The Fallen Saint And His Hispanic Angel Go Public.

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The next morning, I woke up to Thea's smiling face. "Morning, baby."
"Morning." I smiled.
"Well, it's back to work today. But at least I have a reason to go to work. And he's just waking up."
"As do I. And she's laying next to me."
"Aww, baby." She smiled and kissed me.
"By the way, I was thinking that we go public after the show tonight."
Thea thought about it a moment and nodded. "Agreed." She smiled. After going for an early run, breakfast, a workout in the hotel's gym and a late lunch, and getting our arena bags packed, then headed to the arena.

When we arrived, Thea and I kissed before going our separate ways. She looked back and blew a kiss to me. I just smiled and winked. I got to my locker room. I got prepped for my first promo for my US Championship Match at Wrestlemania 35. Me vs Andrade w/ Zelina Vega. I decided to do the promo without my usual 'Crow' makeup. I just changed into my attire and grabbed the US Championship and headed to catering. Thea smiled as I walked in. Andrade was sitting next to Ashley so Thea walked up and started talking to me like I was just a friend. The funny thing is, is that nobody even detected the subtle looks we shared. If they did notice then, they didn't really call any attention to it.

When the time came for the promo, Thea went with Andrade to the area outside of the gorilla, while I went to the gorilla for the promo.
I went out to the ring with the US Championship over my right shoulder. When I got to the ring I got a mic and waited for the crowd to die down.
Once it did. I started talking, "Well, in case some of you don't know. I'm now your United States Champion." The crowd cheered. "And I know your probably wondering why I'm not wearing my usual facepaint. It's becasue I wanted this to be as real as possible. Andrade. I respect you as a performer and wrestler. But not so much as a man. Don't get me wrong, I think Zelina' hott as hell. But do you really have to stoop so low as to use a beautiful woman as a crutch. But I'm not judging. I'm not. I just think it's a cowards way out for someone to use somebody to win." Then Andrade's music hit. And he came out with Zelina. I smiled a bit as did she.
"You have some majore cajones to say that about Andrade. "Zelina said. "He's more of a man than you are."
"Can he prove it without hiding behind your skirt?" I smiled. Which caused her to look at me with the best fake shocked expression I have ever seen.
"He'll prove it at Wrestlemania 35. You'll see." She said.
"Hold on. I have a proposition. If Andrade wins at 'Mania. I will not only admit I was wrong. But I'll formally apologize to him and you."
"But, if I win. You, Miss. Vega and this title are mine. That's the deal." I grinned. Andrade was shocked that I would make such a proposition. He wins, he gets the US Championship and an apology. I win and he loses the services of Zelina. Zelina was conflicted. She so wanted see Andrade kick my ass, but she knew that if she made this deal, that would mean that in order for her to stay with Andrade, he would have to win at 'Mania. Or lose her to me. She looked to Andrade and had a short conference with him.
Then said, "Your on. Title versus my services." The crowd went nuts. I just smiled and knew that I'd get chewed out by Vince when I got to the back, and low and behold, I did.
"You had no right to make that proposition." He yelled.
"Funny, just like you didn't have the right to replace Becky with Charlotte last minute just because you 'felt' like it. I do what I want. Just like you. So refrain from giving me the third degree. Unless you want me to cremate your ass." I walked by and smiled as I reached my locker room to see Thea there with her gear still on. "Well, if it isn't the future manager to the United States Champion." I smiled as she ran into my arms.
"You are such a mystery, Cuervo."
"Thank you." I smiled.
"Did you just think of that twist on the fly?" She asked.
"Yes, I did. Besides. We all know that Andrade will eventually be managed by Charlotte if their relationship gets any hotter after Wrestlemania 35."
"True. So this was some sort of pre-emptive action to make sure I have someone to manage just in case."
"Precisely Cara Bella." She smiled at the Italian I used once before today.
"Well, I have one interview to do with Cathy Kelley and as do you as I recall, then we'll be off to my place in Tampa." She kissed me and smiled as she pulled away. "See you in a few."
I kissed her cheek and smiled as I said, "See you later."
I started packing my arena bag and once I was done, Cathy Kelley came in. "Daniel. That was quite the proposition you presented to Andrade and Zelina. Title vs. Zelina's services as a manager. What made you think of such a thing?"
"Well, it's simple. he thinks that he got a shot at this Championship," I held up the US Championship. "On his own when the truth is. It was Zelina that made it possible, it's Zelina that makes him relevant. If he thinks that he would have gotten a shot at my US Championship without her. He needs his head examined."
"So even though it's about three weeks away, what is your plan for Andrade?"
"My plan, Cathy. Is to beat his ass, retain my Championship and take his manager away and we'll see if he can get another shot at this." I patted the Championship. "Without her."
Once the interview was over, Thea came in with her arena bags. "Ready baby?"
"Yeah." I replied.
"Wait, I want to take a picture of us." I smiled as I put my Championship down along with my one arena bag.
"Okay. Come here." She leapt in my arms and held my right cheek with her left hand and wrapped her legs around my waist and I took a picture of us looking at the camera as I held it at arms length. She then unwrapped her legs from my waist and I set her carefully back on her feet. And she turned around and I wrapped my arms around her waist and she held her phones camera in her left hand at arms length and smiled as she caressed my right cheek with her right hand and took a picture.
"Thank you, baby."
"Anytime." I kissed her cheek and we gathered our things and headed to our rental, and after packing the back with our arena bags and as she took the US Championship from me so I could get in and drive. But before we could start the engine, Hunter approached my side of the car.
"Hey, Daniel."
"Hunter, what can I do you for?" I asked.
"Well, we have an opening for Ride Along next week. And I was wondering if you and Thea would like to be the couple the show opens with."
I looked to Thea. "What do you say, Cara Bella?"
"I think it would be fun." She smiled.
"Okay. We'll get it set up." Hunter said.
"Uhh, Hunter. Did you know that me and Thea were together?" I asked him.
"Well, I saw Thea go into your locker room, so it didn't really take me long when I noticed she had her bags with her. But I'm happy for you two. See you two next week."
"See you next week." Thea and I said in unison.
"Well, that was interesting." I said making Thea smile.
"Come on baby, let's get to the hotel."
"Alright." I started the engine and drove us to the hotel and once at the hotel, we grabbed our bags and she held my US Championship and took her smaller bags, one that had a shoulder strap and one she had a hold of by it's handle, as I took my arena bag and the biggest one of hers up to her hotel room.

Once at her hotel room, I set down my arena bag near the closet and hers I set down near the bed. She draped the US Championship over the back of the recliner near the entrance to the bedroom area of the room. And put her two small bags next to the suitcase sized one near the bed.
"Now, I want to get a shower in, you want to join me baby?" She asked.
"Nah." I said.
"Baby. We're dating now. No one will raise a fuss. Maybe I will later but, that's beside the point. So, please. Join me in the shower."
I laughed a bit, "You sure are spoiled aren't you?" I asked.
"I'm always spoiled by my boyfriend. He loves spoiling me. He may not give me diamond rings, expensive jewelry or anything like that. But he spoils me with the time he spends with me. And how much he loves me."
"Well, since you put it that way." I grabbed my shower kit and she grabbed hers and we grabbed a few towels from the shelf in the rooms closet and when we went into the bathroom. She started the water as I began to strip. She was not far behind me as I stepped into the shower and she followed.
"Mmmm, I missed you baby." She said as she kissed my shoulder blade from the back.
"Not as much as I missed you." I smiled as I turned to face her and she smiled as I leaned down a bit and kissed her lips. "I love you Thea Trinidad."
She kissed me and said, "And I love you Daniel Boyce."
We washed ourselves and washed each others backs and soon got out and dried ourselves off, wrapped our towels around our bodies and headed out to the bedroom area and got changed into some dry clothes. Thea didn't even bother putting on any panties or a bra and just went total commando under her blood red leggings and one of my 'Army of The Fallen' T's which was a small by the way, it hugged her curves perfectly. Making it hard for me to take my eyes off her. And she was enjoying the attention I was giving her as we spent the night on the couch, my back against the right armrest and she, with her back to me, was in between my legs and we just talked about what was going to happen on our three to four day break. We even talked about our dream home. I said, "I think a nice spacious balcony or somewhere I can hang my feet over the edge and just think or just sit there peacefully."
"That would be nice darling but. I think a home with at least four bedrooms and the same number of bathrooms would be just perfect for us baby. Especially if we start a family." She smiled.
"Agreed." I said. I wrapped my arms around her and she held them in place with both hands.
"Why didn't we do this while we were in TNA?" She asked.
"Simple. I was shy and and you were a social butterfly." I said making her laugh.
"Well, I'm glad we're together now."
"As am I, Thea. As am I." We just held each other for a while and I smiled as she brought up the moment we met at TNA. I was to go against Konnan and that night she was his manager and for some reason. Everything she said couldn't get to me. After the match which Konnan won. We all went out for drinks and as always I hid at a table in the corner only for Thea to come over and strike up a conversation. Ever since we've been friends. Now boyfriend and girlfriend. I was really excited to go to Tampa with my beautiful and devious latina. And see where she lives. Pretty soon we just read books on our phones or just turned on the television and just watched a random movie. Like, 'The Kings Speech', '42', or 'RV'.
Thea and I around twelve forty-five in the morning started to feel sleepy. So we turned off the tv, put our phones down for a moment and I got up first and she had her arm out as she said, "Carry me." I picked her up bridal style and carried her to the bed all the while stopping at light switches, which she flicked off for me. When we made it to the bed. I gently laid her onto the bed and tucked her in. "Ohh, thank you, Cuervo."
"No problem, Cara Bella."
"Oh, we need to go public with our relationship baby." She reminded me.
She and I posted the pictures we took at the arena to our Instagrams. But instead of waiting for responses from our friends, we just cuddled together and just fell asleep holding each other close.

While I slept, I dreamt of what the future held for me and Thea. I dreamt that by Extreme Rules, Thea and I were engaged. And by Clash were married and expecting our first child or children. And I was enjoying my dream. It went forward five years, Thea and I were now the proud parents of five kids, three girls and two boys. I was playing with four of the older ones in the back yard of our home. While Thea grinned holding our youngest little girl in her arms.
Pretty soon the alarm clock on my phone went off as I set it while looking on my phone earlier since Thea and I had a flight to catch at eleven thirty a.m.

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