Welcome To The Raven Guild!!!

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Totsuka: So Zelour, where are we heading?

Zelour: We are going to the Raven Guild that is in Vertias. My Teacher, Hansuke, knows the woman who runs the guild.

Totsuka: I see. So are we joining this guild?

Zelour: Yeah.

Totsuka: Guys, I've got something I need to tell you!

Zelour, Yoshihara, Shimizu: Huh?

Totsuka: I'm apart of the 3rd best magic clan in this country.

Zelour: Yo...You're apart of Hellbreaker!!!!

Totsuka: Yeah.

Zelour: To think I'm travelling with a princess and one of the greatest magic clans. Man I'm just apart of the crummy old Haruta Clan.

Totsuka: That's not true!!! You're clan brought peace and play a vital part in how this country is shaped.

Yoshihara: Sorry to break the conversation but... we've arrived in Vertias.

Zelour: Finally!!!! That took forever!!!

Yoshihara: We were pretty quick if you ask me, you idiot!

Zelour: Do you always have to harsh against me!

Shimizu: Now, now guys!!!

Zelour and the others are now trying to navigate where the Raven Guild. Vertias is quite big so it took some time to find.

Totsuka: How can a fricking guild be so hard to find.

Zelour: I know. You would think that there would be some signs to guide you to the guild. Unless this is some sort of trial to find the guild.

Totsuka: Maybe you're right!

Shimizu: Hey look a sign!

Totsuka: Or maybe you're not right.

Yoshihara: Way to go Shimizu!!! Zelour, have you been stupid all your life or..

Zelour: Oh just be quiet, you vixen!!!

Yoshihara: What did you just call me!!! Actually, it doesn't matter!!! You're not worth my time!!!

Zelour: Whatever!

Now that they have found the sign that leads them to Raven, they begin to follow the path. As they enter the doors of the guild, Zelour felt a sudden sweat was coming on.

Zelour: Does anybody else want to open the door.

Yoshihara: Why? You're already at the door!

Zelour: I.....I was just asking that is all!

Shimizu: Are you okay Zelour. You've gone quiet pale!

Zelour: Yeah, yeah I'm fine! Le....Let's go!!!

Working up the courage, Zelour finally opens the door to the Raven Guild. As he opens the door, everyone in the guild who were drinking and chatting stopped and stared at Zelour and the others.

Zelour: Is it me or am I feeling an unwanted glare in their eyes.

Totsuka: Don't mind them Zelour!!!

Zelour: H....Hi!! My name is Zelour and I'm from the Haruta clan. M..Me and my friends would love to join the Raven Guild. Does anyone know where Master Raven is?

???: Huh!! This weakling wants to join this guild!!

Overhearing this a stream of tears began to flow out of Zelour's eyes.

Zelour: W...Weak!

???: Why is there no noise coming from you lot.

Totsuka: T....That's Master Raven!!!

Master Raven: Huh!

Zelour: Hello, I'm Zelour and I'm from the Haruta Clan, Hansuke has sent me to join you're guild along with my new companions.

Master Raven: Oh!!! That bum has sent another bum, has he?!

Zelour: B..Bum.

Master Raven: Okay your friends can join but as for you. You are going to have to prove your worth. A private match between you and me! Now!!!!

Zelour: Huh! WHAAAATTTTTT!!!!!!

*Thank you for reading part 7 of 'Zelour! The Young Battle Warrior'. In the next chapter Zelour will be facing off against Master Raven. Will he be able to handle her? Find out next time!!!!

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