6. The Approaches

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As we sat breakfasting, I asked Charles, "If they welcome pirates here, is it safe to land the ones we captured? Will they not gather support, then return to attack us in revenge?"

"A fine question, but there is no need for concern. There are different sorts of pirates. Those who prey upon Spanish and Dutch shipping and colonies support our efforts with the war, and they are welcomed here. But those who prey on English ships and settlements are treated as criminals, and to reinforce this, they are dealt with fast and harsh to show example."

He paused to enjoy a bite of ham, then he continued, "We shall march them to the Court House in their chains and nakedness, along the High Street for all to see, to deride and to scorn. And with them will go witnesses to testify to their crimes. With all the evidence, their gibbeting will soon follow."

I winced, recalling what Father had told me about their fate. So to find a more pleasant topic, I said, "To other matters. Steward appeared pleased with the change."

"Indeed, he did. He told me that his service here was more a tradition than a necessity, and that you as cabin boy could well have done it. His continuing visits were more to guide you and to supervise the performance of your duties."

"I had sensed this as time passed." I pointed across to Olivia's quarters. "She is delighted with the opportunity to serve us." Then I leant closer and lowered my voice to a whisper. "She told me she uses thoughts of you when she pleasures."

Charles smiled and nodded, whispering back, "Yes, I had heard her say that."

"I thought you might have. What of else did you hear?"

He shrugged. "Everything. Sound carries unabated between the bath and my desk, it being not that large a distance."

"Oh!" I winced. "Some of the things we said were not for men's ears."

"I found it both entertaining and educational. I have not before had the opportunity to hear intimate intercourse between women."

I felt my face warm. Then nodding toward her quarters, I continued in a low voice, "I wonder whether she can hear us from over there?"

"Hmmm. A much greater distance, but you might test it to ease your concern."

"Yes, we must know." In my normal voice, I said, "Olivia, would you come here, please?"

There was no response, so I spoke a little louder, but again received none. Then louder still, and with no reply, I said, "Even with her door open, it appears she hears us not."

Charles shrugged. "Then, we may carry on without concern."

"But, what if she hears and feigns that she does not, allowing her to eavesdrop."

"What is this word?"

"Lurking near a place to hear what is said inside. I was told it comes from hiding beneath the eaves of a house to listen through a window."

"Why would she do that?"

"She is a woman." I smiled and shrugged. "Always curious about others, and not above devious means to gain information."

"Sorry, Ma'am. Had a big piece a ham in my mouth, and it ain't proper ta talk or ta be seen like that," Olivia said as she emerged from the closet and hastened across the cabin. "What can I do for you, Ma'am?"

"Charles had heard our intercourse at the bath, and –"

"All of it?" She slapped her hands to her mouth as her face reddened.

I nodded. "Yes, and we are curious to know what of ours you can hear from your quarters."

She shook her head. "Murmurs, Ma'am, that's all. No words 'cept for your call jest now."


A quarter-hour later, after we had finished breakfasting and Charles had gone up top, I fetched my sewing and invited Olivia to sit with me by the stern windows. "I had begun crafting a skirt, but I fear it will not turn well. Have you skill with sewing?"

"Some. Dada prenticed me ta the tailor last year, and I've now learnt all the basic stitches and practised them a whole lot. We was not long started with measuring and cutting and fashioning when I ran away ta here."

"Ooh, excellent! Perhaps you can assist me with this." I stood and wrapped it around my waist. "It fits, but just barely, and I puzzle now how I might fasten it."

Olivia leant from her chair to examine it. "You gathered it too much, Ma'am. You shoulda left an extra two or three hand widths. Allow it ta overlap and be buttoned. And the buttons are easy ta move if you need a different size."

I nodded. "So, I need to start over."

"Oh, no, Ma'am. Jest take out some a the pleats." She unwrapped it from me and counted, then paused as if to calculate before she continued, "One every four. But with the waistband already a quarter the way done, you could leave it in place ta be fuller for your bum. Undo one in three on the rest."

"So simple. And here I was, in a quandary."

"What is this word, Ma'am?"

"Perplexed, puzzled, uncertain what to do."

"Like I was with these growing so fast and my blood 'bout ta come again."

"Indeed. But that is now resolved, and you need no longer worry." I pointed to the night cabin. "I have another piece of gay-coloured Calicut cotton, and you could fashion a skirt with it. Then we both may dress as ladies, rather than as boys."

"Ooh! I would love that." She looked down at her breeches. "Ain't never felt good like this."

I fetched the cloth, plus needles and spools of thread, and we both sat next to the windows, sewing and talking. Losing track of time. Then when I heard loud voices and the squeals of lines running through blocks, I said, "It sounds as if we are shortening sails. Must be at the harbour approaches."

We watched through the stern windows as Santiago drew slowly nearer, the slack in the tow hawser being taken up as fast as it appeared. When I saw her longboat being lowered, I said to Olivia, "Come. Join me up top. We will see far better from there."

"Titus said we ain't allowed up there, Ma'am."

"True for most of the crew, but now as my lady's maid, you are permitted when you accompany me."

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