Their Determination Is Strong!!! Zelour Vs Totsuka!!!

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Zelour: Let's go!!!! Electric Magic: Electric Swipe !!!!!

Now that Zelour has gained momentum, he decided to take Totsuka off guard. However, this time Totsuka foresees the attack and comfortably moves out the way.

Totsuka: Come on Zelour!!!! Don't let me down!!!!!

While dashing towards Zelour, Totsuka gathers electric magic and makes it travel all around his body.

Totsuka: Electric Magic: Zig-Zag!!!

All of a sudden, Totsuka starts moving in a zig zag motion and dashes towards Zelour. Not expecting this, Zelour is caught off guard and gets hit by Totsuka's move. The move landed in the middle of Zelour's stomach and was that powerful that Zelour began to cough up blood.

Zelour: Dammit!!! What the hell was that move?!

Totsuka: Electric Magic: Zig-Zag is a move that makes the charged up electricity in my body disburse and I move in a zig zag motion to make me move faster. It was created to make manoeuvrability easy but can be used as a very powerful move. What do you think, Zelour?!

Zelour: It's not bad. Looks like I'll have to use this move, huh!

Totsuka: What move?

Zelour: Here we go!!!

Zelour now begins to put his samurai sword and spear together and says.

Zelour: Connection Magic: Scythe!!!

Totsuka: You're full of surprises you are kid. Hahaha!!!! Looks like I've gotta get extra serious if I want to beat you!!!!

Zelour's POV

What the hell am I thinking!!! I might of not shown it when fighting Hansuke but I haven't really mastered this magic. Looks like I'm going to have to wing it!!!

End of Zelour's POV

Zelour: Wind magic: Wind Thrust!!!

Since Totsuka was close to Zelour, Totsuka could feel the mana flowing through the scythe and in the wind thrust. In that instant, Totsuka felt a full power Wind Thrust to the middle of the stomach, the same place he hit Zelour, and was sent to the other side of the ring. Having a look of excitement, Totsuka decides to using his electric fists and launches himself towards Zelour. Anticipating this, Zelour swings scythe towards Totsuka but he moves out the way of the swing, however this isn't enough to stop Zelour as he proceeds to carry on swinging the scythe. Swing. Swing. Clash. Bang. Totsuka was countering Zelour's swings by punching it with his lightening fists. Feeling frustrated, Zelour spins himself and applies a Wind Thrust to his scythe and once again sends Totsuka to the other side of the ring.

Totsuka: You're one strong guy!!! I haven't used this move since I fought him so I might be a bit rusty but here I go!!! My wining move, Electric Magic: Charging Lion's Palm!!!!

A sudden surge of electricity that was the shape of a lion's face came into Totsuka's palms.

Zelour's POV

Looks like he's making this his last move. I'm nearly out of mana as well. I'll put everything into this Wind Thrust.

End of Zelour's POV

Zelour: Wind Magic: WIND THRUST!!!!

Charging towards each other, they put their respective weapons in front of them and collide together. A sudden ball of wind and electricity was created and caused the viewers to put their arms around their faces.

Shimizu: Such Strong force.

Yoshihara: Yeah but who won!

After the flow of power died down, the result of the was determined.

Referee: The match is over and the winner is...Totsuka!!! He stills unbeaten!!!

Shimizu: Unbelievable!!! He lost!!!

Yoshihara: I give him his due he did fight well.

Totsuka: Wait!!! Are you alright, Zelour. Quick someone bring a healer!!!

After hearing this Shimizu and Yoshihara ran over to Zelour's side to see if what the situation is. With tears in her eyes, Shimizu starts shouting

Shimizu: ZELOURRRR!!!!!

*1 hour later 

Zelour: HUH?! What happened?!

Totsuka: You suffered from mana deficiency. Luckily, there was a healer on the scene.

Shimizu: *Sniffle* Thank goodness that you are alive.

Yoshihara: You idiot!!! Why did you push your self that far?!

Zelour: Sorry.

Totsuka: I've decided. Please let me travel with you. I think I can achieve a lot travelling with you!!!

Zelour: Of course!!!! It's an honour!!!!

*Thank you for reading part 6 of 'Zelour! The Young Battle Warrior'. Well it looks like Zelour has got a new companion. Now that Zelour has got a new companion, they can make their way to Vertias!!!


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