Days Off In Tampa.

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When the alarm clock went off, I was enjoying my dream immensely as I was giving one of my oldest little girls a piggy back ride. So to say I was a bit perturbed would be an understatement. I nearly broke my phone as I swatted the alarm off. Thea knew that I must have had a good or nice dream in order for me to swat my phone so ferociously.
"Hey, what's wrong baby?" She asked.
"Oh, I just had a nice dream finally and the alarm went off and ruined it." She giggled at the last part.
"What was the dream?"
"I don't want to say. It was about our future and what might happen."
"Ohh, okay." She kissed my left cheek and got up and got dressed before me. I slowly got up and got dressed myself. Every ten minutes I found myself with more and more energy then when I first woke up. When I walked into the kitchenette, Thea already had breakfast for both of us ready. Sausage, hash browns and toast with some butter on it. Not to mention a protein drink she made just for me. Which I'm sure was from her stock of powders she traveled with. I should know, I saw the outlines of the containers in her bigger suitcase, Monday morning, before we went out as tourists. I smiled as we ate breakfast together. When we were done, and the dishes were washed, dried and put away.
I said, "I know it will be cutting it close, but would you like to join me for a run?"
"I'd love to, Cuervo." She smiled. We quickly changed into our running attire and headed out for a quick run. She definitely was faster than when we first started to workout back in our TNA days. But still I was able to keep up with her. She smiled as I tagged her on her right shoulder. She then started to slow down and stop. And as luck would have it. We stopped at the bench we again met this past Sunday. "Ohh, there's the bench where we were 'reunited'." She smiled.
"Yeah. Only thing wrong with that, is that you didn't recognize me." I laughed a bit.
"Sorry, baby. I just didn't know it was you." I pulled her into my side and hugged her tightly.
"It's okay. At least you know now." I grinned as did she.
"Yeah." She leaned up and I leaned down and we kissed for a couple minutes, but soon we headed back to the hotel and as you might have guessed. She beat me to the hotel. I smiled as I was out of breath. "I win. Yes."
"Don't gloat. It's beneath you." I smiled and picked her up bridal style.
"Dani, put me down." She giggled as she faux hit me with little clenched fists.
"Can't do that. You've been running ragged for about forty minutes." She really giggled as I carried her up to the hotel room. Where we quickly changed back into casual clothes, packed our running gear. Gathered our bags and things and headed to the airport for our flight to Tampa.

While on the flight, Thea rested her head on my right shoulder and I wrapped my right arm around her. "Cuervo." She yawned. "Please tell me about the dream you had."
"Okay." I smiled as I started telling her what the dream was like and what happened in it. When I told her about how the dream fast forwarded five years, she listened intently as I told her that we had five kids, three girls two boys. Our oldest two were girls, the middle ones were boys and the youngest was in her arms. She smiled as I told her about playing with our older four in the backyard of a home and giving our oldest girl who was five by my calculations or six, a piggy back ride and she was laughing and enjoying herself.
Thea then asked, "Who do the girls look like?"
I didn't even hesitate with an answer, "You." She smiled.
"I can't wait for that day to happen baby."
"Neither can I if I'm completely honest." I said grinning like a kid who made off with a lot of candy. "By the way Thea?" She looked up at me. Or as much as she could with out dozing off from the flight. "How many kids do you want?"
"At least five. Maybe six. How about you?"
"I think six is a good number of kids babe." I told her.
"Glad you agree." She smiled. I let her sleep and just looked out the window of our first class compartment. All the while hoping that the dream I had would come true one way or another. I somehow felt at ease, calm after a while. As if something was letting me know that it would come true.

When we landed in Tampa, Florida. Thea woke up and stretched. "Welcome to the land of the living." I said making her smile and nudge me in the ribs with her elbow.
"Didn't you get any sleep?" She asked. I just shook my head. "Ohh, baby." She slid her right hand over my left cheek and pulled my face so she could look into my eyes. "When you and I get to my home. You and I will get a nap in before jet lag catches up with us."
"Okay, darling." I smiled. She pulled my head down to her lips and kissed me.
"Love you."
"I love you, too." I grinned.
We deplaned, got our bags, carry on, and took a taxi to her home.

When we got to her home, I was surprised by the sheer size of it. "Welcome to my home, Cuervo." She kissed my cheek before we got out and got our bags, approached the door, I paid the driver, and approached the front door, it was a three story home. I'm not gonna lie I was intimidated by a house of all things. "I needed the extra room when my family visits from New York." She said when she noticed me kind of wary about approaching her place. "Come on Cuervo, the house won't bite I promise." I looked to her and laughed as to why I was so scared of a home.
"Coming babe." I smiled as picked up my bags and headed inside with Thea.
"Now, Cuervo. You head upstairs and get a nap in and I'll be catching up with my babies." Just as she said that, three cats came up to her. " Daniel these are my babies, Jimmy, Carolina, and Daniela." I smiled at that. "I named her after you."
"I'm honored." I smiled.
"Hey, this is your mom's new boyfriend." I smiled as the cats led Thea to the kitchen where she fed and watered them. But I did as Thea suggested and headed upstairs and I could tell which room was the master bedroom. I walked in and made myself at home and just laid in the bed, no blankets over me, nothing but a pillow under my head and two to three hour jet lag to sleep off. 

When I woke up close to four or five hours later, I found Thea sleeping next to me. I smiled as she looked so peaceful as she slept. Like a real angel. I slid up to her and kissed her left cheek, when I pulled away she was smiling and awake. "Hey," She greeted. "Sleep well baby?" She asked.
"Yeah. Like a rock." I smiled.
"Good, now. Dinner is ready downstairs. There's enchiladas, tacos and a few tamales with your name on them."
"I hope it's better than the last time you tried cooking. Hoo, talk about biohazard." She swatted my arm.
"Jerk." She leaned into me.
"Bruja." She swatted me again.
"Your such an asshole. But I love you." She looked up at me and kissed me.
"And I love you." We both got out of bed and headed downstairs. And after a late dinner, we went for a walk along the beach near her home. Arm in arm. "The storyline for me and Andrade's match needs a great twist at the end. Any suggestions Cara Bella?"
"I think that I can just cost Andrade the match by punching him which will set him up perfectly for the Springboard Canadian Destroyer." I stopped as did she.
"A betrayal angle. Why didn't I think of it sooner?" I pulled her in for a kiss. "I love that idea babe." I smiled.
"Good. Now, I've been doing some pre-emptive looking for a home of our own, and found one just outside of Sacramento, California." She pulled her phone and showed me a picture of the place and it was in our unified price range, it had the same number of bedrooms as bathrooms, it even had a pool, spa and gardens. Everything that would be great to raise a family around. "What do you think, baby?" She asked. I smiled.
"We need to see that house." I told her.
"I'll make an appointment the very Thursday  after Wrestlemania." Thea smiled.
"And if that doesn't convince them then tell the agent we're willing to pay full price, up front." I smiled as she kissed me. And she did set up an appointment to meet the real estate agent and they agreed to keep it on the market a couple weeks after 'Mania. So now that we had that taken care of. We needed to get 'Mania in the books and also since I had no living parents or family to speak of. Thea thought it would be a good idea to have me meet her family. But she didn't say when or how. All she said is that I'd meet them during, or after 'Mania or during fan axxess week. So she kept it secret as to when I would meet her family.

The three to four day break in Tampa dragged on which I didn't complain about. I saw my Thea, sunbathe, I saw her in a nice blood red and black striped bikini. And we went to shopping boutiques, market places in the park. But out of all the things I did with Thea. My absolute favorite was when I took her out on a nice romantic date. I bought her flowers, even made her favorite foods myself. Absolutely no help, in case your wondering. The night ended with a little dip in the ocean. Where we made out for close to an hour. It nearly went farther. But she stopped it before it did. She smiled as she said, "You win at 'Mania. And you can have me, any way, you want."
"Be careful. You might just get your wish." I grinned.
"I really hope so." She giggled as she climbed on my back. "Is this how one of our oldest kids were riding you baby?" She asked referring to my dream.
I nodded, "Yeah." I smiled. "And to be honest, I really hope my dream becomes a reality."
"So do I, Cuervo. So, do, I." She kissed my left cheek as I took her inside her home and into the bedroom. Where we just changed for bed and before we could go to sleep, her phone went off. It was her mother. "Mama." She giggled as she got the same thing I would have gotten, twenty questions from her mother if my mother was still alive. Or any of my family really. "Yeah, Daniel and I are dating. And yes you'll meet him when WWE's in New York for Wrestlemania 35."
When she mentioned us dating, it reminded me of our pictures that we posted on IG. I looked up my account first and saw a multitude of responses. All of them pretty close to praises or ass kissing. But I took it. Then I checked my Thea's profile and she got just as many. The more noticeable ones were:

You two look so happy congrats on bagging the FallenOneWWE, Thea.

Daniel looks so happy and I'm sure that's because of you Thea. Take care of the FallenOneWWE. He's a very special man.

Alexa's was from Thea's post and Carmella's was from mine. I know that Thea was the main interest in the posts but I didn't mind it. Besides. Carmella's made up for it by calling me special and I'm sure Thea would agree.

Anyway, I smiled at the overwhelmingly positive responses our pics got. Thea finally got off the phone with her mother and I smiled at her. "Tough questions from the family?" I asked.
"Yeah." She replied.
"Well, goodnight babe." I smile as I kiss her.
"Goodnight, Cuervo." She kisses me and we lay down and fall fast asleep.

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