43. Malaise

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Wednesday, 17th February 1676

Although we had celebrated the gift-giving tradition of the papist new year, we maintained the English calendar. Days passed, becoming weeks, and January had turned to February while the men worked on the various tasks. The shipwrights had built a new strong-room in the after-hold beneath the gunroom, and the bags of gold and silver were transferred into it from the pirates' booty hide.

The better two of the hulks had been refurbished. Hulls, they should now be called, lacking little more than masts, rigging and sails to return them to venturing on the high seas. They were deeply laden with all else of worth from the other hulks and from the storehouse ashore, and they had been lashed together side-by-side, braced with salvaged masts and spars. A towing hawser had been passed from each to our stern bitts. All was ready but a proper wind to sail Zeelandia off her anchor and carry us toward Port Royal.

Then after days of calm, in the third week of February, we were awakened by the voice pipe whistle, and Charles replied, "Captain."

"Sir, the day dawns clear and with a fair breeze from the northeast."

"Sufficient to sail, Mister Jenkins?"

"Aye, Sir. Well so."

"Huzzah! Ring all hands. I shall be directly up."

"Aye, Sir. All hands."

Charles rolled and kissed me, then as he rose from the bed, I followed him.

He bent close to read the clock in the dim light. "It is not yet six of the morning. You might best remain in bed; it will be busy and crowded up there. Besides, there will be nothing new to see that cannot be observed in comfort through the window."

I pressed a hand to Miss Cunny as I stepped into my slippers. "My arising is to piss."

Charles embraced me and asked, "Again? Seems every two or three hours. Are you certain nothing is amiss?"

"Some strangeness." I shrugged and wriggled out of his arms, and as I hastened away, I added, "We can discuss it when you return."

A short while later, after I had pissed and wiped, I removed the mouse and examined it. Still none. Had that been it? One day? And so little. After dropping it down the hole and into the sea, I felt my breasts. Still sore. Likely not done. Safest to insert another.

Charles had ascended when I emerged, so I climbed onto the bed and lay on my front, up on my elbows and looking through the windows at the hulls, trying to predict how they would do this. Will they weigh first? Or release the mooring lines?

While I pondered, a longboat pulled into view, heading toward the hulls. It was soon followed by the other, so I arranged the pillows into a pile and laid my chin and chest atop it, allowing my breasts to hang free. Why are they so delicate these past days? More than in previous months. I sighed and closed my eyes.

I next felt Charles snuggling to my side and saying, "Sorry, I did not mean to wake you. But you had hoarded all the pillows."

"Hoarded? No, piled so I can watch in comfort." I looked out through the windows. "Oh! We are already well away. I missed how they did it."

"Like clock-works, as expected." He nodded toward the hulls in tow. "We have left twelve hands aboard there to tend the lines and lashings and to steer in our wake."

"I must have slept a while. Are you finished up top?"

"I am." He wrapped his arms around me and rolled to pull me atop him.

"Ooh!" I winced.

"What is it?"

"My breasts are increasingly tender."

"More than they usually are when you – when your month arrives?"

I nodded. "And this bleeding is unusual. A small stain on one mouse two days ago – three now, but since then, nothing."

"This grows more serious. I shall tell Doc to come see you."

I chuckled. "He has none of these parts, so how could he advise?"

"He may have read about them during his studies." Charles shrugged. "More than may have – he would have. Physicians are trained to treat both sexes."

"Yes, of course. But we will be in Port Royal in two days, and I can ask Martha."

"The clothier? What training would she have in this?"

"Forty some years of living with women's parts, two grown daughters, and most importantly, a mother who answered all her questions."

Charles nodded. "Indeed! Sufficient if your condition were typical and usual. But yours seems not, and to delay two days is not wise. I would feel better if Doc came."

"Fine, then. But if he needs to examine me, I want you to be with me while he does." I shuddered. "Memories of Chris groping down there still haunt me."

"Doc is a man of high morals, and he is absolutely honourable. But if you wish, I will attend."

"I would prefer that you do. Besides, you might have observations you can add. Also, you will hear his deliberations directly, rather than through me."

Charles rolled me to the bed, and as he unwrapped his arms, he said, "He will be awake now, likely in the gunroom awaiting –"

"Hoy! Avast! We have not yet properly greeted the morning."

"You are in no condition for such exercise."

I reached down to find Cyclops limp and cowering between Charles' legs, and I chuckled. "Seems it is you two who are in no condition. Come, now. Up and into action."

"Are you certain?"

I nodded as I stroked life into Cyclops. "My malaise does not impair my craving."

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