44. Of Gravidity

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Shortly past one bell of the forenoon, there came a knock at the door, and I said to Olivia, "If that is Doctor Stevens, escort him here."

"Aye, m'Lady. Bring Doc to you."

I raised a hand to my mouth to hide my quiet giggle, then in a low voice, I said to Charles, "Richard continues to train her, but in a seafaring manner, not that of a household."

"Indeed, but since we are in a ship, it serves well. She should easily adapt to the manner ashore."

A short while later, as Doc approached, Charles rose from his chair and said, "Thank you for coming at short notice."

"With the crew so healthy, I have little to occupy my time. The better diet keeps them not only happy but also hale."

"Yes, I am well pleased with the improvement since Portsmouth. Please, sit. Camille has a condition which has us in a quandary, and we wonder whether our habit has caused this."

"Habit? How do you mean?"

Charles' cheeks flushed. "We, umm." He paused to stroke his beard. "How might I say? Frolic? Sport? Whatever; we do it twice each day, sometimes more."

Doc pursed his lips, bobbing his head as he sat beside me. "What are your symptoms, my Lady?"

"Symptoms? I know not the word."

"They are manifestations of disease apparent only to the patient. Things I cannot see, but when informed of them, they guide me in searching for signs, and they aid in my diagnosis."

While I described them, Doc nodded, a smile growing on his face. Then he stood and took Charles' hand, shaking it with vigour as he said, "I believe congratulations might be in order, Sir."

I shook my head, not understanding. "What is it?"

"You appear to be gravid, my Lady. Blessed with child." He picked up my hand and bowed low to take it to his lips.

A wave of relief overtook my concern, then elation swept in as I placed my other hand on my belly. "Truly? How do you know?"

"It is too soon to be certain. The frequency of urination, the tender breasts and the aching back are not unusual with menstruation. But with these all elevated well beyond your usual experience and accompanied by nausea and the lack of expected flow, you manifest all the empirical indications. And your, hmm, your habit makes gravidity highly likely."

By this time, Charles was on his knees beside me, tears welling in his eyes as he pulled me into an embrace. Then he looked up at Doc. "Might this have happened in December when we were first together?"

Doc turned to me and asked, "When was your last normal flow?"

"A month ago. Mid-January. It usually arrives the day of the full moon or the day after. This time, the aching began a few days earlier, so I – umm. I prepared down there."

"Had the January flow been normal?"

"Yes, nothing unusual. But this month, a tiny amount came the first day. And bright, not the usual dark. And since then, nothing."

"I have read reports of light bleeding in the early weeks, much as this." Doc paused and nodded. "Indications are that you conceived sometime in the last four weeks, likely not long before your symptoms appeared. The proof will be with these continuing and your breasts enlarging. And, of course, with the swelling of your abdomen."

"When will that begin? The swelling?"

"With your slenderness, you might see it as soon as two months from now."

I nodded. "After we have arrived on Manhattan Island."

"Need she be confined to bed?"

Doc laughed. "Nay, Charles. Nay, that is an old wives' tale."

"Must we cease our –" I paused, feeling my face warm. Then I shrugged and giggled. "Oh, you know. Must we cease our fucking?"

Doc chuckled. "Only when it begins to discomfort you."

"When might that begin?"

"With Jane, not ever before the final few weeks."

I tilted my head. "Who is Jane?"

"May God bless her soul." Doc paused and tilted his head up. "My departed wife."

"Oh!" I lifted a hand to my mouth. "Sorry to have –"

"Thank you, but there is no need to apologise. I am well past it now."

My curiosity was roused, and while I pondered how to learn more, Doc continued, "But to you, Lady Camille. Watch closely your signs and symptoms and report all changes to me. I cannot think of any other reason they manifest, and the longer they persist, the more certain we become."

"When might I expect my bleeding to resume? With the ache and tenderness continuing, I now have no warning to prevent a mess."

"If you are gravid, and if it continues to term, the flow will not resume, nor will it recommence until after you wean the baby from suckling."

"Oh! So, no monthly bother."

"Aye, part of nature's design to free you of other concerns while you nurture. The workings of conception are not yet understood, but there are irrefutable indications that they are associated with the monthly flow, and without this, you will not be able to conceive."

I slapped a hand to my mouth in shock. "Oh, dear, God! What if my lack of blood is not from gravidity? Does this mean I cannot have children?"

"The chance of that is rare." Doc shook his head. "Rare to the extreme. With all your indications, it is most probable you have conceived. But being a man of science, I cannot say this is certain. If I were a man of the arts, I would say there is absolutely no doubt." 

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