15. Reading Faces

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Charles and I sat reading by the windows, the reddening sky offering decreasing light, and when it had grown too dark to comfortably read, I rose to light the sconces. Olivia's duty, I thought as I struck the flint at the tinder. Still out by the mizzen with Simpson.

We moved to the table to use the candle reflectors there, and when it had grown dark outside, I wondered again about Olivia's delay.

Charles noticed my concern and said, "You appear distracted."

"Olivia is still outside with Simpson, practising her letters, and it has grown too dark to read."

He shrugged. "No light is needed to practice letter pronunciations and combinations."


"That is kind of him to assist."

I nodded. "He seems smitten with her."

"Oh! That is rather too quick. Might it be nothing but lust?"

"I think it is more than that. His offer to assist with her learning, his protecting her from the lecherous man, his helping her to find items in the shops." I shrugged. "And the way he watches her. His face shows differently than does lust."

"How would you know a lustful face?"

"When my brother tried to rape me. I cannot forget that image. And the man who tried to grapple us in the shop." I winced. "The same look."

Charles nodded, remaining silent for a while, then he asked, "And Olivia? What is her response?"

"I know not the nature of her attraction; I have no experience with lustful faces in women."

He laughed. "I could offer you a mirror the next time you have one."

My face warmed, and I put a hand to my mouth. "Does it show?"

"It does, but I think there is a difference between friendly lust and that which is of violent intent."

I thought of the sublime face Charles shows, and it warmed me. "Yes, of course. I delight in yours, and in the way it increases my passion."

"There, you have it again."

"Have what?"

"The lustful look."

I nodded and reached across to his breeches to explore, then tilting my head toward the night cabin, I said, "From the bells, we have nearly half an hour before supper."

"Then, hie thee to the night cabin, Camille."

I giggled as I stood and took his hand. "Aye, Captain. To the night cabin."

A long and passionate time later, we lay connected and gently moving when the pealing of Zeelandia's bell startled me. "Oh, my! Where has the time gone? Titus will soon arrive with our supper."

I churned with vigour as Charles sped his pace, and within half a minute, he erupted with spasmic shuddering and deep, guttural moans.

When he had calmed and we rose to wash each other, I said, "I wonder whether Olivia and Simpson were also surprised by the bell. Or would they have long since concluded the lessons and parted?" I giggled. "Or concluded the lessons and merged."

"They would have no private space to do much more than some fleeting touches, what with everyone about."

"I had directed her to the nook abaft the mizzenmast, where I of habit read. In the dark, it would be rather hidden."

"But to do anything but talk and touch? There is insufficient room there to recline."

"There is no need to recline. It is possible to fuck while sitting, kneeling, standing, or in any other posture imaginable."

"Is this more of Ruth's secrets?"

"In part, but Martha showed me a book with illustrations and descriptions of many positions of engagement." I giggled. "The title translates to A Reflection on Fucking."

"Oh, my! Did you purchase a copy?"

"She has but the one, and she did not want to part with it. Even though she cannot read the text, the explicit engravings tell much. It is written in Catalan, but my Spanish allowed me to understand sufficiently to tell her most of what it says. She was so intrigued that she invited me to return and read more of it to her."

"You read Spanish?"

"And also French and Italian. They have many similarities among them, and understanding one allows an ease of learning the others."

"And the various positions? Might we try some? Or do you prefer me supine?"

"My being atop allows me to control my pleasure and to delay your release. But I think you have now learnt how to sufficiently withhold yourself, that we can adventure." I chuckled. "We can add more spice, as Ruth had termed it."

We finished drying each other, and Charles was soon dressed. Then as he watched me, he said, "That is much more complex than stepping into breeches and donning a shirt and waistcoat."

"Indeed. I will miss the simplicity and speed. This gown requires a corset to steady these, but I have several which do not, their structure offering both support and containment, and they are quicker to don.

"Would it not be better to dress in one of them now?"

"Quicker, though not better. I bulged out at the top of them, but Olivia said there is ample material to sufficiently ease the seams." I chuckled. "It appears the ladies of Cartagena are smaller up top."

When we emerged from the night cabin, the table had been set, and Olivia stood in the pantry arranging the plates. She looked up as we approached the table and said, "Almost ready, m'Lady. Won't be a minute."

"Thank you. How was your time with Simpson?"

"I learnt a lot. And not just about saying the letters, but about saying the words right. Like just, not jest, about, not bout, and things like that. He's a real good teacher." Her face reddened. "And not just with reading and talking."

I watched her face turn to a sublimity I now understood. "Hmmm! Do you wish to discuss this with me after supper?"

"Oh, yes, m'Lady. I was wanting ta ask if I could."

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