21. Questions

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Charles and I had not long settled into chairs by the windows to read, when Olivia re-entered and approached. "Pardon again, m'Lady. Richard said it ain't safe for me ta be out there, what with all the drinking and carousing going on. Is it proper that we sit tagether in my quarters ta do the learning?"

"Hmmm." Oh, my! What do I say? "Yes, if you leave the door open, that you are not private."

"Thank you, m'Lady. We won't do no kissing and feeling, jest – just practising and learning."

"Fine." I watched her nod, turn and hurry away to open the door. Eager to learn? Or eager to be with Richard?

"This has evolved rather fast," Charles said. "Thinking about kissing and feeling so soon."

"She told me they had done that last evening out by the mizzenmast, and she asked me if it is proper if she allows him inside."

Charles nodded across the cabin. "Well, that is answered. He is now in."

I chuckled. "No, not that inside." I cannot say Miss Puddin; that is between Olivia and me. "Into her cunny, or to use the new term from Martha, to fuck."

"Oh!" Charles leant forward and to the right as he looked across at the quarters. "With the door open, they dare not."

I thought to mention her blood, but I realised it was her own to share, not mine. "Besides, the time is not right."

"Indeed. Far too soon. He would know so little about her."

This view surprised me; I had not looked at it from his side. "And she, so little about him."

Charles bobbed his head as if pondering. Then he said, "Indeed, both are party to this."

"So, what do you know about him?"

"A fine man, he is. Stalwart and ever proper. He is Bosun Mate's leading hand. Always eager to help. And of her? What have you observed?"

"Caring, inquisitive, intelligent, skilled, creative. She seems to be lacking only opportunity and guidance. And him? Does he often approach women in this manner? Woo them with his smooth style, with his handsome appearance?"

"Officers and hands do not move in the same circles, so I have no observations." Charles shrugged. "I could ask Bosun Mate; they frequently head ashore together."

"Yes, of course. My concern is that he might be well-practised in convincing maidens to lie with him without concern for consequences. Is this a ruse? Is he telling Olivia what he perceives she wants to hear?"

"Wants to hear? What is this?"

"He told her that he wants to create a family with her. She is innocent; this is her first friendship with a man, so she might be easily deceived by his words."

Charles nodded. "Possibly. But when we were counting and weighing, he mentioned now having earned sufficient to settle ashore with her."

"I had noted that. But later, when Olivia told me he had been aboard for two years, I wondered what he had done with his previous shares, my brother's indiscretions coming to mind. Does he gamble it away? Drink to excess? Visit the brothels?"

"And he was two years in another ship before Zeelandia." Charles pursed his lips as he gazed across the cabin. "Indeed, more questions for Bosun Mate. I shall ask him before we sail."

We returned to our reading. From time to time, I looked across the cabin to observe Olivia and Richard, but I saw nothing to cause concern. Am I overly cautious? What if this is genuine love and respect?

But, what if he is being patient and methodical? He must know she is smitten, and he waits. There are no other women here for him to prey upon, so he bides his time.

But maybe he truly does wish her as his wife. I heaved a sigh. Enough. Bosun Mate's information should clarify.

I returned to my book, and when it became difficult to read in the fading daylight, I again looked at Olivia's quarters, and I was comforted by the yellow loom of her candle lantern. Practising still. No light is needed for... My thoughts were interrupted by the bell, and I counted. She must pause to set the table for supper.

I watched as Olivia and Richard kissed, then as she let him out the door, I said to Charles, "Appears genuine."

"Aye, it does."

While Olivia lit the sconces, I asked Charles, "Which of the casks is the Hot Brian? I must instruct her from which to draw. Steward had forbidden me in there."

Charles chuckled. "Because of your age. The young should be restrained from strong drink, so neither the cabin boy nor the mids are allowed more than ale."

"But he on occasion served me wine."

"After I had discovered you are not a young lad, and I bade him serve you."

"Oh!" I paused to reflect. "Yes, indeed, only since our arrival in Barbados."

Charles smiled. "But to answer, the casks are marked with their names, so it is simple."

"But she does not read, so I must show her."

I rose and crossed the cabin to the pantry and opened the forbidden door at its far end to see six casks. Branded into the butt of the three on the left was Pontac Bordeaux and the other three were branded Haut Brion Bordeaux

"Had Steward shown you how to draw wine, Olivia?"

"Yes, m'Lady. But only from that one on the left. He said t'others is for special."

I pointed to the spigot in the Haut Brion barrel at the far right. "Fine. This evening is special, and we shall drink from that one."

Olivia ran a finger across the words. "How is this said?"

"This is French, so the pronunciation is different than it would be in English, and it might confuse."

"Richard said a lot of words are sounded different than their letters show, so I know that."

"Fine, then. The French do not pronounce their H at the beginning of words, nor their final consonants unless the next word begins with a vowel. It is a far more complex language than is English. So this would be almost like the Irish name, O'Brian, though closer to oh bree-on."

"Oh! I think I'll stay with English."

"A wise choice for now. How are your lessons progressing?"

"Richard says I'm doing very well."

"Excellent! Do you still enjoy his company?"

"Oh, I do. And he says we don't need ta do the serious feeling, now that we both know."

This confused me, but I thought it best to not ask. "Excellent."

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