16. Offering Counsel

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After supper, I knocked on Olivia's door, and she invited me into her quarters. As we sat on the ticking and leant against the bulkhead, I said, "I had often thought cushions would make sitting more comfortable here, though I never had the opportunity to get any. But now that we do, we shall purchase some."

She smiled and shifted her back on the panelling. "That would make it better. Did you usta sit here?"

"I did." I bobbed my head thinking there is no need to offer details. "And also out by the mizzenmast. You were a long time there with Simpson."

She nodded, and even in the dim candlelight, I saw her redden.

"Do you enjoy his company?"

"Oh, I do. A lot. We talked about so much. I ain't never talked like that with a man afore. Like our ideas about stuff and our dreams and our hopes and so much."

A fine sign, I thought. Well beyond simple lust.

"We was soon leaning tagether, and that feeling was so good. Better than with my sisters. Like not feeling feeling, but feeling inside, if you know what I mean."

"Oh, I do know. We feel love with our souls."

"Is that what love is?"

I nodded. "In part, it is. But it is so much more. Honour and respect and caring and concern."

"And the touching?"

"That comes after the others. And natural, not forced."

"Like us leaning tagether and him with my hand in his."

"Yes, if you enjoyed it."

"Oh, I did. And he liked me stroking his beard. I'm going ta trim it for him ta make him look even better." She sighed. "And when I touched his lips, I thought ta Nell and Tess and ta how we always practised kissing."

Olivia sighed again. "He must'a seen my look, 'cause – because he asked if he could kiss me."

"And did you allow him?"

"Oh, yes, m'Lady. By then, I real strong wanted him to."

"Was he gentle?"

"He was. And when I asked him ta do it again, we was both a lot more passioned, and we was doing a lot of feeling when the bell rung."

"Did you want more?"

"More a the touching, for sure. But for sticking it in Miss Puddin, I don't know, and that's what I was wanting ta ask you."

"Hmmm, yes, I see. Remember, there is a good chance of being made with child, so fucking should be left until you are ready to care for one. You must ensure he wants to remain with you forever and to always cherish you."

Olivia nodded. "Nell and Tess said they allow it, but real quick back out afore they spurt, then they finishes with their mouths."

"Indeed! You know far more than did I at your age. I had neither sisters nor a mother to offer counsel when I came of age."

"Oh, I'm sorry, m'Lady." She pouted her lips and bowed her head. "What happened ta them?"

"My sisters were taken by the little pox, and my mother had grown insane."

"So, did Captain teach you?"

I laughed. "Yes, I suppose he did. But mostly it was discovering it for myself, and then talking with other women."

"Like Mistress Godfrey. I saw you looking at a book tagether and talking and laughing."

I smiled at the memory. "Yes, a naughty book about fucking."

"Oh!" She grinned. "All the more reason ta learn reading."

"Indeed. But talking with those you trust is also good. Often better."

"Like with you and with Richard."

"Richard? Who is this?"

"Him. Richard Simpson.

"Aha! Yes, of course. No need for you to remain formal with him." Then curious, I asked, "Your touching? Did you allow him to explore below?"

"Oh, no, m'Lady. My blood came this morning, and I told him that."

"I have some willow bark you can chew to dull the pains."

"Pains, m'Lady?"

"Cramps and headache from your bleeding."

"Oh! I never get those, but Nell and Tess got them a bit sometimes."

"Oh, how fortunate. Mine are rather strong. So, was he content with not touching?"

She grinned. "After I told him, I took his hand and slid it neath my shirt, so he could play with my teats. Far much better than when Nell and Tess useta play with them."

An aggressive one, I thought. Then I wondered if my sisters had survived, whether we would have touched each other in this manner. With our separate rooms, unlikely.

Then again curious, I asked, "And your touching him? Was it below?"

Olivia smiled and nodded "My sisters said the verge gets stiff, but I didn'a know it also grows." Then holding out her hand, she continued, "It came ta be near as long as this."

Images of Cyclops filled my mind. So much larger than her small hand. "Oh, my! A fine size."

"But what I most wanted ta know, m'Lady, when my blood is done, would it be proper ta allow him inta Miss Puddin? Not let him release in there. But jest so – just so as I know how it feels."

"You have a few days to decide this, Olivia. Your feelings for him are only three or four hours old, and you need to test them over a much longer time. See how you feel for each other in the coming days. Whether you grow together and whether the caring and respect continue. You might find that this is only a fleeting passion from one or both of you, so before you give your maidenhead to him, it is best you know."

She pursed her lips in a pout, then shrugged. "I will try hard ta make him keep liking me. I really like him a lot."

"Then, it is best you not force it. Simply be yourself. Remember, it is your natural, carefree spirit which attracted him, and it is that which will keep his interest."

Olivia nodded. "That's easy, then."

"Indeed! It is always easiest to be ourselves."

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