Part 9

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**Contains Mature Content!

(Ignore the typos)


"Your favourite color?" He asked trying to make a conversation with her. She looked really edgy Arnav noticed. Thinking it to be her nervousness he tried to make her comfortable while they placed their order.

"Lavanya?" Arnav called her when she continued gazing at the wall behind him. He felt neglected. Never has he had any woman ignore him like this. To be honest it hit his ego. Bruised it when he has come here with the idea to say a plain 'no' to the girl herself but he didn't know he would find himself tongue tied seeing her innocence and beauty radiating from her that had literally bowled him over.

"Lavanya?" He called again a little louder this time.

"Huh?" She jerked out of her thoughts.

"I asked what's is your favourite color? I am sure there will be one or.. many perhaps, a combo or something?" What the fuck ASR? When did you become a blabbering mess?

"Green" She said simply with a poker face.

"Are you really happy with this arrangement Lavanya?" Seeing her detachment he couldn't help but ask.

Khushi felt her breath hitching in her throat.

"Why- Why would you ask that?"

"I don't know. You tell me? If anyone is forcing you then it's okay you can tell me. If you can't refuse I can."

"NO!" Khushi shrieked so hard that it surprised him.


If he refused right away and this plan flopped then Ashish would smuggle Sameer.Then her Di, her Di would never get back to normal.

If only ASR hasn't showed up then she could've made up the excuse that he wasn't interested at all

"Are you alright Lavanya? You seem preoccupied." Arnav asked concerned.

"No. N-No. I-am- I- am just n-nervous. That's all." She said meeting his eyes.

He didn't like the worry, anxiousness in those beautiful hazel eyes.

When she was looking too appealing in the sadness, how would she look when she would smile?

"Do you know how to smile?" He genuinely wanted to know.

"Was that a joke?" Khushi narrowed her eyes.

"No, seriously. You know when people stretch their lips and show their teeth like this.Eeee!" He showed her his teeth as a demo.

An involuntary chuckle left her and it wiped off the playfulness from Arnav's stance as he stared at her mesmerized as she threw her head back and laughed softly.

There Arnav Singh Raizada made Khushi Kumari Gupta laugh after years for the very first time unknowingly though!

If only he knew!

"That's more like it." He whispered swallowing. The waiter left placing their ordered meal.

"I didn't know you had a funny boon. Never heard of ASR cracking jokes." She took some rice in her plate with a light smile on her face feeling light after like...ages!

He cleared his throat to come out of the daze of her contagious smile that now adorned her face making his heart skip a beat or two.

"Yeah I am not that famous in that department. Trust me until today I didn't even know I had it." He took some pasta in his plate.

"What's so special about today?" She asked in a flow sipping the juice.

"You, of course." His answer was immediate and Khushi fell silent.

Not only that it wiped off the smile off her face too. Feeling her eyes tearing up she lowered her gaze to her plate.

"Did I go too far?" He asked cautiously."Maybe it is too much for you on our first meet."

"No. No." Khushi shook her head feeling terrible inside for meeting him with her fake identity.

"It's just that-" Composing herself she raised her gaze to his."I didn't expect you to be so-" She stopped.

"So?" He asked curiously.

"Kind and.. soft."

He smiled.

"Yeah my reputation precedes me." He shrugged.

"Are you like that?"

"Like what?"

"Arrogant. Shrewd. Ruthless. H-Heartless?"

He smirked.

"You did quite a research on me didn't you?"

Khushi flushed.

If only he knew how much she has read about him

Ironic that she couldn't tell him about her real life and .. dreams!

"Uh yes I guess. I mean who won't know about you. Your interviews, your fashion shows, magazines and.. your life is always the talk of the town."

"Its not about how the world sees me that matter. Rather It's what my family think of me hold importance in my life. In my case its my Di. Just her. If she is with me. I don't care what others say about me." He wiped his face with the napkin finished with his lunch before getting the hold of the wine glass.


Eating another morsel became impossible for Khushi as she furiously blinked back the tears remembering her Di whom she hasn't seen for almost an year now. Neither her nor Sameer. And it was beginning to take a toll on her.

"Besides I have to make a reputation to keep my enemies and rivals in check." He was still talking.Never has he talked so much and that too with a complete stranger he just met.

Closing her eyes Khushi breathed to calm herself down. To tell herself that she was here for a task.Her heart shattered at the thought yet her mind told her that she has to do this. For her Di and Sami.

"So it is true that you can be arrogant or heartless if you want to be?"

He chuckled.

Gosh! He has been smiling a lot today.

Was he losing it? Arnav shook his head at his own behaviour.

"Trust me you wouldn't want to know. I can get really scary when I am in that mood."

"What triggers your rage?"

"Deception. Lies. I hate people who aren't honest. If they aren't sincere how can you expect me to be considerate towards them?"

Khushi gulped hard as she saw some of his expressions turning the same way she has seen him in his interviews. Hard and pretty .. aggressive.

"What do you do to them who lie to you?"She asked with her heart in her mouth.

"Screw 'em!"

Khushi gasped.

"In my defense, they deserve nothing less." He raised his hands in surrender.

Khushi faked a smile even though her heart hammered in her chest in fear of what if he found out?

One day he would when she would be done with what she was here for.. with him.

Then what would he do to her?

As the ray of sunlight peeked through the windows he stirred before slowly opening his eyes and then immediately closed them as the bright light hit them.


Someone pull the curtains down!

He groaned when he realized there was no one in his farmhouse except for him and.. Khushi as he himself has given the leave to all the servants.

He looked down at the woman in his arms who was still sleeping peacefully even in the bright light as if she hasn't slept in ages. His one hand was around her bare shoulders while the the other rested on her bare waist as they were lying facing the other without any inch of distance between them he has made sure of that all night.

Palming her cheek he caressed its softness with his thumb as the glow, the pink hue formed on her cheeks with her disheveled hairs spread on his pillow were making her look exquisite that he felt his chest tighten with love, desires and lust all over again but he restrained himself as he has already tired her too much whole of the night.

Last night as he got to know that Arun Khanna was the father of Sameer he has called Aman even late at night still in the bed with Khushi and has talked to him unmindful that if Khushi would listen or not because he has an idea that she was too dazed , sleepy and preoccupied with the aftermath of their love making that she would hardly notice and she didn't. By the time he finished, she was soundly asleep. Placing the phone on the bedside table he has plastered her to himself burying his nose in her hairs has slept too.

Yawning leisurely he slipped his hands off her. Dropping a peck on her lips he got down the bed.

Having a quick shower he shrugged into black shirt and blue track pants and when he came out she wasn't still up. A smile lit up his lips despite all the mess he knew he has to solve for them.

His eyes darted to his cell phone which was vibrating on the table. Seeing his Di calling he cursed under his breath. He forgot to even call her in all the tensions.

Picking up her call he walked out of the room greeting her cheerfully through the phone.

"Chote? Do you know how many days have you been off lately?"

"3 nights 2 days I think Di." He answered with a smile.

Anjali didn't miss the happiness in his tone.

"I guess everything went smoothly? You both are fine now aren't you?"

"Yeah. We will be. I will make sure of that." He said descending the stairs.

"Are you still in farmhouse?"

"Yup." He entered the kitchen.

He would make breakfast for them!

And Di could help!

He thought with a smile.

"I am so happy for you Chote."

His smile slipped off as he realized this might be temporary because once he found Sameer, Khushi might not want anything to do with him. The dullness seeped into him of the uncertainty in their future.Shaking his head he shrugged the negative thoughts away wanting to just live in the moment for now. He will see to it how Khushi would dare leave him!

"Uh Di I want to make breakfast for her. What should I make.. and how?" He asked sheepishly and heard his Di laugh.

"Hmm. So let's start." She encouraged. Putting the phone on loudspeaker he placed it on the counter and walked around the kitchen to get the items his Di was asking him to while tying the blue apron around his waist.

Placing the omelette, sandwiches , tea pot and cups in the dish he bid his Di bye with a big thanks making her laugh. Throwing the apron on the chair he picked the tray up before heading upstairs with a smile.

His smile weared off when he heard the sobs from inside the room followed by the pleading voice of his wife.

"I need him back please. Please I miss him."

Khushi sat more like fell on the bed with her head in her hands.

"Marry him? HIM?" She swallowed. If it were any other day she would have jumped with joy but not now.. not today.

It only increased the wistfulness in her.

"I can't marry you Arnavji. Why can't you understand that?" She stood up wiping her tears with determination and locked the door from inside and leaned against it.

She has to be back in KM and make Ashish Kashyap understand that it wasn't her fault that Lavanya's marriage broke. She don't want him to punish her Di and Sameer for it. Until now she was living in RM because Kashyaps themselves gave the permission to her but now.. when they were kicked out..

She shuddered to even think of how much angry they would've been right now.

Someone knocked on the door followed by a call.

"Khushi ji?" It was Anjali ji. He has sent his Di already. She felt her heartbeat fastening.

Anjali knocked again and then again but there wasn't a reply from the other end even though the door was locked from inside. Scared she ran to inform her brother.

"Chote, Khushi ji isn't opening the door." Anjali exclaimed barging in his room.

"Di I hope you won't mind if me and Khushi got married in informal clothes only?" Arnav said solemnly.

"Did you even hear what I said?" She asked pissed.

"I heard that Di. Let her be. Just tell me is it okay if we don't bother about our dresses?"

"It doesn't matter Chote.Not that we have time for all that formalities. Neither Khushi ji is ready nor are you and its almost the time for the muhurat."

"Right!" He said wearing the blazer.

Anjali walked to him and cupped his cheeks forcing him to meet her eyes which he was avoiding till now.

"Are you sure about this Chote? I don't think Khushi ji is ready. She has locked up herself in the guestroom."

Placing his hands on hers over his cheeks, he gave them a reassuring squeeze nodding his head.

"I understand now that Khushi was forced to hide her identity by none other than Lavanya.When I know the truth, I can't hold it against her anymore. I have to give her what I wanted to do for about months now. I want to marry her and give her the respect of being my wife."

"But will she agree?"

"I know she won't. Just leave that on me."

"Chote- I don't have any good feeling about this. Why don't you wait a bit and let Khushi ji clear her mind off the tensions then you can make your move. Is it necessary to do it tonight?"

"It is more than necessary Di. More than anything. Because as far as I had gotten to know Khushi she would never say or express her feelings so I have to take the matter in my hands now for both of us."He said and kissed her head before walking past her to stop in the middle of the room.

"How much time is there for the jaimala Di?"

"Half an hour." Anjali informed.

He nodded and left to the direction of the guest room. Seeing it still locked he used the spare key and unlocking the door entered the room. The sight which greeted him made his eyes widen.

It took him a week to make her open up to him and talk normally and Arnav couldn't have been more happier. She,Lavanya, was an enigma to him. No matter how much he tried he couldn't read her, her emotions or her hazel eyes which always depicted nothing but emptiness. She would often zone out in their conversations and he had to call her every time to make sure she was listening. But after 7 days of his hard work, it looked like his efforts worked as she has called him herself to meet him here.

A very good progress indeed. He smiled and it only widened when he saw her entering the boutique.

Arnav waved his hand at her pushing himself off the wall and she came up to him increasing his heartbeats with every step she took. Upon that she was wearing a blood red color chudidaar with just lip gloss on her and she was penetrating slowly into his heart with that vision.

"I am sorry I called you abruptly today. Actually I-"

"It's okay. I am not complaining. At all." He gestured her to walk. She walked besides him with her heart clenching in her chest.

Khushi twisted her fingers in apprehension. For what she was here for today was giving her guilty and repulsive feeling from within. How can she do this to this amazing man?

Swallowing her tears she turned her face to look at him who was already looking at her. On getting caught he half smiled.

"Sorry. Can't help. You are looking... gorgeous. Actually red is my favorite color. So-"

She exhaled with her heart pounding in her chest. She knew and that was why she was instructed to look her best as today was the day when she has to start her work. In real senses!

"A very important tender is going to be out today and for that ASR has worked so hard to get it just like I am doing." Ashish has called Khushi to his study and while looking at her body from up and down has told her.

"But in no way he would get it. For that you will help me. Let's see how much serious have you worked on your assigned task in the last week?"

"What do I have to do?" Khushi asked gulping.

"Tomorrow first thing in the morning you will call him yourself and ask him to meet you.Mind you he has a meeting with the dealers for the tender at 10 and if he agreed to meet you that would mean our first victory. Then your real job will start to keep him occupied until I get the tender." He came to stand before her making her shrink back in disgust.

"Make sure he stays occupied Khushi until I get what I want. And for that if you had to warm his bed then you won't hesitate to do that either!" He gritted on her face. Khushi whimpered taking many steps back from him feeling like puking.

"Got it?" He asked.

She shook with disgust standing against the wall even with a distance of many steps between them.

"GOT IT?" He bellowed to which she nodded wiping the tears gulping the saliva along with her dignity.

"Wear something red. That's his favorite color!" Ashish commanded."And keep it in mind Khushi.He shouldn't show up in the meeting at any cost."

"Lavanya?" Arnav as usual had to shake her out of the world where she went to all over again even being with him.

That's hurts man. He was ASR. The girls die to get his attention and here, here this woman go to some other world as if he wasn't anything.

"Huh?" Khushi tried to compose herself but being here with this man, ASR, she was failing with every passing day. He was making her open up to him. Now she talks to him freely like she once used to do with her jiji, Ayushi Di. Her reminder only clogged her throat more.

"You bruised me lady. What exactly do you think all the time? Mind if you share some of it with me? Oh- Oh hey?" Arnav stared at her dumbfounded as one after the other tears rolled down her cheeks and she sobbed with her palm to her mouth turning towards the wall so that the shopkeeper at the boutique or anyone couldn't see her.

"Lavanya?" Arnav asked placing his hand on her shoulder. Next moment she threw her weight on him burying her head in his chest with her hands covering her mouth. He wrapped his arms around her feeling his heart cracking with her every sob.

What did he do? What did he say wrong that made her cry?

Maybe he has crossed the line by asking her to share her thoughts.

"Hey. Shh. Its okay. Lavanya?" He cupped the back of her head ruffling her hairs softly while his other hand rested on her back.

"I-I- am sorry if I hurt you. Just don't- don't cry like this. Please!" Arnav croaked now feeling his own condition turning vulnerable.

He cursed under his breath when his cell rang. Taking it up, he blasted on his PA, Aman.

"Cancel it. I said cancel it Aman." He pursed his lips when Aman tried to reason with him.

"I don't need that fucking tender. AR can manage very well without it too. It is not that important. Not more than-" He stopped and cut the call before switching off his phone. By the time Khushi has pulled back looking at him with that hazel orbs of her filled with tears and shock.

"Why did you cancel your work for me? It could've been important Arnavji." Khushi sniffled feeling guilty like never before. Her tears were genuine and all this wasn't an act but even then whatever Ashish Kashyap wanted happened and it killed Khushi from within that without even knowing she did it to this man, Arnav Singh Raizada who was looking concerned for her right now forgetting everything else.

"What did you say? Phir se kaho!(Come again!)" Arnav asked wiping her tears with his thumb.

"Why did you cancel your-"

"No-" He chuckled."Not that. My name with that ji of yours."

She blinked her eyes at him.

"Arnav ji?" She frowned.

"Yup that."

He smiled and she couldn't help but smile back lightly leaning on him. There was something about this man, Arnavji , he was putting a balm on her aching heart and her wounds unknowingly, slowly without her having any idea.

Smiling he placed his against her cheek.

Today he achieved another milestone in their relationship. She willingly hugged him. Even though he couldn't find the reason of her sadness but whatever he got he was content with it. He would ask about the reason some other time when she will be willing to share it with him. He decided not knowing that he won't be able to find it anytime soon and how a long, a painful journey they have to cross before reaching there.

"I miss him so much. I miss -- them. Have some mercy on me. Please!"

She was bawling her eyes out but had her fist to her mouth to stop from crying out loud or get her voice out.He saw through the creak of the door how vulnerable she looked.

Was she talking to Ashish Kashyap?

He clenched his jaws. He hated seeing her like that. What was that bastard making her do now?

He felt like going inside and asking her but he knew how would it end up, she would close up because most probably there was some connection of him(Arnav) with it all otherwise he wouldn't have got involved in all this without any reason. He have to not only unwind his wife's life but also his own too.

He retraced several steps back and holding the tray in one hand taking a deep breath he pulled out his phone from the other and talked out loud through the closed phone making sure the voice would reach his wife.

Swallowing he pocketed his phone back before walking fast to enter his room and found it empty. She must have ran to the bathroom to fix her messed up stance. Placing the breakfast on the bedside table he looked around for her phone.

He needed to know to whom was she talking to or was his guess right?

He found her cell phone under her pillow. Quickly swiping the screen without any guilt, he cursed under his breath as it demanded the pin-code to unlock. He has to found out who was blackmailing her. Whether his guesses were right or not. He pocketed her cell in his back pocket and right then she walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her.Seeing him she blushed as he saw her recalling their passionate back to back sessions last night. How he devoured her the whole night.

He looked at her painfully. Every time he realize he don't know anything about her, it prick him with needles and every time he think of what she has been through he just feel his heart sinking more and more. The helplessness and hopelessness coupled with love eventually transformed into anger.

Seeing his expression changing from stoic to angry she swallowed with tears filling her eyes.

"Are you still upset w-with me?"

He was feeling too choked up to reply. Clearing his throat he willed himself not to lash out at her for keeping that beautiful mouth shut about her secrets.

"Why does it matter anyways whether I am upset or happy. You never bothered." He couldn't resist the taunt.

She opened her mouth to protest. But he didn't let her.

"Anyways I made you breakfast." He said with his sharp gaze on her. The rim of tears in her eyes thickened at his sweet gesture. He made breakfast for her? She felt her heart grow in size feeling his affection. Even in anger, in hurt he hasn't forgotten looking out for her. Her inside churned with pain.

"T-Thank you so much Arnav ji." She whispered in a choke.

He gave her a long look and turned to leave.

"Won't you eat too?" She called out. He stopped.

"I already had it." He lied without turning to her.

Khushi saw the things in the tray that looked like as a breakfast for two and caught his lie clearly.

"Give me company then?" She requested stopping him once again.

"I have work."


"What now?" He turned to her exasperated.

"I don't have any clothes to change into. The one I wore last night were-" She stopped flustered.

Torn by him!

Yeah he remember.

"I will get you a dress on my way back. Until then wear something from my cupboard." He gestured to his closet.

She nodded gratefully with underlying wistfulness for him to stay longer.

He turned to leave with heaviness settling in his chest. Closing his eyes he whirled around and storming to her smashed his lips to hers swallowing her gasp of surprise right there in her mouth.

"I am so- sorry for what you had been through Khushi. I am so.. very sorry that instead of protecting you, I made your life more miserable didn't I?" He cupped her cheeks firmly detaching his lips from hers.

Khushi sniffled shaking her head.

"Its not your fault." She rasped closing her eyes placing her hands on both of his and clutched them on her cheeks.

In his proximity she forgot to even ask how he knows that she had a miserable past? She was just lost in the moment having him close to her. Closer. More. She wanted him closest to her like he has ever been.

"I know I had been too difficult. I know you hated liars, its ironic that you had to marry one just because you weren't strong enough to fight the mess I brought you in. I deserved everything you made me go through Arnavji." She cried out. He blinked back the tears.

"I broke your trust. I broke you. I broke everything that ever could have been between us." She touched her forehead to his chin and sobbed out.

"Will you ever forgive me for what I put you through?" It wasn't a question but a wistful thinking, a wish she hoped some day would come true.

"I was helpless Arnav ji. I am helpless. Believe me. Please."

He crashed her to his chest and hugged her tight when she was about to slip away from his hands. Burying his head in her hairs he mumbled.

"Ever since we met you did nothing but lie to me Khushi. I told you the very first day we met that I can't stand deceit, I can't stand cheaters. I don't show any mercy on them because they don't deserve any of it. But you-" He clenched his hands buried in her hairs.

"For you, I had to overlook all that and marry you. Marry you when you didn't want it at the first place. I don't know-" He gritted."I don't know if I can overlook everything all over again. Neither of us could deny that there was only I who was working in this relationship from the very start. You never did any effort. All you ever did was run away, push me away, shut me out. All this is taking a toll on me." He croaked.

She whimpered.

"You entered my life just 2 years ago and ever since you did, I have seen and felt nothing but pain. Just that Khushi. Nothing else. Nothing else!" His voice dropped to a whisper just like her heart did to the pit of her stomach forming a knot there.

"So if you are asking for my forgiveness then I am sorry, I can't do that until I know everything about you and then obliterate all the troubles from your life." He finished with a choke and pulled back. He showed her his hand when she raised hers to reach him.

"Not now Khushi. Please!"

She dropped her hand to her side with a thick rim of tears forming in her eyes, some of them got stuck in her throat making it impossible for her to form words let alone produce them.

"Just -- " She cleared her throat twice. "Just answer a few questions of mine Arnav ji. I won't ask anything from you ever again."


"Please. I need to know." She cried out.

He nodded swallowing.

"Why are you still not divorcing me after knowing that I betrayed you in the worst way possible? Why did you complete me as a woman when I deserved nothing of it? Why did you give me the rights to be your wife? Why? I am not worth it. Can't you see?"

Khushi gulped seeing his eyes widening.

Did she anger him all over again?

When she wasn't answering any of his questions how could she expect him to answer hers?

"Its okay. You don't have to. I mean-"

"What did you just say?" He was recalling about their first time in the car not so long ago.

"I-" She said too much. What point should she repeat?

"Repeat that!" He gripped her upper arms and looked into her eyes frightening her with the dangerous glint in his eyes.

"All -- the q-questions?"

"Did you just say that I completed you as a woman? Did you?" He shook her and Khushi nodded her head vigorously.

"Oh Khushi. Just because of you, I was sulking for the whole night for what? Nothing!"

A squeal left Khushi when he carried her up vertically and laughing twirling her around.

"I was the first man to touch you like that wasn't I?" He asked even though he remember even a minute detail of their first time together. She nodded smiling seeing him smile.

"That means.. That means Sameer isn't your kid. Whoa!"

Khushi paled.

How did he know that Sameer is a kid?

What else does he know?

"Then whose kid is he Khushi?" He asked narrowing his eyes putting her down but not removing his hands from around her.

"Why is he so important to you? Who is he to you?" He blasted her with questions but smile didn't leave his face but Khushi couldn't reciprocate that smile at all.

"He-" She gulped.

"He?" He urged her rubbing his nose with hers making her breathless. His hand slipped to the knot of the long towel wrapped around her body and before she knew it, it was pooled at her feet and he has dropped himself on his knees before her throwing his shirt off him. Sucking her navel he made invisible pattern around it with his tongue causing the desires to unfurl in her stomach. She moaned standing before him naked.

He smirked.

"He is?" He mumbled against her stomach and she felt its vibration from her spine to her toes.

"Who?" She rasped clutching his shoulders. His smirk widened some more.

"Sameer. What do you call him? Oh yeah. Sami baby. Who's kid is he?" His fingers were now trailing up to the front of her chest as she squirmed arching for him. He grabbed the side of her bare hips.

"My Di's." She cried out as he placed his lips on the most tender and sensitive part of her body. Licking her he trailed his lips up to her lower abdomen before standing up and hauling her up in his arms he dropped them both on the bed with him on the top of him.

He kissed her then with a satisfaction shining on his face.

"And what is the name of your sister sweetheart?" He asked biting her chin and he felt her stiffen under him. No! He can't let her be out of the daze, not too soon. So before she could recover he took one breast in his mouth making her gasp and arch. His one hand cupped her other twin and the free hand reached to stroke in between her thighs and that's it, Khushi writhed beneath him exploding with sensation crying out his name.

Inserting one of his finger inside her he felt her sweating, moaning before she groaned when his mouth left her breast. He raised his head to look at her face all flushed due to his sweet torture.

"You were telling me your sister name weren't you Khushi?" He couldn't take any chance so while asking her, he dipped another finger inside her causing her to cry out.

"Ayushi Gupta!"

"That's like my girl. Thank you for the information baby!" He pulled back at once causing her to blink her eyes several times when she didn't feel his touch anymore.Before she got the hold of the surrounding she felt herself being covered by the blanket. Breathing heavily she rasped before trailing her eyes to the room only for them to settle on him who was shrugging on his shirt and before she knew it he was gone leaving her aching for him.

What.. What was that?

What.. What the hell just happened?

She thought breathlessly until slowly, slowly everything came back to her.

"That means.. That means Sameer isn't your kid. Whoa!"

"Then whose kid is he Khushi?" He asked narrowing his eyes putting her down but not removing his hands from around her.

"Sameer. What do you call him? Oh yeah. Sami baby. Who's kid is he?"

"My Di's." She cried out.

"And what is the name of your sister sweetheart?"

"You were telling me your sister name weren't you Khushi?"

"Ayushi Gupta!"

Her eyes widened as she recalled what she blurted out in the haziness of passion.



His bloodshot eyes met his sister's and he growled.

"I won't leave them Di. I would kill them all. Especially that bloody bastard. How dare he? Just how dare HE?!" He bellowed and stormed off not listening to any of the frantic calls of his sister.


Another turning point in the story. Where would it lead them both?

Past and Present are interlinked and there are yet too many secrets to be unfolded. So buckle up guys things are going to get pretty heated up (Yeah!) more than they already are :P

Don't forget to VOTE and leave your COMMENT :)


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