucked out of her.

The glow that has been shining in her eyes, on her cheeks due to the aftermath of their love making dissipated into nothingness.

Her face paled. Deadly pale.

I told you I won't be able to bear it if you said it out loud Arnavji!

She stood up with great difficulty feeling her throat parched, too dry all of a sudden and she felt excruciating urge to pour atleast a litre of water down her throat or maybe more.

Now where was the kitchen?

Supporting her frame with the furniture and the walls she tried to take the hold of the surrounding with her blurred vision, her eyelids drooping until she found it and entered wobbling.

She vaguely heard her name being called as she reached for the glass with the trembling hands. Just that she couldn't make to the refrigerator to retreat the water bottle as the glass slipped from her hand and before she knew it everything spinned around her, something was hammering her brain. The pain was too much that she let out a yelp until she let herself fall, let her eyes close.

Before she could hit the ground she felt a pair of frantic arms wrapping around her preventing her fall.


She let out a slow wounded smile.

"He is a kid. Sameer is a kid Arnavji. And I- I have to save him. And- And yo-" She mumbled with a sob before everything went black.

There she told him the reasons.Not all but most of them in just a few words.

Now it was upto him to find out the whole.

Will he be able to bear the truth that will devastate him, tilt his world upside down?

"Marry whoever you want to. It doesn't matter to me. Humein koi farak nahi padhta."

He punched the steering wheel.

"FINE! Koi farak nahi padhta tumhe? Lets see for how long!"

He looked challengingly at her before getting out and made sure to tag her along with him lest she run away again.

Days were passing quickly with each and every attempt of his to make her blurt out her feeling going in vain. She won't open her mouth. Not even when he deliberately kissed Lavanya on her cheek in front of her. He saw the devastation on her face but no, she won't voice them. Never.

So much ego?

So much arrogance?

She was putting him behind in this attitude.

Then the day of his and Lavanya's marriage came and by then he was at the edge of his patience.

She agreed to make Lavanya ready for HIM?

Did she even know what she was doing?

Did she even know after today he would become someone else's?

He was getting apprehensive and scared thinking that he would have to marry Lavanya but she, she actually went ahead and offered to make her ready!

Bloody hell!

He stormed upstairs despite Anjali's calls to keep his calm.

Yeah he could keep and lose her forever?


He barged in the room where Khushi was with Lavanya for the last few hours apparently to decorate her as his bride.The scene which greeted him in there gave him goosebumps and later that shock was replaced by anger. Raw blinding rage promising to swallow someone in.

"Good decision!" Ashish smirked as Khushi stood across his table with her head hung low.

"You will have to promise me you will let Sameer go after I- I will do your work."

"When did I say I will let him go ever?"

Khushi stared at him shocked.

"But you said that-"

"I said I will let Sameer meet his mother occassionally as you requested but no, I am never letting him go. Not when having him captured can make me get everything back bit by bit. And you- you are going to help me in this."

"You can't do this Mr.Kashyap. Our deal was just till that tycoon you wanted me to-" She trailed off feeling disgusted of even thinking it. How would she ever do it?

He smirked.

"Now that I have you as my weapon. An innocent beauty which can make any man make a run for his money, how can I just let this opportunity go?"

Khushi felt her inside shake.

"i just agreed for one time."

"And you will agree for it time and time again sweetheart the same way you just did."

"I won't!"

"Careful with your words. Never say NO to me or I will close all the door of your sister ever meeting Sameer. Not only that I would make sure she rot in jail her whole life."

Khushi gritted her teeth in helplessness and seeing the defeat in her eyes Ashish smirked.

"Now as I have your consent. First of all, you will have to leave your old life and make another. For that resign from your job first of all."

Though her inside shook with his command but she knew any argument will only lead to his win more as he was a cunning bastard. No wonder from where Arun Khanna got his wickedness and dirty tactics and selfishness.

She simply nodded and the next day she resigned from her job.

In just two days she found herself traveling from Mumbai to Delhi where that tycoon lived.


She didn't know and to be honest she didn't want to know either.

She just wanted earth to open up and swallow her in.

Ashish Kashyap has removed all of her traces of living in Mumbai.Clean wipe out was done by his sources who were still loyal to him and by the time she reaced Delhi and Kashyap Mansion she had new name of her parents in her ID card. The name of the man and woman she has never met. But she was told that if anyone asked about her parents then she would tell them that they served Kashyap for years and now when they are no more, she has replaced them and she has no one else in her life.

She felt a lump in her throat. It was true in a way. She literally had no one.

Her sister and her nephew would be away from her forever now.

As long as she will stay loyal to Ashish Kashyap he would let Sameer meet her Di. But just her Di. That was the bargain. He would never let her meet Sami. Never.

A sob built up inside her which she buried within with great difficulty. How would she go on without meeting them both was something she didn't want to think. Not right now. At present she would just think that she was on a vacation away from her family and when the time came she would mourn over them because she knew she was never meeting them again.

"Who are you?"

Her head jerked up as she heard a high pitched tone as soon as she set foot into KM.


Sameer is a KID?

What the?

All this time he was getting jealous of a freaking small little being?

I mean .. What the?

He couldn't believe that he has been jealous of a kid all along.

A kid. KID?

Oh My God!

Does that mean Khushi is a mother?

She was a mother when she met him even back then?

Is that why she refused to marry him in the past when he has asked her to?

His heart shattered at the realizations or should say his own assumptions because there wasn't any other reason of all this he could think of.

"Do you know whom I love more than Sami baby?"

"I have hurt him the most even though he is my life."

"If Sami baby is my sweetheart then HE is my heartbeat."

Was she.. Was she talking about Sameer's father when she said that?

She loved the kid's father the most. That was why she never fully gave in to him until today.

He felt his head would explode with too much realization and heartbreak.

As he started seeing the clearer picture he felt he would die there and then.

Does that mean she never loved him?

She slept with him not because she wanted to give him hope about them. She did because she wanted to save her baby!

From whom?

Sameer's father?

Did he do something to her child?

Where was HE right now?

But she said she hurt HIM the most, the person who was her heartbeat

If Sameer's father was that person then it was a possibility that she has left that man with her child?

"Oh fuck!"

So many questions and no answers. He felt he would just sink into abyss if he didn't find the whole truth.

His eyes darted across the room only to settle on her sleeping on the bed.

He has tried to stay away after he said the hurtful words and left her in the living room. But as always his heart didn't listen to him and he found himself running out of the room within few minutes back to her to check on her only to find it empty. He has no doubt she must have cried bucket by now as he has deliberately said those cutting words to hurt her where it will hurt her the most.

Speaking of which, why does it matter to her whether he hates her or not?

She loves her husband. Sameer's father to be precise then why.. his(Arnav's) feelings matter to her?



There again more questions popped in him.

He seriously need to start his investigations about her all over again with now a solid clue in his hand.

Calling out for her now worriedly he has prayed in his mind she hasn't left.

Running his eyes across the living room he looked for her expecting her to walk in from any corner with that broken look on her face and he would look after her. He always had. He would nurse her hurt swallowing his own because that's what he always did yes if you would exclude the time he was a monster to her due to her silence.

He sighed in relief seeing the main door still locked from inside meaning she hasn't stepped out.

Then where was she? He heard some clattering sound from the kitchen and ran there to it only to feel his heartbeat stopping when he saw the glass slipping from her hands while she swayed on her steps. Without thinking anything else he rushed to her and saved her from falling on to the ground revealing something really earth shattering truth to him that she has a kid. Sameer is a kid.

Doctor has come and checked her and has prescribed some medicines for her "migraine".

Yes migraine as doctor found the signs matching this ailment and he felt his eyes tearing up.

It was bound to happen considering how much she has buried inside her.

Swallowing he averted his eyes from her pale face and called Aman.

"Aman, find out about a child named Sameer related to Khushi. I don't know whose his father is neither his surname. Now that we have a lead we have to make full use of it. Yes, she told me. Dammit because she is ill. I can't ask her more. So find it out yourself. And listen start from Kashyap's because Khushi was their maid in the past. Now as I think of it-" He stopped as a whole new thought clicked his mind."Aman, we do have Khushi's CV right? Oh god why I didn't think of it before. Aman I saw her degrees in that CV even though she has burned the originals right in front of my eyes in the past. Get them. Not only that her ID card as well. Send them for verification and scans and report to me as soon as you did."

Suddenly he felt his energy returning. Now he felt like he could finally know everything about his wife. The woman he loves despite of everything.

He has to solve this mess for her even if she wasn't willing to share her pain with him. He would take atleast half of it to relieve her somewhat. He has to.

But what would he do if he found out that everything he has been thinking was right?

Would she leave after he would solve the issues in her life?

Would she go back to her kid and husband after everything will be sorted out?

Would she leave him alone then with a thank you?

Was that what he wants from her?

A mere thank you?


He may would get her child back for her but he isn't going to let her go at any cost. She would stay with him and only him. Period.

Fuck that whoever that bastard was who was her heartbeat dammit!

She can have her child back but no way in hell she would be going to her husband or whoever the fucker he is!

Because Arnav Singh Raizada would bring heaven and earth together to keep his wife with him who was now his in every sense.

So what if she did it for her child?

He didn't care now if she used him or not. If he felt cheated or deceived. All he knew was that he wanted to take away her pain. Make her come out of the depression she was in right now and only god knows for how long she was in.

"Who are you?"

"Our new servant!" Ashish answered his wife Sanchi who made a face.

"Only the servant Ashish?" She taunted and Ashish face fell.

"Yes just the servant and she is going to get back our everything which we lost because of that bastard Arun, I promise you." He held her by her shoulders reassuring her.

Sanchi Kashyap gave him a calculative look.

She was a woman who cared more about appearance than inner beauty. She was status conscious and ever since Ashish's ugly truth has come out, she has lost her respect in her friend circle.

She couldn't go to her lavish parties because she is being mocked but that she did survive because her money would shut up her friends yes only the greed of her money has made her friends still stick to her despite their indirect taunts but ever since Ashish's business in Mumbai has been destroyed, she wasn't getting much of money either and that has made her wary and bitter more towards her husband who despite being a jerk loved her to bits.In that case her daughter was so much like her. Lavanya Kashyap.And these both women meant the world to Ashish that in order to win them back he was ready to do anything. Anything!

"Seriously? How?" Sanchi brought a softer look on her face, her eyes twinkling with the thought of getting to spend as much money as she want if only their business would get back to the way it was.

"Yes. But for that I need yours and Lavanya's help."

"What do we have to do?" Lavanya asked who has been listening to them eyeing the hazel eyed girl. Her beauty made her cringe.

"Ramu and his wife has died and her daughter was supposed to come here to take their place as the servant wasn't she? Consider this girl that maid now. If any outsider asked about her then SHE is the daughter of our loyal servants Ramu and Naintara. We will have to keep this charade for a convincing time until we could make our move."

"And we have to make our move on?" Sanchi asked.

"Arnav Singh Raizada!" Ashish smirked while Khushi's eyes widened as she realized whom she to betray. The youngest tycoon of India. ASR.

Hey devi maiyya!

She felt her heart thumping loudly in fear and apprehension. She has heard a lot about him through articles and newspapers. Infact he was her role model. Not only that she wanted to do a job in AR one day when she would become eligible to work in that topmost fashion designing company.

And now.. she has to deceive the person whom she has respected for as long as she has studied fashion designing and later... interior designing just in hope that whenever she applied in AR she could get a job their to work under Arnav Singh Raizada because the more talented you are the more chances are for you to get enrolled in AR for jobs.

Feeling her eyes tearing up she took the plain salwar kameez which Lavanya threw at her face disgusted. She has heard Lavanya fighting with her father to send her in place of Khushi to lure ASR but Ashish has refused saying,

"You don't know that man Lavanya. He don't even look at the model type girls and you are just like them aren't you? Fashionable and classy. He has seen plenty of them. Neither of them appealed to him.If they had he would've listened to his sister and married long ago."

"Why do you think he will look at her?" Lavanya scowled throwing hate and furious looks towards Khushi.

"I am cent percent sure he will because he has encountered cunning women in abandance in his life but never the innocence that she is."

Khushi has felt like crying out loud at that but did against it while she was showed the way to the kitchen after she changed to the outdated dress which was torn from sleeves.

"Di, eww I am not wearing that shirt anymore. Its striped from the cuffs."Khushi whined showing her the little cut which could be sewed easily.

"Come on Khushi. I will stitch it back and it will be all new and beautiful for you." Ayushi said chuckling patting her cheek.

"Nah-uh. I want a new one. Please. Please. Please. Get me another one won't you Di?" She made a puppy dog face pouting knowing it will melt her Di for sure and she was right.

Ayushi laughed hitting her head.

"Fine. I will. Happy now?"

"Very!" She hugged her from behind kissing her cheek causing her parents to chuckle who were witnessing their loud banter sitting in the living room.

Clutching the counter she sobbed without a voice.

Months passed by and Kashyaps were successful in deceiving neighbors and everyone who ever visited them or asked about her because no one ever saw who actually was Ramu and Naintara's daughter or how she looked. Anyways people don't care about servants much either as long as they serve them.

Ashish prohibited her to use any cell phones or call Mumbai to ask about her sister. When she tried to protest he made her remember that if she asked any questions or tried to ruin his plans then he would surely sue her sister and nephew. She quietened on that. On various pleadings from her, he let her know just that every weekend Sameer was sent to meet Ayushi and it would continue until she would cooperate with him and NOT ruin his well built plans.

Getting insults from a jealous Lavanya everyday and getting wary looks from Sanchi and lustful gazes from Ashish, only Khushi knew how she survived months in that mansion until the day came when it was time for her to do the work.

The time to meet Arnav Singh Raizada and make him fall for her charms.

"The alliance has come for me Dad. Why her?" Lavanya has shouted at her father pissed.

"I told you Lavanya he would reject you at one glance. I can't risk that."

"What if he don't?"

"He will. Just listen to me now and give her your designer clothes and make her ready."

"I won't." Lavanya stomped her feet but somehow Ashish managed to convince her and then with lots of hatred in her eyes she has made Khushi ready in green and white chudidaar and couldn't help but stare at the innocence that radiated from Khushi when she was done. In her heart she agreed with her father but jealousy was burning in her ten fold every passing second. Once this charade is over, she would definitely get ASR. Lavanya promised herself.

"Keep it in mind. Your name is Lavanya!" Ashish has told her sternly to which she meekly nodded with her heart in her mouth as she was sent off to a certain cafe through Kashyap's most lavish car.

She was escorted to the table booked by Kashyaps for her and A.S.R.

She felt herself sweating as she sat on the seat at the corner table away from the commotion.

Please don't come!

Please don't come!

Don't come please!


She prayed in her mind until she felt someone clearing his throat behind her. Startled she stood up and turned around and there he was. Arnav Singh Raizada with all his glory wearing casual black shirt and blue denim. In an avatar she has never seen him before. She gulped feeling the rapid beating of her heart making her want to clutch it hard to stop the irregular beats which were beginning to make her nervous.

Then he smiled and she was a goner case.

"Lavanya?" he asked in his husky voice and her eyes shot up at him and then widened before she nodded clumsily looking at him with her hazel orbs. She heard him chuckle and felt more bewilderment passing through her being.

"I am Arnav. Arnav Singh Raizada." He extended his hand for the greeting.

Placing her sweaty palm in his she felt a jolt of lightening pass through her being as he clasped her hand in his and shook it twice before slowly letting it go. But it took her a few moments to compose herself after that when he pulled the chair for her and with another heart warming smile gestured for her to sit.

Feeling her heart tightening she sat down as she recalled an article she has read about him. It was Anjali Singh Raizada's interview on a famous magazine in which she talked about her brother that he barely smiled, barely talked , barely showed any concern to anyone but her, his sister. That whenever she tried to talk to him to marry any girl of his choice, he refuse let alone have a look at the pictures or meet them. Even if he did meet them he would reject them at one glance. She has hoped that same thing would happen to her and she would be spared from hurting him.

But no!

Neither of that sort happened with her. And she had an idea, it never would. That thought only made her drown in sorrow.

That means she would have to go with the plan?

Khushi was wincing with muffled voices and Lavanya had her hands fisted in her hairs and were pulling them making Khushi cry out loud in pain as the roots of her hairs were pulled brutally on her scalp.

Arnav saw red as he separated them and pulled Khushi behind him shooting daggers at her.

"How dare you?!" He bellowed with his eyes bloodshot with rage that Lavanya gulped.

"ASR. She- She was trying to ruin my makeup. She couldn't see me marrying you. She is jealous." Lavanya tried to cover it up.

"Oh really?" Arnav scoffed."I can assure you of one thing Lavanya Kashyap if I had seen even a slightest sign from her that she don't want me to marry you then it wouldn't have been you getting ready for the wedding but her."

Lavanya gasped while Khushi closed her eyes.

This couldn't be happening.

"How can you say something like that? We love each other ASR don't we?" Lavanya though understood his meaning clearly but tried to lure him still now that the damage was already done.

"Love? Do you even know what that is?" Arnav gritted.

"She is a cheap servant ASR. I didn't know your taste is so low!"

Lavanya choked for breaths the next second when he gripped her neck in a painful hold that she coughed to breath.

"ASR-" She struggled to breath as he pressed his palm around her neck.

"Taste? Look from where it is coming. The girl who got herself impregnated and to hide this from her parents she was ready to marry anyone because she don't know who the father of this child is. Huh Lavanya?"

Lavanya's eyes were almost on the verge of popping out when he released her with a harsh push making her choke hard and then cough blinking her frightened eyes at him while Khushi was too shocked at the revelations.

"That's not true." She exclaimed. "It must be the plan of this bitch Khu-" She stopped as he raised his hand but stopped in mid air.

"Leave!" He said in dangerously low tone."Leave before I forget that you are a woman and punish you for humiliating Khushi over and over again without any fault of hers. You are worst than a human being!" He finished only to find something flashing in Lavanya's eyes.

"What about you huh ASR? You treated her the same way didn't you? For almost a month and now you are all lecturing ME that who is human and who is not!"

"Neither have to answer anything to you nor I have to clarify because you won't understand.Nor that I care."

She scoffed shooting glares at Khushi making Arnav step more infront of her.

"This marriage isn't happening. It was never meant to. I would never marry a two timing bitch like you.I have a feeling it was you who forced Khushi to act like you didn't you? Consider this as a payback for what you made her go through."

Khushi's eyes widened when Lavanya smirked. If she blurted out everything then not only would he throw Lavanya out of his house but her too.

But its fine Khushi isn't it? That's what you want and should want.

To her surprise Lavanya kept mum passing her a secret look which meaning she got to know a bit late, very late when water was up her neck.

"If you don't want me to spoil your reputation and spill the beans before your parents then you will take them and your guests out silently and walk out without any more dramas." Arnav warned her while Lavanya walked out with a serene expressions on her face as if she had something better planned for herself?

As she left Arnav turned to Khushi and looking at her disheveled hairs swallowed past a lump.

Taking a step towards her he murmured.

"Tum theek ho? (Are you okay?)" The softness was back with which he used to talk to her when they had met and it formed knots in her stomach.

Now that Lavanya is gone, she has to leave too. Otherwise--

She shook her head didn't want to think further.

"Is it hurting?" He asked concerned taking the shake of her head as a NO.

She took a hurried step back when his hands came up to cup her cheeks.

"Hum- Hum theek hain. Humein- humein jana ho ga. Chaltein hain.(I am fine. I have to go. I should go now)" She choked at the end looking teary eyed at him and saw his expressions turning from soft to hard.

"I guess not Khushi." He removed the distance between them not giving her the time to move back and then she found herself looking in his intoxicating brown eyes as he tipped her chin up.

"It's our wedding day today. If you left then whom will I marry?" He smirked as she stared at him dumbfounded.

She took several steps back.

"N-No. NO!" She shrieked.

"Why not?" His tone held a warning before he exhaled."Look I know what Lavanya did to you was bad. I would make sure she gets her lesson."

If only he knew it wasn't just Lavanya who made her do all that!

She blinked her eyes as he said.

"I am sorry too for using her to make you jealous but you didn't leave me any other choice did you? You just- won't speak and it hurt me, rubbed me in a wrong way that you won't share anything. Last few days in wedding ceremonies I had seen you. Though you appeared nonchalant but you were as affected with all of it as I am. Admit it Khushi because even if you don't, we are getting married today with or without your consent."

"I-I can't marry you." She averted her eyes even though her heart warmed at his explanations and apology. She never held a grudge against him. Not even when he treated her like a servant because she knew his every action was due to the hurt she inflicted on him even though she didn't want to. Getting an apology from him made her more guilty , more than she ever was.

"Get ready. Will meet in the mandap now. Now that it is already set, we should make full use of it." He covered the distance between them before dropping a kiss on her cheek making her close her eyes pretending she didn't say anything.

"I will send Di to help you." He murmured against her cheek whilst she was too dazed to give him a reply.

He left with a smirk on his face.

"Yes Aman, What did you find?"

"I found about a child Sameer but he is not related to Khushi Mam ASR. It is a child apparently adopted by Ashish Kashyap some three years back."


An year before Khushi met him!

"How old is he?"

"Next month he would be turning 6"

Arnav had a hard time controlling the gasp.

Khushi was the mother of a 6 year old child?

She herself look a child for god's sake and to think of she has been mother for years now..

He shook his head rubbing his temple feeling a headache coming.

"What else is there in his details?"

"He is an orphan."


How can it be?

Isn't he Khushi's child?

Even if he was, why did Khushi give him up for adoption?

Is it that she couldn't support him?

And now.. now she wants him back when she could?

But it didn't make sense. Even if that was the case then why, why did she work as a servant in KM when she had a very high qualification and could support herself and the baby without any help?

Then why?

Where did HE, ASR come up in all this, in this picture?

Was it Ashish Kashyap who asked Khushi to sleep with him to get her child back?

The more he thought, the more messed up it all looked.

"Where is Sameer right now Aman?"

"I wasn't able to trace his location yet. I am on it."

Arnav rubbed his hand over his face agitated pacing in the living room. Khushi was still sleeping due to the effect of medicines upstairs. He had come downstairs to talk to Aman in order to not disturb her.

"Find it soon Aman. Fast. And what about Khushi's degrees and ID."

"They have been verified. They aren't fake."

"But how is it possible? She herself burned her degrees in front of me."

"Maybe she retrieved another one when she left you two years ago ASR."

"Aman fasten up the research. I need you to focus on this investigation only. I am giving you a leave from office and you will join it back after you will find everything that had been under the loops till now."

"Got that ASR."


"ASR it would make our research more easier if we would know the name of the father. Can you do something and find it from Khushi Mam? Because otherwise it might take days because in none of the papers it is mentioned that whom the child belonged to."

"I can't-" He stopped."Actually I can. I will Aman. I will get back to you on this." His eyes gleamed with determination as he took purposeful strides to the master bedroom.

Just as he was about to reach the room he saw her coming out and stopped short seeing him.

Her eyes teared up as she glanced at him while he stared back at her with his piercing gaze.

He hates you Khushi!

You made sure you kill all the affection he ever had for you!

The thought pricked her with needles and she couldn't help but feel worn out, desperate to NOT make him loathe her. Otherwise she won't be able to live with herself. But for what he was asking her to do, she can't do that either. Not realizing that in her half conscious state she has already blurted out the most valuable clue to him and he was already very close to truth anyways.


The rest of her her words were swallowed by him as he crashed his mouth to hers reaching her in three long strides before twirling her around slamming her one hand against the wall entwined with his while he folded the other at her back holding her firm against the wall whilst he ravished her mouth.

She rasped against his mouth feeling her senses heightened with his assault on her lips. She felt herself responding as a sob brew inside her in anguish. She thought she would never feel his touch again. That he would never kiss her again but now he was. It just made her feel like she got drenched with water showers after being parched in desert for so long.

She vaguely felt him pulling her up against him vertically lifting her before picking her up bridal style with his mouth still fused to her until she felt the soft mattress underneath and groaned in protest as he freed her lips and proceeded to her neck all the while he had her hands pinned above her head with his one hand while his other hand roamed over her body making her lose the sense of the world as she drifted into some other land where just him and his hands over her body and his mouth over her skin existed taking away her ability to produce any sound other than pleasuring sighs and moans.

He freed her hands to cup her cheeks. She was about to wrap her arms around his neck that's when he stilled and looking into her eyes drugged with passion commanded.

"Don't you dare lay even a finger on me!"

Just then all of the happiness died inside her when she has felt him kiss her, passionately devour her mouth just moments ago.

He wasn't giving her hope by getting intimate with her. He was punishing her for hurting him. He was paying her back in a way that he may knew would hurt her the most. She would gladly take it because staying apart wasn't an option now for her. She couldn't stay away from him now.No!

Biting back the sobs she dropped her hands on her sides brokenly, shattered from within feeling like knives twisting in her gut. Thick rim of tears formed in her eyes.

"I won't. But just- don't stop. Don't go. Don't hate me." She pleaded with a sob.

That's what Arnav wanted. To make her vulnerable. Make her too weak that she forget everything else but the hurt.

Pursing his lips he slipped his arm under her waist trailed his fingers upward and unzipped her shirt while she closed her eyes feeling his fingers caressing her bare skin till he shrugged her off the shirt.

She fisted her hands on the pillow feeling him giving sensual open mouth kisses from her head to the toe not leaving even an inch of skin untouched. Her mind shut off completely when she felt him palming her breasts over her bra.

By the time Arnav was done he made her blurt it out. What he needed to find out.

"Arun Khanna" He murmured looking at her trembling form held against him as she hid her face in his chest being half awake half asleep. He has taken her to the heights of pleasure over and over again that he knew it would take time for her to recover from it all.

Arun Khanna was the father of Sameer!

Arun Khanna, he was her first husband apparently? If not then boyfriend maybe?

And if reports were to be believed he has heard and seen the huge scandal of years ago when the same man Arun Khanna has exposed to the media that Ashish Kashyap was his father. That made Arun, Ashish's illegitimate child.

That means Sameer is Ashish's grandson.

But then why he was known as an orphan by the society?

Arun Khanna was dead at present as he was killed by one of his girlfriend years ago.


His eyes shot to his wife in his arms.

Did Khushi kill Arun?

Was she referring to killing him when she said that she has hurt him the most? The person who was her hearbeat?

What made her kill Arun?

Is that why Ashish is keeping Sameer away from her to avenge his son?

Not only that he is taking full advantage of her helplessness by making her do anything he wants just because Khushi wants her son back?

"Fuck!" He muttered.

That was all fucked up!

The more he tries to solve it, the more entangled and messy it seems!

But one thing is for sure!

He would not let his wife be the puppet of Ashish Kashyap hands anymore.


If only he knew the truth was far more painful than this!


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