40. Sir Matthew

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I was still in the night cabin changing my dress when I heard Charles' voice as he entered the great cabin, "... and after the purchase, I restored her name to the original Zeelandia. I find it more pleasant to the ear."

"Indeed, it is – and the name's restoration would appease the Fates. I had considered changing Delfe's name, but lore and tradition dissuaded me."

"Why change it? Pronounced as you do, in the Dutch fashion, it makes a fine sound."

"Aye, it does. But most pronounce it as if it were English, making her sound dull. My thought had been the Greek town of mythology, Delphi. The same sound with a different spelling."

I called from the night cabin, "My tutor had pronounced Delfi thus, ending with an i, not a long e."

Charles chuckled, and the other voice, I assumed it was the baron, said, "You have an impertinent cabin boy. But, yes, I have heard it said both ways, though since fie is an expression of disgust, I prefer the long e."

"Camille, come meet Sir Matthew."

"Another minute, Charles. Not yet finished dressing. You were faster than I had anticipated."

"Your boy shows no respect. How do you allow him to call you anything but sir or captain?"

"Because she is my wife."

During the ensuing silence, I smiled, imagining the look on the baron's face. Then he said, "Wife? Aboard?"

"Aye, handfasted but not yet churched."

"Unwise to have a woman aboard – she will soon persuade you to quit the sea. At the end of our last voyage, Captain Gilbert met a woman and brought her aboard, and she soon convinced him to sell Delfe to me, that they could settle ashore."

"Aye, settle ashore as we shall do when we reach New York. But that had been my intention as soon as I had found a compatible woman. Camille had no need to persuade me."

"Hah! You say this now."

"I had resolved this long before I met her, and in preparation, I had acquired a house and a tract of land, that there be no delay. Nine years – nearly ten years at sea is sufficiently long."

After the final adjustments in front of the mirror, I opened the door and strode toward Charles and the baron, saying, "Please, pardon my tardiness."

Charles turned as I approached. "May I present my wife, Lady Camille?"

I delighted in the baron's shocked expression, wide-eyed and mouth agape as he reached for my offered hand.

Charles continued, "This is Baron Mathew Montford, Captain of Delfe."

Matthew remained speechless while he took my hand to his lips, then finally, he said, "A great pleasure, Camille. I see why Charles has been captivated." He took a step back to examine me. "I have not before seen such beauty."

"You are well-schooled in flattery."

"Nay, simply honest and outspoken."

"So, tell me then, why had you followed us from Port Royal? We thought you were a pirate, and that is anything but being honest."

Matthew chuckled. "When the festivities ashore began, I recognised Zeeland from our previous adventures, and I had started across to you in a boat when you weighed and sailed."

"This tells me not why you had followed."

"Remembrances of working so well together and of our great success." Matthew shrugged. "I wished to join with you again for further ventures. Hunting pirates is far safer with company, particularly with such capable company."

I was about to speak when Olivia rushed into the cabin. "Sorry, m'Lady. I shoulda come in when the guns were stood down, but I was with Richard, so it was safe. What may I do?"

"Fine, Olivia. We are just now met and ready for wine. The Haut Brion, please."

"Aye, m'Lady. Oh Breeon, the one ta the right."

I nodded, then I turned to the men and motioned an arm across the cabin. "Shall we sit in the windows?"

As we settled, I asked, "And how have you found us here?"

"When we realised you had evaded us in the sun, we headed north to investigate all the coves and inlets along Hispaniola's south coast, searching for pirate havens. Too many ships have been lost on their way to Port Royal the past two years." He pointed out through the windows then turned to Charles. "This appears to be an abandoned haven. Might we work together to find their new one?"

Charles chuckled. "Abandoned because we sunk two of their ships when they attacked us, and we captured the third. Twenty-two of the hangings on Christmas Day were the remains of them."


"Among their enslaved captives had been the crew of Venturer, with whom we worked two and some years ago. Captain Cavendish had survived, and Camille is his daughter."

"Oh, my Lord!" Matthew stared at me, shaking his head. "You were enslaved by pirates."

I chuckled. "No, I was in Portsmouth, but had I been aboard Venturer, I would have advised Father not to dally in the haven after you had sailed. Another pirate ship returned and captured them."

"And here? Why are you here? Is it safe to remain?"

Charles nodded out through the windows. "We got the last of them, and their freed captives all said they had no other ships. We are here to repair two of those hulks to tow back to Port Royal and sell. You saw how well-defended we are here, so we are well safe to remain. Only a ship bearing no violent intent would dare approach us."

"True. But there are far more lucrative ventures than repairing hulks. My intention..."

He paused as Olivia arrived with a tray bearing three glasses of wine. Then with mine in hand, I raised it and said, "Good health and continuing success to us all."

After Matthew had taken a sip, he continued, "My intention is to investigate Tortuga on the north coast of Hispaniola. Reports tell of renegade privateers basing themselves there to prey on all shipping through Windward Passage. Spanish, Dutch, French, English, it matters not to them. But it certainly matters to us – that is a major route to and from Port Royal. Please, do join us. They must be stopped."

"We have changed from pirate hunting to trading." Charles shrugged. "Besides, there is more here than only the hulks. One has its holds filled with barrels of brandy from Jarnac and Cognac and wines from Bordeaux."

I looked up from my glass. "Ooh! You had not told me."

"We had learnt this on our investigation ashore this morning, and I was about to tell you when Matthew's sails were sighted. It appears the pirates were preparing that hulk for towing to Port Royal."

Matthew pursed his lips, nodding. "And the hoard from their sales of plunder must also be here."

"Indeed. Well in hand."

"Aye, with your apparent attention to detail, I would think so." He lifted his glass for another sip, and after savouring, he said, "This is superb wine. Tell me about it."

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